Yet another great Steve Sailer post. Diversity, even with groups of comparable ability, leads to loss of trust and bad conduct. This is revealed by the FBIs ten most wanted white collar criminals. White collar crime requires intelligence, but the only American born white on the top ten, the only one you could not tell was a diversity by looking at him, is named Hamed Ahmed Elbarki. Every single one …
Trump and democracy
The Trump candidacy is great because: The voices of the Cathedral from time to time say he will not be allowed to win, revealing the managed nature of democracy. All the other candidates are ladyboys, revealing both the managed nature of democracy and the emasculating nature of progressivism. Also revealing that the Republican party is the outer party, a fake managed opposition. It makes “cuckservative” a devastatingly effective insult, linking …
The Trumpening
Polls indicate that Trump is going to the Republican candidate, and going to win, going to be the next president. In substantial part because he gets a lot more black and hispanic votes than Republicans usually do, which is to say, a lot of votes from those who are most directly hurt by illegal immigration. The Cathedral attitude is that the voters are throwing a silly temper tantrum, which will …
The medium is the message, and the message is progressivism
New wine in old bottles. A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Roman Catholic church of one of my sons. He seemed quite satisfied that it was preaching Roman Catholicism, rather than progressivism. The service was presided over by three people: A white male, a black male, with blackness much emphasized, and a woman. Which is to say, presided over by diversity and consensus. I suppose that to the …
In Russia, there is freedom
Recently a gay black journalist murdered a white woman and a white man because he hates whites. This happens all the time, continually, day and night, but was more newsworthy this time because he did it live on air and on Facebook and explained his reasons on Facebook. In Russia, but not in America, the news reported this event as “a black man …” We love Putin, because Putin defends …
Trump: Empowering the powerless
There is a rule that people like Jorge Ramos are entitled to act like like the subhuman savages that they are, and white males must respectfully suck it up. Trump broke that rule. People like Jorge Ramos should not be allowed out in public without a leash. All men are not created equal, and forcing people to act as if they were unavoidably and necessarily oppresses the superior. This post …
It begins
A huge flood of blacks from subsaharan Africa is pouring into Europe, since stopping them has very recently been made illegal, and when they arrive, they are guaranteed free food and housing, and the welfare state and feminist laws has left white pussy readily available, undefended, and defenseless.  What man in his right mind will protect a slut (assuming she wants to be protected, which is unlikely)? A necessary consequence …
Trump plan to stop (nonwhite) immigration
The Trump plan broadens the Overton Window by speaking the unspeakable. Ann Coulter says “I don’t care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper.†Of course ending immigration is enormously popular.  Everyone is unhappy with the program to turn all white nations majority nonwhite in the fairly near future, but no one dares say so. The program will turn whites into a …
Political correctness castrates men
A public radio station (Government left wing propaganda station) had its staff testosterone levels tested. They all came out pathologically low, the highest being a gay New York Jew who almost made the official normal range (the official normal range being much lower than the actual normal range) Every one else was less than half the lower limit of the supposed normal range. In the ensuing conversation, they remarked on …
Intact fetal cadavers
An anti abortion organization, posing as a fetal tissue buyer, gets planned parenthood to agree to arrange for twenty week babies to be born alive, and then supplied to the buyer. At which point you are doubtless thinking “How mature is twenty weeks? Are they conscious?” Here is a video of an unborn boy masturbating at fifteen weeks. (At 6:30 into the video) If he can beat himself off, he …