
Where the money went

The government has been shuffling the money around to obfuscate who stole it.  It lends money, and then announces that there is no problem, the money has been paid back. But after much fiddling, the money has mostly come to rest, in that the government is now the proud owner of about one trillion dollars of mortgage backed securities guaranteed by Fannie, Freddie, and the FHA, plus some Fannie, Freddy, …


Affirmative action and the mortgage crisis

Four hundred firemen died attempting to rescue people on 9/11.  Not one “firefighter” died, for women do not fight fires.  It is not in their physique, nor their psychological nature to do so. Obama and his wife are typical affirmative action blacks.  Michelle’s Princeton thesis is a whine about racial prejudice and is full of spelling and grammatical errors.   Obama got a degree from Columbia without even showing up.  Obama …


Animal spirits

Everyone knew that things were going to collapse, but wanted to stay in till the last minute because there was money to be made, so it was not animal spirits, but people trying to rationally judge when to run to the exits.

global warming

“One bad apple”

Greenpeace is calling for the head of Pachauri, the IPCC chairman. As Mencius Moldbug says, this will not make the patient healthy, it will make the cancer healthy. The call is not for a replacement who can more impartially discover the truth about anthropogenic global warming, but for a replacement who can more convincingly persuade the public of the truth of anthropogenic global warming, and the terrible harm it will …

global warming

More climate shenanigans

Cheifio has found all sorts of oddities in the surface temperature data. His latest target is Madagascar But I’m sure it’s just an accident of history, or something, that an entire country with no visible warming in the basic data and a recent cooling was dropped in 2005…. Maybe the monkeys hid the data … The Nasa Giss anomaly chart shows Madagascar burning up, while the Madagascar climate station shows …

global warming

No twentieth century warming

The global warming blogs have done an analysis of the surface temperature readings, from which noconsensus quotes: leading meteorological institutions in the USA and around the world have so systematically tampered with instrumental temperature data that it cannot be safely said that there has been any significant net “global warming” in the 20th century. Temperature readings have had “value added” to their data, with the “raw” surface station histories mysteriously …

global warming

The science is scuttled

Nasa, as evidence that we are doomed unless we make sufficient sacrifice to Gaia and tithe to Gaia’s high priesthood, has long had on its web page Mountain Glaciers and snow cover have declined on average in both hemispheres and may disappear altogether in certain regions of the planet, such as the Himalayas, by 2030 Which web page has silently changed So was it a lie, or an error? I …

party politics

How left is Obama?

Obama was surrounded by the lunatic death-to-Americans left, his friends and social circle all come from those crazies, which led to widespread suspicion he was and is one of them – that he is a crazed commie nazi muslim who seeks to destroy America and reduce Americans to poverty and slavery.  Birds of a feather flock together.  On the other hand, a lot of people believe he is a moderate …