Sarah Palin has issued a typically brilliant and insightful speech, while still teasing on the issue of whether she is going to run. I think at this stage, getting a bit late to run, better carry on in her lucrative career as a public intellectual, saying the things officially accredited public intellectuals cannot say.
FHFA sues Goldman Sachs
Until recently, it has been near impossible to see daylight between the Obama regime and the Banksters, but now, banksters are being thrown overboard. The FHFA sues Goldman Sachs for common law fraud. I conjecture this is in preparation for the 2012 elections
Gay Marriage: A modest proposal
It is apparent that the modern institution of marriage is profoundly ill suited for producing and raising one’s biological children. I suggest, therefore, that just as we no longer use the word “gay†to mean merry and light hearted, we introduce a new word and new kind of contract, reproductive contracts, for people who intend to have children together and raise them. And for “marriageâ€, allow anyone to marry anyone, …
Did the banksters steal the five trillion?
Taleb, a very smart guy for whom I have immense respect, says the five trillion in effect wound up being stolen by the banksters. If we just look at events over the last few years, that is obviously untrue.
How best to buy gold?
I don’t evaluate the situation as so serious yet that one needs to buy physical gold and sit on it, but one needs to buy claims on gold that can be turned into physical gold that one can sit on should the situation deteriorate further, as it most likely will. Can anyone tell me what gold investments most plausibly make such a promise? A lot of gold funds are investments …
The price of silver
A lot of people are wondering why silver is not going up. It is quite simple. Gold is money, the one and only true money. Silver is not money, ceased to be money around 1870 or so. People are buying gold in expectation of an increase in monetary demand. The imminent collapse of fiat moneys will boost demand for gold, not silver. Why is gold money? Network effects. It is …
Why democracy will always elect a new people
Lately Mencius Moldbug has been off his best, so, looking back to his greatest hits, here is a golden oldie The democratic state needs votes, to give it legitimacy, so is always looking for ignorant stupid cheap voters that it can buy to bulk up its astroturf. And so the franchise expands. And when it can expand no more, then fresh voters are purchased from outside.
Why Are Finland’s Schools Successful?
Progressives suggest it is because Finland is so wonderfully progressive. However, a refugee from Finland took a look at that article, and reports that it is because progressives lie like rugs:
Seven felonies a day
A few years back I remarked that the average respectable middle class male had committed hundreds of felonies, each worth many years jail time. Things have become worse since then:
Global warming causes mandatory evacuation
the ideology of global warming causes mandatory evactuation.