
Israel did not win

After the recent war in the Gaza strip, Hamas declared victory, and Israel declared victory. What do they teach small boys in school today?  When I was in school, the first thing I learned is that the fight  is not over till the winner can make loser cry “uncle”. Hamas has not been destroyed, nor coerced.  They continue to rocket Israel.  Since they are religious fanatics, nothing short of Roman …

global warming

Plain speaking on warmist “science”

Hansen’s former supervisor tells us plainly what Climate Audit has been telling us politely The models do not realistically simulate the climate system because there are many very important sub-grid scale processes that the models either replicate poorly or completely omit. Furthermore, some scientists have manipulated the observed data to justify their model results. In doing so, they neither explain what they have modified in the observations, nor explain how …


The Origin of Species

“blogging the origin” criticizes Darwin for emphasizing selection, rather than separation, as the primary cause of speciation. But we now know that Darwin was, as usual, right, and the latest fashions were, as usual, wrong again. Until recently the evidence for *any* speciation was thin, and in the absence of evidence, people liked to imagine speciation by physical separation, in large part due the rhetoric of Gould, who argued that …


All quiet in France

Small Dead Animals draws my attention to the fact that things are not all quiet in France On New Years day, more than 1000 cars were torched – but the French seem unable to mention the fact that Muslims were burning the cars of infidels.  Islamic jihadism has tripled over the last year, but French government imposition of order has remained unchanged – which trend, if continued for much longer, …


affirmative action, bad loans, bailout, crisis

The New York Times explains: creditors came to believe that their loans to unsound financial institutions would be made good by the Fed — as long as the collapse of those institutions would threaten the global credit system. Bolstered by this sense of security, bad loans mushroomed. Of course any crisis is multicausal. I have been blaming affirmative action loans. But instead of pushing back against government pressure to make …

global warming

No warming trend in raw surface temperature data

You have all seen those GISS graphs of global warming.  Anthony Watt checked the raw data on which they are based. The cooked data shows warming, the raw data shows cooling. Of course this does not mean the data is necessarily fraudulent – but the adjustments are largely guesswork, so when they compile these graphs, they are merely guessing that the earth has warmed.


The cause of the crisis

Capitalism and free markets are prone to bubbles, and a great deal more prone to bubbles when speculators can expect that the government will print as much money as needed to keep the bubble going, but bubbles do not in themselves lead to massive financial defaults, because normally lenders only lend to people who are in a position to repay, even if the bubble pops. If one reads what purport …


The crisis

Fred Thompson argues the solution is thrift – which exactly what the government is trying to prevent. Obviously he is right – and yet wrong, for one person’s savings have to be another person’s obligations. What we need is a financial system that mobilizes savings for sound investments – such as mortgages on reasonably priced houses secured by twenty percent down payments, mortgages on farmlands, mortgages on mines and oilfield …


Why do all large organizations skew left authoritarian?

Constant drew my attention to the fact that Fox news, originally created to provide an alternative to the Mainstream Media orthodox ideology, is joining it, which led me to reflect on the tendency of big corporations to go left authoritarian and support socialism, gun control, political censorship, government health, and so on and so forth – as for example, the failure of the owners of shipping lines to allow deadly …