Moldbug is back!
Law of conservation of pussy
Reading the manosphere blogs, I notice a lot of husbands complaining that their wife has sex with them once a month, and, of course, no end of nice guys getting no sex at all. A fertile age woman generally has sex at least once a week. As Saint Paul observed, few people have the capacity for continence, whether male or female. So if husband is not getting any, chances are …
Guns, murder, and race
Stolen from the comment section of Steve Sailer’s excellent blog. Someone who wishes to remain anonymous has assembled data showing that American whites murder at about the same rate as whites in countries with strict gun control, American “Hispanics†murder at about the same rate as they do in their native countries, which generally have strict gun control, and that American blacks murder at about the same rate as blacks …
Puritanism, progressivism, and entertainment
I have been watching the English dubbed Japanese anime “Speed Grapherâ€, which is pretty good except for the horrendously heavy handed propaganda. In the anime, money is revolting, immoral and disgusting, sex is revolting, immoral and disgusting, and male sexual pleasure obtained at the expense of females (there being no such thing as male sexual pleasure obtained with female pleasure) is the most utterly disgusting, revolting, and abhorrent of them …
Mencius on the Fall
Mencius addresses the question: Does today’s US resemble the late Roman Empire in the west, or the late Roman Republic, in his usual wonderfully cryptic, long winded, and obscure fashion. Mencius’s proposed solution to our crisis, oligarchy or military dictatorship, assumes that America is analogous to the late Roman Republic. The people have become too degenerate to rule themselves, and so must be ruled by others.  In his latest post, …
The watchmaker is dead
When the religion dies, so dies the empire. Europe is the faith, the faith is Europe, and the faith is no more. Everyone who resents the destructive, self indulgent, and self destructive rule of the ever more left wing Cathedral, regrets the passing of Christianity, everyone including the secular right, perhaps especially the secular right, and some of them imagine it could be revived, though the remnant be small as …
Kill their leaders and convert them to … progressivism
Ann Coulter famously said “Kill their leaders and convert them to Christianityâ€. Regrettably, all the versions of Christianity that once upon a time would have been capable of implementing such a program have replaced the worship of Christ the Redeemer with Jesus the community organizer. The “Arab Spring†was the Cathedral deluding itself that it was installing progressive “Muslim†regimes in the Middle East – only to discover what was …
The left singularity versus the technological singularity
Lately this blog has largely been about the left singularity:Â That leftism leads to more leftism, which leads to even more leftism even faster, until everything goes to hell. The best known singularity, however is the information technology singularity, the rapture of the nerds What of the theory that information technology leads to more information technology? Well, in a sense, in the long run, looking back over the last several …
Derivatives did it!
Bernie Madoff steals from his depositors. An evil Jew did it! Punish the evil Jew Bernie Madoff. Jon Corzine, pillar of the progressive establishment, senior financial regulator, steals from his depositors. Derivatives did it!. Poor Jon Corzine. We must punish derivatives by regulating them further.
Recent posts on Urban Future vanished
Recent excellent posts on the excellent blog “Urban Future†have mysteriously vanished. Perhaps the bitbucket ate them, but I suspect the problem was that he said “the Leftâ€, instead of saying the US Government. Edit: In the comments, Nick Land reassures me that they were merely eaten by the bitbucket. He was discussing the left singularity. He suggests that the left singularity was akin to an alcoholic drinking shoe polish …