
The anti-anti reactionary FAQ Part 4, Ever leftwards movement

In his anti reactionary FAQ Scott argues that ever leftwards movement is not a bunch of conspiracies run by Harvard and the State Department, but rather a natural response to prosperity and power.  We are richer and safer, so can afford a little decadence, perhaps a lot of decadence. This fails to explain the ever more drastic measures applied by the state to move us left, for example population replacement, …


Apostolic Succession

According to some branches of Christianity, notably Roman Catholicism, Jesus ordained his disciples to perform certain sacraments, and they in turn ordained others to perform these sacraments, and only the legitimate successors of the apostles can validly perform these sacraments.   So supposedly most sacraments are invalid unless performed by a priest, by someone who has been authorized by someone who has been authorized … all the way back to …


The anti-anti reactionary FAQ Part 3, Freedom and Monarchy.

In his anti reactionary FAQ Scott tells us how terribly repressive Queen Elizabeth was, failing to compare actually observable dissent in her time with actually observable dissent in our time: Likewise, Elizabeth and the other monarchs in her line were never shy about killing anyone who spoke out against them. Henry VIII, Elizabeth’s father, passed new treason laws which defined as high treason “to refer to the Sovereign offensively in …



In 1900, there were no planes, no space travel. Motorcars were toys that enthusiasts played with, not useful means of transport.  There were no computers, no radios, no antibiotics, no rockets, no nuclear power, no knowledge or understanding of the interior the atom, no very useful plastics. In 1961 we had all of this stuff Since 1961, what have we got? The last man on the moon is getting pretty …


The anti-anti reactionary FAQ Part 2, Crime.

A major reactionary argument is that since the early eighteenth century, since the reign of throne and altar, war, state political repression, state violence against respectable citizens, underclass crime, and minority crime have all risen enormously, that the overclass and underclass are attacking the productive, and the attack has been escalating. Scott’s anti reactionary FAQ  points out that murder is pretty much the same as ever it was.  Quite so.  …


The anti-anti reactionary FAQ Part 1, Terror and mass murder

In this post, I address Scott’s anti reactionary FAQ on terrors and mass murders.  In other posts I will address economic growth, sex, freedom, art, and other issues. The anti reactionary FAQ is big, and has a lot of points, most of which I will deal with in separate posts. Reactionaries say that democracy leads to the left singularity, which at best results in great suffering, and usually in mass …


In favor of official religion

Official science is, as all reactionaries know, and all progressives deny, a disaster. All progressives also know that official religion is a disaster, despite the fact that progressivism is the official religion.  This should make you suspect that official religion is a good thing – unless, of course, it is progressivism. If a meme complex is selected for virulence, if for example if it is transmitted by street corner preaching, …


Stupid U and faking the GPA

Lately universities, especially high status public universities, have been introducing courses in stupid, to accommodate the increasing number of students that have difficulty doing traditional university courses.  The students who attend courses in stupid are overwhelmingly female and disproportionately lower class.  At the same time, degrees in smart, for example Computer Science, get women and blacks affirmatively actioned into them, and when those students struggle, get quietly and furtively dumbed …

party politics

The outer party rolls over

The outer party has rolled over for the inner party and wet themselves. Because they lost, they will be blamed for holding the confrontation at all. Had they won, Democrats would be blamed. In that the Democrats had accepted funding to keep almost all the government open except Obamacare, the Democrats were most of the way to losing. In that the Democrats were starting to call the Republicans crazy, the …

party politics

The “shutdown”

I have been analyzing the “shutdown” as politics as usual, which is to say, a fake conflict between the inner party and the outer party to give the appearance of democracy.  I predicted the Republicans would roll over and wet themselves in a week. It has now been two weeks. I still think it is politics as usual, but the increasingly strident reaction of the inner party organs indicates that …