Tag: science

global warming

Faking global warming

I have often mentioned before that the those impressive graphs of rising surface temperatures are faked, as if everyone knew, and everyone agreed, inadvertently imitating the mock consensus style of the warmists, without giving a citation.  Here is the article that exposed the fakery for the US weather stations The method is simple:  The raw and adjusted data is available from the United States Historical Climatology Network Monthly Temperature and …

global warming

Cooking the data

Steve’s Climate Audit has found yet another entertaining example of carelessness or dishonesty by the Anthropogenic Global Warming holy Gaia rollers, as he does ever week or so. I think the underlying mechanism of all these many errors is that the holy Gaia rollers massage the data one way, then they massage it another way, then another, and another, until they come up with a result that is on message, …