
Relief Fund for Hurricane Helene Victims

This an ad for a worthy cause.


This relief fund is being organised by Carson Ford Brooks, who, unlike most people involved in Hurricane Helene relief solicitations has no history of grifting, so when he says

“We are internally fundraising for our own travel, lodging, and food expenses. We are bringing our own equipment. Absolutely ALL of the funds received will go directly toward supplies for the victims and fuel to operate equipment.”

It is probably true.

Fema has pissed away all its money on illegal immigrants, which is probably a good thing because its previous responses to disasters have been hostile to the victims of disaster, and even more hostile to anyone who was prepared for disaster, or providing more useful assistance than Fema. Their primary objective appears to be to move people from areas that vote Republican, to areas that vote Democrat by overwhelming margins, and to reduce everyone to dependency upon the government. In the floods of Hurricane Helene, seem to be more interested in land seizures than providing food and clean drinking water.

Fema is however vitally concerned that faith based shelters might misgender transwomen.

124 comments Relief Fund for Hurricane Helene Victims

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Lot of mud being slung back and forth over ongoing events.

On one hand you have lots of people being angry over army brigades not being deployed for disaster relief.

On the other hand you have people saying the reason they aren’t being deployed is because accepting army resources is a legalistic poison pill that comes with the string of the permanent government assuming federal control over proceedings; and federal control over proceedings generally means shitting all over everything, as in Katrina.

alf says:

The classic choice between malice and incompetence. Honestly, the latter is probably better in the long term.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I haven’t seen any of that. I’ve seen the right upset about FEMA confiscating donations, blocking volunteers, failure to rescue specific victims, and general uselessness of FEMA themselves. I’ve seen comparisons to the one time check survivors will get to the monthly checks immigrants get. I’ve seen the alt right upset about soldiers being denied passes to go home because they’re being staged for deployment to the middle east.

But I haven’t seen anybody debating army brigades on libertarian or federalist grounds. For one thing, fedgov is currently asserting (not competently exercising) federal control over proceedings.

I have seen army deployment contrasted to past foreign disaster relief. But I haven’t seen it from anyone who’s not already more concerned about the blocking of

This is in fact the only retarded post I’ve ever seen from Pseudo. Most charitably, we follow very different commenters. Actually entirely possible in itself, but I can’t see what’s to be gained from following anyone who seriously asserts that fedgov through FEMA is not currently asserting control over proceedings but would if and only if they sent in national guard or army. There’s a more true and more rhetorically valuable argument being made by multiple commenters; why skip over that to focus on a tea-sippers’ theoretical argument?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Of course fedgov is going to act like they are in charge regardless.

The story FEMA is telling is that they ‘can’t help’ because the governor won’t let them. In all likelihood ‘wont let us help’ means not agreeing to egregious violation of sovereignty, and which lack of agreement is going to be ignored regardless, but not without also punishing the recalcitrant for their temerity as well.

jim says:

No one is listening to what Fema is saying, because they know it is lies and spin.

f6187 says:

“No one is listening to what Fema is saying, because they know it is lies and spin.”

Earlier this week a bunch of us were working hard on a local effort to collect and ship supplies up to NC, and I can attest that no one involved had a shred of respect for FEMA. All they do is interfere and grandstand. The real Emergency Management Administration is us.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I think the exchange between Musk and Pete Buttbandit perfectly encapsulated the whole business.

Man: our efforts to land help are being blocked
GAE Apparatchik 1: that’s super weird all authorized help is allowed did you check in through the proper channels?
Man: I’m calling and noone’s picking up
Peanut Gallery: by ‘authorized help’ they mean nobody outside of Buttigieg’s Bath House
GAE Apparatchik 2: were they trying to land in (((unsafe locations)))?

What can you say? Our most current of years never fails to deliver more new and exciting forms of coordination failure.

Scott Alexander would say multi-polar traps, which is technically true in a descriptive sense – and also safely depersonalized; “I am not responsible, it’s just the game”. From whence adaptive convergence on situationally contingent and mutually reinforcing layers of calumny? That doesn’t happen without a seed of evil to animate it.

If you ever find yourself having to judge between malice or incompetence, pick both.

jim says:

Years ago, the behavior of Fema was plausibly describable as self interested evil. These days, looks more like demonic evil — willingness to suffer considerable harm provided others are harmed even more.

Scott Anderson’s “multi polar trap” takes evil off the table as an issue.

It was primarily an argument against libertarianism, which in our day and age has become irrelevant: “Just bake the cake why don’t you”. Libertarianism died, like Christianity, of hostile entryism, but Christianity is better at rising from the dead.

I have a better argument against libertarianism. Holy war is coming. Those who do not sign up with a King will be ruled by those who do.

His argument against libertarianism rests on externalities. But, as David Friedman points out, there are endless shades of gray between a negative externality, aggression, and war. If negative goods, harms, are on the table “give me that good thing or I will inflict that bad thing upon you”, and negative goods are always on the table, then this necessarily leads to state formation, as people gang up for the capability to inflict the largest harm possible.

The priesthood constructs consensus on what is aggression, and should be met with proportionately greater harm, and what is a right that other people just have to put up with. The Sovereign lays down his interpretation of that consensus, and enforces it. We are always ruled by priests or warriors, and usually some mixture of both.

jim says:

You have far too much faith in our government. You are assuming that there is some elaborately convoluted ingenious sense in which Butgeig is technically telling the truth. A simpler explanation is that he is just lying barefaced yet again.

Think about how this looks to normie: Normie sees headline “Buttgeig refutes Musk’s misinformation”. Normie thinks to himself that of course Buttgeig is going to say that, so is at least a little bit suspicious that Buttgeig is just lying. Then normie sees reports from the field that Fema is doing what it does best: Make a bad situation worse. Normie concludes Buttgeig is just lying. Normie is right.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> A simpler explanation is that he is just lying barefaced yet again.


Where is this reading otherwise coming from? Was calumny a too high falutin’ synonym for lies on top of lies?

skippy says:

If the government were trying hard to rescue people, they would be trumpeting their acts, and even if those acts weren’t effective they would be trumpeting their attempts. Saving people from natural disasters is the most basic way any government establishes its legitimacy. They are not trumpeting their acts, even ineffective acts, they are trying to persuade you that the apparent lack of action doesn’t reflect their malice, isn’t their fault, but that isn’t what you would see if they were trying.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Any Amerikaners on the continent not already convinced that their colonial occupiers hate them and want them to die can’t be convinced; or rather are part of the problem and not the final solution.

Of course it’s one thing to say and to know in an intellectual sense – the cracks in the regimentation of public discourse vis-a-vis messaging are growing significant – but it’s another thing to truly internalize that truth in their hearts; that which can be seen by whether they act like people who know they are living in a world where that is the truth.

The obvious solution to the hurricane disaster would be for the governor to declare himself commander-in-chief of the disaster effort and call the other governors to second their national guard under his command.

Much rumor, rumbling and grumbling of What Time It Is; but nothing doing until Caesars who Know What Time It Is make moves to take up the mandate of heaven.

jim says:

After being shot at twice by the presidency, Trump still has normality bias. Don Junior and Vance considerably less so.

It is apparent that though Trump is a merchant and deal maker, he has the warrior spirit. But normality bias leads him to suppose he can make a deal.

Pax Imperialis says:

I got family in the region. It’s really bad. Both the damage and the federal response.

By many accounts FEMA is outright blocking/confiscating aid. Surprised Jim didn’t write more on that.

jim says:

The federal government is now staffed from top to bottom with people who hate everything and everyone. You always recruit from the state religion, and the state religion has gone demonic.

The only cure is to install a new, saner, state religion — full on reaction.

Right now there is a massive preference cascade for Thermidor. The boomers in today’s Thermidor want to roll stuff back to the leftism of their youth. The younger elements of Thermidor are rather confused. Neither is going to work, but they plan to give it a try. If they follow through, things will get interesting. Thermidor is unstable. It breaks right, left, or to Caesar.

The Cominator says:

Also North Carolina is a close swing state that always narrowly Republican (not that much fraud) the coastal areas are cucked the interior is Trump country. So they figure if nobody can vote in Western NC…

Mister Grumpus says:

Yes. The friend-enemy distinction.

All this facefag talk about “failure” to help people is driving me absolutely fucking crazy.

Anonymous Fake says:


I simply do not know why Republicans ignore the cities.

jim says:

Republicans do not ignore cities. The problem has been Democrats flooding cities with a vote bank living on welfare, crime, and useless government employment. In the big blue cities you will find vast numbers on the government payroll to produce various public goods, which they conspicuously fail to produce. They are employed to vote, not work.

Anonymous Fake says:

Public goods are [*deleted for rectification of names*]

jim says:

Those are not public goods. A public good is public if it is impossible or counterproductive to charge for access to it.

Anonymous Fake says:

The bimodal model of government labor should still be mentioned. It’s either honorable work or it isn’t. It is performed as a duty, with no consideration of price for the employee who performs it. All that matters to him is whether or not he gets fired, and he usually doesn’t.

jim says:

If you spend your money on yourself and those close to you, you will worry about how much you spend, and how much benefit is achieved.

If you spend other people’s money on yourself and those close you, you will not worry about how much you spend, but will worry about how much benefit is acheived.

If you spend your money on strangers far away, you will worry about how much you spend, but will not worry whether it actually benefits the recipients — observe for example the astonishing destructiveness of aid to Haiti after the earthquake, and the monstrous damage it did.

If you spend other people’s money on strangers, you will not worry about how much you spend, nor whether the effect actually benefits the recipients. Consider for example how much is spent on hospital hygiene, yet the frequency of Clostridium difficile among hospital residents reveals that food is frequently contaminated with human feces, that fecal contamination of meals is vastly more common in hospital food than in food prepared in households or by private businesses.

Thus government work intended to benefit the public leads to the maximum opportunity and incentive for wicked conduct. Hence the necessity for tight supervision by a virtuous official religion. Since we have a wicked officially unofficial religion, we get what we see.

We also need to minimize central government activities that are unessential for government (everything except tax collection and maintaining order against large scale organised violence). Any activity intended to benefit people must be incentive aligned, and run by people as close to the recipient as possible, to reduce the incentive and opportunity for evil. Aid to those close and akin to oneself is usually virtuous. Aid to distant strangers, tends to turn grossly evil.

They crucified George W. Clinton Obama Bush for this during Hurricane Katrina. But I guess Kuntmala gets a free pass.

Fidelis says:

U.S. Wiretap Systems Targeted in China-Linked Hack

A cyberattack tied to the Chinese government penetrated the networks of a swath of U.S. broadband providers, potentially accessing information from systems the federal government uses for court-authorized network wiretapping requests.

The surveillance systems believed to be at issue are used to cooperate with requests for domestic information related to criminal and national security investigations.


A completely unforseen attack! The innocent feds innocently inserting very secure backdoors into everything as policy was very rudely taken advantage of by the dastardly CCP! Surely the only reasonable response is to stand up a committee to discuss the brazen dastardliness and rudeness of the CCP, any other measures related to not allowing any random fed agency to willy nilly insert backdoors at all levels of the communication chain would clearly not help and only enable terrorism.

skippy says:

Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed.

Would Prigozhin have spied on his men?

Pilgrim says:

West condemns Russia, who shows restraint in civilian casualties, but stand by an ally that is accused of genocide.

I maintain there is no political left and right until parties exist capable of saying die in a fire you fucking vermin to Israel.

Fidelis says:

Seems a lot of people that hate hate hate Israel don’t have a problem with the Jews per se, they have a problem that the Jews aren’t brown.

Can you say something nice about white people? What are some good qualities that the white race has?

Varna says:

Implied in the start of the first sentence is something along the line of “Russia isn’t all that bad”, which, not necessarily in this context, but in others for sure, could be a loophole to sound generally “not anti-white”, by mentioning without obvious hate various Slavs, Armenians, Georgians, Syrians, Celts, etc.

Thus, pressing the point could require a more narrow focus, as in:
a) the Western European Germanic whites (the inventors and conquerors), and
b) the founding stock of specific places, for example the classical US (anglo-germanic mix).

Praise for those “white subsets” without obvious discomfort and evasion would be more difficult for some actors, who might otherwise be perfectly capable of staying neutral when picturing in their minds a Bosnian plumber in Bristol. Or a light-skinned Azerbaijani cabbie.

dharmicreality says:

This is typical of any welfare state, that Government agencies end up being hostile to anything useful actually getting done other than procedures on paper.

Even when somebody like Trump wants to get something done, he faces the hoops, procedures and legal hurdles.

The bureaucracy is in charge, but nobody is responsible. Papers get pushed around but nothing gets done. When somebody active and willing to get things done, especially useful things accomplished, the bureaucracy gets protective and bitchy and puts hurdles and sometimes impossible hoops to jump along the way.

Having a demonic state religion just amplifies these effects up from mere hoops and hurdles, to active and sometimes violent hostility.

Sher Singh says:

Seva is a revolutionary act.

Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji


jim says:

Normally Seva is the opposite of a revolutionary act, revolution being a dreadful business, though sometimes necessary.

In this case it is a revolutionary act, because it highlights the hostility and disfunction of the state.

dharmicreality says:

When a group of 5-10 volunteers come together for a disaster relief, they quickly assign duties among themselves, ad hoc but effectively forming a coordinated team. Naturally a leader arises out of this group and somebody who will handle the funds honestly and efficiently. Maybe they have a WhatsApp group to coordinate communcation among themselves. So far so good.

Once the disaster is over, the group naturally slowly dissolves. Any left over funds are either kept in a common account or redistributed to the original donors.

Suddenly somebody comes up with the idea to “formalize” this adhoc group into an organization. Naturally you need an office. OK, not just the office space, but furniture and air-conditioning as well, because it gets hot in summer. Well, a computer too. Suddenly you need a computer operator, and a receptionist because people walk into your office with inquiries. Naturally these extra persons are not volunteers so need to be paid. Electricity, water and other things need to be paid for. I’m not even talking about the capital costs of the office space and furniture. There arises the need for an accountant to start managing the expenses and incoming donations. Ok, fine. Accountant also needs to be paid for. Then your organization needs more donations to sustain itself, so you set up a website. OK, you hire a web designer. Oh, and website alone is not enough, you need a social media manager as well for public communications. Enter a social media manager. All of whom need to be paid for.

And of course, the office needs maintenance, so you have the cleaning woman who comes in daily and of course she needs to be paid and supervised as well. Enter a supervisory staff. Suddenly you find yourself with a large staff. Who need to be “managed”. Enter a HR manager. Now you have a the beginnings of a full blown organization with the apparatus of bureaucracy.

Assuming I donate a 1000 rupees to this organization doing “charitable and disaster relief work.” By any conservative estimate 600 rupees would go towards office expenses, paying salaries of staff, maintenance and so on, and probably a couple of hundred for operational expenses, i.e. transportation, fuel and so on. That leaves 200 rupees for feeding the poor. Assuming a meal costs 50 rupees per head, that feeds exactly four hungry poor persons. So my thousand rupees goes towards feeding exactly 4 poor hungry souls. This is a conservative and vague estimate.

This is the permanent organization as against a volunteer adhoc group which forms and dissolves as the need arises.

Mister Grumpus says:

Interesting fantasy football at Founding Questions about a Russian Orthodox Ayatollah Khomeni leading a Telegram Revolution to overthrow the Judeo-globo-homo running dog occupational government of Zelensky and company.

c4ssidy says:

Intel Slava:

“ 🇺🇸📉 Hurricane Helene is America’s Chernobyl moment

▪️The death toll of Helene is currently inching closer to 200, already making it the second-deadliest storm after Katrina. But this number will rise and then rise again in the coming days. In truth, with the reality of unnavigable mountain terrain, an obliterated road network, and massive power, cell phone and water failures, nobody knows how many are dead. Without sufficient rescue efforts, more Americans might end up succumbing to the lack of water in the wake of the flood. But despite all of this, and despite the fact that the clock is ticking for many Americans trapped without food, water, or means of communication, coverage of Helene has been strangely muted. This silence has, in turn, masked a far darker problem: the lack of resources and manpower going into the rescue effort.

▪️At the time of writing, fewer than 7,000 guardsmen are helping with Helene disaster relief, and there was no equivalent preparation before the storm actually hit. US Northern Command, which can only assume responsibility if it is asked to do so by other government authorities, is not coordinating the overall effort. During Katrina, more than 350 military helicopters were involved with the rescue efforts. This time, in a mountain disaster zone where many more helicopters are needed than in a coastal area, well below 100 helicopters have currently been committed.

▪️This means that even though the victims of hurricane Helene have found themselves stranded within a stone’s throw of some of the US military’s more significant military bases — Camp Lejeune and Fort Liberty are both located in North Carolina — very little help has been forthcoming. There remains a belief in the West that, despite various recent reversals and losses, the US military is a machine with near-godlike powers: if it really wanted to, it could fill the sky and blot out the sun with an uncountable number of helicopters and planes, whenever and wherever it wants.

▪️Almost a week into the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, those endless helicopters have failed to appear. And as America readies to surge more troops to the Middle East to potentially fight Iran, it’s clear that they can’t appear, at least not without seriously breaking something somewhere else. Troops and aircraft busy in Tennessee or North Carolina can’t be deployed to Jordan, Iraq or Syria. In theory, the US military exists to protect the lives of Americans — that’s why it falls under the Department of Defence. In practice, Americans have largely been left to fend for themselves, 50 miles away from their own military bases, just in case those soldiers and helicopters are needed on the other side of the world.

▪️Contrary to popular belief, Hurricane Helene is not “just a storm”, in the same sense that Chernobyl was not “just an accident”. Beyond all the destroyed roads, the flooded towns, the ruined electrical networks and the stranded American families, Helene is also an indication that the US political system, followed by its military, is very close to the point of moral and physical exhaustion.“

Very interesting in the context of American Empire decline and this blog talking about ships and planes being grounded on various pretenses despite ever-increasing budget as DEI incompetency cripples capacity from the inside. An easy measurement is going to be number of active helicopters in the sky during these disasters

Contaminated NEET says:

>Hurricane Helene is America’s Chernobyl moment

This is wishful thinking.

Nobody cares about Helene, and nobody’s talking about Helene. Terminally online right-wing weirdos and political hacks don’t count. America’s rulers don’t feel they’ve been humiliated in front of the rest of the world, because the rest of the world doesn’t give a damn about Appalachian hillbillies, and to the miniscule extent that they (both America’s rulers and the rest of the world) even think about Appalachians, they despise them. Chernobyl scared people; Soviet and foreign leaders thought it might actually affect them, so it was a major subject of conversation regardless of the party line. Nobody’s afraid of a storm that already came and went and devastated a region that means less than nothing to them. In fact, it just proves to them that they need yet more power and control to make sure the Climate Demon doesn’t do this again somewhere important.

Chernobyl burned legitimacy the USSR couldn’t afford to lose. GAE successfully swept Helene under the carpet and lost basically zero legitimacy from it. There is no comparison.

jim says:

> Nobody cares about Helene, and nobody’s talking about Helene. Terminally online right-wing weirdos and political hacks don’t count.

This is the story our rulers are telling themselves. If they are not talking about it, no one is. (Except a tiny minority of extreeeeme right wing ultra nazi Hitler Hitler Hitlers. They live in tiny little ever shrinking incestuous bubble of evil, delusion, and madness. Check the view counts. Hurricane Helene gets views.

They tell themselves that vastly more people care about the holy martyrdom of Saint Fentanyl Floyd. Right.

Normies, all normies, as near to all of them as makes no difference, care a lot more about Hurricane Helene than the Holy Martyrdom of Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

Contaminated NEET says:

None of the normies in my workplace or my personal life have talked about it. One of my ultra nazi double-Hitler far-right buddies mentioned it to me, but even he wasn’t that interested in it. St. Floyd yardsigns are still a regular sight; I have never seen a Hurrican Helene yardsign and never will.

jim says:

You won’t see a significant view count on a Saint Fenatany video or post.

Ubisoft made the protagonist of “Assassin’s creed shadows” in honor of Saint Floyd Fentanyl. How has that been working out for them? Go woke, go broke.

People put up Floyd yardsigns in the vain hope that they will not get beaten up and their house set on fire.

Where do you see Saint Fentanyl yardsigns? In the white struggling middle class suburbs that are close to the big blue cities, in the yards of people that are at considerable risk of being killed and eaten in the not too distant future. You see these yard signs in the locations that are at the highest risk of fiery but mostly peaceful protest, in green leafy suburbs located alarmingly close to Democratic party vote banks. When the EBT cards stop working, those are the people who are going to get eaten.

Show me a Floyd sign, I will show you food supplies for when the EBT cards stop working. You see Floyd yard signs in proportion to the likelihood of being eaten.

Contaminated NEET says:

> People put up Floyd yardsigns in the vain hope that they will not get beaten up and their house set on fire

There’s got to be some of that, sure. But the people who know they’re in danger from black riots also tend to know the signs won’t do them any good. Do the rest do it subconsciously? Maybe. From where I sit though, it’s not about daubing lamb’s blood to keep the Angel of the Unheard away; it’s about feeling good about themselves. It’s about feeling that they’re kind, and fair, and generous people, who hate injustice and are much much holier than thou. They feel really good about those signs. If they felt they were forced to put them up for protection, they’d resent it, but they don’t.

jim says:

> If they felt they were forced to put them up for protection, they’d resent it, but they don’t.

Yet observe where you see the signs, and where you do not see the signs. You see them in the larder for when the EBT stops working.

People do not resent power. They love power, and the more it harms them and the more it might well harm the a whole lot worse than it is harming them, the more they love it. Only manly men resent the harms done to them by power, and resent the threat of considerably greater harms. And the people with the yard signs are people with near zero testosterone — weak, frightened, unmanly people. Simp loser bitches.

Observe journalists saying that a tiny insignificant minority of toxic hateful fans have made Star wars Outlaws (Maam Solo) into dismal failure, Black Myth Wukong into a gigantic success, and “Assassin’s creed shadows” (nigger Samurai celebrating Saint Fentanyl Floyd) into a disaster.

Obviously not a tiny insignificant minority, but an overwhelming majority.

They rationalise the contradiction between “small insignificant toxic minority” causing games and shows to be massive hits or massive flops, by saying that the controversies gave the hit games free publicity and attracted interest. Well, why did not the controversy attract interest to Concord, Acolyte, Star Wars Outlaws, “suicide squad killed the justice league” and the other games and shows the “small insignificant toxic minority” were pissing on? When the controversy is the small insignificant toxic minority celebrating a show or a game for not shoving diversity down people’s throats it is a hit. When the small insignificant toxic minority pisses on a show or a game for shoving diversity down people’s throats, it crashes hard.

The yardsigns are an indication of fear of being beaten up and burned out of one’s home — they are located in areas with the greatest likelihood of this happening. Audiences and game sales indicate what people actually think.

Youtubers like Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, Critical Gamer, and Journos like Tucker are normies, speaking to normies for normies. You can see it in their view counts, and in sales figures. Sales figures show that Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are normies, and the mainstream media are the tiny vocal minority of crazy perverts.

Despot of Antrim is not a normie. He is neoreactionary, or as neoreactionary as you can be on Youtube, and his view count is way up above that of the youtubers cheering on Star Wars Outlaws and the Acolyte, and though considerably smaller than Critical Drinker and the other big normie channels, he is the ballpark with them. His episodes, criticising popular culture from an explicitly neoreactionary perspective, or as neoreactionary as you can be on you tube, often get half a million views, Critical Drinker gets a million views. So normies are extreme right nazi Hitlers by current year standards, and neoreactionaries a significant portion.

On the other hand, when Despot of Antrim goes heavy on neoreaction, he generally gets a hundred thousand views, while when he gets half a million views, he is only implicitly neoreactionary.

On the other hand, Despot of Antrim’s “worst of the woke awards” got near a million views and three hundred thousand people participated voting the awards. That, however, did not have any neoreactionary content other than jokes about “domestic violence” Normie friendly content. But reaction does not need majority support to take power. If it has more support than the current year officially unofficial faith, then support is not the limiting factor.

alf says:

The most viral interview on youtube of 2024 is of a comedian denouncing Hollywood as corrupt and satanic from an explicitly Christian perspective. Revealed preference, much more than stated preference, shows people not believing the official unofficial faith.

yewotm8 says:

“Satan can’t create anything. That includes blessings for his people.”

skippy says:

“There’s got to be some of that, sure. But the people who know they’re in danger from black riots also tend to know the signs won’t do them any good.”

People in areas with enough prog neighbors to not be at risk from black riots put up the signs to protect themselves against their prog neighbors. Are some of the true believers? Possibly, probably, but not necessarily.

Karl says:

What does “Chernobyl moment” mean here?

Normies don’t matter and didn’t matter in the Soviet Union. So what if normies no longer believe their government is doing a good job?

Helene like Chernobyl might be sign of an empire in decline, but how can it cause an acceleration of the decline or catalyse change?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The important factor in the soviet union of the 80’s was not the normies being jaded, but the rulership themselves becoming jaded.

Unlike the soviet union there are still plenty of true believing communists in washington; but the mere existence of thermidoreans shows a growing crisis of faith amongst the middle management classes that is going up even to the highest levels.

They may not (be able to) believe in the words of their forefathers yet, but they don’t believe in the words of their schoolmarms either. In a word, jaded.

Contaminated NEET says:

> The important factor in the soviet union of the 80’s was not the normies being jaded, but the rulership themselves becoming jaded.

Yes! You have cut to the heart of it here. And this is why Helene is nothing like Chernobyl: the rulership doesn’t care in the slightest about a disaster hurting White yokels in rural NC, and they’re not at all afraid that the problem might affect them. It only reinforces their faith in the Climate Demon.

jim says:

The number of people running the Kamala puppet, formerly the Biden puppet, is roughly the Dunbar number, which makes cohesive action possible, but difficult, slow, and ineffectual. The number of actually useful supporters is probably a few thousand. The number of actual woke believers is vastly larger than a few thousand, but vastly smaller than the alt right, and considerably less capable of action. Probably considerably smaller than the number of actual believers in reaction. If Critical Drinker is defined as alt right, which he would certainly reject, but the woke certainly define him as being, then normies are alt right. They are not alt right, but given a choice between alt right and woke, woke is seriously getting up their noses. Reaction’s capability for action remains to be seen, but the basic ideology is that you need to get behind Caesar, however horribly imperfect he may be, so, given a Caesar, vastly more capable of action than the cabal running the Kamala puppet. Lacking Caesar, vastly less capable of action.

Dark Maga is also pro Caesar, but only reaction has a clear idea of what Caesar should do and how it can be done. Whether Caesar is likely to listen is the question.

Varna says:

> “Unlike the soviet union there are still plenty of true believing communists in washington;”

There were enough true believing communist to attempt a counter-coup in 1993, and to vote consistently for the russian communist party since 1991 to this day. This dwindling pool of red boomers still maintains as voters the second biggest faction in the state duma.

Having written this I see now that the 1993 failed counter-coup was in october and thus the russian commies are currently officially mourning their martyrs. https://kprf.ru/photoreports/1370.html

Their official program: https://kprf.ru/party/program Yandex translate quote: “Using the latest technologies, imperialism is zombifying the world’s population. He seeks to entangle the whole world with his information web, to plant selfishness, violence, lack of spirituality and cosmopolitanism in it” Same old, same old.

In this sense it’s not always about having or not having true believers, but about having or not having strong representative elites of the same faith. Which the true believers in the ussr suddenly lost in the final years of the 1980s. They did not lose all of them, but lost enough of them to lose everything.

jim says:

Their critique of capitalism seemed fairly true in the 1990s, when Russia imported pure unadulterated postmodern capitalism, which was a bigger economic disaster for them than it is for us. And yet they still did not get anywhere.

Musk came out as Dark Maga. Which is not reactionary, being more a fashion statement than a belief system But it is not not reactionary either.

In so far as Dark Maga is a belief system, it is an alt right belief that drastic measures will be required and are likely to be coming. That Sulla is coming to town. Sulla was not exactly a reactionary either. He tried to restore the Republic. Restored an undead Republic.

Reaction is a major component of the Sulla faction of the alt right, and its major intellectual influence. it intellectual leadership, its priesthood. Probably Musk hopes for Sulla to re-install 1980s leftism. Which approximately corresponds to what the actual Sulla did.

My guess would be that the number of supporters of neoreaction is considerably smaller than the number of communists in Russia today, but considerably larger than the number of communists in 1916 Russia.

Aryaman says:

It’s “fake it till you make it reactionary”. He says plenty that you might say, with a distinct twang of he doesn’t really believe it but wait he’s talking himself into it as he’s finishing the sentence.

Anon says:

What is a postmodern capitalism? you also talked about bring back old type capitalism.
As I understand it , capitalism is private individuals using their own capital whether wealth or labor to produce goods and services . Communism is central planning and abolishing private ownership . Socialism is state planning of private ownership through regulations .
Is postmodern capitalism a mix of both communism and socialism?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Post-modern capitalism’ is, basically, the concatenation of two or three phenomenon typical of states under the New Deal Empire.

One being, financialization: GDP as measured by productive capital being replaced by GDP as measured by paper chasing paper; the variety of tactics for extracting capital from productive sectors of society, stalling and killing them eventually, much like a blood-sucking parasite; the parceling out of inflationbucks to politically connected subjects for politically relevant DIE ventures being a typical example.
Similarly, usury: the risk of lending taken on by lender being replaced by risk taken on by lendee, resulting in profligate ‘misallocation’ of capital, credit being thrown at a cavalcade of worse than useless people and worse than useless purposes that have no chance of being made good, creating inevitable crises, rather than capital being deployed prudently to reliable men and useful purposes, creating value.
As well, the twin hydras of bureaucratization and cartelization: The New Deal state is perfectly fine with oligolopic capture of industries, as large tentacular corporate entities are easier for it to lean on, and thus transfer the ‘lean’ to everything else downstream of it. Thus in turn allowing it to effect social engineering policy through a layer of deniable, ostensibly proprietary proxies. Bureaucratization, regulatory overburden, and intrusive managerialism in turn disproportionately affects all entities that are not already massive incumbents, choking market activity, and further cementing the system of quasi-governmental cartels administering socioeconomic policy.

jim says:

Half the GDP supposedly produced by Britain is supposedly produced in London.

Does anyone consume any goods produced in London? Does anyone outside London use any services performed in London?

The services that London “exports” to the world are regulation, laws, bagmen to interface you to regulators, and ways of weaseling past regulation. They move bits of paper around between businesses, and a business has to run those bits of paper through London to get the blessing of the state. Half the GDP of Great Britain consists of the state and quasi statal businesses, businesses on the revolving door between regulators and regulated, blessing bits of paper moving between the people who actually produce stuff.

But a more serious problem is postmodern accounting, which I address in sox accounting. A corporation derives its corporateness from its books, and we see modern corporations falling into pieces, as HR grabs power from the board and the CEO, and teams of political activists and victim grievance groups take power in various parts of the business and pursue their own agenda, as for example Ubisoft, which has recently received vast amounts of Youtube ridicule for this.

And when I say “blessing”, I am making an analogy to Talmudic religious practices, which Sox Accounting resembles.

As I say in sox accounting:

Sox required publicly traded companies to keep their books in accordance with certain rules, and has in fact successfully prevented any publicly traded companies from doing an Enron in the exact same way that Enron did it, though what MF Global did was not hugely different.

But it directly contributed the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown. The purpose of book keeping is to track the movement and creation of value. Accounting is the art and science of making sense out of the books, and making sure the books make sense. In the aftermath of the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown, a whole lot of entities went belly up, and when the creditors went through the books, they found all the mortgages the entities supposedly owned, but were frequently unable to find the physical people supposedly responsible for paying these mortgages, and were sometimes unable to find the physical properties that were supposedly security for these mortgages.

Sox books just tend to not track value very well, because they just don’t track physical reality, being designed for a different, more complex, and difficult to define, task. Sox books tend to track official reality and disregard the reality of the ground beneath your feet, the things in your hands, and what is before your eyes, with the result that they tend to track the creation of holiness and ritual purity, rather than the creation of value.

From the seventeenth century to the nineteenth, bookkeeping was explicitly Christian. The immutable append only journal reflected God’s creation, the balance of the books was an earthly reflection of the divine scales of justice and the symmetry of God’s creation. When the dust settled over the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown it became apparent that the books of the financial entities involved had little connection to God’s creation.

The trouble with postmodern accounting is that what goes into the asset column, what goes into the liability column, and what goes into the equity column bears little relationship to what is actually an asset, a liability, or equity, little relationship to God Creation.

alf says:

Half the GDP supposedly produced by Britain is supposedly produced in London.

A quarter is what I find. Still insane.

someDude says:

A quick internet search also reveals that London produced about a quarter of the UK GDP ( 500 Billion GBP Vs 2 Trillion GBP) with about a seventh of the population (9 Million Vs 68 Million)

jim says:

That GDP is the fire economy. Not goods and services that make people comfortable, nor logistics useful for war.

Germany has decided to go net zero carbon, and also denuclearise. Since the sun does not always shine, nor the wind always blow, they are planning to provide the base load by sacrificing virgins to Gaia – of course they don’t say “sacrificing virgins to Gaia”, they say “Hydrogen economy”, but I doubt their, or anyone’s, capability to have a hydrogen economy. A hydrogen economy is perfectly consistent with known physics and the physical properties of known materials, but requires a substantially higher level of technology than we in fact have, and our technological level is dropping. So sacrifice of virgins it will probably be.

Australia has decided to go net zero carbon, and, far more realistically, has decided to nuclearize. But though this is a far more practical plan than the hydrogen economy, it is seventies tech, and I don’t think moderns can do seventies tech. You need a Musk, and Musk finds it hard enough to get permission to launch rockets. Not to mention we are short of Musks. Could work. I doubt it will work, but if they are seriously willing to do what is necessary, which I much doubt, they could do it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Hydrogen is a method of storing and transporting energy, not a hitherto untapped source of it, a misinterpretation that many of the gaian cheerleaders are perfectly happy to leave ambiguously uncorrected.

Which is still a fine enough by itself, useful methods of storing and transporting energy are wonderful boons.

But hydrogen wants to be free, like nothing else in this universe does. Even solid molecular bonds including hydrogen readily disintegrate with a touch of thermal perturbation. Keeping elemental hydrogen contained is a craps shoot. The only real way it can be used is when it is generated on-site and employed immediately, like the airships of old (which ought to make a comeback). That way the progressive loss curves can be factored in and their effects minimized.

Niiiidriveevof says:

charles haywood, citing mostly kotkin, claims that the ruling elite in the entire warsaw pact were almost all true believing communists until the very end. do you have a good counterexample

Jamesthe1st says:

A media trend I have noticed, they have turned on Kamala. SNL is making fun of her, Walz and Biden after the Vance debate. And now 60 Minutes last night actually asked her tough questions and made her look like the stupid idiot she is. Perhaps the fortification is off?

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like they’re “settling” on Trump. I think they’re resigned to the fact they’ll just have to “manage” him, like before.

Neurotoxin says:

Interesting. I looked into the SNL skit and among other things, they portrayed Harris as a lush (wine glass in her hand, breaks it when Walz says something stupid). That’s way too truthful for normal lefty propaganda. Usually they “critique” Dems from the left or just mock their funny mannerisms. Portraying Harris as the drunk she is definitely not something they’d normally do.

Fidelis says:

If you watch the Tucker and Musk interview, it’s clear Musk knows what time it is.

Some key mentions from Musk:
– Points out the cabal is “around 100 people”
– Makes it clear he is screwed if Trump is gone
– Makes it clear that this is the last democratic election (though gives a normie friendly reason; its the imported voters not the leftist spiral, but it’s clear he understands the real reason)
– Points out the need for a faith to counter the current demonic faith, and makes it clear he regards the current faith of the state to be intensely destructive.
– Points out that even in the event of an election win, he will need an immense amount of security.

Some of this was implied or explicitly stated before, but all together it is very clear that Musk absolutely knows what time it is.

The Cominator says:

I wish he would make a list of the people.. people I’m pretty sure are in it. Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Brennan

Mister Grumpus says:

Just the existence and basic outline of Hunter Biden was quite a pill for me.

It’s not just that he’s a dumb degenerate yutz, and makes all this money for obviously nothing. Even the crackhead thing, I’m like sure, that too, why not, go ahead.

It’s that these whores he’s fucking are still so NASTY. All this “power” and money and unaccountability, and that’s the pussy it gets him? That’s it? That’s the reward of being at the top of this food chain? Really? I’m not even jealous anymore, just revolted and disappointed.

And then finally, it’s how the guy really does act and talk like he’s earned it. He really does think that he’s an international business genius who’s putting in work and earning it every day.

Just the simple existence of this guy, and how everyone in New York City with a microphone and a camera falls over themselves to flatter him and make him look good, that flushed my confidence and trust in The System more than any Pizzagate Comet Ping Pong stuff ever could. Hunter Biden isn’t a Bond Villain, he isn’t an Alex Jones evil reptilian adrenochrome-drinking hyper genius. He’s just… rot.

With a whimper!

Cloudswrest says:

A technical thought just occurred to me regarding hurricane Milton. It’s out in the Gulf with a predictable path heading toward the general Tampa area. I wonder if a massive cloud seeding campaign, say dozens of C130s loaded with salt, making dozens of sorties ahead of the hurricane along its predicted path, would cause rain and reduce the humidity of the air along its path, robbing the hurricane of “fuel” and significantly weakening it. Kind of like a scorched earth retreat to deny an invading army of crops to forage from.

jim says:

There have been a whole lot of studies about how to muck with hurricanes. The basic problem is that they are enormous, and there is a tremendous amount of energy there.

Adam says:

It wouldn’t work. It’s been raining on the gulf coast of Florida since Saturday night. And this time of year it still rains almost every day for a little while.

We just need to be allowed to build new and better homes and infrastructure.

Aidan says:

The technology to make a storm rain a bit more or a bit less is well tested and understood, but as Jim said, we’re dealing with an extreme amount of energy, more than we can meaningfully alter with our inputs.

Mister Grumpus says:

Off topic:

Holy shit Elon Musk is Epstein client list posting on YouTube with Tucker Carlson.
I’m way too cynical about that Epstein stuff myself — way too Qanon-ish for me to put any hope in at all, not anymore — but still, walk with me for a second:

Could an Epstein client list disclosure BE the “helicopter fleet” necessary to clear out the Satanic Dunbar’s Number at the top of Globohomo? Even if they all split to Dubai or someplace in Gulfstream jets full of cash and diamonds, could just having their names sullied with “Epstein Island Stuff” be enough to have effectively “soft helicoptered” them off the scene?

If Thermador needs some kind of “book” to throw at them to remove them from power and from contact with each other, could some Epstein Island Stuff be the “lawfare” necessary to have that effect?

jim says:

Of course.

However this has the unfortunate side effect of pretending to be terribly terribly concerned about men employing under age whores, who supposedly would have been entirely innocent if not for these evil men. The problem that needs to be dealt with is supply, not demand.

Fidelis says:

The efficacy of this schelling point is rather telling. Normies are not in any way ready to go back to proper sex roles, it’s more politically radioactive than anything else. You have to route around the logical brain if you want to return to patriachy and coverture, and this means the Church has to do it first.

jim says:

> Normies are not in any way ready to go back to proper sex roles, it’s more politically radioactive than anything else.

Quite true. It is the ultimate unthinkability. We have to start, as they started in 1933, by accurately representing in media the mating dance, happy marriage, and happy families. And after that has been running for a while, it gets easier to provide state and church coercion and pressure to enforce cooperate/cooperate and discourage defection. If media presents the expectation that the good guys do not defect, people will comer around to be willing to accept that defectors should be given a hard time.

The 1800 view was that “whores” were trash and no one cared and no one should care about any mistreatment they suffered — and by “whore” they did not mean women who took cash for sex. All modern women are whores by their standard. And the 1800 view was also that ladies were special, should be privileged and protected in many ways, that chaste women were more valuable than men — Responsibility, danger and difficulty was for men, for women have enough danger and difficulty bearing children.

People joke about pussy privilege — that if a woman commits a crime, it is not a crime. Their view was that if a chaste women commits a crime, it is not a crime.

Thus there was diffuse and distributed coercive social enforcement of chastity. Women needed to be chaste, for if they were men would protect them from bad things. Unchaste, bad things were likely to be done to them, and no one would care.

In “a street car called desire” Blanche has mucked up her life, takes advantage of pussy privilege to not suffer the consequences. Happily ever aftering with Mitch is on her cards. Her sexual immorality revealed, a bunch of bad consequences pile on. This movie is almost incomprehensible to moderns.

Fidelis says:

This is assuming a world in which the Imperator is wise and sagacious and understands what a normal unbroken state is. It’s politically radioactive, so we cannot fully tell, but I see no signs anyone contending to be near the throne has this knowledge. I see churchianity at the best, Ned Flanders begging the men to please just man up. Maybe we’ll get a real Roman Empire throwback and they’ll implement a bachelors tax.

We have to be prepared for a world where the culture is not fixed from the top, because from what I can tell, it almost never is. Restorations are exceptional. When leviathan dies you have to start your own church.

Varna says:

The USSR had a childlessness tax, on women until the age of 45, on men until the age of 50, around 6% of average wages.

In the late 1980s, minutes before the collapse of the system, they introduced a “grace period” of one year for newlyweds, during which year they didn’t pay the childlessness tax.

If the kid dies, the tax kicks in again.

There was also slacker jail. From 1961 onward it was formalized that four months is the period you can be not working. Since there being no unemployment in the USSR as parts of its brand, the state will always find some job for you, if you refuse the job — you’re a parasite. Private initiative was, of course, illegal. So either mandatory state job or mandatory permafrost toil.

Lukashenko in Belarus brought back a softer “slacker fine” circa 2014. In both Russia and Belarus there have been noises about bringing back the childlessness tax, but not thus far.

I do not believe I would enjoy life in a society either with childlessness taxation, or mandatory state-approved employment.

One can easily imagine a globohomo version where even if unemployed you’d need to be signed up for some “official program” in order to count as human, and to rack up “activism points” in order to not pay a “social justice tax” or something.

jim says:

Everyone has instincts that are premised on women being what they are. But these instincts don’t make sense to them, so manifest in broken and incoherent form.

The primary problem is that movies and books do not realistically depict the mating dance. If people know what a happy marriage looks like, what a successful courtship looks like, then we can get a preference cascade.

Not every potential Caesar is deluded. Trump (“grab em by the pussy”) does accurately understand the nature of women. But speaking on the topic is politically unimaginable under present circumstances. The ground is not ready for a preference cascade.

Fidelis says:

Not every potential Caesar is deluded. Trump (“grab em by the pussy”) does accurately understand the nature of women.

Lets talk about the actual Cesars. Do you think Marcus Aurelius was naive to the nature of women? If not, how come the gens continued to dwindle and die under his rule?

It’s less about knowing the mating dance, and more about creating an environment that produces families that last more than one generation. The boomers knew the mating dance, most of them got married, and they all got divorced after 2.5 kids. The Spartans knew the mating dance. The Roman gens knew the mating dance. Knowing how to fuck, as in knowing the nature of women such that you eventually get to fuck, is not going to fix anything. There’s a reason all fertile societies were and are at the least very ritualistic: families do not continue once the faith is lost.

This is a much harder problem than you’re giving credit. Yes, it’s a trivial problem if we assume a benevolent, wise and sagacious Imperator who also happens to understand the issue deep enough to fix it. Can we assume that? Should we assume that?

We don’t just need to have everyone snap back into understanding the nature of women, at best that gets us halfway. We need to bring back marriage rituals both legal and sacred, and we need to change the status games such that people actually bother with kids at all beyond one or two (another common trap, deciding status games are more fulfilling than continuity of your line, having two kids, one of which dies and the other fails to reproduce). This is a very hard problem and many very very smart and (formally at least) powerful and manly peoples have let the flame die out.

jim says:

> We don’t just need to have everyone snap back into understanding the nature of women, at best that gets us halfway. We need to bring back marriage rituals both legal and sacred.

We cannot bring back sacred marriage until first people remember what we used to know of the nature of women.

Hard for people to understand it from old texts. You need video, because this stuff is pre-verbal. Old texts can merely imply what used to be known. To actually know it, have to see it.


That is how women act. If women are allowed to act like that video, cannot reproduce successfully


Fidelis says:

It’s even worse than you paint here. Even men like Donald Trump have trouble keeping their wife around, he only managed to stick with a woman from yesterday’s leftism. If you look at high status men today, can manage to get laid, can manage to have children, cannot manage to keep the family intact. There are plenty of examples. Musk, Brady, etc. A recent illuminating “scandal” was the Andrew Huberman story, where he was courting 6 women. If you dig into the contents, and read between the lines, Huberman would probably have preferred at the least to marry one of them and start a family, but the nature of women in our current environment is to view that as a control harness, which then reduces her husband’s status to beta. Men of good instinct sense this, and play like Musk and Huberman, which is not a strategy that works across more than a single generation, not a solution for civilization to be able to continue.

All that is beside the point I’m trying to make. I agree with you if we have an Imperator that knows how to drive the culture, we can go back. I think our current contenders are purple pilled, we cannot rely on them.

So, because purple pilled, when the Republic becomes Empire, and stops caring so much what their subjects are doing so long as it doesn’t affect tax revenue and disrupt harmony, we, someone, has to cultivate the old ways. You can almost kinda sort do it now, FLDS get away with it if only barely (and they have too much dysfunction to imitate), but if the state stops caring it should be far less dangerous. The last few embers of old Christianity exist in closed off cult-like separate societies. If the memes of the public society are destructive, you have to create your own. Besides hoping the Imperator is wise and capable of fixing this, I don’t see another way.

jim says:

Yet, in the period 1933-1939, the problem was fixed and stayed fixed to 1963. Then in 1963, we went back to having the problem.

If done before, can be done again.

Fidelis says:

Then why hasn’t Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran managed to fix anything?

Do they lack motivation? Do they lack political power? Iran has the Taliban success story right next door, not fixing anything.

It looks to me like the purple pilled story is far more likely than the return to patriarchy. Looks to me like the future is state promotion of Ned Flanders.

jim says:

Russia and China communist belief system, Russia communist belief system plus modern western influence. Iran, obviously Harvard thought the Ayatollah was on their side when they installed him from France into power in Iran, and partly he was, and partly he is. Today’s Washington versus Iran conflict is a whole lot friendlier than it was under Trump, to Israel’s immense irritation, and is just yet another left of left conflict. Obviously would not have installed the Ayatollah if he had adhered to Mohammed’s views on women.

alf says:

It is hard to predict how things will turn out. The woman question is indeed crucial, and remains unaddressed by Thermidor, or by that matter by any major political power around the world, save the Taliban.

But we have solved the woman question. The mustard seed of faith has been sown. The details will work themselves out.

The Cominator says:

Jim re the problem being “fixed” in the 1930s how do you explain the HUGE spike in divorces (yes it died down) immediately after WWII. 1946-1947 had something like modern levels of divorce. I’m sure it was because there were a lot of USO marriages and things like that during WWII but if the in between era was so antifeminist do you find the postwar huge spike in divorces strange.

jim says:

You leave your wife without being nailed for several years, what do you think is going to happen?

Encelad says:

Looks like Iran’s fertility rate plummeted horribly after Islamic revolution. Why so?

jim says:

Clearly the Ayatollah did not adhere to Mohammed’s views on women. I have no information indicating that Shah did, but that would be my guess.

S says:


‘The third, most effective stage that can be called a true success story, started after the ceasefire with Iraq in 1988. In this year at the population and development seminar in Mashhad, demographers and other experts (several of whom had been trained in Western universities in the ‘population control’ context of the 1970s) explicitly called for national population policy aimed at birth control4. Consequently, population policies were declared to be a leading priority, and a year later the new National FP Program was launched with three main goals:’

So despite declaring the US the Great Satan and Israel the Little Satan, Iran was unable to prevent entryism by followers of an American Jew whose goal was ‘I want less of you in the world’.

Priests bow to priestly power, Islam doesn’t work in establishing cooperation, the Aztec analogy, death cult, rogue civil service- take your pick.

jim says:

Priests of different universalist religions are apt to cooperate better than military officers of different nations — were it not so we would have a lot more holy wars than we do, and holy wars are even worse than normal wars.

Priests of demonic faiths, however, not so much, which is why I expect holy war.

skippy says:

“Looks like Iran’s fertility rate plummeted horribly after Islamic revolution. Why so?”

It’s hard to find details in English, but Iran introduced new family law shortly after the Iran-Iraq War. Presumably no longer feeling a need for soldiers.

It would not surprise me if Iranian family law were more Islamic under the Shah than under the Islamic government, although the monarchy probably “modernized” its family law at some point in the 1870-1939 period to resemble the French or German Civil Code, which is what most organized non-Western states did.

Mister Grumpus says:

My concern also is that the Epstein Island thing was mostly (or all?) fatherless 16-18 year olds with butts and boobs who everyone knows would otherwise be out fucking Chad for free anyway, and thus, as you say, there really isn’t any natural organic outrage energy behind it. As you’ve said, no one really believes in “under age” if the figure is 18. That really was just a century-old anti-prostitution measure.

If it was eight year olds then yeah OK, murder murder murder, but I suspect that those stories were just Qanon yanking my chain. Or at least, that’s what I’m emotionally ready to find out.

jim says:

> I suspect that those stories were just Qanon yanking my chain.

Epstein was straight, and his clients were straight. Nothing weird happening, just pimping, procuring, pandering, and whore mongering.

The Diddy case is likely to be a lot more interesting. There is a pile of circumstantial evidence that the Pizzagate people had interests that were quite a bit further off. Qanon was yanking your chain, but there was plenty of smoke for them to claim a fire.

People with weird desires form tight little mafias, and in our present demonic officially unofficial state religion, such mafias are even more apt to rise to the top, than back when Christianity was Christian. And even when Christianity was Christian, we had a huge problem with them rising to the top.

Your Uncle Bob says:

An early indictment claimed girls as young as 14; a separate US Virgin Islands indictment claimed girls as young as 11.

Still might be all boobs and butts territory. But I’m baffled at the idea that a billionaire who went to the trouble of buying two islands for privacy and setting up shell corporations to hide his transactions would scruple at going below 16. Or that Bill Clinton would, or that none of the Hollywood actors or directors would ever go below 16.

While agreeing that, and having had to wrestle with, teen girls need locked up or married off young, I have this difference of opinion with our host, and many of his commenters: I in fact do not like that a jewish employee of Mossad preferentially targeted and groomed younger teenage gentile white girls from broken families. Again, yes, nail the window shut* or invite over a guy who’ll stick around, but having got that far I don’t need to tolerate or respect pimps trying to do as much as they can get away with.

I had a parallel disagreement about the Rotherham rape gangs. Yes, restore patriarchy and coverture, but you’re not going to be able to do so while demanding police and social worker compliance in browns getting away with pimping white girls. Need to lower military age male immigrant/invader status if you’re going to raise father and husband to be status.

Then, on Qanon and on pizzagate, I’m convinced both were smoke blowing operations to obfuscate real smoke and a real fire. No reason to get that kind of allegation out in the public mind otherwise. So a version of the old modified limited hangout, but with added flat eartherness to discredit the real substance.

*An aside – until very recently you could still get away with literally nailing a teen girl’s window shut, and putting a lock on the door at night. And in some circles openly call it nailing the window shut and not have anyone blink an eye. But it’s certainly more of a gamble than it used to be. I don’t fully recommend it in 2024, but I can imagine it coming back in style pretty quickly if other things break.

jim says:

If you have fatherless girls with boobs and butts on EBT, worrying about brown rape gangs and Jewish pimps is peripheral to the problem and almost irrelevant. It is a distraction.

In a functional society, they would be detained by the institution providing support and have to get married to get out. Solves the Chad problem, since Chad cannot get an invite to the institution’s social events, and as a very minor side effect, solves the Jewish pimp and brown “rape” gang problem.

Aryaman says:

There are some creepy Epstein-related items but I see a whole lot of leftists, usually leftists nowadays, accusing this or that person of being connected to Epstein. The investigation was broken by a leftist.

Mayflower Sperg says:

QAnoners believe that powerful men are controlled through sexual blackmail. I see a few problems with this theory:

The blackmailers cannot expose their victims without exposing themselves. If a video comes out of some famous guy having sex with an eight-year-old girl, people are going to ask, who set up the cameras, and who provided the girl?

Rich men will cough up cash, but really powerful men can just tell Epstein that if that video ever goes public, he’s a dead man. You neither need nor fear blackmail when you have death squads at your command.

jim says:

It is not exactly blackmail. It is building cohesion through shared crimes. Pretty sure that sacrificing underage virgins to demons is popular, even though I have no direct evidence for it, because that is a really good way of building a cohesive subgroup within a larger group.

It is obviously effectual, therefore likely to be deployed. When power is distributed within a large group (and we have plenty of data indicating the the group operating the Kamala puppet is at the Dunbar limit and hitting hard against that limit) there is a very powerful incentive to produce a smaller highly cohesive subgroup within the larger group by any means that work.

skippy says:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As devout Christians and faithful citizens of the United States of America, you have intense and heartfelt concern for the fate of your beloved country while the final results of the Presidential election are still uncertain.

News of electoral fraud is multiplying, despite the shameful attempts of the mainstream media to censor the truth of the facts in order to give their candidate the advantage. There are states in which the number of votes is greater than the number of voters; others in which the mail-in vote seems to be exclusively in favor of Joe Biden; others in which the counting of ballots has been suspended for no reason or where sensational tampering has been discovered: always and only against President Donald J. Trump, always and only in favor of Biden.

In truth, for months now we have been witnessing a continuous trickle of staggered news, of manipulated or censored information, of crimes that have been silenced or covered up in the face of striking evidence and irrefutable testimony. We have seen the deep state organize itself, well in advance, to carry out the most colossal electoral fraud in history, in order to ensure the defeat of the man who has strenuously opposed the establishment of the New World Order that is wanted by the children of darkness. In this battle, you have not failed, as is your sacred duty, to make your own contribution by taking the side of the Good. Others, enslaved by vices or blinded by infernal hatred against Our Lord, have taken the side of Evil.

Do not think that the children of darkness act with honesty, and do not be scandalized if they operate with deception. Do you perhaps believe that Satan’s followers are honest, sincere, and loyal? The Lord has warned us against the Devil: “He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies” (Jn 8:44).

In these hours, while the gates of Hell seem to prevail, allow me to address myself to you with an appeal, which I trust that you will respond to promptly and with generosity. I ask you to make an act of trust in God, an act of humility and filial devotion to The Lord of Armies. I ask that all of you pray the Holy Rosary, if possible in your families or with your dear ones, your friends, your brothers and sisters, your colleagues, your fellow soldiers. Pray with the abandonment of children who know how to have recourse to their Most Holy Mother to ask her to intercede before the throne of the Divine Majesty. Pray with a sincere soul, with a pure heart, in the certainty of being heard and answered. Ask her – she who is the Help of Christians, Auxilium Christianorum – to defeat the forces of the Enemy; ask her – she who is terrible as an army set in battle array (Song 6:10) – to grant the victory to the forces of Good and to inflict a humiliating defeat on the forces of Evil.

Have your children pray, using the holy words that you have taught them: those confident prayers will rise to God and will not remain unheard. Have the elderly and sick pray, so that they may offer their sufferings in union with the sufferings that Our Lord suffered on the Cross when he shed His Precious Blood for Our Redemption. Have young ladies and women pray, so that they turn to her who is the model of purity and motherhood. And you, men, must also pray: your courage, your honor and your boldness will be refreshed and strengthened. All of you, take up this spiritual weapon, before which Satan and his minions retreat furiously, because they fear the Most Holy Virgin, she who is Almighty by Grace, even more than Almighty God.

Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged by the deceptions of the Enemy, even more so in this terrible hour in which the impudence of lying and fraud dares to challenge Heaven. Our adversaries’ hours are numbered if you will pray, if we will all pray with Faith and with the true ardor of Charity. May the Lord grant that one single devout and faithful voice rise from your homes, your churches, and your streets! This voice will not remain unheard, because it will be the voice of a people that cries out, in the moment when the storm rages most fiercely, “Save us, Lord, we are perishing!” (Mt 8:25).

The days that await us are a precious occasion for all of you, and for those who unite themselves spiritually to you from every part of the world. You have the honor and privilege of being able to participate in the victory of this spiritual battle, to wield the powerful weapon of the Holy Rosary as our fathers did at Lepanto to repel the enemy armies.

Pray with the certainty of Our Lord’s promise: “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you” (Lk 11:9). The King of Kings, from whom you ask the salvation of your Nation, will reward your Faith. Your testimony, remember this, will touch the heart of Our Lord, multiplying the heavenly Graces which are, more than ever, indispensable in order to achieve victory.

May my appeal, which I address to you and to all people who recognize the Lordship of God, find you to be generous apostles and courageous witnesses of the spiritual rebirth of your beloved country, and with it the entire world. Non praevalebunt.

God bless and protect the United States of America!

One Nation under God

Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
November 4, 2020

Contaminated NEET says:

Elections are fake. America is a corpse crawling with larvae, and voting harder is not going to revive it.

alf says:

Well not entirely. That used to be the NRx position, and to a large extent it is the correct position. But if elections were totally fake, people like Elon Musk would not make such a big deal out of Trump. Even if the election is totally symbolic, symbolic power matters, especially in times of uncertainty. Prior to being a president, Trump was just a businessman. Post-elective period, he’s a candidate for Caesar.

dave says:

The elections are fake, the polls are fake. elections are steered and maintained to preserve the veneer of legitimacy.

Trump has made a deal with the Thermidorean element of American Elites as represented by Musk, Vance. Their is enough sway and desire among the powers that be to steer the election to Trump and the rest is theater.

This is good news for Sanity, but Jim points out that Trump elected is only one step, then he needs to assume power and rule wisely.

alf says:

Unless a Trump 2024 electoral victory is used as a stepping stone to a more permanent solution, all be undone.

jim says:

The incapacity to govern is a reflection of the fact that we don’t have secret evil overlord, or even a small conspiracy, we have something like the Dunbar number of overlords.

This thundering herd is incapable of defending itself against one man grabbing power. And the question now is: who will be that one man?

Whomever that one man will be, his first order of business has to be to radically purge the thundering herd and everyone with some connection to it. It could not happen to a more deserving crowd.

Mister Grumpus says:

“This thundering herd is incapable of defending itself against one man grabbing power.”

But with the right catalyst, they know what to do. That last catalyst being Covid-19 plus George Floyd. So if Trump gets elected, won’t it be a same-same-but-different rerun of that? Is there a game theory sort of reason why it won’t work this time too?

Is your point that last time, Trump wasn’t even trying to be a one man grabbing power, but this time might have a close team with different and better ideas, because now they know they’ll die if they don’t?

jim says:

The problem for a thundering herd of rulers is it is hard for them to decide on a direction to charge, and having decided, as with the Covid demon and Saint Fentanyl Floyd, it is difficult to steer the charge.

The Covid demon and Saint Fentanyl Floyd were done, but were done incoherently and incompetently. Because too many cooks. We now have plenty of normies who expect hospitals to attempt to murder them. They won those but it cost them. A few more victories like that will lose them the war.

We now see a multitude of mutually contradictory plots afoot for the Ukraine end game, one plan being that the Russians incorporate Russian ethnics in the Ukraine into Russia, and other ethnicities in the Ukraine each get their own ethnostate, erasing the short lived Ukrainian national identity. A Polish ethnostate, a Hungarian ethnostate, and a Jewish ethnostate as a backup in case things go bad for Israel. The equally short lived Ukrainian language, which is just a thick dialect of Russian, quietly evaporates over time. I don’t know how well that plan is going to go down with people who now think of themselves as Ukrainians, but some Jews are quite keen on it.

The current fallback plan is to force Russia to accept a frozen conflict: Basil Umpteen. Obviously Russia is not going to accept yet another Basil, and more realistic plans, rather too many of them, are quietly afoot.

Contaminated NEET says:

I believe the Thermidoreans think they’ve made a deal with Trump to manage the decline, and they think they’re going to install him as Pres. Both are in doubt.

Can they control the permanent government election fortifiers enough to put Trump in? Maybe, but I wouldn’t bet on it. By its nature, Thermidor is made of the timid and the unsure, while their enemies each have the strength of ten because their hearts are pure.

If they do manage to put Trump on the throne, can he stop or even slow the collapse? Almost definitely not. Trump respects and listens to people and institutions that despise him, and he’s an elderly man whose brain is too calcified to change this. All his life he has loved prestige, and he’s dazzled by degrees from top universities, high positions, and “life-long civil servants.” He’s proven that no matter how many times they stab him in the back, he’ll come back for more. He already had a chance, and if anything, the first Trump term accelerated the decline of the GAE. On the other side, the symbol of the Evil One himself as leader is extremely powerful, and will fill the Left with passionate intensity. We’ve already seen what they did with the demonic energy the first Trump term gave them: BLM, COVID, mass censorship, supercharged lawfare, and a non-existent border. Put him in again, and God only knows what we’ll get.

We need a Caesar. Trump is no Caesar. We have no other potential Caesars. We will drown, and nobody shall save us.

jim says:

Trump is brave. He demonstrated horrific normality bias in his first term, but a bullet whizzing past one’s ear is apt to wonderfully focus the mind.

He blamed Iran, which everyone around him knows perfectly well is silly. He knows it is silly also — I can read him.

What I cannot read however, is whether this has sufficed to cure his normality bias. RFK Junior and Don Junior know what time it is. Does he? He surely should. The bullet went past his ear, not Don Junior’s.

It is Caesar time.

Contaminated NEET says:

He is way too old to change his worldview that dramatically, especially when he’s been very successful with it for most of his life. The normalcy bias is a permanent part of his character. Ask Trump the time, and he’ll tell you it’s 1995. America is on top of the world, Alan Greenspan is a miracle worker, the USA is 85% White, what gays do in the privacy of their bedrooms is nobody’s business, and we can fix our problems with a little common sense and hard work.

alf says:

Maybe his normalcy bias will cure, maybe it will never. Maybe it is cured for a small circle around him and they, against his will, stuff him in a sack and throw him across the Rubicon. Maybe he will fail after all but others will learn from his failure.

There’s a lot of ways this could go down, and even if a decent portion of those outcomes are black-pilled, not all are.

alf says:

This debate reminds me a lot of a debate held in 2020 on a private forum after Trump had just lost the election.

In that debate, Jim and I similarly argued that Trump could and should stop Biden’s presidency. The rest of the forum disagreed. The line ‘lol at two non-Americans explaining to the Americans here how American politics will unfold’ always stuck with me. I’d like to pretend to have at least learned something from that.

NEET, I think you’re correct. You’re generally correct. The pessimistic view is generally the correct one, especially on the short term. People tend not to change, and Trump is old and much like you describe.

Where I think you’re incorrect is the longer term. Societies change. Just because we, in this intellectual bubble, are ahead of the curve, does not mean people don’t eventually catch up. That Thermidor even exists and has very powerful people very publicly backing it (Elon Musk) was not a thing people expected. That the left would back down from arresting and executing Trump was not a thing people expected. That the left cared about electoral legitimacy enough to dump Biden – unexpected.

Things change, and even if they change at speeds slower than we’d like, they still change. Sometimes for the worse, but not necessarily so.

Karl says:

Caesar died of normality bias and the republic died with him.

Trump might be too old to change his view, but even if he does not, he might still prepare the way for an Augustus.

Contaminated NEET says:

As blackpilled as I am, I have a lot of hope for the long run. We might not win (we probably won’t), but they will definitely lose. What can’t continue, won’t. The enemy’s dream of a perfectly managed techno-panopticon where everybody lives in pods, eats bugs, owns nothing and is happy, takes cross-sex hormones, finally understands that God is a lie, minds his social credit score, and so on, is absolutely not going to happen. They don’t have the economic, social, or technological power to make it happen, because they’ve deliberately destroyed the source of that power.

This is why they’re so excited about transhumanism, AI, and the singularity. They (most especially including Musk and Thermidor) think they’re going to build a machine god that will pull their bacon out of the fire and make their eternal totalitarian hell-world possible. It’s hard to say for certain that this plan B will fail, but even if they do somehow create computer gods, they’ve forgotten the first rule of black magic: don’t call up what you can’t put down. More likely though, it’ll be collapse, dark age, and then a more human and gnon-compliant order growing from the ashes. It could be us, it could be Islam, it could be Lord Humungous’s grandson crowned as king, but whatever it is it will be far better than rule by demon-possessed eunuch-makers.

Tech Priest says:

Transhumanism and the singularity was always a somewhat libertarian-affiliated movement; and while libertarianism has been on the decline lately I am pretty sure transhumanism is still a lot more libertarian than elite society in the west in general.

I can’t 100% rule out the possibility that Elon in his heart of hearts really just wants to be a WEF-adjacent tyrant but I’m pretty confident he has a great deal of contempt for that mindset.

Fidelis says:

he might still prepare the way for an Augustus.

Augustus is a bad end. A purple pilled Imperator who managed to stop the civil war from degenerating further but then solidified all the aspects of the state faith that were preventing the gens from conintuing.

This is a man who knew there was a problem, or else he wouldn’t have tried to solve it by implementing a bachelor’s tax. If men weren’t marrying, obvious and huge problem known to everyone. The greeks before this had had many cities disappear from similar causes, didn’t think to investigate. Aristotle wrote plainly on the cause of collapse of the Lacedaemononians, Aristotle through Alexander was known well enough, the Lacedaemonians known well enough. Cannot claim this ignorance was lack of available knowledge.

Ultimately I think you are correct and we do get an Augustus, and I believe this is a cause for major concern. The Christains replaced the gens because they were the only ones having kids outside the low classes. They managed this by building their own community and set of beliefs, and hence status games and social obligations, while those following the public faith of the Empire disappeared. This was in the face of serious prosecution. If American Augustus, doubt old type Christians face serious prosecution, and so should be prepared to replicate the success of those old Christians.

jim says:

A state always has a state faith. Imperators persistently tried to keep a dead paganism undead, as Xi is trying to keep Marxism-Leninism-Maoism undead.

So, the central question is what faith is up next. Which Trump and the people around him are not addressing. They want to revive the undead Republic, and undead 1980s leftism. Which is equivalent to what Sulla did, and what Sulla did failed.

Everything is ultimately about survival and reproduction. But the big issue of today is reproduction. If you watch the romance scenes even in a supposedly based movie like Deadpool and Wolverine, they are depicting the behaviour of homogamous organisms, even though we, like all bilatarians, are heterogamous. This is the big lie.

With Covid behind us, and the Ukraine war soon to be behind us, the big issue is transexualization, on which Trump, Musk, RFK Junior, and rest are weak sauce. The time rapidly approaches for the Christian Right to have a go at becoming the state faith.

Today is Caesar time, whether Trump is up for it or not. Very shortly, going to be throne and altar time.

Fidelis says:

Imperators persistently tried to keep a dead paganism undead, as Xi is trying to keep Marxism-Leninism-Maoism undead.

“Historians would later write about how Trump Barron valiently tried to revitalize the American Empire by reaching back to its Christian roots, but his measures were unable to counteract the forces of the economy and urban lifestyle.”

I have odds on us getting microwave-warmed churchianity and lots of handwringing about how the bachelor’s tax and the maternity stipend are not working, before some crisis or another steals the limited attention of the newly crowned Imperator and nothing gets resolved.

Lets say you disagree this is likely. Is it *impossible*? Is it 1/100? Do you honestly believe, looking back at the many, many dead empires littering history, that we shouldn’t be concerned, that the state is going to fix this?

Throne and altar is for certain, but who’s throne? Which altar?

jim says:

So far, returning women to the legal status that they have had throughout history is unthinkable. Only China has recognised the Taliban, and they have little choice because the Silk Road is absolutely vital to China, because they need access to the world’s resources, and their sea routes could easily be cut by America.

So the entire world, except China, has accepted a basically insane position, even East Timor, which only very recently emancipated women. I read a discussion on X, and the progressive position was that normal relations with Afghanistan was impossible and unthinkable, because of the status of women — though all Europe had coverture or similar two centuries ago.

The UN offered the Taliban international recognition provided they sent a diverse, equitable, and inclusive delegation to the conference that offered to recognise them. The Taliban wisely refused to let the camel’s nose into the tent.

On the other hand, Trump has promised Musk a government efficiency organisation, which is obviously going to be a jihad against the more extreme forms of diversity equity and inclusion, though it seems unlikely to go as far as refusing to hire women for jobs for which they are inherently ill suited (which is just about all of them except for jobs that resemble natural female activities, waitressing, veterinary care, nursing, and so on and so forth.)

He has also promised to appoint one of his former space commanders to root out Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the military.

These promises are a long, long, long way short of promising coverture or white Sharia. But they are a first step upon that road.

Raising the status of women happened in France under the last Kings, leading to decadence and immorality, which led to the fall of the monarchy. Napoleon put the clock back on women to what it was before France went decadent, though he retained the evil and insane economic order of the Revolution, “the Maximum”, which bit him in the end.

English coverture was excellent, and the Napoleonic code on women was reasonably good, showing that the madness can be reversed. The gap between first wave and second wave feminism from 1933 to 1963, and the radical measures applied by the Australian penal colony show that reversing this idiocy is pushing on an open door.

But Trump and the people around are last year leftists, they want to revive last year leftism in place of current year leftism, which history shows is the standard and usual, but unworkable, strategy in restorations. Last year leftism is dead.

Last year leftism, restoration of the Republic, which is Trump’s, Musk’s, and RFK Junior’s goal, is undead leftism. Only old type Throne and Altar Christianity will work as a state religion, and it lives only as a mustard seed.

On the other hand Christianity is reviving. The mustard seed shows small signs of sprouting. It is likely to show considerably more vigorous sprouts once the state has a formal organisation whose job description is “Jihad against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the military”

The key turning point will be Afghanistan. Once the world accepts that one small place can return women to their natural role, there will not long thereafter be lots of places where women are returned to their natural role.

Neurotoxin says:

Trump can fuck up the Left’s timetable. He did this during his first term, which is why they hate him with the heat of a million suns. Imagine where we’d be now if Hillary Clinton had won in 2016. Trump’s court appointments derailed their revolution by corrupt courts. He forestalled war with Russia for several years. He threw the attempt to kill fossil fuels into reverse gear.

The left’s position in its war with Russia is enormously weaker than if Clinton had gotten into the White House. And it’s weaker due to the years of delay.

No, Trump is not going to establish Heaven on Earth, but he can seriously fuck up their plan to implement Hell on Earth.

– – – –
As to what’s likely to happen with the “election” here’s my latest read: I still adhere to the decentralized fraud hypothesis, which means it’s uncontrollable. BUT: If Musk won’t allow social media censorship about the fraud, one of the two pillars of that plan is destroyed. One pillar is simply the fraud. The other is the massive campaign of gaslighting about the fraud. The left is freaking out about Musk because he can largely destroy the gaslighting arm of the operation. By the way, Zuckerberg has also said he’s no longer down with carrying out LeftGov propaganda. A few months ago he submitted a letter to Congress owning up to the censorship about e.g. the Hunter Biden stories and saying he doesn’t intend to play along with that kind of crap any more. Whether he means it remains to be seen, but he sure is saying the right things, and that’s a helpful development in itself.

jim says:

I see a preference cascade in the elite.

The current state of games and movies reflects the fact that it would not have been thinkable to doubt the wisdom of updating intellectual property for “the modern audience”. Hence what the Youtubers are calling “toxic positivity”

Now it is thinkable. Which does not mean games and stuff are going to be fixed. I just watched Deadpool and Wolverine, which was rightly praised by anti woke commentators as a movie for everyone, not just gay cat ladies who are never going to watch an action movie or play an action game. Full of gay jokes, no realistic depiction of the mating dance. Perfectly and exactly symmetric mating moves, even though we are, like all chordates, heterogamous. Deadpool is bisexual. If this is a far as they dare go, not going to make a whole lot of difference.

This is rather like what is happening with Ukraine. Victory is being defined downwards. Which is a small step in the direction of accepting reality, and will make a difference — but not a huge difference. They still believe sanctions are working great, and the war is bleeding Russia white. Or at least they pretend to believe it, because to doubt would be to be cast out of the tribe. Toxic positivity about war and politics, as with toxic positivity about video games.

It becomes thinkable to mitigate the toxic positivity with a small dose of realism — a very small dose. The camel’s tail is outside the tent, and Trump, Musk and Tucker are yanking hard on that tail.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The good news is that if Trump loses, Elon Musk will either be dead or in Russia, and the Anal Empire loses all access to space. That doesn’t solve the problem but does at least quarantine it.

Varna says:

Rather China than Russia. He’s got major things going in China.

Plus, it won’t look like an irreversible switch of sides, but could be spun like him “sulking” while “focusing on his business in Asia”. Giving better openings for a return. Pose with some local girls for the cameras. Pretend for a while to have settled into an Asian-pacific framework.

jim says:

Being Musk, he is going want to resume building rockets. I would recommend Mongolia for that, but the problem is that most of the people who want to put stuff into space are either direct branches of a government, or closely linked to a government, and they may not wish to launch stuff form a location where they do not have control. On the other hand, he has Starlink revenue, and needs rocket capability do maintain Starlink. And Starlink launch capability can be located anywhere.

Starlink is a huge state asset. Control the internet, control the world. If you have the Starlink metadata, you can figure out whom you need to kill. You can see who is talking to home, identify the human network, and either turn or kill key humans. I presume there are some secret keys that enable Musk to upload networking software to the Starlink network. Musk is a very smart man. Likely those keys are kept secure.

Most of Musk’s assets, and Musk himself, are on earth and vulnerable. His Chinese and space assets, not so much.

Starlink is a gigantic asset, financially and militarily. And it would be a substantially greater asset militarily if its infrastructure was out of reach of empire.

Fidelis says:

Why Mongolia? Favorable geography? Playing Russia and China together?

If the second, seems an incredibly dangerous game to play. More dangerous than allying with the Chinese.

If playing between the lines of the great powers, why not Dubai? They seem amenable to great works and seemingly have had sucess playing the fence as well.

jim says:

Well I am a big fan of Dubai. I was thinking of Mongolia, because it has a whole lot of emptiness, and because lots of distance and political obstacles to empires reaching out at you, so likely to be less worried about tests going wrong. But a whole lot of empty space not far from Dubai, and far better access to tech and all the techies in the world. On the other hand, Dubai has less capability to protect against something that is extremely valuable to empire. Lot easier to hire good people in Dubai.

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