This might seem premature when there is a substantial ruling class faction that intends to steal the election again and implement a brutal totalitarian terror state similar to Starmer’s Britain and Zelensky’s Ukraine, and no namefag of the Christian Right anywhere in the Global American Empire dares raise the issue of the destruction of marriage, but I expect victory in the not very distant future, even though I also expect war internal or external or both, and also expect a high risk of democide — that they will attempt to immanentize the eschaton by physically erasing legacy Americans and the past.
After victory, possibly after a horrifyingly bloody and costly victory, have to restore sex, children, and grandchildren. The future belongs to those who show up.
Love is war, love is a battlefield. It should not be.
If women are not forced to choose at most once and only once, you get the game of players and bitches. At which only a small minority of men can succeed, and even successful players suffer burnout. A harem is great, but a rotating roster of sluts and whores is not a harem. No matter how alpha you are, there is always someone more alpha than you. After a while, even the most successful player realises the players are losing and the bitches are winning.
Betas think they want what alphas have, a long booty call list. But this is not the environment of successful reproduction, nor was it the environment of successful reproduction in the ancestral environment of evolutionary selection, so Gnon shaped us to just not like it. In Christian, rather than Darwinian terminology, the punishment of sin is more sin. In materialistic Game Theoretic language, hard to establish cooperate/cooperate equilibrium in a prisoner’s dilemma game with limited iterations, and by definition, no one likes defect/defect equilibrium.
When the sexual revolution was proclaimed from above, the promise was pornotopia. Men would have easy sex with lots of women. The promise was true for a brief period, about four years, but was obviously false by 1970, and things have been getting steadily worse since then. Things were good when there was social capital to burn, but we burned through it mighty fast.
Forcing a woman to choose once and only once is potentially harsh. She might unknowingly make a very bad choice. She might be forced by circumstances to make a very bad choice. But in an environment where female choice is restrained, it will generally be restrained by parents exposing her only to pre-approved suitors, or only one pre-approved suitor, or they might just marry her off kicking and screaming. And, in an environment of marriage 1.0, this control will generally be exercised by loving parents who have a lot more knowledge of what is a wise choice than she does. So, the price of forcing women to stick out horrible marriages for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part, is a price we must pay to get most people in good marriages.
We have to implement virgin marriage, in that most women will have never slept with any man except the bridegroom before marriage. This is going to require alarmingly drastic coercion starting at a very early age. When a girl goes looking for a dicking she will find what she looks for. That is why we have to apply coercion to the girls, not the males. One pin can pop a hundred balloons. Sperm is cheap, eggs are dear. You guard what is dear, not what is cheap. The double standard is what works. If you do not have a double standard, you will not have children and grandchildren, and the state will not have soldiers.
Girls losing their virginity at ridiculously young ages has substantial impact on the supply of virgins, and this problem is particularly serious among the daughters of dual income families.
Why do you think a lot of societies apply female circumcision, despite its known adverse affect on male sexual pleasure?
The net effect of restraining middle class males from banging girls under eighteen is not a supply of eighteen year old virgins, but that middle class girls find non middle class adult males who are unresponsive to such incentives, and this teaches middle class girls that middle class males are beta, and underclass males are alpha.
Pre puberty sex is not readily observable, neither to beta males, nor to people who do not want to observe it. Pre puberty sexual interest is readily observable.
There is wide dispersion in the age at which girls become interested in men, with some not developing any interest until well after they have full equipment and nice boobies, and others beating themselves off long before they develop pubic hair, but the central tendency, the mean, the median, and the mode, is that they develop an interest in adult men at about the age that they first start developing their first fine pubic peach down. Which happens long before they develop boobs, resulting in a long period when they want men, and men do not much want them. But if a girl is looking for a dicking, she will find some credibly alpha, credibly preselected, male to do it.
This is one of the many, many, many massive social problems of female misbehavior, where we declare the problem to be male misbehavior, apply draconian, but selectively enforced, laws against that male behavior, and then declare the problem to be solved, and declare anyone noticing the problem continues and is more serious than ever to be evil.
If you have strong laws punishing adult affluent white men, but not punishing underage girls, which laws are not actually enforced against underclass males, she will find an underclass alpha to do it, teaching her than underclass males are alpha and sexy, and middle class males are beta and unsexy. Recollect the Pakistani problem in today’s England.
Consider the Disney movie “Frozen” It is a romance. The story line tells us the elder sister is eighteen, therefore younger sister is around sixteen or so, the story is about the younger sister’s romance, and the younger sister is the insert character for nine year old girls, which is to say, the insert character for girls who are not yet menstruating, do not yet have breasts, but do have peach fuzz pubic hair.
Bad guy romantic interest is depicted as early twenties, but is performing the social role of a much older male – he commands troops. Nice guy romantic interest also depicted as early twenties, but he is also performing an older social role. He is an independent businessman.
From which you can infer that nine year old girls like men, not boys. Disney has a business model built around this interest. And since girls are more interested in a man’s social role than his physical appearance, you can deduce what age group the nine year olds represented by the insert character have in mind. Except that the independent businessman is apt to be a drug dealer, and the commander of men is apt to be the gang leader.
Absent disturbingly drastic measures, what girls want, girls will get. And what girls want tends to destroy the family, society, and civilization.
Women are hypergamous, and very young girls are very hypergamous. If you don’t have money, charisma, and substantial and obvious adult female preselection, you are invisible to them. You should not conclude from your own invisibility that they are not into sex. Plot line of “Cinderella”: He is a prince, he is rich, and older higher status females want him.
At age eleven or so they lose interest in Cinderella’s prince, and become interested in music stars, but the difference between a moderately successful rock musician and Cinderella’s prince is insignificant. Both exemplify preselection and status. Both are essence of hypergamy.
If you have charisma for the purpose of acquiring adult women, and a display of nice stuff for the purpose of acquiring adult women, and then you get preselection from adult women, then their little sisters, often very little indeed, are apt to sexually harass you.
Freudians are correct about what fitting the glass slipper stands for. Conan has his terrible swift sword, Cinderella has her glass slipper. The eagerness of all the adult women to try the glass slipper is preselection both literal and metaphorical. Literally, all the girls of the land demonstrate their extreme eagerness to marry the prince (preselection). Metaphorically, the prince fucks all the girls of the land (preselection) until he finds the girl who fucks like Cinderella.
How did a sane and healthy society deal with young girls looking for a dicking?
Well first, Victorian England was not a sane and healthy society. Everything that today afflicts reproduction and relationships between men and women started to go wrong when the Regency ended. For a sexually sane society, you want to look at the Regency and earlier in England and Australia, and in pre revolutionary Virginia.
And during the Regency and earlier – well you know how if you try to keep a a sexually intact female cat indoors so that it will not have kittens, it is apt to go crazy and create big problems. There was plenty of that craziness during the regency and earlier, and they tended to deal with it by marrying off misbehaving girls at age ten or so.
Early marriage was not common, but neither was it rare. Most of the time girls got married well after puberty, but well before puberty was unsurprising and unremarkable. And girls who were not married until well after puberty going crazy and creating big problems because their family kept them indoors to stop them from getting popped were pretty common also.
In pre-revolutionary Virginia marriage before female puberty was normal and normative among the better people.
Late virgin marriage during the Regency and earlier reflected and required extreme coercion, similar to that routinely applied to prevent a sexually intact female cat from getting kittens, and there were plenty of extreme reactions to that extreme coercion, as there are with cats – and plenty of very early virgin marriage (counting shotgun marriage following very early sexual activity as virgin marriage) and plenty of non virgin marriage.
If you want a society of virgin marriage, have to do something drastic to prevent girls from subverting it, and these quite drastic measures have to start very early. And, because of the likely frequent failure of these very drastic measures, you are going to have to have quite a lot of very early marriage. Very early marriage will have to be normal as in Regency England, or normative and modal as in pre revolutionary Virginia. And if it is merely normal but not normative, if marriage before puberty is normal, but marriage well after puberty is modal, as in Regency England, we are going to have to apply a lot of quite forceful coercion, resulting in quite a lot of young girls going over the top crazy, like a female cat in heat locked inside your house. Not most of them, probably not that many of them, but enough of them that dealing with the problem will be significant.
Today girls cut themselves because though they are getting a dicking, they are not getting a dicking from a man strong enough to give them the whipping that they need and unconsciously want. A society of late virgin marriage, like Marriage 1.0 west of the Hajnal line, will have different problems, but had quite serious problems coercing women in the past, and it will have quite serious problems in the future. A society of early virgin marriage, like marriage 1.0 east of the Hajnal line, will be substantially easier to enforce.
The Amish have virgin marriage well after puberty, but they lose a lot of girls in each generation. They have been selecting their females for willingness and ability to tolerate late virgin marriage for many generations, and the selection process still has not produced a reliably compliant female population.
Shaman Vs. Peppermint was a religious event, and the reactionary side won.
We will know that Musk is a reader of this blog, or is in contact with readers of this blog, when he first suggests banning Tinder to resurrect marriage and fix fertility. Obviously, this is absolutely nothing in Jimian terms, and won’t do anything to fix the problem, but that will be the first radical deviation from 21st century sexual morality. A journey of a thousand miles and all that. The media by then will be controlled by Christian Nationalists, or people not allergic to Christian Nationalism, so no one will cry “ABLOO ABLOO ELON MUSK IS AN INCEL WHO HAD TO GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT TO HIDE HIS NORWOOD 3 ABLOO.” Liberated at last from the dungeon under the longhouse, everyone will just roll along with everything — well, perhaps with a tiny little bit of encouragement by the new ruling class, if you know what I mean — and very rapidly you get abolition of the AoC and all that.
You will be able to look yourself in the mirror and say, “Control the memes, control the planet” & “I caused that feel.”
Tinder is not important, its a complete distraction. If no tinder, they still would wander off somewhere and find someone in person. In fact that’s still what the majority do, there are far more men on dating apps than women. So banning it, I’m not even sure you can say it signals the correct thing. Something as simple as singling out a woman with many children in a stable marriage, well within the overton window and only despised by leftists, and saying a few nice words would have far more signalling benefit.
For an example case study,
And what do you know, actually moved the needle. There is a lot of room for things like this, that spend very little political captial, that no one bothers with.
I agree. The best use for Twitter is to shame, mock and otherwise publicly humiliate female antisocial behavior.
And of course glorify chastity, virginity etc.
Onlyfans is not important, tinder made things much worse for men. Getting rid of tinder wouldn’t exactly restore an ideal state but it would make things a little bit better.
If no dating apps they would just DM in instagram for hookups instead (they already do). You’re not getting around the fact the internet allows frictionless communication between the 1/10,000 guy and every feral prowling whore out there. You would need to ban women from the internet entirely (I do not oppose, but this is certainly much more of an ask than banning tinder).
That is a slighty easier version of writing letters to pop stars nuking dating apps would be a positive.
Not the same, because a pop star is 1/10^6 and internet social circles imply 1/10^3-4 are readily available. The pop star has so much attention, doesn’t bother looking. The 1/1000 guy has plenty enough attention, but his list is constantly emptying out, so he actively hunts around. Same goes for the 1/100 guy, better than 99% of us, but not city class or world class, and so actively has to bother around dming on social media. These guys in fact spend more time on social media than dating apps.
You are massively overthinking this. Girls of course will use DMs and any media available to try to contact high status males but the lack of an app that says X high status male is looking to fuck someone X miles away will improve things.
Women mostly take a more subtle and less direct approach to getting nailed. Most women appear to be searching social media, rather than Tinder. Tinder is just makes it manifest what they are doing.
In any case, I don’t think ham-handed market interventions or regulations like you propose com will produce any good results, including with regards to the ostensible objective.
Women are offered sex enough that they really don’t need to look for it. Social media means these sex offers come with pre-selection attached and can be run at scale. That’s my point. Any woman willing to test a male outside her social circle based on digital signals is just as susceptible to being courted in dms as a swiping app. Again, more men than women use dating apps. The problem is the fact no one ever marries out so the game runs until the players burn out and the women find their eggs have gone dry.
Jim proposes the general solution in great detail. I propose if we are taking half measures, at least take half measures that push the needle even a little bit.
Tinder is not important to how busted women are; its main effect is that it satisfies female craving for male attention. Usually women had to go outside to get this, outside where you could meet them, and nowadays they go outside and make themselves available far less often, because the internet satisfies their desire for male attention to a large degree. Not a perfect degree, but people are going out far less, and nerdy girls far, far less. When the internet was young, a lot of couples with intelligent, introverted women could form, because they met in person for their nerdy hobbies, and now this type of woman barely goes outside to socialize.
“Tinder is not important to how busted women are; its main effect is that it satisfies female craving for male attention. Usually women had to go outside to get this, outside where you could meet them, and nowadays they go outside and make themselves available far less often, because the internet satisfies their desire for male attention to a large degree.”
I agree, and you agree it should be banned even if it takes some effort to enforce this for this reason…
I agree with you, but that’s not just tinder. That’s basically the entire internet. It’s not something as easily solved as banning dating apps. It’s also a phenomenon that doesn’t just pertain to sex, everyone is diving head first into internet spaces because it’s easier and less social risk that actually showing up somewhere.
Can’t stop women from being exposed to high status pre-selected males, and looking through history, no one really tried. They stopped them from physically meeting them.
Also patriarchy plus parental control of physical mating opportunities automatically gives males that are parentally pre-selected a status boost relative to males pre-selected by one hundred loose women.
“Shaman Vs. Peppermint was a religious event, and the reactionary side won.”
Please remind us to what you’re referring.
Someone should create a Jimipedia, heh.
Long story short: before the establishment of the official NRx position on the Woman Problem, there was a group of frequent commentators, chief among them Peppermint, who would constantly countersignal some crucial aspects of the (as yet unofficial) Jimian position on women, particularly young women, as represented by the current post. A discerning eye could identify him sneaking in Enemy Memes about “pedophilia,” “child molesters,” “child abuse,” and so forth; and he would stubbornly resist attempts to gently, kindly, warmly guide him towards a reality-grounded worldview.
Now, that was in 2019, before Andrew Anglin went all out redpilling the millennials and the zoomers on women, and before the incel forums exploded in traffic. So you have a situation where there is pretty much only one single place on the internet where you can truthfully discuss the WP, and here comes Peppermint — who became bisexual due to excessive marijuana — telling us that “white men will never marry off their 13-year-old daughters – ewwww.” When Jim’s blog was literally the only place on the internet to earnestly discuss these issues, the presence of such hostile memes was pure mental poison requiring urgent purification in the form of the Holy Bullycide – and that’s what the Shaman faction (the actually reactionary faction) carried out. Now, the Shamanic Purges may have been excessive, and oh well, oops, you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs, but overall, and in retrospect, it was clearly necessary to cement the NRx worldview on this most fundamental of issues. It was a success, and it was also quite fun.
Peppermint, who believed that Taylor Swift was an Aryan Princess, among other lulzy stuff, also thought that 1990s Feminism was perfectly acceptable and represented true “sanity.” He just would not stop projecting his deviance on the rest of the commentariat, even when the majority of the commentators told him that they were not interested in what he had to sell, because what he had to sell was sexual deviance, and a bunch of retarded memes absolutely inimical to solving the problems created by 1820 Feminism. This is not to deny the fact that Peppermint was also amusing, insightful, knowledgeable on some issues, and had quite a few things going for him – he could be a valuable and contributing member if he were willing to stop being such a massive cuck. Perhaps if he had used ketamine instead of cannabis, he would have had an epiphany about what’s going wrong with him, but oh well. So — and this may not be a full representation of the situation, but it suffices for our purposes — spanning a number of threads, the Shaman faction, which advocated going All The Way To The Right on the WP, and the Peppermint faction, which advocated going back to 1990, engaged in a Flame War, which, thank God, resulted in the cucks getting their s**t shoved in, and the triumph of the (now official) Jimian position. The Peppermintocalypse was cruel, as bullycides often are, but it was necessary.
But enough with the gay drama. If you want to learn more, peruse the archives.
I miss Peppermint; he was one of the greats. He may have been soft on the WP, but nobody took a harder line on the Boomer Question.
Now that the official position on the WP is Secure (and has never been closer to going mainstream), I certainly wouldn’t mind him back here.
Thanks for the summary.
Am I wrong that I recall Jim once claiming Peppermint was a woman? Might explain the laters’ position on the WP.
I seem to recall unkind comments along those lines, not sure whether it was me that made them, but meant in jest.
Yep, that happened. Ol’ Patrick was spiritually effeminate.
But let’s be fair – he had his moments.
I prefer the non-adulterated versions of fairy tales like the originals of the Brothers Grimm over Disney adulterations of the original tales.
JRR Tolkien really disliked Disney for this.
The relevance of the classic Disney empire is their assessment of what gets nine year old pussies wet, (preselection and scariness) not whether their movies are any good or not.
Perhaps. But I believe the older non-Disneyfied tales present a more accurate picture of human nature.
Including what you describe.
Jonathan Pageau who is an Orthodox Christian and is an expert on symbolism talks about fairy tale symbolism here:
The original fairy story has particular symbolism that need to be preserved as it has many things to say about human nature as it was. Adulterated stories are actually dangerous.
P.S Unfortunately Ben Shapiro was the host for this particular clip. But it still is insightful.
Need to lower female status and restrict them from education and the workplace. Whether the western world will be able to sustain a Talibanesque policy for very long (even with total leftist death and implementation of a monarchy and all else we want comes to pass) I have my doubts about but we can certainly get them out of higher education in the workplace and restrict their career path to the choice of housewife (in marriage 1.0) or prostitute (which absent lots of feminist conditioning is really what they want anyway).
I think given widespread zoomer rage and widespread millenial disaffection you might be able to sell a Taliban type policy temporarily… whether it can be kept for more than a generation I have doubts about it. What we could get to sustainably is something like pre WWII Japan…
Pre 1949 Japan had women entirely under the authority of the head of family. The Taliban gets demonized a lot, being the only place on earth with unemancipated women today, but I have seen videos by feminists wandering Afghanistan looking for what fits their belief system, and it looks to me that compared to Regency England, the Taliban are a bunch of blue haired feminists. Similarly, compared to Napoleonic code.
The “Orange Hitler will put you on a list!” rhetoric is preparation for civil war by the Left, which it will foolishly start and thus provide the Right an opportunity to do the Regime Change. Of course, I’d hope that the Right would strike first, but let’s not kid ourselves. Regardless, who — among the troons and the coons, the fags and the hags — is going to defeat in battle White Christians fighting under a War Leader blessed by Providence? “And some have greatness thrust upon them.” Or maybe “If you will it, it is no dream; and if you do not will it, a dream it is and a dream it will stay.” (This last quote is intended to trigger the JQ monomaniacs)
Once the civil war is won by the Right, the path to MWPA — Make Women Property Again — will get exponentially shorter. But it does need to win it first, which I expect will involve oceans of blood. Soon, both sides will figure that “millions must die,” which is itself a conservative, preliminary estimation. Actually, the Left already understands it from its perspective, and gleefully so; I hope that the Right will get fully Based and Helicopterpilled in time to Do Something About It. “Do not go gentle into that good night.” Well, if the Left decides to quietly relent and give up all power, great; since it probably won’t, and is making increasingly open preparations for hot bloody civil war, helicopter goes ***brrrrrrrr***.
>who — among the troons and the coons, the fags and the hags — is going to defeat in battle White Christians fighting under a War Leader blessed by Providence?
Other White Christians, memetically pwned by their enemies. As usual.
Maybe it’ll be different this time. Nobody know the future, and someday eventually the whole diseased, corrupt temple is coming down on their heads, but betting against the Left has been a sucker’s move for 250 years running.
If we tried to lead with fixing the sex, family, and reproduction problems, our enemies would have an ample supply of “White Christians memetically pwned by their enemies.” But the leading issues are “Diversity Equity, and Inclusion”, open borders, the imminent collapse of the fiat dollar, and World War three.
With the destruction of apprenticeship and the family, they slow boiled the frog, turning up the heat slowly so that everyone who remembered how things used to be was dead. With “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” the disaster hit so fast that everyone can see how bad it is.
Please see my posts caught in the spam filter. Very important!
pass the shill test.
Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed. Anyone can pass this, regardless of his religious or political beliefs, regardless of what issues he wants to speak about, anyone who is not reading from a script with a supervisor standing over him, can pass this.
If you don’t like the shill test crime thoughts, criticise them in a way that reveals what they are.
Reading between the lines on female circumcision, it’s a completely woman-originated practice projected by whigs onto those evil backwards patriarchs who rule Africa with an iron fist (despite the fact that in every other respect those same communities are peace-loving gift-giving egalitarian matriarchical advanced civilizations who dindu, as we are informed).
Even Wikipedia carries a begrudging admission that clitoral destruction is a woman thing, buried halfway through the article and couched in feminist euphemisms of being “in practice carried out mostly by other women” due to “internalized misogyny” or somesuch.
As you point out Jim, it’s totally contrary to male pleasure. No man would even consider damaging his own or his future son-in-law’s goods like that. For Africans, believable if it were a wartime barbarism to torture and humiliate a defeated enemy, but it’s biologically incomprehensible for a male of any race or species to lay waste to his own stash. The only realistic explanation for pussy regulation so harebrained, destructive, and needlessly cruel is that it’s motivated less by considerations of reproductive stability and more by outright sexual sabotage of delicious young virgins by the wizened-up village aunties who are in direct competition with them for pussy power.
Once the practice starts it’s self-sustaining due to stubborn female mimicry, status-chasing, and mindless ritualism. Same type of phenomenon as Chinese lotus footbinding: repulsive to husbands yet performed anyway by sharp-tongued grandmothers because that’s what all the other ladies at court are doing. By the time the husband gets any say the damage has already been done, so the men put up. And then later get blamed for it by libtards.
Nah, not really. Any ritual — especially if it’s “barbaric” — that withstood the test of time cannot be dismissed outright as senseless; if the given society where the ritual persists were better off ditching it than retaining it, it would probably have already ditched it, since abrogating it would confer some advantage to those so doing over those sticking to the old, “senseless” ways. If female circumcision sticks around in some societies, which it does, then it must be providing a certain benefit to those societies, even if it’s not immediately obvious to outsiders.
I suggest you read Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living by Dimitris Xygalatas, a relatively new book, but a pretty solid one, that explores the origin and value of supposedly mindless rituals.
Extremely premature considering no facefag preacher reliably calls out anything related to obvious misbehavior of women in the church, let alone outside of it, even things well within the Overton window.
Tell me one church that puts the single mommies and non virgin women in the very back, covered in a dark veil. Let alone bars them from entry until some proof of repentance is attained, as would be proper. Tell me one church that says “women are happiest at home barefoot and pregnant” let alone anything about helpmeets or not being fucking girlboss ugly pantsuit wearing banshees. The fucking pseudotrad influencers are capable of saying such, but the people who consider themselves as having some level of authority on distributing the Word of God, they’re too stupid and cowardly to do the bare minimum.
Yet we think the politicians are going to? With extremely rare exception, despite wealth and preselection giving them the happiest possible marriages in today’s society, they have 2.5 kids and no control over their daughters.
I see the odds of any sort of ‘political’ solution this generation as infinitesimal. Pull the thumb off the scale on social media and public culture, we might have a chance, there are indeed a lot of zoomers and young millennials that understand this problem, and are willing to speak on it.
Further, I want to bring up that just fixing the virgin bride problem is insufficient. We see lots of occasions where the upper middle class decides that 2.5 kids is the perfect amount to live a comfortable life and not divide the inheritance too broadly, and within two generations virtually disappear. One child dies young and the other fails to marry for good or bad reasons, and the branch ends. This was a prominent phenomenon in the late and fallen Greece, who as far as I can tell did indeed have their women well under control.
The issue is having lots of children signals at best neutrally, at worse it divides wealth and lowers status. So humans, status chasers we are, decide rationally 2.5 kids is about right. Then we disappear. You have to honor not just chaste women, but prolific fathers in order to get anywhere.
Consider, however, that Musk is highly concerned about the plummeting TFR — and is looking for solutions, looking and looking and looking — and if Obama, Soros, etc., go swimming like young dolphins, and Thermidor seizes the apparatuses of power (which the Left won’t give up without a fight), the Overton Window instantly shatters. And a mighty preference cascade — or “realtalk,” if you will — commences within the new Christian Right ruling class, likely to lead everyone to reach conclusions similar to those espoused on this blog.
Looking at China and Russia, I doubt it. Xi is very concerned about the birthrate as well, and looking looking looking for solutions. Concludes that the best solution is shaming sluts. Better than shaming men at least.
China has plenty of history to go on, it would not be politically unsustainable to reach back for some confucian practices, and would be a clear and obvious place to look for a well educated Chinaman with political power. Further they like to distribute just enough power to provincial managers for testing, and I see no A/B policy testing on anything. They’re interested, don’t see the answer right in front of their face. Neither did Augustus.
This has been explained away as “communists will do as communists are wont to do”, but I don’t buy it. The modern Chinese state more and more resembles the order from millennia past, and they clearly are not particularly concerned with real marxist doctrine.
The best solution (only solution) is having a pro-natalist and patriarchal religion backed by power.
In fact, a pro-natalist patriarchal religion can do well even without much backing from power, but it sure helps when a virtuous elite employs a virtuous priesthood.
With victory comes the fruits of victory; and getting victory is facilitated by a compelling vision of what those fruits are, so that fighting men sign up for your army.
No wife no work, no kids no work, no pussy no work. Contemporary society can’t arrange for property in anything, and most especially property in women, and so naturally the society doesn’t work..
Victory will go to the generals with the balls to promise wives.
I wish that were true, and frankly it should be true, but humans are not rational decision makers.
How many soys signed up for the proxy war? How many guys still chase high salaries, just cause? I know a lot of guys in their 20s that still want to build cool things, despite little respect or reward, because that’s in their nature.
Of course a hypothetical non-stationary bandit could offer this. Fight for me, keep the pussy you capture. Except where is this guy arising? Africa? We don’t seem to be anywhere near warlords yet in once-civilized continents. Will be even worse if we get Christcuck nationalism, just stable enough to project fighting force to stop such evil men.
I’m in agreement if you want to say, in the long span of history ahead, this is the only configuration that works, and will eventually win. It’s just, I look at the world around me, I look at the anonymous chats and the facefags that pick up the memes close enough to the overton window, I look at the schlerotic boomer run bugocracies all over the world, and I conclude we’re not there yet. Maybe if there’s a real war, but we might not get one. They might just pick off a few of the deranged, and the shark dies, and we are left with a failed state that refuses to believe it’s failed until all the social and biological capital built up since 900ad has been fully spent.
>How many soys signed up for the proxy war?
At the end of the day? A rounding error, in effect.
It is looking increasingly likely that team thermidor is going to take it this year. But Washington continuing to stumble along in a purple-pilled breznevian fashion of unprincipled exceptions, keeping the lights on, but not following the logic of their breaks with whiggery to keep the lights on to their logical conclusions, is certainly a possibility in the cards. Likely even.
Augustus’ Rome muddled along. The advantage Teutons have to day over Augustus is that Augustus did not have the story of Augustus’ Rome.
When Henry II rhetorically asked if noone would rid him of that turbulent priest, it got rid of. The major step in dealing with problems is highlighting the problems you want to solve. The rhythms of history are the lodestars of power. If you want to cut the gordian knot, desire to cut it.
No, but he did have Aristotle’s take on the downfall of the Lacedaemonians. Alongside what must have been a great many other histories that have since been lost to time.
The fact this story has repeated so often should be alarming, deeply alarming. It may mean that the dynamics of politics, power and the personalities of those playing the games of politics and power are apt to not notice these things, or apt to misjudge root causes.
I am in fact optimistic the dark age is a few short generations and not centuries. I think the internet has enabled enough smarties to get together and conclude the correct things from the data, and I think that with a state religion not actively opposed to truth and all good things, this will eventually reach a critical mass. It might reach a critical mass in an unusual way, like the Christian church reached a critical mass by insulating itself from the diseased memeplex around it and outbreeding everyone else, but I suspect it will come to pass much quicker than the centeries it took last time.
There is something of a tendency amongst right-thinking folk being attacked by demon worshippers to project their own thought-process on to others who also are being attacked by demon worshippers – or as a form of manifestation, if we are more charitable – because such and such would be the logical way of dealing with a demon worshipper problem in particular, and winning at life in general, and so the people in the crosshairs should so do. There was a lot of that over the 2020 election, over the 6th of janus festivities, of what Trump and those around him could and should do if they did not want to die.
In the event, of course, they did not so do, and near enough he did end up dead, but for the grace of God.
In later days Putin’s army had started blowing up Ukrainian energy infrastructure, to great effect. They would also have saved themselves a lot of heartburn if they had started doing that 2 years ago, amongst other things. Many such cases. People settling on Right not by instinct, but by History dragging them there kicking and screaming all the way.
Perhaps the obvious difference between the memetics of today and and the memetics of every other day before the 21st century and after the Finno-Korean Hyperwar, though, is the internet.
To shudras it makes no difference; they were unable to parse information before, and are equally helpless when faced with a profusion of it in later days as well. To men of natural nobility though the accelerated velocity of information allows for the coalescence of schelling points that in former days may have been processes that spanned decades of history, taking place in a matter of months in stead.
The level of atomization, SCALE, child prisons, legal destruction of apprenticeship, all contribute to incalculable losses of intergenerational understanding; never the less, for those capable of autodidacticism, the level of general knowledge that is possible for so many more is unrivaled by any point in the last 5000 years of history.
One thing that sets 21st century discourse apart compared with many past societal collapses, is the degree to which sex in general and the women problem in particular is highlighted in discourse, explicitly and at length, be it for good or for ill. The eternal whig has been a like kind doing like things with like motivations as has ever been on this world, but there certainly has been innovation in memetic weaponry to accomplish those motivations; and at the same rate, there has been the obligated necessity for the patching of memetic firewalls, that at the limit, touches down on the most essential things for power and potency and the personalities that make it happen.
Augustus may have had the story of the Lacedaemonians; but he did not having a forum full of people discussing the story of the Lacedaemonians, even if to disagree with it, making it the foremost issue of the day.
The usual trend of things is that the tastemaking class of a society shifts from taking women as property for granted, and not talking about sexual relations; to having terminal brainworm fertility collapse, and also not talking about women. While Prudentius lived the empire was falling to pieces around his head; yet you would never get even the slightest impression of such a thing from his writings, generic civnat boilerplate as far as the eye could see.
Radicalization of discourses is not new. The convulsions of the french and russian revolutions offer a perfect case study of that. But these were also uniform radicalizations, if one could say such a thing. In the discourse of the city, there was room only for one discourse, and post-enlightenment regressivism was it.
But no longer is there but one milieu for the convocations of men, but many. The old adage was that the internet treated censorship as a bug and patched around it. The protocols used today were originally intended to survive the splintering of nuclear war. Perhaps more consequentially for history however, was ability to survive the splintering of culture war. Enormous effort was expended to corral the ‘wild west’ of the internet into a walled garden where net peasants are kept on a few big tech plantations that can be more easily managed; never the less, lines of communication, spaces of organization, self-segregation – such as our good friends here – have proliferated, and *intensified*. Which has been for good or ill – but what a significant difference, that there *is* good besides the ill.
The long history of what succeeds and what does not succeed – and perhaps more importantly, what stops success from continuing to succeed – the manifest unfolding of Divine Law, may be the greatest advantage men of good will have today; and furthermore, the classes of men with such an advantage, and their ability to connect with each other, to exhort each other.
The rapid furor of radicalization in later days has allowed for man-made horrors beyond comprehension heretofore; it may yet also allow for ultimate triumph, over the spiral of decline and fall, a bucking of the trend of the history, the survival and restoration and proliferation of a race and their civilization with it.
How to solve the problem of fathers keep hanging to their daughters very late and resisting marrying earlyf?
A daughter losing her virginity to a scoundrel has to have bad consequences for her father. And the longer he hangs on, the harder it is going to be to preserve her virginity.
Not married by 20 she goes to an auction.
Assyria survived the Bronze Age collapse by implementing exactly that strategy. If the father did not marry off his daughters by a certain time, had to auction them off. Divorce difficult, except for incapacity to reproduce.
Preceding the Dark Age collapse, there was mass migration into the civilised nations. According to scroll of Ipuwer, which was written at the time of the collapse, Egypt was suffering from massive failure to reproduce.
It is politically correct to depict Ipuwer as writing a moral tale about long ago and far away, presumably because he says Egypt was dying of what today we would call leftism, but he is writing at the time of the collapse, he describes the events as contemporary, as what is happening to the Egypt around him, and he mentions events that we know from archaeology, the collapse of international trade, and legend (parallels with Exodus). If you have a scroll from the time of the collapse, and it says Egypt is currently collapsing, unlikely to be writing legends of far away from long ago.
If all the civilised nations were depopulating, this would explain the mass migration that preceded the collapse, and the military weakness against outsiders, who seemed to be just broad coalitions of pirates and armed refugees. (Among those pirates were the sons of Dan, whom we know of both from the Old Testament and Greek legend, so Exodus is absolutely typical of what was happening on a large scale at about that time.)
Egypt sort of survived, but was never the same. Assyria survived, and proceeded to reconquer a large part of the vacuum created by the collapse. All the other civilised nations vanished. When Iron age civilisation got going again, Assyria seriously pissed off its neighbors, and was utterly eradicated, but this did not happen for many centuries.
According to Greek Legend, Dan and his sons arrived in Greece from roughly the region that the Old Testament locates the sons of Israel, and proceeded to teach the Greeks shipbuilding and piracy. The sons of Dan also participated in the founding of Sparta, so probably another coalition of pirates and armed refugees. The sons of Dan got around.
The Korean kingdom used crippling taxes on fathers whose daughters remained unmarried. Little-Moustache-Man’s Spaghetti-loving friend taxed all unmarried people over age 25. China’s government is currently discussing using measures to “encourage” (enforce) family formation and prevent the nation’s aging population causing a demographic collapse.
Even in the West the reality of demographic collapse is finally starting to make inroads into the bastions of “overcrowding” propaganda…. only to be used by the managerial midwit class as an argument for even more immigration of unskilled turd-world untermensch lumpenproles, so they can keep riding the GDP wave into a cozy retirement.
It would be relatively simple (in a more sensible political climate) to set a higher tax rate on unmarried persons and especially on unmarried women. The argument used could be something along the line of: children from broken homes cost taxpayers money (criminal lifestyles, etc) while children from married couples are FAR less statistically likely to do so.
Tangentially related, Kamala reaches out to the wanker demographic:
The Trump campaign should create a similar video, only with the Republican Congressman asking the fapper, “Are ya winning, son?” Let’s see them really driving home the point about mass inceldom.
What does this system look like from the point of view of men? Draconian emforcement of marriage since early age for women would affect men as well I imagine, and it would result in men having a very boring sexual life? Am I missing something?
Boring is a big improvement on what men have now.
The sexual revolution sounded like it was going to be great for men when it was first introduced, and it really was great for men when it was first introduced. By the early 1970s, not so great.
Yeah I ceartainly don’t mean to defend the current situation. But what about something like Japanese society, especially before it came into contact with the so called enlightened west? I admit I’m hardly an expert on Japanese history, but as far as I can tell there were strong family traditions and a bigger measure of sexual freedom than in the west.
Before 1949, Women in Japan were completely unemancipated and had absolutely no sexual freedom, except that some were sold into depressingly regulated prostitution. I don’t see any substantial difference between Japan from the feudal period to 1949, and what I propose. What difference do you see?
I don’t expect or intend to eliminate whores, just radically cut down the supply and make it very low status.
Are you troubled by /The Cominator/Assyrian/Australia during regency/ solution to single women?
My understanding is that prostitution in Japan wasn’t uncommon and I don’t know if necessary low status. Part of my reasoning goes like this : yes, women in Japan were completely unenmancipated, and were supposed to please men. On the other hand, the englightment-feminist view “liberates” women from “sexual slavery” but in practice it’s just an anti sex movement. Sex is a sin as usual, but now sin is defined in enlightment scientific terms.
As to auctioning off unmarried woman, that sounds like good entertainment. But I guess I’m not fully seeing the depopulation problem? Sure, the nutcases who rule us would love to castrate all men and turn them into trannies leading to the extinction of humanity, but that isn’t happening at least yet. They also have no problem subsdizing single mothers, which surely destroys family relations, but it doesn’t necessarily lead to a smaller population. Or are you thinking exclusively about populations of european descent?
Subsidising single mothers decreases fertility, because men and women are only comfortable reproducing in a stable relationship. We should only subsidise single mothers who have a legitimate reason for being single mothers — widows and wives who have been abandoned.
The problem is that women want to get into a stable relationship, want it very much, but, because of vast abundance of choice, their shit testing gets in the way. It is much like the twenty four hour cafeteria diet is making us fat (look up cafeteria diet). The abundance of dick is making women infertile. Their shit tests escalate because they want the very best dick.
The typical single mum ditched the father of a child for failing a shit test, or he got imprisoned or killed passing it.
In the ancestral environment, the environment of evolutionary adaptation, women never had to choose. The choice was made for them. So in our environment, we see women never making a final choice, and endlessly cruising for situations where, in the ancestral environment, the decision would be made for them.
Subsidization of widows is apt to get you proactive widows. Not for no reason wife gets buried with the husband if he goes first in more than a few cultures.
That was mostly India. Its actually a lot harder for a wife to outright poison (generally in olden times the weapon of choice when a woman wants to be rid of her husband) a husband and get away with it now so I don’t think that will be a huge problem.
Is the Japanese practice of yobai consonant with this?
And to another related practice
This was a local custom. Meiji implemented the normal and majority custom uniformly. Also was a lower class custom, Meiji implemented upper class custom uniformly. We know the upper class was fertile from the period of feudal anarchy onwards. We don’t have indicators of lower class fertility until the modern era.
Lol screwed up my comment’s formatting and forgot to include a link to the yobai page
And to another related practice
Feel free to edit my comment to make the blockquotes work the right way and include these links
sorry typo “strong family traditions and a bigger measure of sexual freedom than in the west.”
It is clear that the feudal aristocracy, at least after the period of feudal anarchy, had women totally unemancipated with absolutely no sexual freedom. Allegedly in some substantial areas, lower class women had substantial sexual freedom. Meiji ended this, imposing upper class and respectable urban customs everywhere.
Wives get old and fatter in middle age and after so many years people just lose sexual attraction even if they get on still (Louis XV and Mme de Pompadour got on their whole like but after 14 years or so didn’t want to fuck anymore), need to let about 10% of women go to brothels. Roughly half will marry out of the brothel (if you think that no man will take them this has historically not been the case) and roughly half will die of a drug problem.
Most men are going to be sexless involuntary celibates without systematic facilitation of monogamy.
This is a common enough deleterious thoughtform that it deserves explicit highlighting; desire for the theoretical possibility of a potential edge case destroying the actual possibility of their most essential use-cases in reality
Monogamy is absolutely essential for the 20th to 80th percentiles of society to have a reasonable stake in it. The 80th to 90th percentiles also get a considerably more attractive woman under a regimen of fairly hard monogamy. If you like indoor plumbing and electricity and clean streets, it’s the only game in town.
Musk is posting meme videos of Trump dressed as a Roman.
0:34-0:36 – Trump killing Kamala by the sword.
“It’s just a meme, bro.”
A large part of the video is classic Dark Maga memes that Musk ran rapidly together.
I will not spell out the ideas and programs the memes reference, because you already can figure it out, and the left cannot.
Actually Jim, I can think of one such namefag – Jordan Peterson.
But while he dares raise the issue, he dares not raise the solution in explicit terms. However, he does drop hints and breadcrumbs here and there when he speaks about the usual subjects he speaks about, which often involve EvoPsych. Well, as they say, “I can’t vouch for the guy,” but he might be amenable to Jimianity, if he isn’t a fan already.
There are many, many pastors and church elders who raise the problems in their sermons, and will lead based scripture readings on marriage, but they will often avoid saying directly what has to be done in their own words. They clearly know, but I suspect for obvious current year reasons they let the Bible do the heavy lifting. As soon as Churches are relieved of government intimidation, will see many namefags. Will see many more when they are given outright legal protection and status as well.
There will be absolutely no shortage of namefags. My legal problems have given me ample time to sample Churches along the east coast. There’s a huge Christian Nationalism fervor that’s just waiting to be unleashed. Plus player/chad burnout is killing what ever feminism among gen alpha males who are not gay.
Jordan Peterson is an odd case. He’s written about experimenting with spirit writing, he’s dipped into drugs to his detriment, he’s taken money from the UN, and his talks on the Bible have a psychological or archetypical focus rather than a God-based focus.
For all that, I take him to be sincerely interested in and sincerely grappling with the issues he raises. He may simply be that rarest of beasts, an intellectually honest old school leftist. And thereby behind the curve on current year leftism, perhaps even genuinely to the right of self-proclaimed centrist “conservatives” on certain specific issues. But he is fundamentally neither Christian nor rightwing, and will not be without a literal come to Jesus moment.
I can draw a very rough parallel between Peterson and Robert Bly, the author of Iron John. The latter book, while flawed and fatally incomplete in its final prescriptions, did accurately (enough for its time, anyway) describe a real problem. Bly, a poet, enlisted in the navy straight out of high school, worked his way into Harvard after he got out, opposed the Vietnam war, founded a “Great Mother” conference to “explore consciousness” (and I strongly infer, do drugs), yet later worked his way into leadership of the men’s movement in the 90s. In short, confident and masculine leftism of the old school was beginning to be mistaken for, or be lumped in with, the rightwing as early as the 90s. And now again, with Peterson.
Yes I agree with this. I generally like his podcasts but he is forever trying to solve the problem of liberalism without moving to the right.
One hand is always tied behind his back.
Jordan “Whore Daughter” Peterson wants to preserve the pre-Snowden status quo.
Nice summary of the issue, written in non-confrontational style. Finally. 😉
Could be shared with a wider audience.
Confrontational style? Who are you referring to?
Thermidor Jeff Bezos? Nah, he’s going straight to reaction (though dances around certain crimethoughts).
Whether this is by accident or intention, Bezos has come out as the monarch of The Washington Post. Moldbugian themes are found throughout the piece, but the last part screamed it.
This strikes me less as Bezos going reactionary than as Bezos recognizing that the rest of the world is going reactionary, and he much prefers staying one of the gatekeepers, lest he ends up himself kept out of the gate.
Sir, if the wind is blowing, it could be a sign that… A Storm Is Coming.
Very interesting. whether intending to be full reactionary or not, clear signal he is aligning with Thermidor. He is taking up the reigns of power at his own company and exercising them, which is of course very reactionary.
I consider humor to be a virtue, and God is far and away the best comedian.
By the way, the biggest problem with Islam is that Allah is humorless.
Gods sense of humor: I will humble my enemies and lay them low…. with Donald Trump as my weapon of choice.
Never fails to make me chuckle.
Some mainstream-ish Right figures are not without their uses.
Milei for economics, Bukele for crime, Bibi for killing niggers – and Trump as the (Middle) Finger of God.
For the record, I don’t advocate Total Nigger Death — there are quite a few blacks I’d certainly keep around — but after watching the 14th or 88th video of black-on-white crime, it should be obvious to anyone with a brain and a heart, including possibly some to blacks themselves, that some bixes just can’t be allowed to nood.
Right or wrong, good or evil, you cannot expect any of them to side with you against their own kind, ever. Beware the “based black man.” Within the family he might say certain things, but if he’s any kind of man at all, he will close ranks against the outsider.
With the imminent collapse of Harvardism, the Bantu-who-dindu problem becomes one of the easiest to solve. Halfway between man and chimp — erectus doth walk amongst us — the nig is scarcely “in conflict” with the higher races. Today, “We should ship every troublesome negro back to Africa” is still taboo; tomorrow, everyone will get it instinctively.
With “troublesome” being interpreted rather liberally.
Quoth Steve Sailer, “That’s what different countries are for.”
I mean, a bullet to the neck of anyone who “acts suspicious” is far cheaper than deportations, but I know how memetically pwned by Jewish leftism — and, on a deeper level, by WASP leftism — most white Christians are, so let’s just start with humanitarian deportations (this program shall be called “Effective Altruism”) for those niggers who haven’t done anything too horrendous deserving of the noose, but who nevertheless don’t belong in and can’t acclimate to life in civilization. They are not needed as slaves anymore; and even as slaves they would be more of a drain on society than a benefit. Why feed, house, and overwatch them at all? Back home it is, fellas.
“DH, you may be Hitler’s secret grandson from a Jewish prostitute, but there is no way in the world any of this will happen.”
The alternative to it happening is either something more brutal and bloody (yay), or the fulfillment of the meme with the white kid surrounded exclusively by black kids with a caption that reads “At Least I Still Have The Constitution.” I’m optimistic – far more people have negro-fatigue than they let on, there is a reason why White Nationalism is a dominant faction of the Internet Right, and even the dirtiest kike has read the genetic studies about race and IQ. Everyone “knows.”
Need a Warrior Leader to pull it off, and ideally also a Priesthood to give it Heaven’s Stamp of Approval, of course.
War makes the impossible possible and the unimaginable imaginable. If America does indeed go to civil war, and the Right wins, previously radical solutions to feminism or niggers will suddenly not seem so radical. War is a transformative affair; you are not the same person or society after it as you were before it. The left is fond of calling its abominations “the new normal”; that, howerver, works in the other direction just as well.
That Joe Rogan’s Trump interview is still up on Youtube tells me that Trump will be allowed to be elected.
The coup is in. All that remains is to make it officially legal.
More broadly, it seems that most of Silicone Valley, which is full of nerds who’ve never seen a vagina in real life, is pivoting hard to Thermidor.
Deep inside the Washington bubble, they held a Youtube conversation on how to deal with Ukraine war.
The main speaker said we have to make a compromise with Russia, and seemed to be outlining the usually surreal and absurd outline of how a compromise would work. And, then question time, and the questioner calls out that this is all surreal and absurd. “I fully expect a collapse very soon.” To which the main speaker replied that if he honestly talked about the situation, he would get called a traitor and find himself in deep shit.
He just committed a crimethought on Youtube, for it is not only forbidden to speak crimethoughts, it is forbidden to know what is forbidden. A cascade is under way.
Harvard is fully discredited, and Thermidor lacks a priesthood (the Jews of the “Intellectual Dark Web” are not a priesthood; nobody in 2024 takes Steven Pinker and his friends seriously), which does not mean that Musk will nominate you Grand Inquisitor, but does mean that if they start slicing the salami from the Right side, they will lose whatever Memetic Sovereignty they could possess – sawing off the branch on which they sit. Bronze Age Pervert has already whispered GNON’s name into their ears, and though no Thermidorean faction has yet explicitly converged on Christian Nationalism and NRx, I doubt they could come up with an alternative weltanschauung to legitimize their coup.
If they want Memetic Sovereignty, they need Frog Twitter.
take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.
There is no censorship on this blog, just spam prevention, plus I bring endless unresponsive threads to an end for wasting space.
A less charitable explanation is that he simply wants the Post to be able to peddle lies more effectively by feigning impartiality, and the Post readers and editors are too stupid/sincere in their leftism to catch the subtext of Bezos’ editorial.
But hey, tech elites are capable of being redpilled like anyone else, and he went through a big divorce during the height of #MeToo, so who knows? Maybe the left should take notes from Putin and learn to treat its oligarchs better.
The motivation of the elite is not to be effective, but to be politically correct and avoid heresy charges.
Doubtless he genuinely wants his paper to be able to peddle lies effectively. But he also want to not be on the losing side. This editorial appeared shortly before the election. Therefore Bezos believes that this time around, the fix is not in. A preference cascade among the masses is “There are so many other people living and saying this, that it is safe for me to live it and say it.” A preference cascade in the elite is “who is going to be calling the shots”
As you say, we are always ruled by warriors or priests, never by merchants, and Bezos can sense where the wind is blowing and positions himself accordingly.
(relevant segment begins around the 28:30 mark, timestamped in video description)
The entire video is interesting but this statement in particular hints awareness of just har far things might go.
Right after this segment the fertility collapse is brought up, Rome as a case study mentioned, but not much more. Hard to tell either way whether regular political intervention, tax cuts etc., is thought to be viable or the dead end it truly is.
0:0 a gentler version of the position of this blog. Old Normal is over.
16:57 is a purple pilled version of red pill on education covered by this blog.
37:34 Fertility. Elon does not give good answers. He attributes the problem to prosperity. Was decadent Sparta or decadent Rome as prosperous as 1950s America. Fertility continued high in Japan unchanged as it became immensely more prosperous before the war, and continued high poverty striken and desperately ruined Japan to 1949. An immense change from poor to prosperous, and from prosperous to very poor, did not move the needle.
Optimist that I am, I think whatever his honest thoughts are on this issue were not fully on display. Looked like toeing the line on what is appropriate to say. Note that he did not say, “therefore we should give tax cuts for children” or anything like that. When pressed about things like funding IVF or such “Yeah sure whatever, baby good have kids.” Just vague notions that are mostly echoes of normie discourse without any suggestions going in any direction.
Yes, what he did not say is significant. He must have had thoughts on what can be done to fix the fertility problem, and did not propose any of them. Suggesting that his thoughts on this are unspeakable.
Regarding the Cinderella story – when first written down it was based on older French tales that often referred to fitting a ring or other item onto or by Cinderella. When Perrault wrote down the specific version we all know, he sensibly chose to change the rather bawdy original peasant “/pantoufle de vair/” (“vair” is an obsolete medieval french word for “fur”) to a more child-friendly and hygenic “/pantoufle de verre/” (slipper of glass).
You might ask what was bawdy about Cinderella’s “fur slipper” fitting perfectly when the Prince tries it on her, but remember there’s a lot of jokes about “perfectly fitting” – e.g. in Mel Brooks’ comedy film “/Robin Hood: Men in Tights/” Robin’s key falls into the lock of Maid Marian’s chastity belt and she ecstatically exclaims “/Oh Robin, this means you’ve always been my one true love because it’s just the right size./”
Not so much Freud’s ramblings about the “subconscious”, and more the kind of bawdy jokes you might hear in a rough bar on a Saturday night.
Here’s a clip of the (pretty funny) scene mentioned:
Guys I’m bleeding from my whatever over this “garbage island called Puerto Rico” and “watermelon carving” thing. What the hell was that.
You can build momentum by catching a high-rise building full of rocket fuel with another building, and then flush it down the drain with one mediocre nigger joke. How did that even… sigh
Shill test: the Trinity is God.
You are gay.
I assume anyone blackpilling a week out from the election is a demoralization shill.
Ten years into this thing and you still don’t know how this shit works? Trump called Mexicans rapists in 2015. People act all outraged, but these kinds of statements embolden our side whilst triggering the other side. Inflammatory statements also serve to ensure that the campaign gets media attention.
And guess what: EVERYONE KNOWS PUERTO RICO IS A SHITHOLE, especially beaners. Otherwise why in the world would they come to America?
I strongly suspect you are another Thermidorean shill. You have not quite passed the shill test. Allowing this through, but still on moderation.
Today, we are on board with Thermidor, but I suspect that once Thermidor has dealt with its enemies on the left, it is going to go after its enemies on the right.
How much does calling Trump a racist net these days? Can’t be five large anymore, what with the depleted coffers.
You are being silly. People are hungry for truth. The Puerto Rican who made that joke spoke the truth of his lived experience. That is where Trump’s teflon comes from. This incident is only going to improve his teflon.
Huh. OK. Now Jon Leibowitz is defending Tony Hitchcliffe the Madison Square nigger joker on The Daily Show. “I think he’s funny, actually.”
So that’s it. There’s LEVELS to this shit.
And then the next day we get the clean white MAGA garbage truck meme. Milei had his chainsaw and now Trump has his garbage truck.
Trump team taking out the trash.
“YOU are fake news.”
There’s a certain non-linear alchemy at work here. In the words of Scott Adams, spoken language and grammar are just the carrier signal.
They should roll up to the inauguration in a long parade of bulletproof red white and blue garbage trucks. Why the hell not?
Bannon is out of federal prison and back in the War Room.
Key takeaway: Trump is probably going to take the election, but the victory will be far from won as a hardcore delegitimisation process is being planned. This will be 2020 election “fortification” on steroids.
We all need to take a moment to think back to this time four years ago. Remember that Trump had Insurrection Act invocation on the table. He never pulled that trigger. This time around he is not the sitting president. But he does have several tech billionaires on his side. Last time he was booted off Twitter. This time Twitter is owned by Elon. So I am quite hopeful that we will have a peaceful transition of power, but fearful of the worst.
So it’s all hands on deck, not just for the next week, but for the next three months.
Stop listening to the blackpillers and shills. Stop listening to the factions of the old alt-right putting out black agitprop about muh dear Palestinians and all that shit. Start dealing with reality.
Trump is the leader. Bend the fucking knee.
still on moderation.
All signs are pointing to another ballot harvesting landslide for Kamala. Regardless of the confidence of Trump supporters, I see no signs that anything will change from 2020 (or 2022). I predict an easy Kamala win.
We have recently seen two cases of democracy at its finest, in Moldova with a surprise switch to EU-friendly and in Georgia with the president refusing to accept the result.
Regarding Kamala, the last embers of her campaign seem to be dying, Hitluh Hitluh etc. The Ds seem a bit demoralized too, especially after Silicon Valley flipped, and perhaps they need some R&R, find the next useful candidate, and meanwhile let Trump handle all the dumb wars.
Nevertheless, there is also a lot of money involved and ballot printer can go brrrr.
Perhaps there should be international neutral observers at the voting stations?
I have a hypothesis: Female brains are hard-wired to think situationally, not hypothetically.
When a young female is not married or seriously engaged, the thought of being barefoot and pregnant fills her with horror. If a traditional Catholic, she plans to enter a convent in a few years. Otherwise, she plans to go to college, build a career, and become a Strong Independent Woman, which is entirely doable as long as she doesn’t get pregnant, which is why abortion is her singular political issue.
Women cannot think or talk about marriage and family without a specific name and face attached to the husband. It’s too hypothetical.
That means I must pretend to be a married man just looking for something casual, seduce one of these Strong Independent Women, and fuck her better than any other man ever has, after which *maybe* her brain will switch into baby mode and she’ll want to start a family with me. Aidan tried this with far more skill and persistence than I could ever muster, without much success.
It’s somewhat counter-intuitive isn’t it. You’d expect that in order for a species to procreate, the gender making the babies would want to make babies. But that’s just not how things turn out to work. Going through pregnancy and being chained to a child for years on end is just too dangerous of a decision for her to make, so she never really makes it. A man must make the decision for her.
As expected.
In the ancestral environment, the environment of evolutionary adaptation, attempted reproduction is likely to be fatal unless a man is in favour of it.
Humans need meat. In the ancestral environment only men provided meat. So, no provider, reproduction will fail, likely with fatal consequences.
For a woman to want to reproduce, she has to feel herself securely property, securely owned.
Correct. With the caveat that social media has yugely advanced the meta (I can’t emphasize this enough). Ordinary Zoomerettes know about negging now. It’s possible that the cutting edge of women, such as extremely online melinaesque autists, have gained enough self-awareness to know what they want.
Ordinary zoomerettes have absolutely no idea what they want (nor does it matter what they want), lurking on incel forums will make them obsessed with recessed maxillas, and TikTok plus kikes plus public schools convinced them that they’re a boy trapped in a cute girl’s body, an article of faith abandoned as soon as Aidan fucks them straight.
Zoomerettes are lunatics (more so than is normal for women) and don’t know anything except they are mad and the solution is being even worse to men and more feminist. There are no female public figures who really oppose this idea fundamentally EXCEPT and only very very recently Pearl.
Pearl was a typical female grifter driven totally by a combination of scamming and emotion but i don’t know what the fuck happened but she seems to have taken mind body and soul the redpill on women and realize that her gender is collectively with perhaps very rare exceptions evolutionary adapted to slavery and unsuited for freedom.
While I’m indeed an excellent lover, and very good at picking up chicks in my general IQ range, (which is high, so my experience is not modal) you shouldn’t use my name as a byword for the faceless chad. I never womanized with a clear conscience; deep down I was yearning for a state of good and natural relations between man and woman. I am much happier with a devoted and adoring woman to come home to than I am banging random chicks. I came close a couple of times before I found one, but each time ran into problems that could only be solved with abduction and rape, and while I was very close to applying abduction and rape, I chickened out. Maybe if I had a nice remote property I would have pulled the trigger, but who knows.
Oftentimes I would have a doomed fling with a woman, and catch a brief, brilliant glimpse of what things would be like in a healthy and normal world, and this would fill me with apocalyptic rage. I don’t think this is the normal experience of the heartless womanizer who blows through hundreds of girls.
“And yet, it mogs” – Chadileo Chadilei
(But sure, I’ll use something else instead)
Ordinary Zoomerettes still don’t know what they want, true, but the meta has advanced enormously and continues relentlessly forward. And it’s going in a consistent direction of ever-increasing self-awareness. While Heartiste was still active he was calling it “n-count”; sometime between then and now it jumped from oldmanblogland to jugendmedia and became “body count”. I have had women casually describe their own actions vis-à-vis men as “shit tests”. The mainstreaming of looksmaxxing is simply hilarious.
The mainstreaming of looksmaxxing is hilarious until every other profile tells you that shorter than 6’3″ need not apply. Then it becomes just slightly less hilarious.
Do we really want to be doing this? Do we really want Modern Dating Culture? Taking mate choice away from fathers and giving it unto daughters was the greatest sin against GNON’s civilization of them all. Adam’s sin was in not slapping Eve in the face when she brought him the apple. I read the beginning of Genesis as a story about the destruction of Patriarchy (Adam failed to exercise his authority over Eve), followed by banishment from Paradise. It is civilized humanity’s founding narrative: women bring sin, men cuck out — itself a sin — and calamity ensues.
Mate choice is for fathers (with incentives to marry off early enough). Anything else is the opposite of civilization, and is the downfall of civilization. I WANT SEX. Seriously though – the current situation is a disaster, and I hope Elon really is reading this, now or in the future.
The mainstreaming of incel forum and PUA concepts is a whole lot of sound and fury that changes nothing. Girls do not suddenly know what they want, nor will they in the future; they are just using signifiers that you are used to hearing, but the signified is the same eternal normie slang that changes names but goes on eternal. The trend caused by the internet of seeing fewer and fewer cute girls in public continues, but not much has changed save for fewer opportunities.
Alaric the Barbarian on Twitter was pushing the line that MeToo and TikTok made it impossible for young men to hit on women, that they would be filmed and shamed publicly for what was normal 20 years ago, and I told him I would go hit on a lot of girls and test his theory out, and I did, and absolutely nothing had changed- if anything, chads are in such short supply among zoomers that girls were more receptive to being hit on in public than they used to be.
Obviously hitting on women in public is hard, because it’s unnatural and doing it in the ancestral environment would provoke violence, and even I get a twinge of inhibition when I’m about to do it, but if you are not meeting girls via a wide social circle or being introduced to them by your family, it’s the lesser of many evils.
“The mainstreaming of looksmaxxing is hilarious until every other profile tells you that shorter than 6’3″ need not apply. Then it becomes just slightly less hilarious.”
Does looksmaxxing concern itself with height? My understanding is that looksmaxxing is mainly about good facial and skeletal development, not raw size. Height doesn’t do much if your face is mediocre. Even big muscles can’t really help the ugly.
“Do we really want Modern Dating Culture? Taking mate choice away from fathers and giving it unto daughters was the greatest sin against GNON’s civilization of them all.”
Modern Dating Culture is an artifact of birth control on the one hand and the full-spectrum domestic PSYWAR program of status interruptus preventing young men from claiming young women on the other. A little daughter chaos isn’t really a problem otherwise. Actually it’s probably strongly eugenic.
“Alaric the Barbarian on Twitter was pushing the line that MeToo and TikTok made it impossible for young men to hit on women.”
What a fag.
>Does looksmaxxing concern itself with height?
Tails the Blackpiller on YouTube suggests it very much does, although he may be exaggerating its importance a little bit. The point is that females look for authentic signals of high genetic quality (obviously as they perceive it, definitely not as civilization perceives it), and the harder to fake the signal is, naturally the stronger attraction value it provides. Therefore they don’t care much about gym muscles, as virtually all men can work their way towards gym muscles, while signals that are harder to fake, like stature (which is the most obvious aspect of your bone structure), are far more valuable and give them better input about the genetics of your sperm than the more easy-to-fake stuff. And if you’re a manlet, you’re a manlet.
Also check the scientific blackpill page, there is a section there dealing with height as well as the other stuff.
I’m somewhat above average in height. In the real world I don’t see it mattering all that much. The most successful friend I ever had was 5’9″. He was a very beautiful man and had good proportions. He didn’t work out and didn’t need to. And I never saw him need to project any dominance to pull pretty much any woman he wanted.
Your “scientific blackpill” just gives me a chub.
Women get wet for apes, dogs, and the fat ugly uncle who molested them when they were 12, none of which show markers of high genetic quality. Obvious that perceived dominance the most important factor. The mental shortcut here is “men are attractive in proportion to their ability to commit rape”. Easy for an extremely handsome man to have his way with her- who would believe that he needed to rape her?
Your argument is seductive. But how does it fit into the ancestral environment? You were just talking about how you feel a slight fear when talking to women. That’s natural. But in the ancestral environment if you’re hot and a woman accuses you of rape you’re likely to have a really bad time brought to you by her male relatives no matter how hot you are. Or do you think that the male relatives will be more lenient on you when you’re a handsome man because a sexy-son bastard might be worth the irregularity? Because I could buy into that, actually.
Question about hitting on women in public. I have done it before, cute awkward young Fidelis even managed getting numbers and dates despite being obviously fearful, but I usually have problems figuring out how to display social proof in the follow up meeting. A requirement for every girl I’ve met that had any bit of value left.
If I meet through a social circle, there’s less need to display social proof during the courting itself, because it was determined beforehand. All thats left is the seduction dance so to speak. If I meet her just in public, universally they want to try and sniff out my status, and I’m not sure the best way to go about it, and they are immensely more cold with the shit tests.
Fabricate pre-selection and social proof on social media. Recall that the audience of Titanic got their pussies wet for Jack Dawson when he showed Rose Bukater his paintings of nude whores. Fabricating stuff that hints (in their hot imaginations) at the potential for violence also works.
Other people tell me that dangerous stuff (big wave surfing, skydiving, white water rafting, and rock climbing) also works, though I did not try that. White water rafting can be combined with social proof. White water rafters make out like bandits.
We are all dancing monkeys, and women call the tune. Men conquer and women surrender, but women choose and men perform. There is no rest for men, we are always on stage, and when you are cruising for a chick, need a portfolio of your hit performances.
Hmm, I feel as if I’ve done so. Populated my feed with photos with cute girls, sometimes more than one, pictures of me speaking to a crowd, travel photos, shirtless photos of me with other dangerous looking (or at least not beta) men from a kickboxing gym, etc.
Doesn’t seem to help. I feel like the easiest way to pass those first shit tests is indirectly through displaying proof in person, maybe there’s another way. Is there a good general approach to cold shoulder shit tests? I feel acknowledging is losing, pushing past too hard doesn’t seem to work as well, but responding in kind definitely fails. Any advice?
Social proof in person is a wingman who acts as if you are the alpha. Or a pivot chick, but harder to arrange a pivot chick. Also a wingman will reduce your fear, which chicks can sense. Their radar for that is very very good. That might be what renders your portfolio ineffective.
While Jack Dawson’s portfolio worked great, he also had social proof in person.
Just as a man can accurately assess a chick’s fertility at thirty paces in ten seconds, women can similarly detect alpha at a distance.
Often enough I don’t need someone in a wingman role explicitly or implicitly, I have a strong personality, am rather tall and in good shape. So usually I get respect in everyday interactions.
The problem is with a new girl, I’m not usually taking her to a bar, because too many opportunities for problems. So who am I then talking to in public in a way that displays status? This is a non issue when sourcing from a social circle, but a bit sticky to solve when in the first phases of courting someone who wants to figure me out.
That is precisely the situation where a wingman makes a huge difference.
The ideal method for picking up chicks in public is a group of guys hangs out around thirty paces from a group of chick. Hangs out long enough for the amazingly sensitive alpha male radar of females to work, which is fairly fast. Then the alpha male of the group enters the group of chicks, and shortly after his men follow, then in due course the alpha male splits the group into pairs. This being the closest emulation of what happened in the ancestral environment of evolutionary adaptation. Establish social proof at thirty paces, and reward followers with pussy.
Every chick in the modern world is subconsciously waiting for the abduction of the Sabine women. (Which is traditionally called the rape of the Sabine women, but in order to make crimethought unthinkable, the meaning of the word “rape” has been changed.)
Women choose, but they give effect to their choice by indirect methods. They are very reluctant to make choice explicitly, just as we conquer, but are very reluctant to approach chicks in public.
They choose by avoiding situations where, in the ancestral environment of evolutionary adaptation, they would likely be banged by the wrong man, and hanging out in situations, where, in the ancestral environment, the right guy would drag them off to his cave.
Recommended seduction technique. Drag to cave, then give her opportunity to vacate by ignoring her to fix a drink or something. If she is still around when you are done, it is go. In the ancestral environment, women always chose by facilitating what moderns are taught is “rape”. If you are not flagrantly breaking current laws on male female interaction, you are doing it wrong. Women choose by entering a situation where it is obvious that choice is going to be made for her and by not leaving that situation when it is obvious that choice is about to be made for her.
Every business has to break a multitude of laws in order to accomplish anything, and men have to break a multitude of laws to get pussy. If you obey the law, no pussy for you. Women are hungry for the ancestral environment of evolutionary adaptation, and are endlessly searching for it in all the wrong places.
A study on frat guys many years ago (that I cannot find now, curious) showed that the strongest correlation with number of women banged was their “physical dominance”, as rated by their peers, and as measured by grip strength, height, and shoulder width. Their facial attractiveness as rated by a group of female strangers had only a minor correlation.
Hard to say how much of that was because of the ease of convincing her pants to come off and how much was because it helps deter competition/whiteknighting from other men, but really those are the same thing.
For what it’s worth, as far as online dating I have had profiles on tinder and hinge that showed me and several pretty younger girls, with the girls having taken the photos in typical girl style for their own social media. And I have had profiles with pictures only of myself. There was not a huge difference in quantity or quality of matches. The only real difference was the matches always start by asking who was in the pictures with me, with a few of them losing their shit about it. It was more of a hassle than anything. No increase in conversion rate.
Social proof is great, but not necessary to score. I’ve been with a number of girls who met only me and never saw me around anyone else, other than the general public. They will judge you against their other options. If you are passing shit tests you are good to go.
It is really not that hard to meet directly with them, alone for the first time, and end up with her panties on the floor. Once you are in front of her anyway. Getting them to get off their ass and show up for a date is the hard part. If they show up, the rest is child’s play.
My experience most closely mirrors Adam’s.
I do include a hint of classically manly “extreme” sports and I don’t really use outright dating apps. Girl-friendly UMC activities with a lot of people concentrated in an area are ideal. And if MILFs with daughters tend to like you on sight you’re fucking cooking. I guess it helps if you put out “serious guy with a well-controlled killer edge” vibes. I do actually want to stake my claim in a top-shelf permawoman. Meow.
By “serious” I mean “well-developed physically and psychologically, not developmentally arrested” and not “humorless office drone”.
Summarizing here and ending the thread, because the advice given is as good as possible without sharing personal details.
The problem is I suppose personal in that I have zero text game, and have not managed to improve. In person is fine. I can bait meeting in person fairly well, but I find the women I’m interested in courting put up enough resistance to going back to my place, on the early meetings at least, that often times it would involve something like physically picking her up and loading into my car while she resists and yells. Not brave enough to risk that, unfortunately. It tends to thaw upon more time exposure, and really is not an issue I find when meeting women through social circles, including the sort of events Adam mentioned. I was just thinking of expanding my digital outreach, and this was the problem I had previously that made me stop.
I avoid bars, because there are enough antisocial retards with nothing to lose that can easily ruin your game and provoke insane shit tests. If I could get away with *removing* such types, or even a real duel, I wouldn’t care. As it is, I can’t escalate to physical violence, because I have things to lose, and they don’t. We’re playing chicken and they’ve chugged a 5th of vodka and ripped out the steering wheel and brakes. Unless my wingman is another man with nothing to lose willing to take out the problem, I’m just fucked.
So it looks like I’m better off just involving myself in more social events rather than casting a wider net online, until I can figure out some reliable environments that can facilitate social proof in person. I’ll think more on it.
You may find that picking her up in a fireman’s lift and tossing her into the back seat does not result in her climbing out of the car when you get into the front seat, except perhaps in order to climb into the front seat. It is likely to result in yelling, because women always want two alpha males to get into a fight. You may also find that if you simply ignore potential white knights (don’t look at them because you have more important things on your mind) they are disinclined to get physical. If no one gets physical, yelling ends quickly.
Of course I would never kill a white knight over a women I do not already own and have substantial investment in, but they do not know that, and in the ancestral environment, physically white knighting was apt to be extremely dangerous, so just as we have instincts that make us afraid to do a cold hit on a chick, white knights have instincts that force them to keep a distance and stay out of your way.
The female always wants alpha male one to get into a fight with alpha male two, and the white knight always wants the female to come to him, which is never going to happen. He is not going to go the female, and female is not going to go to him.
Every day my wife’s hens cried out in anguish, “Help, help, I’m being raped! Won’t a bigger, stronger rooster please come and save me from this terrible fate?”
What happens when the white knight is a woman? In the trailer park, I saw my next door neighbor let loose a terrible tirade, outdoors in public, on a guy who was allegedly abusing his girlfriend, and nothing happened to her. This white knight had a husband, but he was not especially healthy, and not allowed to own weapons on account of his criminal record.
And nothing happened to him either.
>What happens when the white knight is a woman?
Going to be tough until we get political cover to enforce “till death do us part”.
“Your argument is seductive. But how does it fit into the ancestral environment?… in the ancestral environment if you’re hot and a woman accuses you of rape you’re likely to have a really bad time brought to you by her male relatives no matter how hot you are.”
Indeed- which is why handsomeness is a minor signal compared to authority. Who is your male model friend up against in competition? A bunch of other normal guys who rarely show the traits that women are most attracted to. Imagine that all women wore niqabs. Your only information on whether or not she is sexy is her eyes. So girls with pretty eyes are going to be picked by men. In a more “naked” world, pretty eyes in a woman are just one small signal of genetic quality among many, but today, men are prevented from acting dominant in public, from being men; Men are wearing metaphorical niquabs, and most of the time all women can see is the “eyes”, they will choose based on “eyes”.
No police cars, but an old hag humiliated him in front of his girlfriend and the entire neighborhood. That’s not nothing.
Was he humiliated? No one is humiliated by a dog barking at him.
Aidan, I can only buy some of what you’re selling. When I was in high school the most successful men were the handsome athletes. When I was in college the most successful men were the handsome athletes. Now that I’m an adult the most successful men are handsome and fit. Do women like authority? Yes. Do women like dominance? Yes. But in my personal life I have seen physical charisma be by far the most important element, especially for the youngest and hottest women. And don’t forget that enforced monogamy clamps down on men and women alike.
It makes sense. Sexual attraction is about sexual reproduction. You literally wear your mutational load on your face and body. And it’s difficult to pass on your “authority” to your sons and impossible to pass it on to your daughters.
Not *just* the meat is it. How far back in history would you take your hypothesis that only women who’ve had their sexual freedom taken away reproduce? Since the time of the killer apes right? Looking at chimpanzees, a major, if not the biggest problem they have to deal with, is another chimp literally ripping off their face. So it makes sense for female chimps to look for safety and be sexually attracted to the chimp doing the face ripping. Which nowadays translates to women still being attracted to serial killers and drug dealers.
Female chimps fuck every member of the tribe, but something like 80% of the children born are born to the dominant males. The dominant males monopolize female chimps when ovulating, and don’t care much otherwise.
Human sexuality evolved a lot since we came down from the trees, must have started changing when our primary food source became animal flesh hunted on the veldt.
When you put a group of men and woman together in a house, big brother style, doesn’t the exact same pattern occur? The trick being that the alpha is the alpha, but the betas are in close enough proximity that the alpha can never treat them like absolute dirt, contrast to our current elite who all but literally spit on the average wojak. In big brother proximity environment, a woman will still have sex with a man ranking lower on the male hierarchy ladder, although she will prefer the alpha, especially during ovulation.
Does not seem to me this kind of behavior has changed all that much. Fits into the whole Christian perspective in which Paul urges the early Christians to stop with the naughty sex stuff.
Without much success in what, making a woman want to have my children? Plenty of success there.
But yes, girls may fantasize about being wives and mothers, and they do, but do not take steps to becoming wives and mothers without a specific man guiding her down that road
Was reading about Tulsidas Ji & I think Hindus switched from philosophy to alchemy?
Though Tulsidas holds both aspects of God to be equal, he favours the qualified Saguna aspect and the devotees of the highest category in the Ramcharitmanas repeatedly ask for the qualified Saguna aspect of Rama to dwell in their mind.
That’s when they declined?
There was definitely a shift from a more deist, nature & mystic Vedic culture to a Hindu one rooted in performance of fire rituals to bring rains etc.
Lot more to discuss
India is basically a theme park for demons.
JD Vance should not have corrupted his bloodline with the Poojeeta, but alas.
I didn’t realize Hindus thought there were literally “Gods” flying around.
Thought it was more a diest thing where Indra is a title.
Ie physical Gods are mortal & subject to the same physical laws/forces as anyone.
Hence, able to be conquered by weapons.
Hence, man should rely weapons instead of Brahmins to solve physical ailments.
The twist is that they’ll say creation is more important than creator.
“Tulsidas also gives the simile of a lake – the Nirguna Brahman is like the lake with just water, while the Saguna Brahman is a lake resplendent with blooming lotuses.”
So, instead of saying Sri Ram lifted weights I should too.
It becomes break this coconut at 30 degrees and Sri Ram will save you.
Transmutation v Alchemy.
You can become “God-like” through following their path (Logos)
Or summon them directly via ritual?
Kind of like Non-trinitarian (Islam, Gnostics, Arians) vs Trinitarian Christians?
Idk – the whole 3 centuries for sects to split thing is interesting..
We find it with Jews/Christians, Christian/Muslim, Christian/Liberal? (2020?)
Sikhs & Hindus – 1984 being the nail in the coffin?
What I wonder now is the split from the Vedas & Upanishad to the Puranas?
Indra Dev for example rode a horse & then suddenly mounts an elephant.
Rather than, demons would a correct term be absurdity?
Probably best left for a different comment?
The point is that different memeplexes adhering to Dharma eventually undergo carcinization (GNON is depicted in some NRx circles as a Crab Deity), whereas memeplexes that fail to stabilize can never reach a civilizational zenith of that kind — indeed, they only trend downwards — and receive not GNON’s blessing; they perpetually change, and most changes are likely to be rather negative. It is the work of demons real or metaphorical, and as Jim says, Hinduism (and, I think, Indian culture more broadly) has been going demonic for quite a while.
Islam is an interesting example of a religion that started out demonic and underwent a certain degree of memetic exorcism over the centuries (it is more often than not the other way around) – but because there is a demonic kernel in there, it can never achieve true greatness. Shia Islam is probably closer to the original than Sunni Islam — and, therefore, at its core it is the more demonic of the two — so it should come as no surprise that, while the Shah was a leftist reformer, Ayatollah Khomeini was an even bigger leftist reformer. I expect Iran to lose catastrophically to Israel — recall that Iran’s TFR is 2.0 and falling whereas Israel’s is 2.9 and rising — after which a less demonic form of Shia Islam will dominate the country. War is not only the fountain of youth; it is also, particularly when it’s a holy war, a form of exorcism.
The problem is that most critiques of Islam attack it from the Left rather than from the Right. Sometimes it’s a mixture of both sorts of criticism, such as in Craig Winn’s Prophet of Doom. The author may be a heretic — his version of Christianity is quite suspect — but nevertheless his argument that Islam was originally inspired by a demon is absolutely compelling. Thing is, he makes some culturally-relevant points, and then he goes on to betray his own argument by paying lip service to some leftist shibboleths in which he probably doesn’t sincerely believe. But that’s quite common nowadays.
But some versions of Islam, notably the Islam of Saudi Arabia, can be relatively functional. So naturally the Left much prefers Iran to Saudi Arabia.
I kind of adhere to the idea of the Quran being a lexicon for the Aramaic bible.
With a process of Arabization centuries later leading to the invention of Mohammad.
Originally, it’s a title for Jesus.
The point being that non-trinitarian Christianity was persecuted & destroyed anyway.
Regardless, of Arabs/scholars forgetting Aramaic by that time – the fact remains.
That cultural rift meant it was ‘easier’ for Islam to form separate from Christianity.
That series claims that the Spaniards don’t mention a separate faith till the 800s.
I think with Sikhs it’s somewhat similar – the Hinduism of Armenia & Af-Pak is dead.
Post-British India has been going demonic increasingly faster than ever before.
It’s banned polygamy and subtly tries to push a secular vegetarian folk religion on everyone.
Mohammed was not invented. We have overwhelming contemporary evidence that he was a real person, and the Mohammedan scriptures are accurate.
Whether or not that is true, the entity revealed in the Koran as Allah does not sound like the voice of God, but that of a demonic imposter – so argues Craig Winn in the book I linked, with the force of evidence on his side. The most obvious sign, in my own view, being Allah’s horrible lack of a sense of humor, in either a broad or narrow sense of the notion. Throughout the Bible, God’s humor is strongly evident. It is absent in the Koran.
Spiritually, that is far more significant than most conventional-minded people (ewww normies) realize; humor is a form of communion with the Divine. Which, needless to say, does not whatsoever mean that all jokes are good jokes or that all comedy is worthy comedy, but fundamentally it is a channel to the Logos. Which, in Islam, is blocked.
Islam’s Muslims are probably the most non/anti humor sense.
They seem happiest about breeding children, shafting people in business, killing jews, getting wives / legal pussy, and Jihad/Hijra/Ramadan.
Seeing them catch and repress themselves is a sad moment.
Same as seeing them utterly panic about prayer time (cult, they have no personal relationship with Allah or Muhammad, research what the Dua is actually composed of, and have no Savior erasing all sin), and about keeping every millimeter of hair behind hijab.
Everyone else has humor sense, at least in this region.
Endless theological innovation suggests demons at work, as you see with Progressives, Jews, and apparently Indians. Healthy societies tend to be more memetically stable.
Don’t ride on Artemis…
“We have gotten to a root cause,” said Lakiesha Hawkins, assistant deputy associate administrator for NASA’s Moon to Mars program office, in response to a question from Ars on Monday at the Wernher von Braun Space Exploration Symposium. “We are having conversations within the agency to make sure that we have a good understanding of not only what’s going on with the heat shield, but also next steps and how that actually applies to the course that we take for Artemis II,” she said. “And we’ll be in a position to be able to share where we are with that hopefully before the end of the year.”
“Ya’ll honkeys gon be explodin’ in space ‘n sheeeit,” she added.
Gentlemen of the Occident, I saw the movie Cheaper by the dozen. It was fascinating and riveting. A thoroughly enjoyable movie that leaves you feeling a warm bittersweet emotion. I’ll give you this, you been done bad by your overlords. They done f***** y’all up.
The 1950 version or the 2003 remake?
The 1950s version has a great scene where the protagonist trolls a caller from planned parenthood who doesn’t know she has a dozen kids.
They cast the planned parenthood do-gooder perfectly. Notice how ugly she looks when contrasted with the wife. Coup complete problem, Good Sirs!
Obviously, the 1950 version! The 2003 version is not too bad, but nothing beats the original. Its after watching the 1950 version that the perfidy of your elite really hits home
You’re welcome.
take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.
There is no censorship on this blog, just spam prevention, plus I bring endless unresponsive threads to an end for wasting space.
To the extent my land is Islamic, which it was not, I see no problem smashing both the mosques that have been allowed to breed within it, as well as the Mo-Kissers in Govt that gave them building permits, etc… all the way up and down the dumbshit theo-political structure… wipe them out.
If you don’t fight the Crusade upon the first mosque,
you will be fighting it upon the 10,000th, thereupon you lose.
History proves that waiting makes you either an enslaved douche, or dead.
If you want a successful society of your own you have to make it a livable society for your own by properly dealing with the societally incompatible enemies who are hell bent on invading and destroying, and already among, you…
This is proper the managagement model to be employed against such invasive species…
Yes, but progressivism needs dealt with first.
I did not forget Prog+Jewery,
they’re right up at the top too,
and in this round they’ve allied with the mosque-builders,
the Marxists, the Censors, the OurDemocracy,
and everything else that is fake stupid weak and gay.
Afaic they should all get purged, equally hard,
there’s no first or last or friends when they’re all against you.
It’s clear which factions of “society” are right.
You failed to take the shill test. Allowing this stuff through to show why I impose the shill test. (Your script glows in the dark.) You are now on the ignore list, and no one, not even me, will see anything you post under this identity.
Advise your script writer that absolutely no one on the alt right is buying this rubbish, not that he will listen, or be allowed to listen.
All enemies are enemies.[*deleted*]
Well, that at least is an argument. A relevant response to “no one is buying this rubbish”
The question however, is which enemies need to be defeated first. Pointless to fight Islam, when our state religion is demonic. There will be time enough for the crusades when we have a Christian state religion. Right now I would give the Taliban’s Islam higher marks that McChristianity, the state religion of Dubai is not too bad, and a major improvement on our state religion, and Chechnyan Islam is not too bad, due to all objectionable Islamic priests being dead or fled, and the remainder unlikely to unduly piss off the Orthodox Christian Church.
If you want, however, your arguments to come through in full, take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.
There is no censorship on this blog, just spam prevention, plus I bring endless unresponsive threads to an end for wasting space.
The entire problem…
Not the entire problem. Rather, as much of the problem as Thermidor permits itself to notice.
Because your appear to be yet another Thermidorean shill, your comments are likely to be silently deleted or unkindly edited. If you want to avoid this, take the shill test described in the moderation policy.
“Pete Buttigieg refuses to rule out running for Michigan governor in 2026 — AP NEWS”
This baby-raping ass-faggot needs to have his head cut off by Michigan’s Muslims and paraded around on the stump of Whitmer’s neck as a target for ‘throw Benson’s head ‘ day.
Passing this provisionally, because of the implication that sodomites are pedophiles.
True, clarity fix applied…
“Pete Buttigieg refuses to rule out running for Michigan governor in 2026 – AP NEWS”
This baby-raping ass-faggot needs to have his head cut off by Michigan’s Muslims and paraded around on the stump of Whitmer’s neck as a carnival target for “Throw Benson’s head at the pedophile” day.
When I woke up this morning Trump seemed well ahead. So from what I can see now apparent “it’s too close to call”. From thousands of miles away it seems like they’re preparing for last minute votes conveniently found among postal voters to “fortify” the elections once again.
Muslim Detection Question
Is there a safe question to drop in a convo, that you can ask someone that you think might be a Muslim, that their answer will like 90+% guarantee that they either are or are not a Muslim, but that will not alert them to the fact that you’re trying to figure out if they’re a Muslim or not???
ie: You can’t ask if they’re a Muslim or eat Pork or pray to the Moon God… it has to be something that triggers an innate innocuous subconcious yet definitive response.
It’s ok if in their answer they even outright declare that they are or are not Muslim, or are something or nothing else… so long as whatever answer they give is definitive… but it’s not ok for them know you’re detecting them.
Guess you could design the same thing for detecting Wokes Jews Fags Satanists Illegal Aliens and so on.
You know the joke about “spot the vegan,” right?
Q: In a room full of people, how do you identify the vegan?
A: Don’t worry, they will tell you ASAP.
That might apply here too.
Jim, or anyone else that’s knowledgeable on the subject, can you recommend any books that go into more detail on the patriarchal practices of Regency England or pre-revolutionary Virginia?
Eliminating the entire Bra section at your local galaxymart might help. Some serious female mental issues going on when they’re selling with 10mm+ worth of Fake-sexy padding. Dumbass handbags too. Go back to corsets and dresses. Make Women Plain-sexy Again.
MAWA, that is a very big key. Make America White Again. There can be no fear in proclaiming that, no shame in acknowledging the existential and even biological concepts behind why 1488 matters. And though America has always had some slave/native/immigrant of-variety components, that has historically… excepting hispanic southwest, negro south, and shit like china/italo/irish town… been a trivial percentage. Even more importantly, your White Culture mustremain as the dominant, admired, and striven-for culture.
When you allow a faux yet wannabe culture to deploy their hubris against Nature’s optimal design, to psyop your culture down into twerkdom, to import lesser castes abilities species and to feed them subsidy to outbreed you… you’re done.
This fact of nature is not “racist”, it applies to every civilization and biological thing… there is an inherent level at which you are optimized, both for internal development and external relational success… once you blow out that low single digit percentage, you become suboptimal and subject to downfall due to the broadening of attack and expense-vs-roi vectors, and losses due to attrition spent competing without latitude to exact decisive victory.
Survive, or Die… Biology is both Truth and a Bitch.
The concept of 1488 becomes self-fulfilling when you realize that you do in fact have both the natural need and ability to exact that victory.
Law has become woke, gay, weak, corrupt, intrusive, and unnecessary… the old Law will be restored…
The speech was given by a certain Euphiletos, defending himself against the charge that he murdered Eratosthenes, after he supposedly caught Eratosthenes committing adultery with his wife. Euphiletos defends himself claiming that the killing of Eratosthenes was justifiable homicide, rather than murder. The case was heard before the Delphinion, the court which ruled on cases of justifiable homicide.
“It is not I who am going to kill you, but our city’s law, which you have transgressed and regarded as of less account than your pleasures, choosing rather to commit this foul offence against my wife and my children than to obey the laws like a decent person.”
Witnesses are summoned to affirm that Eratosthenes confessed and offered monetary compensation, which Euphiletos argues he was under no obligation to accept, “as I held that our city’s law should have higher authority.”
“I should be only too pleased, sirs, to have you so disposed towards me in judging this case as you would be to yourselves, if you found yourselves in my plight. For I am sure that, if you had the same feelings about others as about yourselves, not one of you but would be indignant at what has been done; you would all regard the penalties appointed for those who resort to such practices as too mild.”
You have been on moderation for a very long time.
Finally took you off moderation, because you committed a thought crime by referencing the old law: That an adulterous wife and or her lover should be killed. That is natural law, and divine law.
Different Laws?
When Rights Become Privileges: Is The Constitution Becoming Optional?
Trouble Tax: We All Pay A Time Price For Bureaucratic Dysfunction
The stuffs world govt’s Pols are doing is pointless.
The word for govts getting a “state religion” has never been through “reform”, it has only come from the equivalent of wholesale “revolution”.
>Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges.
A would be murderer is killed by the victim in self defense. The criminal’s unalienable right to life as enshrined in the declaration of independence (a document that is really the underlying faith of the constitution) is clearly not irrevocable and can be taken away, and the 14th amendment embarrassingly admitted to that with recognition that rights can in fact be revoked with due process. Thus, by Carlin’s definition, there are no such thing as rights, only privileges. John Whitehead’s entire argument, firstly based on an incorrect a priori, collapses upon shaky ground, but worse, the constitution itself is based on completely busted Enlightenment reason which can easily be proven to be completely unreasonable.
Carlin is such a perfect comic for the Boomers. He’s acts like he’s edgy and rebellious because he can toe the system’s line more consistently and enthusiastically than the system itself does, and they laud him as a fearless truth-teller.
Israel Closes Embassy In Ireland Over ‘Extreme Anti-Israel Policies’ And ‘Antisemitic Rhetoric’
Good on Ireland for putting screws to the Jews, now if they would only wake the fuck up and put the screws to the Muslims that have crapflooded out their country… then they could get back to being Irish again.
If they don’t look like you, and don’t pray like you, throw them all back out, because if you don’t, sooner or later they’ll throw you out.
Any best single crash-course resource for building the TradMan?
Shit to fix, ditching destructive legacy, going LTR hunting, even familymaking if God grants it. Have money yet need more and can’t lavish if expect it to guarantee. Age-gap. AnCap. Don’t have time, like 9mos. Low tolerance for today’s bogus and risky city-women, need a filter (maybe Church, but God knows that I don’t know what he wants of me yet, nor into the Baptist cry-puddle feely therapist type thing).
Click on the game and marriage tags at the bottom of the post to which you are replying.
These links are actually quite relevant to this blog, but I don’t want random mystery links appearing. If you link, explain the significance and content, since our past is being rapidly rewritten.
The relevance of this link is that Trump is giving some Christian Nationalists important roles, which is likely to make a difference if, as is likely, we get to Civil War Two during this administration.
“Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis”