
Evil League of Evil wins Hugo awards.

With assistance from Gamergate. Hugo awards controversy (Actually they dominated the short list, so it is not over yet, but the final outcome is pretty much baked in now)- Politically correct science fiction simply is not science fiction, none of it, not a single recent Hugo award winner until now, because it continually lectures us on the latest issue, even if those delivering the lecture are supposedly martian elves, thus …


Chimp politics and Cromwell’s puritanism

Moldbug is a big fan of Carlyle. Carlyle is a big fan of Cromwell. Well I am a big fan of Cromwell also, but Carlyle takes Cromwell’s Christianity seriously. If Carlyle was around today, I would have the exact same quarrel with him as I have with B. Reading Carlyle on Cromwell, Carlyle takes it as simple fact that the Puritans were very sincere and strong believers in God, which …


Anime and decadence

Japan is decadent and is committing suicide with impressive grace and style. This is intentional Cathedral and MacArthur policy. It does decadence very well, and decadence is attractive and entertaining. A little poison, every now and then, makes for an agreeable life, and a lot of poison, in the end, makes for an agreeable death. In the course of watching more anime that I should, I have observed that the …


The stupid elite

It seems obvious to me that our ruling elite has been getting less and less elite, less and less intelligent, since around 1875, and I have previously produced a great pile of anecdotal data on this subject, for example the endless dumbing down of university entrance tests throughout the twentieth century, the hilarious conversations found in the Challenger inquiry archives, showing spectacular examples of pointy haired boss syndrome, the staff …


Andreas Lubitz mass murder explained

Andreas Lubitz murdered one hundred and fifty innocent people by locking the pilot out of the cabin and deliberately flying the plane into a mountain. Roissy explains it all Lubitz was a nice guy, so naturally his girlfriend left him. So he converts to Islam and flies the plane into a mountain to get his six pack of virgins in the afterlife. This is part of the collateral damage we …


Harry Lee was the greatest statesman of our age, but …

Harry Lee took Singapore from third world to first world. He created an economic order that every nation should imitate, and many have. Singapore was about to fall to communism and racial violence, following the path of so many other third world hell holes abandoned by their colonial masters. Harry Lee created order peace, and economic freedom, which brought prosperity. As Spandrel says, he was a legalist, not a reactionary. …


Ever purer Islam

Once upon a time, there was a Caliphate, and the Caliphate was hereditary. The Caliph had a thousand sons. When his grip weakened, the sons would kill or imprison each other till only one remained, who became the new Caliph. The Caliph was the supreme leader of both Church and State, and any preacher boy who claimed to be substantially holier than the Caliph was apt to wind up a …



“Racist” is just a hate word for white, therefore I am not racist, merely white. I am anti anti racist. “Racist” has multiple, vague, slippery, and shifting definitions. I think it is really bad news to live close to blacks, and property owners should be entitled to protect themselves against what happened to those owning property in Ferguson. I think that blacks are, on average, genetically inferior. I think that …


Power laws in polygyny

When we read that only one man in three reproduced, we tend to imagine two thirds of the men in an underclass detached from society, enslaved, killed, or driven out, and one third of the men forming society, with three wives each. Or you could have two thirds killed in war and the survivors get the booty. And similarly, if only one man in seventeen … But obviously it is …