
Moldbug’s solution to the moron problem

There are a large number of people who have no jobs, who make their living by voting left. Many of them, mostly the males, entertain themselves with arson, assault, and burglary, though we are seeing overweight women engaged in such manly pursuits with increasing frequency, though for the females the major recreation seems to be engaging in unprotected sex with males who demonstrate their superior manliness by mugging and arson. …


Christianity and morality

A lot of Christians argue that atheism must be nihilistic, and that nihilism cannot possibly oppose or resist the self confident moralizing of the progressives. There are three problems with this theory: The pagan Greeks had Gods that were no better than men, and for the most part a good deal worse, and yet the Greeks did not suffer from nihilism until after they suffered social decay. Social decay and …


Libertarianism and Equalism.

I regard myself as a libertarian and anarcho capitalist, but I see all these Libertarians who want the the government to import unlimited numbers of underclass people from Mexico to live on welfare and vote democrat.  They worry about the government intruding into people’s lives by not allowing gays to marry, and are entirely unworried about the government intruding into people’s lives to desecrate the sacrament of marriage, by forcing …


Bloomberg speaks truth to power

When I was in Sunnyvale in 2005 November, the vast majority of people who were buying million dollar houses were no-hablo-english hispanics on foodstamps with no regular job buying houses no money down. As far as I could tell, every person buying a house for over a million dollars was an unemployed underclass non white. Earlier there had been some whites buying, but by November, anyone with a credit rating …



The US Government is launching a big propaganda offensive on how hurtful sequestration will be, and keeps issuing lists of the horrible horrible horrible harms sequestration will cause. What the sequester reveals is that the great majority of government expenditure consists of paying people to support the Cathedral and the Democrat party. 


Why Darwinism is more controversial than ever

Darwin not only tells us that one individual is not equal to another, he also tells us that races are the origin of species, which means that in general races will be unequal in major and important ways. Darwinism also tells us that men and women are genetically predisposed to different and unequal social roles, which implies that attempts to make their roles legally equal will not work very well. …


Blacks are stupid.

Occidentalist has updated his survey of surveys.  Despite radical social changes and a wide variety of testing regimes, American black IQ always tests out one standard deviation below American white IQ.  Similar differences in character and criminal propensities are obvious. How big is one standard deviation?


Teleology and Darwinism

Darwin freely used teleology as a metaphor for natural selection, that natural selection works as if an intelligent breeder was consciously pursuing a goal, as if aiming at horses, to take advantage of the grasslands, or as if aiming at men, to create a creature capable of planning and cooperating to defeat any creature less capable of planning and cooperation. And by an interesting coincidence, whosoever hates the metaphor, hates …


The end of democracy

Winston Churchill quipped that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms. Democracy worked when the franchise was restricted to property owning adult male heads of households, and when the population had high moral standards. Visitors to America frequently remarked that while democracy worked for Americans, Americans being virtuous and self reliant, it would not work for the corrupt and degenerate mob they had back in …