
The Wallison dissent

Steve Sailor, is as always great reading, and he issues some comments that on the Wallison dissent that everyone who wants to understand the financial crisis should pay attention to. Peter Wallison tells us Profit had nothing to do with the motivations of these firms; they were responding to government direction. Rather than direction, they were responding to government pressure and persuasion.  Basel gave government not so much the power …


The new Egypt

Earlier I argued that no Muslims should be allowed to vote anywhere in the world, least of all in Muslim majority countries. Brutally honest has some interesting survey results on what the Egyptian majority will vote for: • 84% favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim faith. Now 84% is an interesting number, considering that something like ten or fifteen percent of Egyptians are Christians (the number …


The origins of multicultural rule

From about 1880 to 1940, the ideology of multiculturalism is clearly and overwhelmingly Christian, in particular Protestant Christian socialist, though these Christians were somewhat embarrassed by the bible, due to its reactionary views on family, marriage, women, divorce, adultery, homosexuality, and so forth, and were in the process of discarding it. Jews only show up in the multicultural ruling elite after the remnants of Christianity are purged from the doctrine – fifty or sixty years after it first exercised theocratic power.

party politics

Mainstream media backs Romneycare for GOP presidential candidate

Supposedly Romney, the creator of Romneycare, the medical system that inspired Obamacare, is the GOP’s best hope for defeating Obama.  So the mainstream media unanimously tells us. Probably true, but there seems little point to such a “victory”. At CPAC, Presidential Candidate Romneycare upbraids Obama for high unemployment, and all the press, the same press that worships Obama, the same press that goes weak at the knees at the sight …


Losing in Afghanistan

When the US accepted the Karzai government it snatched defeat from jaws of victory. There is not point in continuing the war in Afghanistan unless we start by killing Karzai and everyone near him. A government that executes people for converting to Christianity is always going to be a safe place for people to organize terror against infidels.


Egypt a test case for war with Islam

Is there a difference between “Islamic extremism”, and Islam? The British prime minster proposes Egypt as a test case: This highlights, I think, a significant problem when discussing the terrorist threat that we face.  There is so much muddled thinking about this whole issue.  On the one hand, those on the hard right ignore this distinction between Islam and Islamist extremism, and just say that Islam and the West are …


Muslim democracy is dangerous

The reason there are so few Islamic democracies is that the majority of Muslims vote for war, rape, murder, and terror, with the result that democracies with substantial Muslim populations tend to be short lived.  Muslim democracy is dangerous because Muslim voters are dangerous, and should not be permitted. Egypt looks like it will produce more of the same – the winners will likely be the Muslim Brotherhood, which will …


The financial crisis inquiry report

“Best practices” required that the lender accept “non traditional” evidence of ability to pay – and the reason such evidence was non traditional is that it is not evidence. If a mortgage business followed HUD “best practices”, as in practice it had to do, it meant they were allowing borrowers or their loan officers to make $#!% up.


Ambac argues fraud committed for profit caused the crisis

I of course, argue that government pressure to make mortgage loans caused the crisis.  After all, the specific examples bad loans that Ambac lists in its lawsuit against Bear Stearns, are all loans that were made to poor people, though Ambac provides no information that would identify the race of these poor people.  Ambac, however, argues that Bear Stearn made bad loans, lied that the loans were fine, and sold …


Who called the financial crisis before it happened?

Among others, Ron Paul, in his speech to the house, proposing amendments to the laws that caused the crisis … the government’s policy of diverting capital into housing creates a short-term boom in housing. Like all artificially created bubbles, the boom in housing prices cannot last forever. When housing prices fall, homeowners will experience difficulty as their equity is wiped out. Furthermore, the holders of the mortgage debt will also …