Category: science

global warming

Bishop Hill’s list of interesting Hadley CRU files

Bishop Hill has a list of Hadley CRU files he finds particularly interesting.  They are mostly good stuff but have zero overlap with the files I find particularly interesting.  It is going to take a while to digest sixty two megabytes.  It will be some time before we realize what of this revelation truly matters. To me, the relevant question is not whether global warming true, but whether alarmists been …

global warming

A first look at the internal climate emails

Rather than reading for data that discredits particular erroneous results, a task that Steve and his crew can do much better than I can, I study the papers to reveal evil and madness, to reveal the cause of error, rather than specific particular errors. The Anthropogenic Global Warmers know in advance the results of peer review that is not yet done.  They also know in advance what the decisions of …

global warming

Global warming fraud goes public

An unknown person posted a large amount of internal files from allegedly from CRU, which huge collection has become known as The Hadley CRU file set To understand all this stuff, you need to know lots of climate science. I have only just started to go through this huge pile. The original ftp server dropped the file (being stolen material and so on and so forth) and all those old …

global warming

Latest global warming scandal in short

For the last ten years or so, every year or so a study has been issued which supposedly confirms the infamous Hockey Stick graph, which supposedly shows the world’s temperature has been pretty constant over the last thousand years or so and then has suddenly started rising in recent decades.  Global Warming!  Time to Panic! And each of the these charts supposedly replicates each of the other charts. For a …


A scientific approach to politics.

On the basis that Obama transnational progressivism – that he aims at the creation of a one world government exercising highly centralized power over everyone and everything they make a long list of predictions for his future policies – that he aims, not to be elected president for life in 2016, which is what I was thinking because of his Honduras policy, but to be appointed UN grand poobah for life in 2016.


The error of Nazism

people and groups that subscribe to Hobbesianism find themselves at war against all, because they expect to find themselves at war against all – but find to their shock and surprise that their non Hobbesian enemies are cooperating just fine to deal with the common enemy and common threat. Thus people and groups that subscribe to Hobbesianism get defeated, and frequently enslaved or wiped out. All those who doubt Hobbesianism gang up on them.


Social decay

Whatsoever the government sponsors, tends to turn bad. Since government funds are ill defended, grantsmanship based government funded memetic diseases will always outcompete truth based science, and similarly grantsmanship funded memetic diseases will always outcompete art based on beauty.  Government funded art will rapidly become ugly and stupid.  Government funded science will rapidly become untruthful and stupid, string theory as much as global warming theory.


Denying Darwinism

There is on the blogs a lot of debate as to when the idea of common descent and the tree of life originated – “genetic future”, as usual, gets it correct, “Panda’s Thumb” gets it correct, and “genetic inference”and “evolving thoughts” as always, get it politically correct. From any political post of “genetic inference” and “evolving thoughts” you can deduce that they will lie about Darwin, and conversely from the …