The world is going to end soon unless drastic climate action is taken. Well then, how soon? In the year 2000 – oops that report is thirty years old. In the year 2010 – oops that report is twenty years old In the year 2020 – oops that report is ten years old. It is definitely going to end the year 2030. That is definitely right. All scientists agree. It …
People who know too much about the Clintons have been suiciding with remarkable regularity, and no one paid much attention, but the suicide of Epstein was just one too many convenient suicides. Attorney General William P. Barr issued the following statement: “I was appalled to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide while in federal custody. Mr. Epstein’s death raises serious questions that …
War approaches
That is deaths as a proportion of population on a logarithmic scale, so the upward trend in the graph represents a doubling in the proportion of people killed in war. The next big war is due round about now. Right now we are heading into civil war. War is easy, peace is hard, in the sense that falling off a cliff is easy, climbing a cliff is hard. Unless you …
Gay needs to be suppressed
Gay simply did not exist until the late nineteenth century, and when we are in power, they will no longer exist, and people will not quite remember that they ever existed, much as they do not quite remember that pre-2008 Obama was opposed to gay marriage and was born in Kenya, or that before Christmas 1978, the Democrats and every single tenured academic in the entire US government hegemony supported …
The core of the reactionary program is to make marriage legal again. Without marriage, the higher races cannot reproduce successfully, and reproduction is dysgenic. Leftist marriage, modern marriage, is gay. Marriage has been gay since 1928. Obviously reactionaries must reintroduce marriage that is suitable for heterogamous organisms, and we will have to introduce it as a matter of faith and morals before we can introduce it as a matter of …
Mueller Testimony
A lot of people interpreted the Mueller testimony as Mueller being senile and forgetful. Did not look like that to me. He was “forgetful†under hostile cross examination: Looked to me that he was repeatedly caught lying to congress. He was not forgetful, he was changing his story in midstream. Looked to me that he is used to an environment where lying is mandatory, crimethought forbidden, so you can lie …
The General Flynn Affair
From the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats sincerely believed they had the goods on Trump, that he was guilty of something or other, had to be guilty of something or other, even though they were never clear in their own minds of exactly what. And from the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats did not have the goods on …
Trump closes the asylum loophole.
a new immigration rule Monday that will restrict illegal immigrants from countries, other than those bordering the United States, for applying for asylum first in the U.S. if they have attempted “to enter the United States across the southern border after failing to apply for protection in a third country.†Trump threatened Mexico with tariffs, they gave asylum. Mexico agreed to new asylum rules designed to meet the long established …
The Faith
Holy war is coming, as the poz gets ever more extreme, ever faster, and our ruling elite increasingly uses state coercion and the FBI to accomplish political outcomes, coercing fellow members of the political elite for political reasons. Have to bring a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war. Deus Vult. Whites are detribalized, and contrary to the white nationalists, “white†is not a tribal identifier. …
The counter coup unfolds.
A couple weeks ago, Trump condemned congresswoman Ilhan Omar for dismissing 9/11, and all the left and all the mainstream media united around her, and repeatedly told us she was black, and Trump hates blacks, and a woman, and Trump hates women, and he is lying liar. Lo and behold, by a strange coincidence, an investigation of congresswomen Ilhan Omar comes out revealing she has committed no end of illegal …