A lot of people who claim to teach how to pick up girls are just scammers. For example, “Neuro Linguistic Programming” is just a variation on the old “Get Girls by Hypnosis” scam. But Roissy is the real deal. I know well his stuff works. Most beautiful high IQ high socioeconomic status women are blowing their youth, their beauty, and their most fertile years on low income semi employed assholes …
Hard left wins in Greece
The interesting question is not whether Greece leaves the Euro, or the Euro leaves Greece, but how many of the opposition will be arrested before the next election. The victory of the hard left was made possible by arresting the hard right and forbidding them from campaigning. Which had the effect of discouraging anyone from disagreeing with the hard left Greek politics is already dominated by police intimidation and the …
Eight commandments for the neoreaction
Nyan draws a line in the sand *Patriarchy and families are the foundation of society. *The natural and unmolested course of selection and elimination must be allowed to occur in economics and society. *Hierarchy is the natural and right way for people to cooperate. *Different people are different. Equality is a lie. *Progressivism is an insane religion advanced by a hostile media/academic machine. *It’s not just “The Jewsâ€. *Democracy isn’t …
The bubble in government paper
Using money as a store of value is inherently problematic. One can store value as canned beans, as rice, but as money? The usual trick to this is to lend money to young people to build homes and start families. The value is stored in their home, the bank holds a lot of mortgages to these homes, and these back a lot of on demand deposits. This creates the notorious …
Forget about cultural marxism
Today’s left is, in substantial part Cultural Marxism from the Frankfurt School. Should you conclude that the Frankfurt School is really really important? If you conclude that Cultural Marxism is really really important and rules the world, it follows that Jews rule the world. Hard to prove they don’t. It also follows that leftism was just fine and democracy was just fine all the way up to and including the …
The elephant in the living room
The Chinese look at America and see the glaringly obvious that Americans cannot see Chinese advice to Chinese visitors to America http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3136003/posts “11. Show Humility to Ladies—They’re In Charge “In public, the Americans show particular respect for women. Everywhere is “Ladies First.†In social situations, men must show humility to ladies. Men must walk on the outside of the sidewalk, let the woman sit first, open the door for a …
Sex and natural law
When it comes to ordinary crime, for example mugging and burglary, natural law is obvious: What is crime? Crime is bad actions that are apt to be met by physical violence, socially approved physical violence. What is law? Law is social approval for violence against certain kinds of bad actions. If you see a conflict between someone who is mugged, and someone who is mugging, you will naturally support the …
The solution to Jihad
Progressivism is universalist. Islam is universalist. Holy war necessarily ensues. To call on Muslims to abandon Jihad is to call upon them to unilaterally surrender to progressivism. We faced this problem once before, and solved it once before by means short of genocide. The solution is to impose the Peace of Westphalia, first on ourselves, then on Muslims. Peace of Westphalia implies that Muslims resident in our lands are forcibly …
White on black crime
White on black crime: This site: http://topconservativenews.com/2014/12/challenge-name-a-white-on-black-murder-occurring-in-the-past-year/ has an open invitation to the SPLC to tell them all about white on black crime, to be fair and balanced with their (horrific) black on white page. They get about one white killing a year of a black man not engaged in a felony. According to the FBI, in 2011, 193 black men were murdered by whites. But if these were actual …
Sockpuppet Rapist
Email from Jackie Coakley’s supposed rapist to the man who friendzoned her. Ryan McDuffin friendzoned Jackie Coakley. She then invented a sockpuppet imaginary boyfriend, Haven Monahan. She talked to Ryan McDuffin about this boyfriend a lot, and sent numerous messages to Ryan from sockpuppet accounts, supposedly from her imaginary boyfriend. Sockpuppet boyfriend then supposedly rapes her with five other men when she went on a date with him. (This was …