Official statistics have gone the same path as peer review. Obama holds a jobs conference, and then immediately after Obama’s cheerful jobs conference, the BLS tells us that there are fewer unemployed, and more jobs. Supposedly there are over a million more jobs this year than the same period last year – yet withheld income for salaried employees and payroll tax have fallen 19% compared to the same period last …
Tony Abbot takes aim at Copenhagen
Tony Abbot made news around the world, by unseating Malcolm Turnbull as leader of the Australian opposition over Climategate, and then stalling the carbon tax.  By stalling the tax, Abbot challenged the Prime Minister to a double dissolution election, which would have been a referendum on the carbon tax. By backing down from that challenge, the Prime Minister finds himself empty handed in Copenhagen, making it much harder to …
Regional Climate modeling
The IPCC produced extremely detailed physics based region by region models of the climate, past and present. These physics based models reproduced the regional temperatures reported by Hadley-CRU with astonishing accuracy up to the date at which the models were issued, which astonishing accuracy is most odd since we now know that these observed regional temperatures were not observed, but were pulled out of the @%$# of Tim Mitchell, a …
Provenance of the surface temperature graph of doom.
“So what the hell did Tim do?!! As I keep asking.†The IPCC blessed the results of Hadley-CRU. Hadley-CRU blessed the results of the religous fanatic PhD student Tim Mitchell, and, as is clear from the Harry Readme file, no one checked how Tim produced these remarkable results. Harry, in what is now the world’s most studied document on global warming, the Harry_Read_Me.txt file, asks “So what the hell did …
Jessica explains peer review
Jessica explains peer review
Climategate 3
You have seen the worst of the climategate emails “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick … to hide the decline†But there are over a thousand emails. What is the typical average email like? Download them. Are most of them just showing good honest scientists industriously at work doing real science? Here is a random sample. I selected the emails at random and entered them in this post before looking …
Winning on Climategate
The mainstream media is reluctant to report Climategate, except that evil hackers have stolen private emails in a vain attempt to create to cast doubt on a dire emergency that creates an urgent need for a massive transfer of power and wealth to a centralized one world government. Rasmussen polls, however, indicate that the vast majority of voters are aware of the general situation – not because they have been …
What is wrong with Wikipedia
Wikepedia’s rules innately and inherently create bias. One is required to source stuff, not in reality, not in what is observable, but in what respectable authority says, which necessarily excludes Climategate from Wikipedia. Evidence based data is “original researchâ€, thus the scientific approach is forbidden. To present the actual science, rather than the “consensusâ€, is a violation of Wikipedia rules Thus, for example, respectable authority does not like anything that …
The Cathedral loses
Honduras wins, Cathedral loses. It was a “coup†because it was not the kind of process that the Cathedral could manipulate without anyone understanding what was going on.
No twentieth century warming:
Climategate leak of Hadley-CRU-IPCC data shows no twentieth century global warming