Tag: feminism


Fun hate fact about the bell curve

Today’s hate fact is hyperexponential decay. The normal survival function (the number of cases in a normal distribution that are more than x, one minus the cumulative distribution) approaches zero as x increases hyperexponentially, which is to say, very fast. This often makes it possible, under many common circumstances, to draw conclusions about individual cases, to infer a particular person’s character and or ability from his race or sex, and …


The degeneration of Britain

Three facts that have recently been in the news: The reversal of the Flynn effect.  The British youth of today really are dumber. Violence, drunkenness, laddie, and home invasion burglaries, where drunken lads smash into someone’s house and terrify the inhabitants.  The British crime rate is about double the US crime rate, and threatens everyone, whereas the US crime rate is very low outside areas with large numbers of protected …