
Dark Enlightenment and the Endarkenment

The Dark Enlightenment: The movement that concludes that the Enlightenment took a bad turn, or that the Enlightenment itself was a bad turn.  I take both positions: That the Enlightenment was wildly and dangerously wrong to proclaim all men created equal, and that restoration England was a pretty good political system, which gave us the scientific and industrial revolutions, and the British conquest of most of the world, and it …


History interpreted as left singularities

History is one damn thing after another, and any attempt to make sense of it necessarily leads to leaving out lots of important stuff.  Thus making sense of it by looking at it in one way does not necessarily falsify making sense of it by looking at it in another way. The trend from around fourteen hundred AD to the present has been for states to become ever stronger.  On …

global warming

How sweet it is

Marcott et al recant the blade of their Hockey stick This is a huge change, in that previously, when warmists lied, and got caught doing so, every scientific institution, every science journal, every prestigious academy, and every organized group of scientists would piously swear holy fealty to the lie.  Now, instead, they quietly twist the liar’s arms behind closed doors. 


No, the Pope is not Catholic

Recently our state sponsored intellectuals have been waxing indignant about the fact that the recently elected Pope is Catholic.  They have not yet complained about bears shitting in the woods. But, in fact, the Pope is not Catholic.  He is progressive, merely less progressive and more Catholic than our state sponsored intellectuals would prefer. Our state sponsored intellectuals are indignant because the Pope opposes abortion, women priests, gay marriage, homosexual …


I want an SPLC listing too!

Scott Terry, famously, got listed as a hate group, for arguing at CPAC (conservative political action conference) that the slave Frederick Douglass was the recipient of a favor by his master. I have often argued that most slaves were not enslaved for profit, but because they profiled as likely to only be able to survive by hunting someone else’s cattle and gathering someone else’s crops, and so the owners of …


Bitches in Tech

The internet is buzzing with the Adria Richards dongle incident that demonstrates what everyone knows, but that until now no one could say, not even me: That women in the tech industry are frequently humorless, dangerous, threatening, difficult, unreasonable, and hard to work with.  In a word, bitches.  That women bring drama and soap opera to the workplace, and males are unable or unwilling to prevent them.


Why East Asians vote Democrat

It is easy to understand why Mestizos vote Democrat.  They are stupid. Observe Venezuela.  Chavez stole their food, told them the evil capitalists were starving them, and the hungry Mestizos loved him and voted for him, without wondering overmuch as to why Chavez was so strangely unsuccessful at defending them from evil capitalists.   But why East Asians? West Hunter reports on Dan Freedman’s research on babies:


Soft Power

Modern leftism is a plot by some white males to use women and non whites to destroy other white males. Obama is president, but he does not know what some white male has written on his teleprompter until he reads it. Spandrell complains about a Chinese billionairess piously saying the the politically correct things about democracy.


The latest PC

It used to be mandatory to believe that evolution was a mere creation myth, something that happened long, long ago, and far far away, but had not happened in the last hundred thousand years or so, so that it was impossible for there to be differences between races, or indeed between men and woman. But, in that case, we would still be shaped for eating meat and fat, and not …


Moldbug’s solution to the moron problem

There are a large number of people who have no jobs, who make their living by voting left. Many of them, mostly the males, entertain themselves with arson, assault, and burglary, though we are seeing overweight women engaged in such manly pursuits with increasing frequency, though for the females the major recreation seems to be engaging in unprotected sex with males who demonstrate their superior manliness by mugging and arson. …