
China catching up

The NYT reports Liang Huoqiao, a 22-year-old plastics worker, joined a small group of men and women studying a 40-foot-wide list of companies seeking workers. “You can walk into any factory and get a job,” he said. … He expected his pay to double in the next five years and added that he already had set his priorities. “For sure, I want to buy a car,” he said. “Car first, …


US government endorses Mexican violence

Compare and contrast with Saint Patrick’s day, where the American flag flies high. By enforcing what the thugs want, the government endorses and supports that thuggery. The government will empower any group that supports bigger government, for example Mexicans as a voter block, and disempower any group that objects to bigger government. So, predictably, Mexican thugs were empowered by the school administration, the administration being part of the government.


Wishing for a chinese crash

Their beliefs about China are incoherent, internally inconsistent, and mutually contradictory, showing that they don’t really believe what they believe. I suspect that what they really believe is that basing a society on self interest is morally wrong, and therefore must surely be punished by the heavens.


Dangerous Thought Criminal

This evil person has been detected expressing a forbidden thought in private email.  She suggested that wrong think could possibly be true, and the evidence needed to be considered.  She has of course given repeated grovelling public apologies for her horrifying crime. Her career is of course dead, and all right thinking people condemn her, and should continue to condemn her. Failure to adequately condemn her may cause you to …


Tough on wall street

To show how tough they are, congressmen summoned Goldman and Sach’s executives to Washington, and harshly ranted at them for selling their customers securities based on mortgages that they knew or should have known were $##%, while at the same time continuing to pour great gobs of taxpayer money all over Goldman and Sach


The strong horse

As a result of our defeat, Arab terrorists have moved into Korengal valley. Now Al Quaeda has safe haven in Korengal and their objectives will not be restricted to protecting the freedom of those in Korengal, but destroying our freedom in lands far from Korengal, murdering Jews and Americans, wherever we may be, anywhere in the world. Here is the Taliban video of their great victory in Korengal valley:


Losing in Afghanistan

In trying to impose the Kabul government on them, we are imposing injustice. Thus the only possible ways of winning are to rule them ourselves, colonial style, or slaughter enough of them that the Taliban decides not to tolerate anyone who goes looking for trouble with far away infidels.


The crisis explained

Substantial parts of this article are pillaged wholesale from Ryan Barne’s excellent account of the crisis, and Mortgage Guarantee Insurance’s colorful account of the crisis. I steal from the best. And thanks to the commenters that pointed out numerous errors. In 2001, the Federal Reserve began cutting rates dramatically, dropping to 1% in 2003, in order to stimulate the economy. This produced a boom, and especially a housing boom, in …