Posts Tagged ‘nazis’

Nazis are commies

Friday, August 30th, 2024

And commies are Nazis, near as makes no difference to anyone who is not a Nazi or a commie

This is evident today in the seeming odd alignment of Ukrainian Nazis and State Department Jews, but was obvious enough to Papen in his Marburg speech.

Every time, always, everywhere, leftism gets ever lefter, ever more lethal, ever faster, until it is stopped by large scale deadly violence originating from a top leader, as for example Sulla, or until it destroys everything and everyone.

Hillary and Clinton bumped off no end of people, and Obama has bumped off at least one, probably more. The FBI plus DEI elements in the secret service had a go at bumping off Trump, though it is unclear who was behind it at the top. The Senate inquiry displays a curious lack of interest in subpoenaing cell phones. It begins.

No exceptions. Wiemar is not an exception. Hitler was lefter than thou, until he was not. The rise of the Sparts and the Nazis was continuing movement leftwards, just as Kamala, antifa, and BLM is continuing movement leftwards.

Papen in his Marburg speech complains of Nazi radical leftism, hints that the generals should stop it by deadly force, and appeals to Hitler to stop it by deadly force. The Brownshirts complain that Hitler is insufficiently left, boast that they are lefter than thou, and hint at doing something about it. Hitler does something about it instead.  Night of the long knives.

Hitler was movement right in the same way as Deng, Stalin, Napoleon, Cromwell, and all the others were movement right.

Same pattern as all of the others, Sulla being the archetype.


Nazis are commies and commies are nazis

Tuesday, January 10th, 2023

Near as makes no difference.

Notice that Russia’s leaders say that Russia’s goals in the Ukraine include de-nazification and/or de-communization, without really making a distinction between de-nazification and de-communization.

Nazism was radical leftism in its day, and was perceived as radical leftism in its day.

And, predictably, Hitler found himself outflanked on the left within the Nazi party, as Stalin found himself outflanked by Trotsky. So he killed them.

Whereupon Stalin created the third positionists, “fascists” who were even lefter than Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and company. At the start of World War II, the third positionists were revealed to be in Stalin’s pocket.

The third positionist movement has always been in the pay of the left, they are always selling a socialism even more radical than that of Hitler, which was itself more radical than the socialism of Franco and Mussolini.

Here in the US, the equivalent of the Azov brigade call themselves third positionists. They are socialist and hostile to Christianity, still selling what they sold for Stalin, though today they appear to be in the pay of Soros. Russia calls the Azov brigade commies or nazis interchangeably, and that is entirely accurate.

The Azov brigade and today’s third positionists are supposed nationalists who serve Jewish globalists. During world war two, they were in the pocket of internationalist socialism, today, they are in the pocket of post capitalist Jewish globalists.

Hitler’s nazism had the usual faults of socialism, and led to the usual catastrophes of socialism, which bit at the worst possible moment. He ran out of other people’s stuff just when he was invading Russia. But for all that, it was different from communism in important ways. Third positionism is not. Hitler wanted to coopt, rather than exterminate, the merchant class. Third positionists, like Marxists, want to eradicate the merchant class and have the priestly class take their wealth.

Hitler perceived the merchant class as doing something important and valuable. Third positionists and Marxists think that wealth just springs forth from the magic dirt, and the evil capitalist overlords just scarfed it all up. This difference proved less important in practice than one might think, as Hitler shut down the creation of wealth by the Merchant class inadvertently, while the Marxists, the Covid worshipers, and the Gaia worshipers destroy it intentionally.

Nazis are commies and commies are progressives

Friday, March 6th, 2015

As you probably know if you read this blog and others like it, the overthrow of the Ukrainian government by Soros et al was a Jewish/State Department conspiracy. Maidan’s primary documents are in English, in the dialect of the America Harvard educated ruling class, like so many other similar movements all over the world. The Ukrainian secession movement was and is a response to this foreign created coup installed government.

So, which side do you think the Nazis would support?

Ara Maxima has a nice rant on these pinko progressive nazis here and here. Nazis for the Jewish conspiracy, because loving America, they naturally love the State Department.

As Orwell said, anyone who thinks there is a big difference between Nazis and commies is in favor of one or the other. And, it would seem, sometimes both.

It is always possible to argue that we should support side X because side Y is too far leftist, overlooking the fact that everyone today is leftist by the standards of yesterday, and everyone yesterday is leftist by the standards of the day before yesterday, but if you want to find a genuine reactionary, a Russian who wants to restore the Tsar and Greek Russian Orthodoxy under the Tsar, that man is or recently was fighting for the independence of Russians in the breakaway republics of the Ukraine.

On one side, who started this war?

George Soros, progressive atheist anti zionist Jew.

On the other side, who kept this war going when it would have ended with only the Crimea detached?

Igor Ivanovich Strelkov, Tsarist and theocrat.

So which side are you going to support. The side of George Soros, or the side of Igor Ivanovich Strelkov?

Are you going to support the side sponsored by the State Department, or the side whose soldiers sing “O righteous God” – the anthem sung today by the rebels on the battlefields of eastern Ukraine. was born nearly 100 years ago during the Russian Civil War, sung by the soldiers of Gen Mikhail Drozdovsky, a White Guard commander.

National Socialists are Socialists.

The reason George Soros supports Nazis in the Ukraine is that he does not give a shit about Jews, but does care about socialism.

Are Palestinians mad dogs, or crazy like foxes?

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

It is widely believed that the “draconian” terms that the allies imposed on Germany at the end of World War One contributed to the rise of the Nazis and World War Two, and in a sense this is true, but imposing the terms and then retreating from them under pressure is what really caused the rise of the Nazis, as Étienne Mantoux argues in “The Carthaginian Peace: Or the Economic Consequences of Mr Keynes”

The Versailles reparations were extremely mild compared to the extraordinary brutality with which the Germans treated conquered populations during World War One, and their cost was entirely insignificant, compared to the economic costs the Germans inflicted on themselves in the course of resisting it – for example paying people to not work, paying people to sabotage their own economy. Indeed, Hitler quite correctly pointed this out, in the course of arguing that instead of economic threats, Germans needed to use threats of violence.

The ruin suffered by Germany was a result of them accurately perceiving weakness of will and self doubt among the allies, much like the ruin today suffered by the Palestinians. Keynes’s book “The Economic Consequences of the Peace” was a major cause and manifestation of this weakness of will and self doubt. The successful push of the Germans against this weakness progressively escalated, Nazism, like Hamas, being a manifestation of this success.

Palestinian terror has been highly profitable, as Europe and America seek to outbid each other in paying off the terrorists. So the PLO escalate their demands, and Hamas demands its share of the gravy. In order to get their share of the gravy, Hamas has to prove they are even crazier than the PLO.

The lesson we should have learned from World War II is not only no appeasement, but that early appeasement leads to increasingly intolerable demands and the rise of increasingly extreme factions – that the temptation to appeasement must be resisted when the demands are cheap, arguably reasonable and morally justified, and the threats modest, for yielding will lead to escalating demands and escalating threats, will lead to the rise of factions that are ever crazier, since craziness is working.

We should have responded to German resistance by substantially escalating Versailles, rex talonis, to a punishment that matched German occupation during World War One eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, rather that making concessions. This would have prevented the rise of Hitler. Since confrontation was working, Germans figured they should elect the most confrontational politician of them all, and at first it worked great.

Of course, confrontation worked at a very great risk of renewing World War I, as Hitler and the Nazis well knew, but the Nazis of course de-emphasized this risk, and when they told the truth to the voters, as they sometimes did, seems that no one listened anyway. Indeed Hitler had a long history of speaking the truth, and not being believed. He would tell the plain truth, then he would imply a lie that people wanted to believe, and people would believe the lie, and forget the truth. Again, observe the similarity with Hamas and the PLO, both of which have told us often enough that a two state solution is only a step towards the total destruction of Israel – and Hamas has from time to time told us that Tel Aviv is only a first step towards Rome. Israeli concessions endanger not only Israel, but also the rest of us.

Stubborn intransigence by the Palestinians needs to be met by cutting off the payoffs, by killing the bagmen who attempt to make payoffs, and if that fails, by imposing on Muslims rex talionis the same conditions as are imposed on Christians in most Muslim countries, not by making ever bigger payoffs.