Just as the treatment of Senator Joe McCarthy implied that suppressing communist spies was suppressing freedom of speech, in the same way, the message is now going out that suppressing Molotov cocktails is suppressing freedom of speech.
What is wrong with Haiti
Worse than cholera, worse than the earthquake, Haiti suffered a devastating influx of aid agencies and high IQ Harvard graduates with billions of dollars of aid money.
There will be war
Brad deLong tells us: it took me only two months–two months!–to conclude that America’s best hope for sane technocratic governance required the elimination of the Republican Party from our political system as rapidly as possible. Since Republicans are supposedly terrorists, elimination is apt to mean lining them up against a wall and shooting them.
Stagflation August
While inflation has been running at an annualised rate of 3.6% over the past three months, higher than the Fed’s target 2%, said Brett Hammond, senior economist at TIAA-CREF, “in order to get the economy moving again, a little inflation isn’t a bad thing”. If Keynesianism is true, you are not supposed to have rising inflation and unemployment at the same time. It is only moderate stagflation, but it is …
Rick Perry, multiculturalist
On the campaign trail, seeking the republican presidential nomination, he piously bows his head in prayer, he supposedly doubts evolution, but he imposed on Texas schools a course denigrating Christianity and whitewashing Islam.
Rick Perry and the underclassing of America
Rick Perry proposed to give every female child Gardasil vaccine at government expense. Gardasil protects against a sexually transmitted disease that causes cancer in women and male homosexuals. It rarely affects male heterosexuals in advanced countries. The vaccine is expensive, and has dangerous side effects, so should only be given to those that need it: sluts sexually active females and gays. If a girl is planning to ride the cock …
Past getting rewritten right now
Commentary magazine spots a rewrite in progress. I just checked his claim by comparing the current version of the state department 2002 list of consulates against the google cached version of that list. In google’s cached version, the US in 2002 recognized Jerusalem as part of Israel. In the live version from the state departments servers, not only does no one in the world now recognize Jerusalem as part of …
Chicks dig jerks, 1513AD edition
In “the Princeâ€, Machiavelli observed: fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill-use her; and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurous rather than by those who go to work more coldly. She is, therefore, always, woman-like, a lover of young men, because they are less cautious, more violent, and with more audacity …
Rick Perry (Bush III) replaces governor Romneycare
Governor Romneycare was the establishment’s favored candidate for president, anointed as front runner, to make Obamanism bipartisan. It has, however, become obvious that his campaign is dead on arrival (strange for a supposed front runner) so the establishment has now anointed Rick Perry, a politician indistinguishable from Bush, as its preferred candidate, shortly to be proclaimed front runner.
Stereotypes confirmed
The ever insightful Steve Sailer spotted a German newspaper telling the truth about the English rioters: Almost all suspects are foreigners, no job, and a sizeable criminal record. About half of the defendants are minors, yet their parents fail to show up in court. Although England has a massive native underclass, the overwhelming majority of the looting and burning was done by the imported underclass, the new people.