The death of woke games and movies

Ubisoft has been compared to an all you can eat oatmeal buffet. They have not been able to create new game play for a very long time.

They have been creating new background and story, new art content. Which new content has gradually become not plot, story, and character development, but has, like Hollywood movies, become insulting and hostile attacks on their audience, which amount to “You are scum, shut up and listen to your betters”, as for example “Star Wars Outlaws”, and Warner Brothers’ “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League”

Not long after Trump was elected, the “Gears of War” producer announced that attacking your customer is a bad idea.

“Everybody knows its over. Everybody except you. When people ask me why triple A games are in trouble, this is it. Because they are not reflecting on what they could do better. Instead they are attacking the people they want to sell their games to. It is not a winning strategy.”

It is over. The woke priesthood are about to be fired from gaming. They don’t know it yet, because they are the last to know.

Her language is rather bland, boring, and excessively lengthy, but decoded, this an insider announcing a purge is coming. She is unable to say “Patronising and condemnatory woke lectures in place of story, plot, character, and worldbuilding”. But she can say “only a few people are causing this divisiveness” and that those people are going to be eliminated. So, not toxic fans at fault, but a toxic woke priesthood. Firing the fans has clearly been counterproductive. Firing the woke priesthood is feasible, and, from the inside, she tells us it is going to be done. She is able to tell us that the people who are causing this divisiveness and hostility are divisive and hostile employees, and that game companies should listen to the people those employees are calling “a tiny toxic minority”. The people who are calling their customers a tiny minority of toxic nazi bigoted nazi homophobe nazi hateful nazi mysogynist nazi racist nazis are the tiny toxic minority. She is unable to name the woke priesthood, but it is perfectly clear what tiny toxic minority she is referring to. The bubble in the title of her channel is not the money bubble that quasi governmental investment organisations have been pouring freshly printed money over the industry to create woke games. Rather it is the intellectual bubble, the echo chamber, caused by refusal to hear anyone who has any contact with actual reality. The refusal to listen.

But this is likely to be far harder than she thinks. You have to take a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war. You need to remove a bunch of holy warriors, and you are going to need your own holy warriors. When your vice president in charge of purging woke wants to fire a man for incompetence, negligence, lying, stealing, and disruption of the workplace, that man is going to make it all about the fact that he is wearing a dress, black, and gay. So you just have to be able to fire people for being black, gay, and coming to work wearing drag. You need someone running the purge of the Woke mind virus who is cheerfully immune to being called a racist, sexist, and homophobic, and to women coming out of the woodwork claiming they were sexually assaulted thirty years ago.

The DEI takeover automatically leads to a purge of anyone who knows stuff and is in a position to teach people stuff, because they think the only thing that anyone should know is fifty seven new pronouns, and view all other forms of knowledge as colonialism, imperialism, racism, homophobia, and sexism. Observe how the people making Star Wars do not know Star Wars, and Ubisoft mangled Japanese culture. If you are producing a game set in old Japan, you might want to know something about old Japan, and how it is represented and depicted in Japanese culture. They don’t just see the tech priesthood as a competing priesthood, they see everything as a competing priesthood. They want to erase the past — Cathedrals and knowing how to run a chip fab all.

Of late Hollywood has become shy about attacking its audience right at the start. In 2024, we started seeing series, in which episodes one and two had a “diverse” cast, but sounded like story and plot was being developed, and, apart from the obnoxious, evil, and hateful girl boss whom we were supposed to like, were OK, and then episode three abandons story, plot, and character arc, and becomes a full on attack on the audience, as in “The Acolyte” becoming “Lesbian Witches in Space” in the third episode, whereupon the audience switched off. Or, like the children’s show “Skeleton Crew”, starts with a girl boss, a black, a mutt, and a token white male having a jolly good children’s adventure in the Star Wars universe. Apart from the obnoxious girl boss who thoroughly needed a good old fashioned thrashing, not too bad, reasonably enjoyable for everyone, and more enjoyable for kids, and then in episode three, it chucks the story, character, plot and Star Wars universe aside to groom your children, revealing that the major objective of the woke priesthood is to fuck your children. Whereupon the audience switched off. Kids can smell that they are being groomed, and don’t like it, even though they cannot articulate what they do not like, nor why.

Hollywood, and the woke at priesthood at Ubisoft, were and are extremely bitter and angry about this restraint imposed on them by management, which restraint amounts to “suck the audience in first, and then you can start lecturing them on how disgusting and hateful they are and make them suffer”.

But Laura Fryer tell us that very soon they will be unemployed, rather than merely under restraint. It will take more than she dares imagine to purge the woke priesthood, but the intent to purge is there.

Lately we have seen movies, notably Deadpool and Wolverine, in which the woke were rather more severely restrained. Far too many gay jokes, but the jokes did not actually celebrate, or even normalise, gay. Plus Hollywood and the games industry is facing competition from upstarts who have not allowed takeover by the Woke priesthood, notably “Godzilla minus One”.

Apart from having an actual plot, story, characters and character development, “Godzilla minus One” had good special effects. A Godzilla movie is primarily special effects. Being free from the woke priesthood, was able to produce non DEI special effects, which cost it less than a tenth the cost of special effects created by Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive staffing, and were far better than those special effects. Similar to the fact that Musk can make electric cars, and traditional car makers cannot. Anything that is technologically difficult, you just cannot make unless you are willing to be racist, sexist, and heteronormative. Which is why America’s aircraft production industry has shut down, and European cars are getting worse and more expensive. Similarly the world of Black Myth Wukong is just far richer than the Ubisoft game worlds, which cost vastly more money.

The American gaming industry is being wiped by Chinese games, such as Marvel Rivals and Black Myth Wukong who do not suffer from the Woke priesthood. Marvel Rivals is a Chinese take on the Marvel IP they purchased. Black Myth Wukong is Chinese IP. The American video game industry is dying, Americans are playing Chinese made games, and to a lesser extent, Japanese made games. Twenty four thousand game developers have lost their jobs and a lot more are about to lose theirs, though I suspect that the only reason that such a huge number of game developers were employed in the first place was that the government was pouring freshly printed money through quasi governmental, nominally private, investment funds over the games industry in an effort to change the culture.

Marvel Rivals, having purchased the right to use Marvel comic IP from Disney, proceeded to recreate the original comic book heroes that Marvel has been pissing on for years to hurt and humiliate their customers. I think when Disney sold them the right to use the IP, Disney thought it would only matter in China. Disney did not think that Marvel would be displaced and rendered irrelevant within America. Notice that names often reflect real objectives. “Suicide Squad killed the Justice League” is a game motivated by hatred of the Justice League IP, and hatred of the Justice League fandom, motivated by desire to hurt them and make them suffer. “Marvel Rivals” is a game motivated by intent to overshadow the company from whom they purchased the IP.

Marvel Rivals, a made in China game that has a license to use the old Marvel Comics IP, now has twenty million players, showing that there was and is immense demand for live service multiplayer hero shooters. Demand previously unfulfilled because every major US company delivered what they billed as a live service multiplayer hero shooter, and perhaps believed to be a live service multiplayer hero shooter, but was in fact a patronising lecture and a no holds barred venomous, hateful, spiteful attack upon the players, the player demographic, the IP of the game, and fanbase of the IP. The Woke priesthood does not just hate the fact that heroes tend to be white and male. They hate heroes, hate story, hate fun, hate beauty. They hate existence itself and life itself. So they naturally hated the IP, as was obvious in “Suicide Squad killed the IP”. Marvel Rivals shows that the IP lives and the fans hungered for it.

The story line of Black Myth Wukong is all about the primary character seeking truth and freedom, which he attains in the hidden ending, but loses in the deceptive trap ending. Which is interesting to see in a game coming out of “Communist” China, and interesting to see lacking in any game or movie coming out of the Globohomo empire.

Movies for girls should be about seeking truth and love, as for example the original Cinderella, which we are not seeing anywhere. Not here and not in the Chinese Hegemony Yet.

147 comments The death of woke games and movies

Anon says:

I was struck as how this is real not of India only but for the a large part of the world
India: It’s Worse than you think

S says:

Low trust society + dying society (parts of India have a lower TFR than Japan).

Anon says:

This have turned to Indian bashing. which i am no interested in.
what he said seem to be the cultural norm in third world and in the past of European societies
thing like

I learned that “might makes right.” Power was often abused, with those in control acting as if they had a God-given right to exploit and dominate others. The display of authority could be so extreme that questioning it or expecting those in power to do their duty might lead to retribution. Those in authority seemed to believe that their positions were not for serving others but for personal gain.


Doing your job may be seen as effeminate by those above you. If you can shirk your responsibilities, you’re considered macho. In that culture, there is rarely any pride or honor in doing what is right. If you call a plumber for repairs, he will see it as beneath him to leave without creating a mess. He may deliberately do a shoddy job, even if doing it well wouldn’t take more time. A complex web of arrogance, egotism, servility, casteism, tribalism, and magical thinking drives this behavior. He shows his contempt for you and gets the better of you by leaving a mess. His customer, as the other side of the same coin, might well look down on and exploit someone who did his job well.

why this seem to be universal among all societies in collapsed state. is it the default state for ancestral societies . the savage state.
how European societies able to overcome it to a state of civilization.
this question is very important because if current civilization is collapsing, to slow/prevent/reverse it need to know what exactly the cause.
jim answer is that the elite in India are demon worshipers, so that mean that condition like India in other places are also caused by demon worshiping elite ?

S says:

There are two ways to have your social position established. The first is people above you in the hierarchy endorse it. The second is you demonstrate your power by using it which means causing others to suffer.

Savage societies can be horrible, but harming a member is likely to set off a blood feud, particularly if done by an outsider. Social decay is a feature of societies going from the former to the latter state and is caused by the elite no longer upholding the former because they spend their time justifying reasons to harm each other (aka demon worship).

Anon says:

“There are two ways to have your social position established.”
This is very interesting, so how come in the west where the unofficial official egalitarian faith is defacto faith , yet it is or was civilized, and India with it official cast system is decaying.

S says:

Current social egalitarianism in the west dates to the Enlightenment. Prior to that explicit legal privileges and rank were the order of the day.

If you want a conception of where I am coming from compare this
to the complaints about India. The specifics are different, the crab bucketing is the same.

someDude says:

Dude is exaggerating. Certainly, there is some of that, but not as much as he claims.

Dharmicreality says:

Most of the criticism of India comes from the Globohomo propaganda factory and the self-hating elites who are mostly pozzed, which is to say, criticism from the left rather than a genuine right-wing perspective.

India stagnated after independence due to socialism and mainly due to Nehruvian Harvard socialism. Things have improved a lot under Modi though there is still a long way to go, but globohomo will tell you the opposite of the truth.

alf says:

The youtube traveler Bald and Bankrupt, who is neither leftist nor globohomo, has a recent video visiting India.

He says it has not improved since he last visited 6 years ago, calls it a mess and a failed state.

dharmicreality says:

It’s easy to cherry pick parts of India that can be criticized and post a video of it. He may not be explicitly globohomo or leftist, but clearly he lives in that frame. I’ve been through this before, but I’ll summarize my views on this topic anyway.

I don’t want to specifically defend modern India which is by definition a socialist secular republic and hence under a fundamentally flawed State Religion. India is bad specifically because of our evil elites. Videos of India depict the proles as shitty people and living in filth and squalor, whereas they are living so because of the evil elites. A bit similar to how rural America and the legacy Amerikaner is demonized.

One thing I would point out is that, yes, India continues to have poor hygiene and infrastructure in many parts, and the Government is still shitty and corrupt (yes, even Modi cannot change Socialism baked into the constitution, since he rules within the system) but there is no doubt that India has improved a lot since 2014.

Look at the comments section in that video. It is like a megaphone of consensus.

I have no problem with people calling India shitty, dirty, corrupt and having poor infrastructure etc but that quickly serves as a globohomo propaganda to push:

* India is not safe for women because skimpily clad women cannot walk the streets at night.
* India’s human rights record is poor because we ill-treat the poor, voiceless minorities.
* Modi evil bad Hitler dictator.
* India is bad because social justice hasn’t reached the “weakest and most vulnerable sections” of society.
* India is shitty because we haven’t fully adopted Western liberal values.
* India is shitty because of Hinduism (clearly wrong, because Hinduism hasn’t been a State Religion since a long, long time).

and so on and so forth.

That is why I have a problem with such media coverage of India. Because it is saying India is bad despite socialism and our constitution, whereas I say India is still bad because of the lingering socialism and our evil constitution.

Alf says:

If globohomo propaganda, one would expect similar treatment for his visit to Russia and China. He is however, infinitely more positive about both of them than he is about India. He just does not like India. And when I watched him travel through New Delhi and Calcutta, I totally understood why he does not like it.

The problems he shows are:
– Never-ending slum. Trash everywhere, people defecating in the streets, recently cleaned trains turning into shit after one trip.
– neglect of what the British built. Similar to the Chinese man in Congo who laments that the Congolese failed to maintain nice Belgium infrastructure, so does Bald show the viewer how what the British built in India has fell into disrepair.
– Lack of societal respect by Indians. On his night train trip, instead of Indians respectfully sitting and talking, or, you know, sleeping, they were instead shouting, fighting and making a mess. He films one guy with big-ass speakers blasting music. On a night train!

That last point is a recurrent theme. What’s up with the constant honking in New Delhi? What is the use of honking if everyone is stuck in traffic, if everyone is honking? Yet they all keep doing it. It’s dumb, a metaphor for societal failure.

someDude says:

A good deal of westerners not liking India when they travel is that they cannot be losers back home and still fuck reasonably attractive Indian girls the way they can do in their Russian or Chinese travels. Now, a good part of this is that Indian girls on average are not anywhere as attractive as their Chinese or Russian counterparts and the hot ones go for a premium which is out of reach for these dudes.

Your points are all valid. It is a problem. But what I mention is also a factor in their dislike. Much more than they will let on.

I would ask you to read the works of other travelers to India from ancient times such as Megasthenes, Domingo Paes, Marco Polo, Fa-Hien, Huien Tsang to see what they have to say about their interactions with Indians. Does Fa-Hien say the same things about Indians as your friend does? Does Domingo Paes?

Fidelis says:

Pretty sure most (smart) people on the internet think India is bad because a giant biomass of 85iq peasants, and the smart fraction is entirely rootless and acts like a stereotype of the medieval Ashkenazim at a larger scale.

Of course within your culture you cannot really hold this frame, but this is where the vitriol is coming from. It’s not propaganda, in fact the leftists actively suppress this viewpoint. They think the progressive imported pets are just dandy and much better than the rootstock natives they hate, and India is just not progressive enough — you did get this right, these types do think India bad because not progressive, but they’re not in the recent debate.

I by all means wish the best for you, you have a massive set of problems to deal with, but all of the hindoos in the west need to go, and the few, and I do mean few, that are embedded deeply enough need to be forcefully integrated to break the rootless nepotism, chain migration, and slimy corrupt nation subversion tendencies.

Fidelis says:

A good deal of westerners not liking India when they travel is that they cannot be losers back home and still fuck reasonably attractive Indian girls the way they can do in their Russian or Chinese travels

It’s actually the opposite. What is now called “passport bro” is an old phenomena, and the ones into brown girls posted all of their experiences with India. The more unprincipled would describe how easy it was to deflower virgins, by chain messaging on social media in the cities where the peasant classes had just started migrating and getting internet. I would recommend not getting involved in any western space when it comes to the hindoo problem, because people are getting pissed at the behavior of your countrymen, and there is a lot of dirt to use for humilating you. I fully support you unfucking your country, keep the discussion limited to that.

someDude says:

All the Christian Missionaries and State Dept run Quangos doing so much to destabilize India and demonize Hinduism in India need to go. Funny you never mentioned that

someDude says:

@Fidelis, yes, They’re fucking the girls, no doubt, but they’re not happy with the quality as they are in Russia and China and they are not fucking anywhere close to the amount they can in China at least. You don’t have to take what I said personally. I’m not here to argue with you. Just stating a point

Alf says:

A good deal of westerners not liking India when they travel is that they cannot be losers back home and still fuck reasonably attractive Indian girls

Oh come on. ‘Every Western traveler who criticizes India is an incel.’

I would ask you to read the works of other travelers to India from ancient times

If we discuss the state of India in ancient times, the travellogs of travelers in ancient times are relevant. If discussing the state of India in modern times…

someDude says:

Alf, I agree with you on Modern India. There is no contest there. You win on that.

The reason I hark back to the ancient Travelers is that Globohomo insists that the problems of India stem from Hinduism which is my bone of contention. If that was true, I should hear something similar from the ancients from foreign lands, which I do not.

@Fidelis, can you link me to the passport Bros (on reddit or wherever) who are fucking these heaps and heaps of Indian peasant girls moving to the cities? From what I know and see and a quick internet search reveals that India is not easy for Passport Bros. But I am open to another perspective and it should be entertaining at the very least.

Jim says:

> Globohomo insists that the problems of India stem from Hinduism

For the last few centuries, did stem from Hinduism.

> If that was true, I should hear something similar from the ancients from foreign lands,

You need to dig down and discover what was different about Hinduism back then.

Skimming through bits of the Law of Manu, sounds to me like a very different Hinduism.

Fidelis says:

You don’t have to take what I said personally. I’m not here to argue with you. Just stating a point

You’re calling the people who travel to India losers. It’s the same frame as the people advocating for importing millions of their retarded cousins to push out all the natives. We’re sick of it. The hindoos got installed because foreign pets, and immediately went mask off and insulted the people who previously welcomed them — and they were welcomed, even by the normies at first. They got conceited and assumed they won by merit and not race communism.

Don’t comment on westerners as a people. Criticize the progs all you want, condemn the NGOs, I hate them too. Don’t say a word about the behavior of white normies, because I’m pissed at your prog cousins pulling the same rhetoric you just did, and I can dig up plenty of material you don’t want rubbed in your face.

I’m offering you peace now. Lets drop this subject.

Alf says:

I am an old-type Christian, so while we are allies in our battle against the globohomo priesthood, I am unconvinced India would not fare better under Christian rulers than under Hindu rule. But that is a hypothetical, rather radical solution I am not here to push nor propagate.

What I would push is what Jim has also been saying multiple times. Globohomo entryism is just one part of the problem India has. An equal, if not bigger problem, is Indians, including the many Hindu Indians, showing absolutely no sense of societal respect. Something is very wrong in terms of Aasabiyah. Something, some part, of your religion smells foul. Unless you track that down, there will be no change, even when globohomo collapses.

dharmicreality says:


And when I watched him travel through New Delhi and Calcutta, I totally understood why he does not like it.

Yes, New Delhi and Calcutta represent the worst aspects of India – the excessive unplanned mega-metropolitan dirt, official apathy and corruption, squalor and the legacy of several decades of socialism.

It’s not surprising that our largest cities represent the worst aspects of India.

Even most of the Indian elites stay as much as possible in their protected bubbles both for their physical safety and mental well-being.

Rod says:

It was said there are paedophiles and other people, traveling to fuck unripe or virginal girls and leave them spoiled, without being married off to them by consent of their fathers at a maturity and suitor relevant to furthering the family.
Why are the locals refusing old law/practicum of drag those foreign violators out in the streets and kill them?

Jim says:


If virgins were in supply, fertility would be fine.

Alf says:

New Delhi and Calcutta represent the worst aspects of India

The big cities are the elite’s calling card. What does that say about Modi’s ability to turn things around?

No doubt things are less bad in certain (rural) bubbles. But people rightly look to the big cities for an indication of how a nation, especially its elite, is faring.

Fidelis says:

If virgins were in supply, fertility would be fine.

The stock is burning up at a rapid rate. The urban population is destroyed, but these guys targeted the girls from the countryside that had just gotten phones and moved to the city. I admit this is from 4+ years ago, recent enough to be relevant, but not current state. Probably is true the situation is worse for the guys there now, but I bet it’s not yet disappeared like it has in the other global hotspots for these types. The same social destruction is ongoing and unchecked but not yet finished.

Alltogether regret bringing it up, I’m not happy about social destruction anywhere, but from what can be garnered without physically being there and trying myself, seems true.

dharmicreality says:

The big cities are the elite’s calling card. What does that say about Modi’s ability to turn things around?

Yes, the ruling elites are the problem. Modi cannot turn things round because he is not God Emperor and has shown no signs or interest in becoming one. But his big achievement is that he has rolled back Leftism since 2014 and reached the limit of what can be done within his limitations. Modi is kind of like India’s Thermidor. And what he has done has given us a chance to roll it back further.

We have grave problems, both internal and external, which cannot be solved by democratic means.

someDude says:

@Alf @fidelis Guys, you hurt me. I did not call westerners travelling to India losers. Read that comment again.

1. I said they could not be losers back home and still bang hot chicks in India. That is NOT calling all westerners travelling to India losers.

2. I conceded that they could well be losers back home and still banging hot chicks in both China and Russia. I’ve heard Chinese men complaining about it and using these words.

3. I conceded that they are certainly banging Indian Chicks, but not the hot ones. That’s not calling them incels. Come on, Man!

4. I conceded that there are not that many hot chicks in India to begin with as compared to China or Russia. India is not known for the hotness of its chicks, to put it gently.

Don’t put words into my mouth, Gentlemen! Now I’ll go drown my sorrows in some Wine 🙂

Alf says:

You argued that the traveler I linked badmouthed India not because of legitimate reasons, but because he could not get his dick wet.

No, he badmouthed India because of legitimate reasons.

someDude says:

May I beg to differ? I mentioned it as a possible factor, not specifically for him, but for several others. Yes, he has legitimate reasons. Yes, he is correct in his dislike. I get it.

But what I mention is also a factor. A factor. Not The Factor. One factor among others. I’ve seen India getting a decent amount of hate from travellers over not being easily able to get their dicks wet with “women up to their usual standards”.

T says:

The traveler was rude and irreverent, but in the age of political correctness, as befitting an era of decline, only the rude and irreverent dare speak the truth. He does not complain about lack of Feminism and Diversity and LGBT, but about lack of hygiene and low civilizational order. It’s understandable why an Indian would be offended by such “hands-on anthropology,” and you shouldn’t travel to a country just to make videos insulting the local population (that only breeds unnecessary resentment, naturally), but whether the sickness which he identified and which everyone in contact with Indians identifies is rooted more in GAE-domination or more in long-term inbreeding with inferior Dravidians, evidently India is dysfunctional and Indians are dysfunctional.

Napoleon says:

I know someone (a Westerner) who started and owns a small-to-medium sized business that at one time was based in India, and still has some employees based in India. Cheap labor but everything else a nghtmare. Govt is hell to interact with and constantly threatens to shut down the biz (shakedown for bribes). Multiple employees had to be fired for stealing from the company. No one can be trusted. Cheating and stealing is like a badge of honor (if you can get away with it, it means you are smart.)

If you’ve never lived in a third world low trust culture, it’s impossible to imagine how bad it is.

someDude says:

Certainly that happens. But this also happens. I’ve never experienced Car theft or break in India even while parking out in the street while I experienced it in the west even when parked inside my complex. There was a time when I forgot to even lock a car and left it on the street overnight in a major city as I was visiting a friend. It was there safe and sound next morning.

In Singapore Changi, I forgot about the Duty free alcohol I had bought for a few minutes and it was gone when I came back to look for it. In an Indian airport, the same thing sat there for about an hour while I came back and claimed it.

Anecdotal evidence I know, but these are my anecdotes just as those are your anecdotes. Dharmicreality has already answered better than I ever could as to why Modern India is the way it is.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“If you’ve never lived in a third world low trust culture, it’s impossible to imagine how bad it is.”

Very this. And those who do get it are so shell-shocked that they don’t even talk about it “back home” because their friends and family will just say “wow, he came back so racist”.

It really is a form of trauma.

A great question is how to actually convey the FEELING, the horror, when you finally get it that everyone is lying to you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. A video game where nothing works, no one shows up for quests, and you just randomly lose your weapons and skill points from time to time? How do you convey pervasive inconsistency, unfairness and unreliability, but in an engaging and interesting way? I have no idea.

After experiencing just a little bit of ghetto America here and there, I look upon India with all its filth, pollution and chaos and instantly think “OK yeah, THIS is a place where EVERYONE is lying.”

IIRC it was Aiden who wrote that this is what HP Lovecraft might have really been about. Tell ’em, Aiden!

Jim says:

Conversely, the same British traveller goes to China, and is shocked by how nice and clean the place is, how good the service is. At a train station, travellers are lying down on the benches and he notices that they took their shoes off before lying down the bench, which he tells us would never happen in Britain. He is also impressed by the lack of human faeces, which has now, he tells us, become a feature of life in Britain. He is stunned by the modernity, how the nice the trains are, and so forth. He says that China is to Britain, as Britain is to India.

someDude says:

And yet, Lee Kuan Yew was impressed enough in his visit to Britain when he was a young man, that he used it as a model for Singapore’s own cleanliness and order. Things change. Social decay happens. There was a time when western travellers to Beijing complained about people non-chalantly peeing wherever they felt like it.

I’m talking about the 80s after the Dengist reforms, but this article is from as recent as 2008. We have an evil elite problem. The Chinese and Russians don’t …………….. for the moment at least

someDude says:

Sorry, I neglected posting the link,

skippy says:

India, like much of Asia, probably needs to be a kingdom or kingdoms ruled with considerable brutality to counteract the natural sociopathy of the population. Countries like Singapore at the top end of the IQ scale and Thailand at the lower end show what can be done.

S says:

What are the odds the industry will successfully remove woke and return to quality instead of dying? The mainstream American comics industry suicided and manga displaced it- gaming has Asia, independents and generative AI all angling to fill in the gap.

yewotm8 says:

Smaller companies still make really good games. I think it likely that the majority of the larger studios will just go under and be replaced by companies that never had a large woke priesthood presence in the first place and have been grabbing all of the talent. Really smart people don’t work at big companies anymore, in any industry.

It is not enough to remove DEI from power. DEI is cancer, and cancer will come back and kill you if you do not completely kill it first. DEI must be so completely wiped off the face of the earth that the people responsible for it are completely undetectable aside from a historical footnote of “we did some really stupid things during this era but we fixed them.”

Bix Nudelmann says:

“It is over. The woke priesthood are about to be fired from gaming. They don’t know it yet, because they are the last to know.”

Why tho? Wouldn’t they be smelling it in the air by now? Or is this an Emperor’s New Clothes type of situation, where they tend to keep to their bubble, and “visitors” are afraid to say anything near them that suggests the faith is eroding?

Or do they in fact sense what is up, but each only individually, because they can’t thoughtcrime to each other that maybe they’re in trouble?

Jim says:

That leftism cannot get ever lefter, ever faster, until the Eschaton is immanentized, is the ultimate thought crime.

Thermidor, if it succeeds, which is by no means certain, is going to slam a big crowbar into leftism.

Fidelis says:

Lets be optimistic and assume some Thermidorian-adjacent make their way here.

What are the ways in which Thermidor fails, and gets them all killed? I don’t mean the obvious “refusal to fight”, but the non-obvious ways in which the fight they put up is insufficient.

Where are they most likely to be too limp wristed, and allow the snake to return and bite the hand?

We have outlined in detail the archetypes necessary to carry out the removal of the extinctionist cult. All of the old power centers must be cleaned out, and pruned or replaced with Christian Nationalists, or something like them. It is necessary at least the people carrying out the legwork must be of this faith, because only they are capable of delineating the stock and the rot.

Why would this process be arrested? It looks like we have at least the prototypes out. How could a man like Hegseth fail, or be made to fail?

Jim says:

Hegseth might fail from within, as for a long time Putin was failing. Or he might fail from without. Thermidor, being composed of leftists alarmed by the leftmost edge of leftism, is incohesive, fragile, and apt to break left or right.

Only a reactionary can de-wokify the military. Is Pete Hegseth a reactionary? Maybe, probably, but of course no namefag can admit in public to being a reactionary. Yet. But he cannot succeed, except by establishing conditions where namefags can and do.

Fidelis says:

I’m seeing namefags with reactionary frame, but they stay unexplicit. Like the shills, they assume the reactionary priors as correct and don’t mention them when discussing a topic. Except unlike shills, they don’t mention the assumptions because still outside the overton window, not because the assumptions are disgusting and clearly evil when said out loud.

For example this interview

Looks like a reactionary embedded in Thermidor to me. Reactionary memes of a broken “managerial system” that has reached its end, need of a faith (this said explicitly, but which faith best fits left unmentioned), need to approach the fertility crisis in a way that isn’t economic subsidy. It’s clear he knows what we do, and that he would love to spell the solution out loud. May even be a lurker here.

Rod says:

Speaking of FPS Games, a minor update on the ones going down IRL…

These are Muhammeden.
They are being imported into your countries by the millions.

Maybe you should refocus your FPS energies away from the gaming trap, and more on figuring out who are the ones actually designing, funding, authorizing, and executing the Importation Plans, before you end up being the ones tied to a lamppost with your joystick rammed up your ass.

Guarantee you’ll find they’re up to a lot more shit against you than just importing Muhammadens to do their dirty work.

white bread says:

I can’t help but notice a couple of things.

This so called progressive, woke crap has huge supporters in U.S. big businesses/wall street. Blackrock.

Woke crap is also well aligned with U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. military invades and destroys the world to allegedly defend the so called rights of faggots, trannies and other freaks.

And speaking of trannies, it seems that Silicon Valley’s ‘Transhumanists” have a vested interest in convincing people that trannies are perefectly normal, mutilation of sex organs is perfectly normal because in general the “re-engineering of humanity” is an amazing idea.

Adam says:

This has been covered many times here. Merchants cannot rule. They are at the mercy of the priesthood. Woke is expensive. DEI is expensive. Women in the workplace is expensive. Companies want to make money first and foremost.

There were no woke companies prior to the woke priesthood. And there are no woke customers.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] Note that “country club conservatives” or “Wall Street conservatives” etc have NEVER BEEN AN ALLY OF CHRISTIANS.[*deleted*]

Jim says:

When Christianity was in power, they were the ally of Christians.

When Woke was in power, they were the ally of Woke. Now that dewokifaction is on the agenda, they are suddenly our ally again.

c4ssidy says:

Enjoying Squid Game II today but they forced even the chings to add a tranny. Makes me feel ill, though so far his face is only popping up for a few seconds.

A lot of semi decent content is likely to be salvageable. Filesharers/decentralised data hoarders will have an official (or unofficial) historical archive hash of the particular movie or tv series episode, and a custom code would be inputted into a player to decide the timestamps of which scenes to show and which ones to cut out, and since the custom code would pull from multiple sources for you if desired, you could make one which artistically spliced in AI-generated clips and handwritten dialogue to fill in the missing gaps. The great part is that there would be no copyright issues as the the unwokify-code would be designed to only splice from original sources but without directly containing it. I have been playing around with an implementation of this for a long time

Jim says:

> This so called progressive, woke crap has huge supporters in U.S. big businesses/wall street. Blackrock.


Remember how Wall Street cheered Trump at the New York stock exchange when he laid into Woke. Woke loses money, massive amounts of money, stupendous amounts of money, very rapidly. Wall Street does not like that. They showed what they think of it when Trump addressed the topic.

If you are Woke, your movies are staggeringly expensive, example “Andor”, have crummy el cheapo special effects, example, Miss Marvel Girl Boss, and your planes don’t roll of the assembly line in flyable condition, example Boeing. You cannot make electric cars, example all western car companies except Tesla, and your regular cars get slower, frailer, crappier, more dangerous, and more expensive, example all Western car companies. Your chip fabs do not fab, example Intel.

Your tanks don’t roll, and your artillery does not shoot. Your aircraft carriers are stuck in port awaiting repairs that are never completed, and your nuclear subs have to come into port at frequent intervals since they can no longer make oxygen from sea water.

Fidelis says:

It’s somewhere in between. Wall St. is divided like all the other power centers, between the Thermidor priests and the human sacrifice cultists.

The Thermidor priests at first liked woke, because it pulled the ladder up. Turned out to be Saturn trying to devour his sons, the hollow nature of the financial economy revealed itself, and now they’re all scurrying trying to fix it.

someDude says:

Can you throw in the windows updates and linux versions in there somewhere? I’m learning to dread every single Force Fed windows updates that comes my way. Computers are slower today in 2024 than in 2004. Given Moore’s law doubling compute power and memory capacity every 2.5 years, computers today have 256x more compute power and 256x more memory than they had then. And yet …….

A2 says:

Transhumanism is a minor grift and fairly lolworthy. What’s the selling point? “We can make all negros live forever”? But it’s having an upswing now that the boomers feel an icy breath and a skeletal hand on their collective shoulder.

Rod says:
S says:

‘No Time to Die’ had a black woman as a replacement 007. Amazon could do their own thing, but it seems odd for woke to go from black women to gay white man.

A2 says:

They had a rather gay interrogation scene in … uh, the second to last film. Daniel Craig looked like he enjoyed being put under pressure.

Btw, “gay” is a terrible word to describe homosexuals. Pure propaganda to the naive normie.

Fidelis says:

Apologies if this is off topic, but I found it fascinating

Discussion on consciousness and microtubules. Not a bit of woo, extremely empirical. The guest here coauthored with Penrose and is an anesthesiologist, is rigorous, talks from evidence in experiment and biology.

A2 says:

I suppose the authorities want to de-gay the games so the young white lads regain some spirit/balls and start signing up to fill out the ranks for a couple of upcoming wars. Too much camera on the brown, obese, angry feminist characters makes it a hard sell. “Go fight one for Oneita!”

cub says:

This is what many on 4chan are predicting (“don’t make me tap the sign”).
Either way, there is a recruitment crisis and a draft would be morbidly hilarious.

A2 says:

Uncle Bibi Wants YOU

Halftrolling says:

Morbidly hilarious and morbidly obese

Jim says:

I have been reading up on Pete Hegseth.

He identifies with the military. And he knows in his gut that the woke hate the military, that the military is in the hands of its enemies.

And he is definitely a warrior by nature by nature and training, The tip of the spear loves him.

I have been hoping for a Trump Dynasty, but lacking a dynasty, Pete might do.

FrankNorman says:

Jim, we all sort of know what “Woke” is supposed to mean, but a verbal definition would be helpful.

I think it’s a colloquial term for the Intersectional Left, aka the Cultural Marxists.

S says:

The woke are bioleninists.

The Cominator says:

Intersectionality + bioleninism + (this is very important) postmodern subjectivism

Cloudswrest says:

Anybody here following the Musk/Vivek “Let them eat cake” moment regarding Indian H-1B/immigration? The meltdown on X is awesome! A potential preference cascade. Just like the old Twitter with a wave of bans/suspensions. Musk has changed the “algorithm” to allow verified “credible” accounts to globally suppress the reach of regular accounts by blocking them. That is, if you are blocked by an X favored account (even if you’ve never interacted with them) your reach on Twitter is reduced.

Cloudswrest says:
A2 says:

The impression is they are doing the traditional Republican voter screwing in Musk time. Guys, it’s several weeks until you even get power. At least pretend to care for a little while more.

(I’m looking forward to soon seeing SpaceX and Tesla packed with powerhouse Indian galaxy brains.)

Jim says:

Observe the remarkable whiteness of the Musk engineering team. This may be tactical rhetoric. Could be there are a lot of Indians in Thermidor. There are also a whole lot of Jews.

T says:

Cominator was right on the Jeet Question.

Not sure Trump is on board, though. Might have to wait for God-Emperor Hegseth to solve this.

The Cominator says:

Trump was hostile to H1Bs his 1st term and Elon fired most jeets at twatter, I think he wants to convince some of the dumber tech bros he brought with him that hey I tried. They will have to back on this now. Vivek might not survive this though which is probably fine since I never really trusted him. Jeets have no place in the American tech industry since their effect is almost entirely negative. I don’t mind the convience store ones really but having jeets in tech is about the same level of toxic for society as having roman catholics and jews in the legal profession.

Jim says:

Trump was firmly on both sides of the Jeet issue last time around, but what he actually did in practice was pretty good. Ended the fraud, which stopped the vast majority of them.

Jehu says:

The right answer to the H1B problem is to make the various would-be H1B employers put up or shut up. H1B is supposed to be for highly skilled labor that can’t be easily hired in the US. Therefore, by definition, it’s supposed to be expensive. Set the minimum salary for an H1B at around $150K and index it to average salaries henceforth, The exact number is negotiable, but it has to be high enough that uncommon and expensive is credible. This would probably drop H1Bs by a good 2/3, maybe more.

Adam says:

The woman problem is the problem to solve, and nobody is going near it.

Boys raised by their fathers outcompete boys raised by their mothers.

Trump and company will continue to address the side effects of emancipation until they are ready for a holy war.

The Cominator says:

Yes but having masses of jeets here is social and in the long term genetic death as well. And even in the short term Jeets in the tech industry are as pernicious and have had as cancerous effects as Roman Catholics and Jews in the legal profession.

Adam says:

I agree. My point was we have the human capital here at home. They are just conditioned to meet the fleeting emotional needs of their mothers.

With opportunity and suitable role models we can recover an enormous amount of productive white men that are currently demoralized. But a wife and children has to be part of the opportunity.

T says:

Everyone in the GAE is still living under (arguably in some respects worse than) Soviet-level repression of crimethought and crimespeech. It’s coming to an end in The Big Happening of 2026, which is not yet. Meanwhile, the ol’ Soviet joke applies:

Don’t think.

If you think, then don’t speak.

If you think and speak, then don’t write.

If you think, speak and write, then don’t sign.

If you think, speak, write and sign, then don’t be surprised.

But zoomers will usher in Regime Change. And then you can solve The Only Problem That Ever Mattered.

T says:

Speaking of 2026, I think it’s fair to say that the Right is the Prophetic Party. In other words, the cult whose predictions actually come true. For your predictions to come true, outside of direct Divine Revelation of course, need to understand the present situation, and it also helps to understand the past. The Left, being at root a Gnostic death cult, hates Reality, and the more it hates it, the less it understands it. The Right is ultimately the cult of the true prophets, and the Left the false prophets, but explained in non-religious terms (lest some hypothetical fedora redditor might be lurking here), it is the party of those who understand reality well enough to make accurate, or at least the most accurate at a given time, predictions.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted — because quite obviously you have never raised a son*] Aggressively patriarchal cultures like Japan or South Korea are collapsing. African cultures, where the “village” raises the child and no one’s sure who their father even is, are thriving.

Note that Islamic cultures actually have very low birth rates when you account for education. [*deleted — because quite obviously you have never raised a son, and probably do not have a father.*]

Jim says:

You live in a bubble. You need to have social contact with men who have familes.

And by “family” I do not mean that their most recent girlfriend is encumbered with two demonspawn.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Aggressively patriarchal cultures like Japan or South Korea

Hah! You do not know Korean women. They are the world champions at topping from the bottom. It’s very common for a Korean wife to take all her husband’s income and give him a weekly allowance from his own salary. The men rebel by drinking, whoring, and violence, but the women run the show. I believe Japan is the same way.

Of course, the younger generation of Korean women have imbibed Western feminism and are busily throwing away a system that has worked very well for them for centuries.

Adam says:

You are beyond retarded and your mother was a whore.

Rod says:

Women’s Suffrage should be repealed,
it appears to have had a deleterious effect
upon the biological function and true role of woman,
and thus upon the likelihood of the survival of mankind.
Millions of years, even Creation itself… ProgThink
popup fad of last 150yrs is foolish to think itself
superior. Nature’s reaction will be harsh upon them.

T says:

Have hope. All the smarties on Twitter are now publicly “wondering” what to do about declining TFR. The Gods of the Copybook Headings are right around the corner.

cub says:

Just keep asking these people “why is India a shithole?” over and over and over.

It is UNDENIABLE and extremely obvious that the ethnic groups that have built the best civilizations in the past (mostly whites and east Asians) are the ones with the most potential to produce the most value for society.

If we are denying these groups opportunities in favor of cheap third-world labor in order to stay afloat, then we are doing it wrong, and wasting immense amounts of potential, and going to lose to China as a result.

Jim says:

India is a multitude of very different races and ethnic groups, and Africa is a multitude of very different races and ethnic groups. With the right group in power, as was formerly the case in Rhodesia and South Africa, they can do fine. The moral decline of India was a result of letting people who were demon worshippers by ethnicity and/or faith into the state religion.

cub says:

By “shithole” I meant economically impoverished, not unethical.

Nobody says we need Indians because they’re such virtuous people (some of them are, some aren’t). They say we need Indians for economic reasons- so the counter-argument should emphasize Western wealth vs. Indian poverty.

Jim says:

Indian poverty is caused by Indians — low trust culture. Hire Indians into your company, import low trust culture, even if you are hiring smart Indians. And, due to corruption and fraud in the H1B process, it is very easy to find you are hiring stupid Indians.

T says:

And, due to corruption and fraud in the H1B process, it is very easy to find you are hiring stupid Indians.

Is it? The Tech Bros arguing in favor of Infinite Indians Forever seem to think that Americans are stupid and lazy and that they’re being replaced by more competent Indians with a superior grindset culture. Or, assuming they aren’t so stupendously naive, they are lying through their teeth and using Twitter to cynically exploit the MAGA sentiment out of greed (they want cheap labor), ethnic nepotism, anti-white ideology, or a combination of all 3.

Within Thermidor, I expected the Tech Bro / Silicon Valley / Gray Tribe faction to outflank the Jewish faction from the right. Rather, the Jews are outflanking the Tech Bros from the right, which in retrospect I should have anticipated, but did not. I know what the Jewish motivation is. What is the Tech Bros’ motivation?

Jim says:

> The Tech Bros arguing in favor of Infinite Indians Forever

Are they arguing for infinite Indians forever (H1B in practice) or are they arguing for theoretical ideal H1B (recruit the best and brightest from anywhere)? Trump in practice did a whole lot to bring actual H1B into line with theoretical ideal H1B.

Jim says:

Shithole partly because lots of low IQ indians, but also mostly because unethical. Wealth requires cooperation. Low trust society, less cooperation.

Low IQ, also less cooperation, because establishing and maintaining cooperation is complex, but lots of other factors more important for large scale cooperation.

Fidelis says:

They’ve been playing a motte and bailey game of arguing for skimming the 0.1% talent when challenged

While advocating expanding h1b coolie labor when not.

0.1% of global talent is something on the order of 15k heads a year. Nearly everyone is fine with that. This is served by the O1 visa program.

H1B is an order of magnitude above that in numbers, and includes importing “accountants” and spaghetti code manufacturers with fake credentials to work at half the market rate for twice the hours (and do a terrible job while they’re at it). No one besides short sighted morons trying to drive down wages wants this.

The whole show has been fruitful for a few reasons:

– enourmous pushback reveals that the public really strongly does not want LEGAL replacement. Technocrats tripping over themselves as they try and pull back.

– People dug up the actual data on H1B abuse and it’s hilariously bad. Requests to import people as janitors and frycooks for 30kusd a year bad. Entry level engineers working in vast numbers at half the market rate bad.

For some conjecture, I think there’s two things going on here with Elon.

– His account is not actually run by him 100% of the time, and probably run by some hindoo in fact. When the pushback happened his reasoning and English language level rapidly fell. “That is a lie. Do you make this lie?”

– He was posting some stats about the lack of engineers required for manufacturing silicon. I think that this may have been an extremely clumsy and roundabout way of defending a future program of importing thousands of Taiwanese and Koreans to onshore chip manufacturing. Which is stupid, CHIPS failed because managed by catmoms that insisted on the most insane DIE imaginable. Do you have enough pregnant construction workers? No? Oh dear me where are all the qualified applicants?? But I can see them half paying attention and not realizing it failed entirely due to DIE and not native talent.

Overall this has been productive. I’m optimistic and think Elon has personally only the slightest involvement, and that there will be hell to pay for the H1B inbreds that sperged out and tried to lock down twitter over this. We’ll see.

Jim says:

> While advocating expanding h1b coolie labor when not.

Has Musk been advocating expanding h1b coolie labor? Link me.

Motte and Bailey is to advocate the extreme position, and when you catch flack on it, say you were only advocating the reasonable position. Has Musk been saying stuff that pushes the extreme position?

Trump in power reformed the H1B program so that it was no longer importing low cost coolie labor. Or at least a whole lot less than it previously had been.

The infinite coolie position is “jobs that Americans won’t do”, The 0.1% position is to clearly reference the 0.1%.

Fidelis says:

No, we need more like double that number yesterday!

The number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low.

Think of this like a pro sports team: if you want your TEAM to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent wherever they may be. That enables the whole TEAM to win.

In response to


The U.S. semiconductor industry alone needs over 160,000 engineers by 2032, driven by $250B+ in new investments.

Demand for AI experts has skyrocketed, with Elon calling the talent war the “craziest” ever. Meanwhile, STEM programs struggle to produce enough graduates.

This shortage threatens innovation, from AI to semiconductors, slowing progress and global competitiveness.

Expanding STEM education, streamlining high-skilled immigration, and reskilling workers are urgent solutions. Investing in talent is investing in the future.

So, doubling 160k in a single industry, implies literally millions overall. Implies something different than O1. But like I mentioned this seemed to me like a push for onshoring, not coolie labor, but the spergout afterwards was all motte-bailey.

Here are some more indicators he wants more than 0.1%

There is a permanent shortage of excellent engineering talent. It is the fundamental limiting factor in Silicon Valley.

Pretty sure SV does in fact manage to brain drain that 0.1%, or did when it wasn’t forcing them to dodge zombies and human shit on their way to the office.

His posts directly mentioning H1B specifically are reasonable.

The overall picture I’m getting is, wants more than 0.1%, probably more than enough to drive down wages, but wants it concentrated in engineering fields for the Cold War with Chinese characteristics. Made a lot of clumsy comments as the pushback continued, including calling Americans retarded more than once.

Jim says:

Musk is responding supportively to what sounds suspiciously close to the infinite coolie position, but he is not stating the infinite coolie position, but the 0.1% position. “Super talented” is the Motte. Infinite coolies to live on crime, welfare, government jobs, and voting Democrat is the Bailey.

You cannot accuse him of Motte and Bailey till he pushes the Bailey. On the other hand, since the job of Doge is waste, fraud, and abuse, and the H1B program is by design 99% fraud and abuse, he is neglecting to notice something that it is his job to notice.

Fidelis says:

Adding a bunch of posts with bad formatting to provide maximum context
>Trump plans to give green cards to foreign students after they graduate.
>Are you for that?
>If they are in science/engineering fields and score above 50% on the GRE, which is very hard to game, this makes sense
>Without H1B you would not have FSD.
[15000 engineers only is fine]
(motteThe official stats show that the H-1B is neither cheap nor “replacing” Americans.
>H-1B has a 85k annual cap,
(motte -> bailey)
>As an American with a masters in aerospace engineering, I can tell you there are not enough of us. My graduation at UF was literally about 600 Indians and 10 Americans. The classes weren’t rejecting American students, there was simply not enough supply.
(Jobs Americans just wont do!)

I think this gives enough of the picture. This has been going on since Christmas Eve so if you want more context, it’s not that bad to just scroll his replies. 70% will be on this issue.

Fidelis says:

>You cannot accuse him of Motte and Bailey till he pushes the Bailey.
Allow me to restate the accusation with less hyperbole.

He is advocating for many 100s of thousands of H1Bs, preferably in engineering fields.

When challenged that this would depress wages and displace (white) Americans, then backs off and says 0.1%, even specifically acknowledges that 0.1% is around 15k a year.

Like I said at the start, this looked like a very clumsy attempt to defend a potential onshoring policy. Not just for chips, possibly everything manufactured, which if they wanted this done extremely quickly, because they are worried about a hot war kicking off in under 5 years, would probably require said 100s of thousands of imports.

The coolie labor advocates were not Musk, but they did exist in numbers, and so when painting a broad picture of events I included them. Musk specifically has not advocated infinity hindoos for accounting, but has advocated a huge wave of H1Bs.

Jim says:

> He is advocating for many 100s of thousands of H1Bs, preferably in engineering fields.

That is infinite coolies to live on crime, welfare, government jobs, and voting Demoncrat. So link me to him advocating “many hundreds of thousands”

Fidelis says:

I did in the very first quoted comment

>[…]The U.S. semiconductor industry alone needs over 160,000 engineers[…】

>No, we need more like double that number yesterday!

Jim says:

OK, that is the Bailey.

A2 says:

If you look into it, H-1B is primarily a gimme to a handful of huge Indian consulting companies.

cub says:

If this is really him, we have a problem.
The guy was an Obama voter 10 years ago, so he’s capable of learning, but he needs to get educated on this shit fast.
Hopefully he remembers that at the end of the day, he’s an African immigrant that nobody voted for.
Also as eloquently stated by 4chan: “glowniggers miss, Luigi doesn’t”

Pax Imperialis says:

>this may have been an extremely clumsy and roundabout way of defending a future program of importing thousands of Taiwanese and Koreans to onshore chip manufacturing.

>Not just for chips, possibly everything manufactured, which if they wanted this done extremely quickly, because they are worried about a hot war kicking off in under 5 years, would probably require said 100s of thousands of imports.

A Sino-Korean-American West Indies Company?

Hypothetically, imagine relocating all the necessary human capital from Taiwan and South Korea, increasingly undefendable fringes of the empire, to Haiti. Our own little Taiwanese Chaebol protectorate of the Caribbean. Reportedly Haiti is already overrun by foreign mercenaries, so for all intents and purposes it may very well be free real estate legally.

The current population of ~11 million is a net importer (70%) of food product, much of it coming from American aid totaling 211 million in 2024 alone. Might as well get something out of it. Cutting a deal with the mercenaries giving them monopoly food aid distribution rights for 100 years in exchange for facilitating relocation of the entire population to and/or south of Port au Prince would roughly double population density to Gaza Strip levels and leave the entire north open for development.

Like the Greek city state colonies of antiquity, imagine dotting all of Latin America with various trade company settlements.

Fidelis says:

I’m frankly not comfortable putting anything of value on that cursed island while the Haitians are still there, however well contained.

I don’t see why we couldn’t just have an entirely new specialized visa, hand it out to the companies onshoring manufacturing and no one else, and build the company towns in the mainland. Don’t want to end up where the company only hires from their countrymen and defeats the purpose of onshoring? Enforce it that all entry level positions go to Americans.

99% of the problems we have are due to worshipping equalism to nonsense extremes. No we can’t talk about hindoos (and pakis and every other non-white low trust group) abusing all systems they can to act in ethnic self interest, and we cannot discriminate against them when designing visa programs in reaction to this!

Is it really so hard to act like the most ridiculously powerful and networked empire that the world has ever seen, and abuse the fact the vassals can’t really say no if you decide to steal their industrial process knowledge? You want to reindustrialize the mainland at the maximum possible speed? Every single manufacturing process that is not already onshored, import the factory engineers and factory technicians, pay them handsomely, force them to train americans in all entry level positions.

The white terror cannot come fast enough. All bugocrats enforcing committee mediocrity must be turned into AI training clickfarms and manual labor for RFKs organic farms.

Contaminated NEET says:

>With the right group in power, as was formerly the case in Rhodesia and South Africa, they can do fine.

Can they, though? Where are Rhodesia and ZA today? It chafes them to live under the rule of foreigners, and the second they see a chance, they overthrow them, even if it leads to disaster, which I actually have to respect. It’s not stable in the long run.

A2 says:

They are inevitably going back to the bush. That is the tech level they can support.

Pax Imperialis says:

>they overthrow them

No, Rhodesia and South Africa were destroyed by America and the Soviet Union spit-roasting the poor sods. The Americans took the front end with choking economic sanctions and the Soviets took the back end with arming, training, and directing local rebels.

Contaminated NEET says:

Sure, the locals had some help pulling whitey down, but were ready and eager to do it. They were excited and enthusiastic about it. They hated being ruled by aliens, even if the aliens were doing a better job ruling them than their own people could do, and they were willing to kill and die to end it. See also, India, Algeria, and everywhere else the White man ever set foot outside of Europe.

Fidelis says:

Africans behave like women. They like to constantly shit test those in charge, but quickly roll over once it’s obvious who the strong hand is.

Rod says:

Dey wuz Kangz!

i says:

A primitive culture unless cultivated over a long enough period of time cannot inherit good institutions, technologies and so on.

Like with the groundwork laid out by selection pressures as a result of Christianity and so on:

Old Testament style Laws suit primitives starting out more. So something more similar to what Saudi Arabia and Iran current has in regards to Crime and Punishment.

A2 says:

Nigel Farage’s Reform Party now has more members than the Tories, who are led by new black girl magic talent “Badenoch”. I do like that. Btw, last time around, the Tories went through several party leaders before finding a competitive one. So Badenoch might not be long at the top. The longer she remains, the deeper the problem, I’d say.

orthodox_uber_chad says:

*Retaking shill test, forgot which BS email I used before. Apologies*
Women are responsible for sexual misconduct. Africans suffer from criminally IQ and are largely irredeemable without extreme coercion. Talmudic Ashkenazi Judaism is a satanic reaction against Christianity. True Christianity is defined by the Nicene Creed. Anything in contradiction is heresy.

*Begin transmission*
I’m glad others are bringing up the Vivek/Musk betrayel. I’m one of the tens of thousands of tech workers whose life was uprooted by mass outsourcing to worthless Indian scum. While it’s bad enough they’re threatening Canada 2.0 Indian immigration policy, it was Vivek’s comments about his host culture that are truly tar and feather worthy. It reveals that he hates his host culture, and wants to replace it with India. Even 30 years ago saying something like that would be political suicide. Trump needs to cast him as far as East is from West and let Elon know he’ll be right behind him if he doesn’t change tune right now.

I can concede Elon may simply be using street shitters as a bargaining chip against internal woke priesthood, so maybe he’ll get the message quick. Vivek, on the other hand, needs a helicopter ride over the Pacific.

T says:

Proverbs 30:

21 For three things the earth is disquieted, and for four which it cannot bear:

22 For a servant when he reigneth; and a fool when he is filled with meat;

23 For an odious woman when she is married; and an handmaid that is heir to her mistress.

Vivek = “a servant when he reigneth.”

Nikolai says:

If anything, Elon seems more vehemently pro H1-B than Vivek. He’s done a lot to help Trump this past year, but the sad truth is Elon’s been a leftist his entire life except for the last election cycle. It’s unsurprising that he’s defaulting back to his original settings after making contact with actual rightists.

His business model involves hiring people at below average wages and making them work twice as many hours as a typical worker while terrorizing them for making small mistakes or lacking encyclopedic knowledge of company minutiae . For the most part, the only people willing to work in those conditions are indian indentured servants on H1-Bs or autistic whites who genuinely want to be involved in revolutionary technology.

Let’s hope Miller beats Elon on this issue and we a large drop in H1-Bs as in the first Trump administration.

Jim says:

People who work for Musk find him immensely inspiring. On the one hand, the prospect that if you foul up an engineering problem, Musk is likely to show up in person is terrifying, on the other hand, that if you are struggling with a hard engineering problem, that Musk is likely to show up in person is inspiring. Musk is a firstly a tech priest and tech prophet, secondly a techie and tech wizard, and only thirdly a businessman who wants to maximise profit. As a businessman, will squeeze the workers to the extent he can get away with it. But, as a prophet, not at the expense of inspiring them.

The theoretical justification of H1B is to let in the very best, which I too am in favor of. The actual application was similar to border enforcement — to bring in as many stupid Democratic voters as possible to live on crime, welfare, and government employment. Trump cracked down on this, and during the previous Trump administration, attempted somewhat successfully to enforce the H1B rules as written.

If this happens again this time around, not a bad outcome. Thus someone can be in favor of theoretical H1B, and enthusiastically set about at actually making it happen, and against actual H1B.

Neurotoxin says:

The theoretical justification of H1B is to let in the very best, which I too am in favor of.

What?! NO!!!

Sorry, we’re full.

Jim says:

The actual application of the H1B program is to bring in millions of street shitting Democratic party voters to live on crime, welfare, and government employment .

The theoretical application of the H1B program is to bring in the very smartest.

What happens to tech companies in practice is that HR and so forth tell them they have to hire a nonwhite tech lead. So they bring in a very smart guy from India. But next year they discover that their entire tech workforce has the same last name, and none of them are capable of anything. Except the tech lead they hired, who very shortly thereafter got a government job.

Nikolai says:

“The theoretical application of the H1B program is to bring in the very smartest.”

No, that’s the theoretical application for the O-1 visa. H1-Bs are for skilled workers that the U.S. has a shortage of. O-1 is for the 99.9th percentile. H1-B is (theoretically) for ~75th percentile when you’re running low on coders.

“Trump cracked down on this, and during the previous Trump administration, attempted somewhat successfully to enforce the H1B rules as written. If this happens again this time around, not a bad outcome.”

100% agree and this is the outcome I hope for. Only problem is Musk’s posts are constantly oscillating between only needing to import only the top .1% and doubling our current jeet imports.

As Warren Buffet said, reputation takes 20 years to build and 5 minutes to ruin. Musk is currently burning all his goodwill with large portions of the right.

He’s actually much angrier with the right over wanting to reduce H1-Bs than he is at leftists for openly wanting to imprison and murder him. A classic Thermidorean impulse to hate the far right more than the far left, despite being purportedly on the same side as the far right and the obvious and urgent danger coming entirely from the far left.

Rod says:

And with both applications, the system of marriage-citizenship, family-linked importation, birthright-citizenship, asylum, residency, services, citizenship itself, now gets massively abused.

Those things were for high-trust Old-Times, which used Old-Time mechanisms to keep out the abuse.

The ProgLefts Dems ComSocs Wokes, say ever since FDR/Wilson, especially since Clinton, deployed psychological tricks, and have converted those things into Political Tools to import more of their own.

So get rid of those foolish things until you can restore Old-Times.

Once rid of, you can temporarily import as many workers as you need, but you must homegrow your own, and then send the imports back out.

Alternatively, use those tools to import your own, but you cant keep the tools around unless you win. And the number of “your own” out there to import is low. So you might not win with them.

Their own is just a Vote, a Blob.
Your own is a Nation-State Civ.

Consider Old-Time way, bigly and privately supporting the childbearing families among you, their education, circular economy, leave none among you behind.

Hesiod says:

Marvel Rivals shows that the IP lives and the fans hungered for it.

This is heartening as I’m an old-school Marvel partisan when it comes to the 60s through early 80s output. Don’t much care for the movies as they did muhboi Thor dirty as the films progressed, turning him into a tired joke.

Some years ago, I played Marvel Heroes, which was an online Diablo clone with an ever-growing roster of IP characters as classes. Things were going well until, like in the comics, the demon-priests took over and ruined every aspect of the game. Before it went under, the devs actually wasted time and resources making existing female character skins less attractive.

This was shortly after Marvel introduced Feminist Jane Foster Thor. The in-game skin to change Thor into this spawn of Niflhel came complete with shrewish audio for atmospheric chitchat and battle cries. Bog-standard these days but worthwhile as an early example of corruption in games.

P.S. A belated Merry Christmas, all.

John Galt says:

Hi jim and others, lurker here. Here is my lazy copypaste shill test on why women misbehave:

5 They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival. If women are emancipated, Miss Average will waste her youth, her beauty, and her fertility fucking Mister One in Thirty, thus a people, a race, a nation, a faith, or an empire that emancipates women will perish for lack of families, leading to lack of sons. Men have to impose stable monogamy on women with a stick.

Anyway, I read this page and had to post about it here. I’m sure it’s been discussed before, I’m also sure that I missed it.

Reading this page has seriously challenged some of the woman-question beliefs I’ve absorbed from your blog.

It seems like the pattern of late marriage and relative (globally speaking) female autonomy is part of what made white Western Europeans exceptional. I would love to be corrected on this.

Jim says:

Hajnal line.

West of the Hajnal line, late virgin marriage. East of the Hajnal line, early virgin marriage. And European societies west of the Hajnal line did better than European societies east of the Hajnal line, though not uniformly.

On the other hand, maintaining late virgin marriage was mighty tough. How tough it was gets erased from memory. Early virgin marriage much easier to accomplish.

The Cominator says:

I’m extremely skeptical late virgin marriage outside of the upper classes was ever a thing as it sounds almost as unnatural as trannies to me. Sloppy historical scholarship based on incomplete sources or the women fucked around past 16 until they got knocked up and then they got married as virgins.

Fidelis says:

Menarche was around 17-18 in 1800s Denmark. We live in a different world entirely.

The Cominator says:

The last use of “Virgins” should have been in quotes.

Fidelis says:

You think they were fucking around before menarche? The data shows a smooth transition downward, across many different countries, doesn’t seem like bad statistics to me. In order for that to make sense, they must have been getting married much later than sexual activity starts today. The past is a foreign country, the distant past a different species.

i says:


Said transition occurred before modern chemicals. Although modern endocrine disruptors make it worse.

Although I also read about the increasing widespread use of the potato introduced from South America that likewise took place during the 1700’s and during the 1800’s. Before that there was constant grain famines in winter.

So healthy food availability may have shifted the epigenetics over time.

Pax Imperialis says:

@I, you may find ‘Microevolutionary hypothesis of the obesity epidemic’ a fascinating read.

Jim says:

Delayed menarche was likely a result of delayed contact with nonkin males. They were getting married at fourteen east of the Hajnal line, so presumably had contact with nonkin males, and were married off fast enough that preserving their virginity was less difficult. Marriage in the Roman Republic and early empire was twelve or thirteen, so puberty then had to be similar to puberty today.

i says:

@Pax Imperialis

Interesting. Thx

skippy says:

“I’m extremely skeptical late virgin marriage outside of the upper classes was ever a thing as it sounds almost as unnatural as trannies to me. Sloppy historical scholarship based on incomplete sources or the women fucked around past 16 until they got knocked up and then they got married as virgins.”

Old novels seems to suggest this is accurate – proles married at 16 and could e.g. sell their wives at market in England.

But also, old novels seem to suggest that “the upper class” (by our understanding) was like 40% of the population, rather than 5-10%.

The Cominator says:

Nah more books were written about upper class people since (before the 19th century) they could more easily afford books and were more likely to read them.

FrankNorman says:

And societies with virgin marriage, early or late, would do better than societies in which young girls play around before settling down.
And even those would still be above the “huh? what’s a marriage?” places in the world.

John Galt says:

Ah, the spacing is all fucked. Oh well.

Halion says:

Merry christmas! Well, it looks like the Intergalactic: The Ugly Lesbian Witch from Space franchise is stillborn. What bothers me the most about this game is that it would be really great if it weren’t woke… I imagine what it would be starring Ryan Reynolds (or some other charismatic guy) and without a hint of homosexuals or empowered women and it makes me want to shoot him to Neil Druckmann.

Tech Expat says:

I am one of those individuals whom Elon says he can’t find, and seems certain don’t exist and therefore needs H-1B for. Not an expert on rockets or aeronautics, I’ll admit, but in other high-tech fields at both the general and specialist levels. I can make this claim confidently, not because I’m struggling or feel outcompeted by the H-1Bs, but precisely the opposite: I’ve had no trouble succeeding in the industry and made a conscious choice to leave it at a relatively young age.

Elon is looking at a rotting corpse that is attracting vultures and flies, and complaining about the vultures and flies. Well, they are a problem, certainly, helping to spread pestilence and disease; and it is indeed a brave act to notice the scavengers when it is de jure illegal to notice the corpse, and de facto illegal to notice anything that might lead to one noticing the corpse. That makes Elon better than 99% of CEOs, Presidents and power brokers. But it will not be enough, not until he can notice the corpse and admit to noticing the corpse.

On the off-chance that Musk or some Musk-like person has some n-degrees-of-separation connection to the blog, let me clearly state why I left, and what needs to be reversed in order for all those young-to-middle-aged competent white employees to consider returning to a tech career, or for new upstarts to want to enter:

1. As literally everyone knows, woke culture is insufferable. Every day in which an employee has to hear about respectful pronoun usage and why it’s not OK to call a troon a troon whittles away a little more of his dignity. But woke culture was merely the minor-version update to progressive culture, in which employees had to hear about the perils of systemic racism and sexual harassment and why it’s not OK to notice that negro employees don’t belong and can’t perform, or that female employees are more interested in and far more competent at stirring up drama and fucking the boss than they are at whatever their nominal duties are.

Every day in which a white or yellow man has to hear about “impostor syndrome”, or take orders from a woman in management, or receive “training” from some negress or other mystery meat in HR, is another indignity, and while these “small slights” add up more slowly than being ordered to applaud a man in a dress demanding to use the girls’ bathroom, they do still add up.

2. Any twenty-something or thirty-something man with dreams and ambitions of starting a family is likely to find his dreams crushed, stomped on, and shit on. Obviously the company cannot give away brides or provide access to a harem for top performers – at least, not today. But working in a tech field such as engineering is a triple hazard: dating within the company is literally dangerous to one’s career, dating outside the company is frustrating due to the surrounding area being a mongrelized pussy desert, and engineering/IT is perceived by women everywhere as a low-status career despite the high pay.

You don’t need to tell me about Game, or how any man can learn the mating dance with sufficient courage and dedication; I am simply describing what the experience is for the “normal” smart guy who doesn’t read Game/Reaction blogs. In the game of players and bitches, being a tech worker means playing on Hard Mode, if not Nightmare Mode.

3. The pay scale is – probably intentionally – an awkward local maximum that makes it quite easy to save and live very comfortably, but not enough to become truly wealthy, especially if you have to live in the area and can’t take advantage of the salary arbitrage by working remotely from a poorer area. This is no doubt caused partly by programs like H-1B that help to depress overall wages. And the natural outcome of this is that any financially-savvy employee will eventually reach the point where he’s saved up enough to retire (either from that industry specifically, or from wage work entirely) and – this is the important part – doesn’t really see any other incentive to keep on going.

I’m sure the average dimwitted CEO-in-name-only would read that and think, “so you’re saying we pay too much!” But a local maximum is still a maximum; pay less, and you’ll just lose even more of the existing talent. My point is that, once a certain level of comfort is achieved, if you want your best talent to keep working, you need to either (a) solve problems 1 and 2 above, so that the job provides the social status that mere money cannot; (b) drastically increase the pay scale at the top levels so that the top 0.1% have something to shoot for beyond more bugman-style creature-comforts; or (c) be so damn inspirational that those employees can’t even imagine living outside the bubble.

Maybe Musk truly is (c), I don’t know the man personally, but it is all too easy for the more mediocre CEOs to gather yes-men, sniff their own farts and genuinely believe (c) about themselves even though they fall woefully short. Zuckerberg, Gates, Pichai, Hastings, Bezos – they just aren’t in that tier, and the majority of talented tech employees find themselves working on bullshit products for bullshit audiences without strong or inspirational leadership.

What the priestly caste really wants to continue doing is (d) rely on a flavor of debt-slavery to keep employees dependent on the company through student loan payments (note that most entry-level tech jobs have degree requirements, where an IQ test would clearly suffice if it were legal), sky-high mortgages, taxes, inflation and other parasitic costs, and this doesn’t work long-term because by definition it will be the smartest and most capable employees who find a way around it and make their exit, and then you are stuck with the unambitious or uncreative drones.

IN CONCLUSION: In a particularly squinty-eyed way, Musk and Vivek aren’t entirely wrong; doubling H-1B visas is probably the most reliable way to spike the number of moderately-competent drones without solving any of the real problems that are driving away the top talent. Of course, we knew that all the way back in 2016 and earlier, and the underlying problems have only worsened since then. “Best people willing to work under these conditions” != “Best people”.

It’s a shame to see them toeing the same line, but not at all surprising. To solve the real problem, they need to notice the corpse, and it is still illegal to notice the corpse. Thermidor is showing their willingness to say and do things that are merely de facto illegal, but in order to win conclusively, they will, sooner rather than later, have to start ignoring the black-letter law.

Jim says:

That you can notice that being forbidden to notice is intolerably oppressive qualifies, in context, as a thought crime, therefore white listing you. But I wish you had consciously and intentionally taken the shill test.

Rod says:

Boeing stock about to take a huge haircut…

Jim says:

The crew of Jeju Air Flight 2216 declared an emergency before the plane attempted a belly landing. Therefore, not human error in flight. Something went very wrong with the plane.

Boeing’s diverse and inclusive manufacturing and maintenance.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I’ve been seeing a lot of maintenance and engineering problems happening to planes in the west that keep showing up on the news after something like a fire or mishap happens.

Things are just falling apart faster and faster. Funny how it is coinciding with boomers leaving and who knows what kind of pokemon taking their place.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Notice that names often reflect real objectives. “Suicide Squad killed the Justice League” is a game motivated by hatred of the Justice League IP, and hatred of the Justice League fandom, motivated by desire to hurt them and make them suffer. “Marvel Rivals” is a game motivated by intent to overshadow the company from whom they purchased the IP.

Wow, I never saw that, but now you’ve pointed it out, it’s obvious. They’re telling on themselves. Freud was a typical megalomaniacal Jewish guru whose reputation has rightly plummeted, but he wasn’t wrong about everything.

TheGreatRestoration says:

[*deleted for failure to comply with the moderation policy*].

Jim says:

If you are actually white (which I doubt, I think you are an Indian or a Jew, and you are awaiting your strangely delayed paycheck from an ngo funded by USAID) you should be able to explain the destruction of Detroit, and tell us about Soros, the Soros prosecutors, and the funding of those prosecutors.

If you tell us that, you will be white listed, and be able to post anything you want.

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