Tag: gay


Gay needs to be suppressed

Gay simply did not exist until the late nineteenth century, and when we are in power, they will no longer exist, and people will not quite remember that they ever existed, much as they do not quite remember that pre-2008 Obama was opposed to gay marriage and was born in Kenya, or that before Christmas 1978, the Democrats and every single tenured academic in the entire US government hegemony supported …


No nation with a gay parade wins wars

Israel has just been defeated yet again. Three days ago they invaded to Gaza to put a stop to intolerable organized acts of war by the government of Gaza. Were militarily defeated. This was rationalized as a one off bungle. These things happen, but now, rather than trying again with the supposed errors rectified, they are seeking a peace treaty that restores and legitimizes the intolerable status quo ante that …


Baking a gay marriage cake

The supreme court has rolled back the decision that forced a particular baker to bake a particular gay marriage cake. But has done nothing in general about the rules that pressure everyone else to piously give service to gay marriage, that require ever other baker to bake a gay wedding cake. The reason for undoing that particular decision is that the human rights commission was openly and enthusiastically delighting in …


Marriage is gay

When two gays “marry”, the point is not to have sex with each other, but rather to go cruising together for pickups, as wingmen.  Predictably, gay style marriage is now being promoted to heterosexuals. Because otherwise, discrimination.


The trouble with gay marriage

Scott Alexander has just posted that anyone who objects to homosexuality must be a repressed homosexual, which is typical of what passes for rationality among the “Less Wrong” crowd. By the same reasoning, anyone who objects to coprophagy must be a repressed coprophage, because, of course, everyone at  “Less Wrong” knows perfectly well that there can be no rational, innate, or instinctive reasons to dislike eating $#!%. When we were all forced …