The billion prices project spiders prices off the internet, and gets results broadly similar to the BLS, about thee percent per year, which surprises me, since over the last three years the BLS has been applying “hedonic adjustments†to all manner of goods where hedonic adjustment is impossible or implausible. Today’s supposedly three percent inflation as measured by the BLS is a lot higher rate of inflation than what the …
Philips curve, stimulus
If stimulus works, if Keynesianism is a good enough approximation to the modern American economy, there should be a relationship between unemployment and inflation, the Philips curve. Higher unemployment should lead to lower inflation, and vice versa. There is no relationship.
McConnell tells Obama he can stick it in a little bit
House Republican leader McConnell tells Obama he can stick it into the Republicans just a little bit, but not all the way, and must stop if it starts to hurt.
Actual Greek riots
Last year the riots were entirely fake, astroturf government rioters theatrically engaging in pretend conflict with government police. This time, there was some fake violence, and some quite real violence.
Entryism goes public
The SEIU is a far left organization, far far further to the left than any elected Democrat will admit to being.  It is the voice of the state organized as political interest group. It has always been a major force backing “moderate†Republicans.
Probability of fiat collapse
I observe that people are still buying and selling long term corporate bonds at prices that indicate low inflationary expectations. On the other hand, total value of world gold is about fifteen trillion dollars, which indicates a lot of people expecting partial or total collapse of fiat money
Yes, inferior races have smaller cranial capacities on average
So what is a politically correct intellectual allowed to say? Lately, people who are quite politically correct and academically respectable, are acknowledging that Gould and Lewontin were wrong and making $#!% up, and no heresy charges ensue. Indeed, they have been pissing on Lewontin since 2003. Now if Lewontin is wrong, then the races are genetically different in important ways, if Gould is wrong, then Darwin is right that races …
What would have happened if no bailout in 2008?
Steven Horwitz has the experiment.
A golden oldie on the minority mortgage meltdown
Ann Coulter rarely gives links, and frequently employs hyperbole and humorous exaggeration, so when she reports entirely ridiculous real events, it is difficult to be sure whether she is engaging in humorous hyperbole, or things really are that outrageous. Vdare has helpfully annotated one of her posts with links, and I have added a little more annotation. And yes, Ann Coulter was not making this up. The government really is …
Again the brilliance of Sarah Palin
In her supposedly non campaign tour during which she is theoretically not seeking the republican presidential nomination Sarah Palin told us: Come on, everyone knows who Paul Revere, the silversmith and patriot is. “He warned the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin’ sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that …