Posts Tagged ‘rape’

Jian Ghomeshi rape case

Friday, March 25th, 2016

Umpteen different women accused Jian Ghomeshi of raping them. He was rightly acquitted.

Reading the evidence, I interpret it as indicating that he was so besieged by hot chicks that he generally would not date the same woman twice. When he dated a woman he would rough her up to turn her on. This sometimes resulted in her becoming so sexually excited she would have sex with him on the first date. In which case he when he was finished using her, he would kick her out like a piece of trash. Or if she did not have sex with him on the first date, he would also kick her out like a piece of trash, presumably because he expected the next date to be more compliant.

She would then pursue him in email and in person, offering quick casual sex in language that became ever plainer and more direct, which contacts he politely or rudely ignored. This is a man who having had a woman once, would continually turn down offers to have her again.

Some women, after being ignored in this manner, then charged him with sexual assault. These were the classic failure-to-booty-call rape accusations.

Jian Ghomeshi is tolerably good looking, but not exceptionally handsome. He is not charismatic. He is mildly famous and mildly influential. He is not particularly narcissistic. I conjecture that the chief reason for his success with women was that he is just naturally and instinctively a total asshole with a tendency to sadistic violence.

Progressive degenerates define BDSM as role playing – safe words and all that. He states that he never role played – which would indicate Ghomeshi got real, rather than pretended, submission from women.

Ghomeshi piously claimed to be a feminist, which is a piety that is absolutely mandatory for someone with his kind of job, but in practice always treated women as they love to be treated – like domestic animals.

He is Iranian by ancestry, therefore may have been raised redpilled.

Sockpuppet Rapist

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Email from Jackie Coakley’s supposed rapist to the man who friendzoned her.

Ryan McDuffin friendzoned Jackie Coakley.  She then invented a sockpuppet imaginary boyfriend, Haven Monahan.  She talked to Ryan McDuffin about this boyfriend a lot, and sent numerous messages to Ryan from sockpuppet accounts, supposedly from her imaginary boyfriend.  Sockpuppet boyfriend then supposedly rapes her with five other men when she went on a date with him. (This was the original version of the UVA frat boy rape)  Five days after supposed rape, she supposedly sends an email to her supposed boyfriend begging Ryan McDuffin to become her boyfriend, which the imaginary rapist Haven Monahan supposedly forwards to Ryan McDuffin from what is supposedly his email account, but is in fact an account controlled by Jackie Coakley:

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Haven Monahan <>
Date: Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:33 PM
Subject: about u
To: “——” <——>

you should read this. iv never read anything nicer in my life.

Well yeah…Ryan is fine. Ryan’s great, actually. I mean he’s smart. He’s attractive. He’s funny. He’s a scaredy cat. If you creep up behind him, he’ll jump right out of his skin. It’s pretty amusing. He’s honest. He always calls them just like he sees them. You can constantly count on getting the truth from Ryan, even if the truth hurts. He has the most incredible taste in music. He’s like this walking, talking music library. And he understands how truly important music is. He’s stubborn. He has this regimented way about him that can be so frustrating sometimes. And sometimes the things he says hurt. But he’s a really, really good friend. And loyal to a fault. He’s realistic about everything. And I’m a dreamer so I mean, it’s good to have somebody like that in my life. He’s one of my best friends here, you know? He’s more than that …he’s everything

So, then there’s Ryan. And Ryan…Ryan’s incredible. I didn’t fall for Ryan Duffin the first day I met him. Nor did I fall for him on the second day or the third day for that matter. But once I did fall for Ryan, you see, my world flipped upside down. Kathryn doesn’t understand what I see in Ryan. I guess I don’t understand what she doesn’t see in him. He’s gorgeous, but gorgeous is an understatement. More like you’re startled every time you see him because you notice something new in a Where’s Waldo sort of way. More like you can’t stop writing third grade run on sentences because you can’t even remotely begin to describe something, someone, so inherently amazing. More like you’re afraid that if you stare at him too long, you’ll prove your grandparents right that, yes, your face will get stuck that way…but you don’t mind. You, like everyone else, may think I’m exaggerating, but then again, you probably don’t know Ryan Duffin. Ryan has no idea what he does to me…he can make me feel more emotions in one second then I would normally feel in one year. He makes my head spin. And the truth is, I’m crazy about him. I mean, if I had the choice of hanging out with anyone in the entire world or just sitting in my dorm with him talking about music and watching a crappy TV show…I’d choose him everytime…without a single false step. I know he doesn’t like me. If someone really wanted you, they’d actually put some time and effort into trying to get your attention. Ryan doesn’t even like to be around me sometimes. And that really sucks. When you like someone more than he likes you, you’ll do anything to switch the scales. The thing is, you can’t. You want to tell him how you feel but you know it will end with “It’s just not going to work out.” How can I explain to him that I fell for him because of a million tiny things he never knew he was doing? I know I should just stop trying because he and I are never going to happen. He doesn’t like me, I’m not his type, I’m not the type of person he could ever be with so I should just get over it. The problem is I can’t shake these feelings I have for him, I try so damn hard, but they won’t go away. I can’t move on because the only thing I can find wrong with him, is that he can find so much wrong with me. [Redacted] said I shouldn’t give up. She said she read this quote once that said,” There’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.” She claimed that’s how Ryan and I are. I think she’s wrong. I think he was right from the get-go. He’ll never see me as anything more than some girl and it’ll never amount to anything. He told Alex I’m not his type and I’m a waste of his time. The things he says hurt more than you know but still…there’s something about him that makes me come back for more. All I know is, the girl who gets to be with Ryan Duffin is the luckiest girl in the world. And if she doesn’t know that, then she doesn’t deserve him.

According to a police officer, all rape accusations made by adults are false, in that he has never encountered a genuine accusation, and neither have any of the other police officers he has talked to about the matter.

My own experience would lead me to conclude that when he says “by adults” he is counting statutory rape as rape, though in my experience, it is girls who have developed hair on their pussies but not yet developed breasts who are the sexual aggressors.

If an underage girl is having sex, she is usually badly behaved in several other ways that also need and merit a beating.

Women, not men, are the uncontrollably lustful sex.  For society to reproduce biologically and culturally, men have to impose monogamy on women, impose on women the rule that they can only sleep with one man, and stick with that man, and only sleep with a man willing to stick with her.

Sex between adult males and female children is primarily a problem of female bad behavior, one few remaining problems that one is allowed to acknowledge is a problem, though one is not allowed to blame the perpetrators.

Women are the sex whose dangerously volcanic and difficult to control sexual urges threaten civilization.  For civilization to function, men have to control women’s sexual decisions.  Women, if permitted, will reliably make bad sexual choices.  Female sexuality is dangerous, and needs to placed under the control of fathers and husbands.  Placing male sexuality under the control of women is the worst possible form of control.  It results in the large majority of women fucking a small minority of men starting at a disturbingly early age and continuing until their eggs start to run out.  Sex between adult males and little girls is seldom rape.  It is girls behaving badly, and starting their bad behavior an an early age.

We should return to the system where state and society backed patriarchal authority and where sex with a virgin was a property crime against the father.