
Bitches in Tech

The internet is buzzing with the Adria Richards dongle incident that demonstrates what everyone knows, but that until now no one could say, not even me: That women in the tech industry are frequently humorless, dangerous, threatening, difficult, unreasonable, and hard to work with.  In a word, bitches.  That women bring drama and soap opera to the workplace, and males are unable or unwilling to prevent them.

Bitches in tech get a double dose of privilege.  Firstly, just by being female they are, like all females, privileged, the routine recipients of instinctive white knighting, given special protection from their own screw ups and misdeeds, never expected to take responsibility for anything, even if they would like to take responsibility, indeed never able to take responsibility for anything even if they want to and are competent to do it.  Regardless of whether a female can actually do the work, as in any industry, if some of the work is difficult, or has large consequences if done wrong, she is apt to get a lowly white male assistant to do any of the work that is difficult to do, and take the blame for any of the work that is apt to go badly wrong.  For example Marie Curie did not extract radium from pitchblende nor determine its chemical properties.  Debierne did. Perhaps he did so while carrying out her idea and under her supervision, but all the contemporary evidence indicates he did so while carrying out Pierre Curie’s idea under Pierre Curie’s supervision.

Political Correctness gave Marie Curie two Nobel prizes of work that no one paid the slightest attention to when a man did it, for example Dorn and the discovery of Radon.  But it was something more ancient that made it unnecessary for her to do the actual discovering herself.

Because eggs are more valuable than sperm, men inherently tend to treat women as more valuable than men, which results in disruptive female behavior in the workplace.

Secondly, since women are markedly less capable of tech than males, they are particularly underrepresented in tech, and underrepresentation is of course illegal, so any time they have a real or imagined grievance, they can sic the state onto the company and any random males in the company that they happen to capriciously feel like destroying, thus females in tech much more privileged, much more dangerous, than females in other industries.

This double dose of privilege causes grotesquely inflated egos, which in turn causes casual and unthinking arrogance, capricious malice, and reckless malice.

The internet is buzzing about Adria Richards and the dongle joke, which buzz got her fired and is causing all sorts of bad consequences for her. This might seem evidence against the thesis that women in tech are extraordinarily privileged – except that Adria Richards has been a vicious malevolent disruptive drama queen bitch for many a year, and has never suffered any consequences for it until this time, when her latest little piece of nastiness went viral and blew up in her face.

Sometime ago, at Gasonics, a female employee complained her supervisor was sexually harassing her.  She was assigned to a different supervisor.  I never observed her doing any actual work, while I did observe her vigorously attempting to seduce her new supervisor, on one occasion diving under his desk. Eventually she made a complaint of sexual harassment against her new supervisor, and was transferred to me. I immediately asked her, in the presence of numerous witnesses, while standing a quite considerable distance from her, to perform a task that she considered beneath her dignity – though I had been doing it.

I left her to it.  Some hours passed, and it did not get done.  I courteously chided her about this, again in the presence of numerous witnesses, and she responded with a raised voice and sharp words.  I lost my temper and proceeded to shout her down.  Immediately my boss, and his boss, came into workshop at a dead run, as if the place was on fire. She proceeded to embrace my boss and weep noisily and wetly on his shoulder.

Men just don’t do stuff like that. The presence of fertile age women in the workplace is just inherently disruptive, partly because they are inherently inclined to certain kinds of misbehavior (drama), mostly because men are inherently unwilling to restrain them from bad behavior, partly because political correctness forbids us to restrain them from bad behavior characteristic of females.

Men, and women past fertile age, do not weep on the shoulder of their boss’s boss.

Fertile age women in the workplace are very likely to have sex with their boss, or their boss’s boss, that being human nature, and if they manage to restrain themselves, they will not restrain themselves from giving their boss high hopes whenever they want to get their way, which enables profoundly disruptive behavior.

If a woman has sex with her boss, she will not view her equals as equals, but inferiors, indeed as nonexistent, resulting in damaging and disruptive behavior.  If she has sex with her boss’s boss, or is even thinking about having sex with her boss’s boss, she will treat her boss as inferior or non existent, resulting in very damaging and disruptive behavior.

22 comments Bitches in Tech

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roger says:

Where I work in tech, a female ‘engineer’ on our team – the most incompetent I have ever met, slept with our boss and became a manager with his heavy backing.

The fling is long over. Now she is an incompetent manager and will be for the remainder of her career.

A prettyish married woman (talented Harvard grad) took over as a head pastor in our church and promptly got pregnant with the (married to someone else) lead singer in the church band. That was embarrassing. I didn’t see that coming at all since she was in her 40s with teenage kids. We’re back to men pastors again.

VXXC says:

Perhaps there’s a reason not to mix Lead singers in Bands with..Church.

I’m old school lapsed Catholic so I’m biased. Nothing I see about modern friendly religion does anything but confirm our bias.

Aut Latin, Aut STFU.

Of course now we have a old school Jesuit Pope. Whom you may notice has no time for Communists, and stays out of the way of the most reactionary regime of the last century. He’s humble too.

Our Reconquista begins. For 600 years we have endured ye and your banjos, your dissenters, your conflating of the Kingdom of God with the Kingdom of Men, your endless errors and depredations. Communism of course isn’t the Jews – they just ran with it cuz of the Tsars pogroms. Communism is …English.

Time to come home Johnny Banjo.

Bert says:

“For 600 years”?

jim says:

I blame Progressivism on Puritanism, since the Pharisaic government policies of modern progressives connect in an unbroken line of government policy all the way to the Pharisaic government policies of the Puritans That however only takes us back four hundred years.

I trace French Revolutionary Leftism, which expired with Napoleon, to the Avignon false popes, which takes us back six or seven hundred years. Perhaps that is what VXXC refers to.

Unlike VXXC, I have absolutely no confidence in the latest pope, who is only slightly dragging his feet in the church’s submission to progressivism.

Communism is Jewish and progressivism is English Puritan. Communism is English in that communists both competed and cooperated with progressives, that progressivism and communism sponsored each other, and funded each other. However, they also murdered each other.

But however much of a threat communism may have been, today progressivism is victorious, communism is largely defeated, Jews are frantically converting to progressivism, and communism is only a threat in that progressivism in the course of absorbing the converted Jews, has absorbed a lot of communism.

spandrell says:

You should so have expected that to happen.

jim says:

Well, in my defense, I was certainly expecting something like that to happen, but I thought I might start out by getting some actual work done.

Thales says:

Ah, ever the optimist…

halibetlector says:

“That women bring drama and soap opera to the workplace, and males are unable or unwilling to prevent them.”

I’d say unwilling. For some reason, most of the tech community thinks they’re “smarter” than mere base biology. They see all of these racial and sexual injustices that they need to overcome to be better humans, but all they’re doing is mindlessly following liberal and progressive propaganda. These are highly intelligent men who understand computers, but don’t understand people. But what really gets me is they don’t see the problem with firing people for making an inappropriate joke, but they’re always talking about freedom of speech and transparent and open government.

No, the fault here lies entirely with the men of the tech world, who seem to think that diversity means strength. And by diversity, they mean getting as many women in tech as possible. Mike Lee of Appsterdam was bragging a while back about how his startup community in Amsterdam is majority female. Yet, not a single member of this community has actually made a world class product.

“and underrepresentation is of course illegal”

Not literally. Not yet, anyway. I haven’t seen the case where a women who was turned down for a job was able to successfully bring criminal charges against the company. I haven’t even seen a successful lawsuit of that nature.

“This might seem evidence against the thesis that women in tech are extraordinarily privileged”

I think there’s a difference between “women in tech” and “women who work around tech”. Adria was the latter. As a developer evangelist, she was basically a salesman. She didn’t write code. Had she been an actual programmer, I think things would have turned out differently.

jim says:

“and underrepresentation is of course illegal”

Not literally. Not yet, anyway. I haven’t seen the case where a women who was turned down for a job was able to successfully bring criminal charges against the company. I haven’t even seen a successful lawsuit of that nature.

In the case of the Gasonics bitch, if she claimed a hostile work environment and being unfairly treated as an idiot, well, since women are unfairly underrepresented, there has to be a hostile work environment.

One hundred percent of the sexual harassment that I observed was done by her, since every male in the company, including myself, was terrified of her. Her view of task status was subject to apex fallacy. Any work that the very highest status males delegated to someone else (delegated to her supervisors, such as me) was an insult to her and to women generally. In truth, I suspect she was completely incapable of doing tech work, in that I never saw or heard of her doing anything related to her job description, but her perception was that nerdy stuff was beneath her.

“This might seem evidence against the thesis that women in tech are extraordinarily privileged”

I think there’s a difference between “women in tech” and “women who work around tech”. Adria was the latter. As a developer evangelist, she was basically a salesman. She didn’t write code. Had she been an actual programmer, I think things would have turned out differently.

I know two genuine female programmers. They are OK people. I have, however, never worked with a genuine female programmer. They are very rare.

But the most genuine of female programmers is still subject to Marie Curie syndrome. During their fertile years, they are never required to be genuine.

Jehu says:

I’ve worked with genuine female programmers and engineers that aren’t a pain in the ass to work with. They’ve got a number of common traits. They’re almost all married, or, if they’re not, they marry someone at the same approximate level in the company they’re in within a couple of years. They’re also almost always either Asian or the daughter of an engineer, occasionally both.

jim says:

My observations also: I know two genuine female programmers. Both Asian, both the children of very smart parents, both got married very young to someone only slightly higher in status to themselves, both stayed married.

Bill says:

Not literally.

Yes, literally. “Statistical” evidence is admissible in discrimination lawsuits—there was a big fight over this in the Bush I administration which the sane side lost. Thus, having not enough category X people weighs heavily against you in such a suit—that’s what admitting statistical evidence means. The only way to avoid having the statistical evidence weigh against you is to have a high proportion of category X people.

When you get punished, by the government, for not having enough category X people, it is illegal not to have enough category X people. That’s what “illegal” means. So, yes, literally.

You might say, “Not nominally” and I would agree with you. The very same law which mandates quotas, de facto, also makes quotas illegal, de jure. But, you can’t determine what the law is by reading what the law says, so this is kind of irrelevant. That part of the law is just a talking point for lawyers.

There are differences in application between racial and sex discrimination. Racial quotas are much more enthusiastically enforced.

Thales says:

Incidents like this make me glad I word in legacy, thus un-sexy technology, tech that neither makes news nor sets trends, yet is indispensable with zero margin for error, a field which therefore employs zero female engineers.

Ah, this reminds me of a story. A woman with whom I have hung out off and on for thirty years or so was a victim of an entitled bitch banshee.

The former woman is quite smart and competent, taught herself to program on a Vic-20, doesn’t mind changing a tire, had no problem rebuilding the carburetor on her motorcycle, holds one of the earliest domain names (early nineties) built her own potter’s wheel and threw some good and useful stuff, and is root on this very box. (She runs FreeBSD herself, but says I am not swift enough for that (she’s right) so she set me up with Ubuntu.) She works as a draftsman for an engineering firm and does right well, being that rare thing in a woman, a visual thinker. Oh, she has been known to make her own clothes, and a living as a seamstress, too.

The latter woman, the banshee bitch, was pretty much as Jim described above, and a three-fer. That is, a gal, a gal in a tech field, and a black gal in a tech field.
She was senior to my gal. My gal got so fed up with banshee-bitch’s crazy machinations that she just up and quit one day, enabled by owning her house free and clear and having money in the bank.

That shook things up. A while later, she got a phone call begging her to come back at increased wage and telling her the banshee-bitch had been fired, so don’t worry. My gal still works there to this day, and gets along famously with all the guys.

Oh, she not neurotypical.

P.s., and an aside: That feminist banshee should have had to sit in front of the saxophone section for three years in high school, as I did. We learned to ignore their noise. In my experience, all saxophonists are rude boys, can’t keep a beat,… well, read my anti-saxophone rant on my blog, a few posts back. There is a reason why most leases used to have anti-saxophone clauses in them, and why I was not surprised to find out that Bill Clinton is a saxophonist.

VXXC says:

The issue is as much the Entitlement by race, gender and orientation as any natural deficits [of which I remain dubious if broken down by race and gender]. It has resulted in idiots being promoted to the detriment of all, above all their own classification.

BTW Jim from time to time you seem to confuse the Military with either the Academy or a dysfunctional backwater of Govt that doesn’t have to perform.

Here’s a more balanced view of serious people – which is most of those who count – in the Military on a Great Many matters, to include Affirmative Action/Equality – or as the blogger refers to it Diversity Mafia.

jim says:

Reads to me that the military is being turned into another dysfunctional backwater of government that does not have to perform.

The essential problem with increasing the number of women anywhere near the STEM areas is that you get outside of the “natural healthy” habitat into an “artificially engineered towards madness” habitat. And the system there suffers.

You go from exceptional/rare masculine minded women to the average woman.

As a whole average men are more suited to STEM than average women. And various Europeans (like German)/East Asians (like Japanese) on average are more suited to STEM than Blacks or Native Americans.

If you want a woman into STEM, she will probably be the daughter of a STEM duo and probably East Asian or of European descent.

Hence, only certain rare (masculine minded) females gravitate naturally towards STEM. If people want to increase women, then they must go from exceptional/rare women who can handle STEM to the average woman, and that’s where the problem starts.

You get the Adria Richards of the world, with average female characteristics and behaviors, going into and monitoring heavily desocialized, abstract, perhaps reductionist, self controlled male spaces. With different codes and languages. And they do “DongleGate” because they can’t handle such an environment.

These women are wannabe nerdy girls. Like Rebecca Watson and the whole Elevator Gate incident.

They didn’t grow up interested in STEM, but are typically HR and interested in the “human aspect” of STEM (meaning networking like Facebook or Twitter).

The reason STEM is around anywhere between 80-90% European/East Asian male is not because nerds or geeks are plotting to hate women or discriminate against them.

Most women aren’t just suited to STEM. It’s kind of like asking why this place or business or area or environment is full of women. Maybe men aren’t interested (or aren’t suited). Or why this environment goes closer to 50/50 or whatnot.

And by now, even I don’t know whether Marissa Mayer is actually an exceptional/rare masculine minded woman or the average type. Yahoo! hasn’t been going well. And Facebook, ever since going rabidly “pro feminist” and adding women, has been losing money.

I’m leaning towards Marissa Mayer being the average type.

jim says:

Firms led by women reliably go down the tubes. Particularly in tech, for example HP.

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