Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Relief Fund for Hurricane Helene Victims

Saturday, October 5th, 2024

This an ad for a worthy cause.

This relief fund is being organised by Carson Ford Brooks, who, unlike most people involved in Hurricane Helene relief solicitations has no history of grifting, so when he says

“We are internally fundraising for our own travel, lodging, and food expenses. We are bringing our own equipment. Absolutely ALL of the funds received will go directly toward supplies for the victims and fuel to operate equipment.”

It is probably true.

Fema has pissed away all its money on illegal immigrants, which is probably a good thing because its previous responses to disasters have been hostile to the victims of disaster, and even more hostile to anyone who was prepared for disaster, or providing more useful assistance than Fema. Their primary objective appears to be to move people from areas that vote Republican, to areas that vote Democrat by overwhelming margins, and to reduce everyone to dependency upon the government. In the floods of Hurricane Helene, seem to be more interested in land seizures than providing food and clean drinking water.

Fema is however vitally concerned that faith based shelters might misgender transwomen.

War internal and/or external, and/or democide internal

Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

For a very long time I have been predicting war internal and/or external, and/or democide internal for around 2025. Twelve years ago I updated this prediction to sometime around 2026. As yet I see no reason to further modify that prediction, though I have a track record for making predictions on Musk time.  We are now a whole lot closer to war external, the imminent fall of Ukraine is likely to result in further escalation and more direct Nato involvement, and there are indications that war internal or democide looms, notably the mass importation of hostile young military age men.

There are two related factors underlying this prediction. The one that I re-iterate the most is that since 1800 or so, anglosphere leftism has been getting ever lefter ever faster. Whenever this happens, and we have been around this merry go round many times, it would culminate in infinite leftism in finite time, as for example in Sichuan province, were it not interrupted by terrible violence as it usually is. Infinite leftism in finite time is everyone kills everyone else for insufficient leftism. Finite leftism is terminated by dictator grabbing absolute power and eliminating those to his right and to his left. Leftism must get ever lefter ever faster, or die as, a shark must swim or drown, so if a rightist dictator grabs power, leftism dies quickly, if a leftist dictator grabs power, it dies slowly, but it still dies.

The other is that a Republic depends on an elite sufficiently virtuous for honest elections. Right now election rigging is so extensive in the west that a peaceful transfer of power is impossible. If peaceful transfer of power is impossible and yet transfer of power happens it is necessary for the winner to eliminate all enemies, suspected enemies, potential enemies, and suspected potential enemies, or else he is unlikely to survive — Julius Caesar’s big mistake.

The Roman Republic leading to Sulla was leftism getting every lefter, the Roman Republic leading to Caesar Augustus was election rigging. Today we have both simultaneously.

Right now, state power is dispersed in numerous difficult to identify hands — the Swamp. If the power to make war and peace is dispersed in too many hands, war is inevitable and unavoidable. So sooner or later, one way or another way, the power to make war and peace will find its way back into a single hand — possibly after the nukes fly. I pray that transfer of power happens before the nukes fly.

Election rigging:

The Butler PA sniper was an obvious FBI asset acting on behalf of the FBI with cover provided by the former head of the secret service — we can be sure of this because of interesting movements of the sniper’s phone, and because of the ensuing cover up. We don’t know that the golf course sniper was acting on behalf of the CIA and state department, but we do know that he is an operative of the CIA and State Department, who was echoing and quoting Kamala Harris’s war rhetoric and political eliminationist rhetoric. For Trump to rule, he is going to have eliminate all these people, or be eliminated as Caesar was. A gun beats five aces. Our enemies played five aces in the 2020 and 2022 elections, and now they are playing guns. The stakes get higher every day. They have been getting higher for two centuries, but now they are getting higher faster.

The lesson of the Roman Republic is that once someone starts cheating on the mechanisms for peaceful transition of power, then there is no alternative to violent transition of power. Normiecon bias is that we can live with just a little bit of cheating. No we cannot.

It rapidly became obvious that enormous numbers of Romans were going to be killed by Romans, and everyone was were trying to avoid that outcome by returning to the old normal. There were endless agreements to return to the old normal, which predictably came to nothing. Everyone wanted the old normal back, as the horrifying alternative drew in sight, but they could not get from where they were to where they wanted to be.

Trump cannot win, no one can win, unless he kills a whole lot of people, and, after killing a whole lot of people, establishes a new mechanism for peaceful transfer of power. But hard to establish a mechanism for peaceful transfer of power if you lack a virtuous elite.

Leftism must get ever lefter, ever faster, as shark must swim or drown

Leftism starts with envy and covetousness. Covetousness is that someone wants to knock over the apple cart to grab some apples. Envy is he just want to knock over the apple cart because he does not have one.

And, given that there are people who want to knock over the applecart, easier and safer to knock it over as part of a gang. So, priests: Someone comes up with a clever rationalisation why knocking over the applecart is wise, virtuous, and beneficial. Then, from priests, to a priesthood. Leftism gives rise to the left as an organised entity with a hierarchy and an official, though frequently changing, belief system.

As each applecart gets taken down, people become excited for new applecarts, and the supposed ideals of leftism abruptly change to something new.  Before World War One, the big exciting applecart was Empire, Emperors, and aristocrats, as for example the Austro Hungarian Empire and the British Empire, so nationalism was leftist, and leftists were generally nationalists.  After World War II, nationalism was generally rightist.  From 1890 to 1980, capitalists and capitalism were the big apple cart.  These days, the left is content with corporations continuing to exist, they just want them run by the leftist priesthood.  The universities are overproducing dimwitted would be members of the elite, and they want the state to helicopter them into top jobs, and manufacture new top jobs in global warming, Covidianity, diversity, equity, and inclusion.  Plus of, course, the faggot left is after other people’s children.  And the usual crowd want to resume the 1990s looting and pillaging of Russia, and then get on with looting and pillaging China and Iran.

The only cure is that the proprietors of apple carts subscribe to state religion that takes a firm hand with heretics and apostates.

Leftism is the priestly equivalent of mobile banditry. A leftist priesthood is to a priesthood what a robber baron is to a baron. Mobile banditry is, under some circumstances, a perfectly sound strategy, though under most common circumstances a very wicked strategy, but when the sovereign is falling down on his job, a necessary and justified one.

Leftism tends to arise when the existing official priesthood is weak, cynical, and decadent. And to successfully put leftism down, you need an official priesthood that is strong, sincere, and virtuous.

We have been around this merrygoround many, many times. This is one more time. It will end the same way as all the others.

We saw something strikingly resembling various very recent incarnations of leftism in the eleventh century caliphate, Barebone’s Parliament in England, the Church of Reason in France, the Nicolaitians, the Donatists and the Cathars rapidly transitioning into polyamorous communists, and many others.

It is not driven by technology. It is certainly not driven by capitalism. (Watch Disney burning the IP they spent wads of money on, watch Boeing abandoning its plane and rocket business for diversity, equity, and inclusion.) It is driven by holiness spirals in the priesthood (the modern priesthood being lawyers, judges, academics, and “journalists”.)

Twenty first century western leftism comes out of Harvard. Before the War of Northern Aggression, each of the American states had its own state religion, and the Vatican of New England was Harvard. After the War of Northern Aggression, the United States had one state religion, and its Vatican is still Harvard.

A state is too big to be a tribe, so it needs an elite tribe within the state. But that elite is itself too large to be a natural tribe, so has to be a synthetic tribe – a tribe built on a faith, such as communism, the God that failed. Or the Church of England, as in England from 1660 to 1820.

Every state has a state religion, and no one is allowed into the state or quasi state elite unless they adhere to the state religion. States die when their state religion dies of disbelief, or commits suicide by holiness spiralling. Or both. We are seeing both happen simultaneously now. The ruling tribe becomes incohesive. Covidianity, sodomy, and sexual transition lacks appeal, and people are getting quietly sick of female emancipation, which in practice amounts to men not getting sex, and women not getting husbands and children.

Moderation broken

Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Suddenly WordPress has started to throw everyone into moderation, despite me turning off the various ad hoc things I have done. As far as I know, I am now just running standard WordPress, and it still just puts everyone into moderation.

And I tend to leave my moderation queue unattended for long periods, because from time to time I have episodes of real life. So if it takes a long time for your comment to appear, sorry, this just sucks.

If WordPress does not magically return to its previous behaviour, will switch to adding everyone as a user — which I probably should have done long ago.

Adding every profilic based poster as user when I have to manually rescue their comments from the moderation queue, because the moderation queue is broken.

Your password will be user_to_avoid_moderation

Change it, but your real password should be your fake email, so might as well change it to something trivial.

If a comment of yours was recently fished out of moderation, you should now be a registered user. Login at

Who stabbed Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel?

Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and several worshipers were attacked in an absurdly vicious and completely over the top manner, guaranteed to outrage people.

And yet the stabbing was strangely ineffectual. It is very easy to kill people. It is not that difficult to do it with bare hands if you can get the upper hand, and with knife of suitable size, trivial. If I made a sucker knife attack on someone with the intent of killing him, it would be entirely undramatic. He would be fatally wounded so fast you would not see it happening. You would just see a whole lot of blood and me fleeing abruptly, followed by him folding up. The Australian government has attempted to ban the video — whether sincerely or in a deliberate effort to Streisand it, I am not sure, but the ban was, predictably, utterly ineffectual and wildly counterproductive. It merely resulted in everyone downloading and uploading the video.

The attacker says “Allahu Akbar” so that everyone will know this is a Mohammedan attack on a Christian. But the odd thing is, Bishop Emmanuel has not said or done anything that would particular piss off Mohammedans, while he had said and done lots of things that outrage the demon worshipers running the west, including calling them demon worshipers. I am pretty sure you could get away with his infrequent mild mannered criticisms of Islam (that Islam and Judaism are false religions) in Dubai, while I routinely say much worse things: That Mohammed’s visions were of a demon — literal or a projection of his own evil, that a Mohammedan that does not murder innocents is a bad Mohammedan, and that Islam is inimical to science and technology because it worships an inconstant God who can change and lie. And no one seems to take offense.

What has outraged people his his criticisms of the demon worshipers ruling us.

I am fairly sympathetic and supportive of Islam. I say Mohammed was right about women, the Taliban are fighting for their freedom and restoring order, peace, and prosperity to a land endlessly ravaged by war, that we need to postpone renewing the crusades until we have dealt with the common enemy of demon worshipers. And, like Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, I say the Jews are attempting to genocide the Palestinians. Muslims generally seem to perceive me as a frenemy, and I am sure that they would similarly perceive Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who, unlike me, has always preached the human dignity of people of all faiths.

I suppose in a sense I preach the much same thing, in that I say that the Peace of Westphalia should be applied to all faiths, but I also say it will need to be imposed on Dar al-Islam with a big stick, and that Cortes had the right answer for demon worship. We can worry about Mohammedanism after we and the Mohammedans have dealt with the big problem: Demon worship ruling the west — a topic Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel has addressed frequently with vigor.

Since the attack, an army of shills, most of them with Tel Aviv network addresses, have been vigorously using it to promote war between based Christians and based Muslims — a position that, of course, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is vigorously opposing right now, and that I also oppose.

I post this in support of the wonderfully based and outstandingly Christian Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel. He is not as based as I am — I have not seen him preaching that for a faith, a people, a nation, or an empire to successfully reproduce it has to have families, and that to have families, men need to impose stable monogamy on women with a stick, lest Miss Average waste her youth, her beauty, and her fertility banging Mister One-in-thirty. But he is certainly more Christian than I am. I have a bit of difficulty forgiving my enemies.

Part of the horror of this attack is that he failed to take any effectual action to protect himself, while I am still mostly killer ape, and wear civilization like an ill fitting suit. But there is a place in Christianity for men of violence, without which it could not have survived and won. I am a big fan of Saint Theodore the Varangian. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel says he fears nothing and no one, and observing the attack, he speaks the truth. But sometimes, a more forceful method of dealing with evil is appropriate. Sometimes, fearlessness needs to manifest more in the style of Saint Theodore the Varangian.

A new space race

Friday, March 15th, 2024

Russia and China are talking about putting a permanent manned base on the moon, which is obviously a response to NASA talking about putting a permanent manned base on the moon.

NASA has Musk’s rockets, but Musk is not really interested in a moon base, because insufficient volatiles on the moon for a self sustaining colony. All he is going to do is ship NASA’s stuff to the moon, and it is completely obvious that NASA lacks the technological capability to build a permanent moonbase, even if the shipping is free.

Unfortunately, our regime is incapable of hearing what Russia and China are saying, or of comprehending anything they say, which absolute self isolation is likely to lead to war sooner or later.

Obviously a permanent moonbase is going to need a nuclear power plant, because the fourteen day lunar nights are dark and cold. I don’t think anyone at NASA realises this, or is capable of realising it, hence they interpreted Russian outline plans for the base as a plan to nuke America’s satellites in orbit.

If you cannot talk to people, you are going to have to kill them, or they are going to have to kill you.

A new space race would be a great alternative to war. You win, you gain soft power, and the other guy loses soft power, without the risks involved in obtaining soft power by killing people. The USG has become increasingly reliant on hard power to provide soft power, as for example bombing Serbia, flattening Libya, and attempting the genocide the Alawites in Syria. This is dangerous, and apt to explode in one’s face. The current red sea crisis is one such explosion, and likely there will be nastier ones sooner or later. The USG should have established normal relations with the Houthis long ago, but that is another group they are unable to hear. If bombing the Houthis did not work before they started blocking a key trade route to Global American Empire aligned ships, why would you think it was going to work after they started blocking a key trade route to Global American Empire aligned ships?

War, it is said, is politics by other means. But the US is incapable of engaging international politics by normal political means, which is why the Global American Empire can no longer ship stuff through the Red Sea and remains unaware that the starter’s gun has been fired on another race to the moon.

The unipolar moment was the USG possessing enormous and overwhelming soft power. It still has a great deal of soft power. China and Russia want that power and are going after it, and the USG is incapable of noticing what is going on.

How to do bitcoin in a country like India that has a locked down financial system

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024

There are a few based Hindus on this blog, and they have been telling me they cannot do bitcoin, so cannot set up a blog securely.

India has a locked down financial system and war on cash, which Indians are resisting by using gold, but you cannot do long distance transactions in gold.

If you run an electrum wallet over tor in a country like India, the authorities are unlikely to be able to detect it. But how do you convert the fiat of a locked down financial system into bitcoin, to escape the lockdown.

Well, every country with a severely locked down financial system has a large expat diaspora, India and China being the most massive examples, and the Chinese expat population provides channels through the lockdown, channels that Chinese in China use extensively, have been using for a long time, and are using more and more.

A short while ago India and the UAE introduced a cash card to provide Indian UAE expats with a wide open door between the locked down Indian financial system and the wide open UAE financial system.

(Note that you cannot, or at least should not, run a lightning routing node over tor, but if you are trying to sneak past lockdown, should not run a lightning routing node anyway. A lightning node that is a client of a couple of routing nodes should work fine.).

Thermidor is in power, Team B is now on top of Team A

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

The Biden puppet just gave a speech, ostensibly directed at everyone, and ostensibly directed at Republicans, but actually directed at the radicals, telling them to cool it.

Google failed to commemorate black history month. The immanent eschaton has strangely been postponed. Lawfare against Trump and Musk is quietly being dropped, albeit there is still a judicial order outstanding against Tesla that they must give nineteen billion dollars to the radical left, cancel Musk’s shares, and appoint an anti Musk board, but I expect that this extraordinary and unprecedented judicial order will quietly be forgotten, as ninety odd court cases against Trump are suddenly stuck in the slow lane.

The Biden, meaning the group of people puppeting him, were always a mixed lot, a coalition of true believing fanatics intent on a totalitarian terror state of utterly unprecedented savagery (it is obvious that the mass importation of young military age black men is preparation for white genocide) and the mob of cynical Washington, New York, and Harvard kleptocrats grown fat skimming the gravy of empire. The latter were horrified by Trump’s retreat from empire. Drinking their own koolaide, believing their own official government statistics, that America was prosperous and mighty, they saw no need for such a retreat.

With the Global American Empire falling about their ears, suddenly the Washington kleptocrats miss Trump. The coalition that installed The Biden has fractured.

The radicals don’t care. They are not in power in the White House now, which is going to cramp their style somewhat, but no one close enough to power to be spat upon has any enemies to the left, nor friends to the right. They are still in power in that every institution is completely controlled by the faithful believers in our officially unofficial faith, which worships demons, among them Gaia, Ishtar, and Covid. Thermidor is going to have a rough ride, and Trump is going to have a rough ride.

Assuming we don’t get the extraordinary election rigging of 2020 and 2022, Trump wins in a landslide, and brings in a horde of Maga Republicans riding his coat tails into the legislature.

At which point the irrelevance of the president and legislature is going to become a point of tension. The radicals have demonic paladins. Thermidor has no Paladins. As I keep saying, Thermidor needs reaction to give it steel. Last time around Trump did not include anyone from the alt right, the reaction, or the Christian right in his administration. If he makes the same mistake again, the radical left will continue on its current course, just a bit slower, and with some minor setbacks, which it will soon overcome. They will absorb and build upon their Trump retreat, as they absorbed and built upon their Reagan retreat.

In past Thermidors, the Thermidoreans encountered a ride sufficiently rough that they let reaction off the leash to take some effective measures against the radical left.

Thermidor is always fragile, shaky, and unstable – sometimes it staggers on for a long time while everything crumbles, but usually it turns left or right – normally right. In the Soviet Union, Thermidor nailed Beria, and with the radical left having been eradicated by the likes of Beria, was now seemingly securely in power. But the faith that animated the Soviet Union had died, and they had killed it.

The Washington kleptocrats are counting on Trump for a Soviet Style denoument, where the kleptocrats remain stably in power, without the radicals destroying everything. We shall see.

The trouble with this plan is that they think Trump is their Beria, their General Monk. No, Trump is a 1980s leftist, a mere two score years behind the current year. He is going to need his General Monck.

The radicals are worried by Trump’s plan to punish those that weaponized the justice system and purge the FBI. Thermidor is less troubled, because it needs the leftists who think Thermidor is their enemy purged. (It is not their enemy. It thinks the radical left are good people being foolish, and the officially unofficial state religion is good, if not taken to extremes.) But unless Trump takes the reaction on board, the purge is not going to get very far, and the punishment will merely be a decade or so of a slightly less central position in the halls of power. To fix the FBI and the spy agencies, Trump needs to hire a General Monck.

Moderation policy

Friday, December 1st, 2023

Comments that employ new email addresses, addresses that have not yet been white listed, have been being silently deleted for some time, because I am being snowed under by shills and cannot spend the time to address each new shill email address individually. This seems be a deliberate plot to make it difficult for new commentators to get whitelisted. Unfortunately it is working.

For your new email address to get whitelisted, you have to lead with a thought crime.

You can copy and paste from the numerous thought crimes posted on this blog, with three clicks, or state your own thought crime in your own words, or write a thoughtful essay disagreeing and with and rejecting the thought crime, which will pass and get you white listed if it makes clear what the thought crime you are disagreeing with is. (For it is forbidden to know what is forbidden, so anyone who can say what is forbidden passes, even if you say “such and such is rightly forbidden because it is a conspiracy theory posted by evil Russians to overthrow democracy”, if you can tell us the actual content, if you can tell us what these evil Russians are saying, you still pass the shill test.)

If you tell me that I am evil Jewish Rothschild Muslim Russian bot, and I am wrong because of such and such, and your explanation of why I am wrong reveals what I am in fact saying, this passes the shill test, for it is forbidden to know what is forbidden.

On the other hand, comments of the form “Hail fellow white straight male Christian” are apt to be deleted on sight, for they almost always come from gay jews who worship demons. People who are actually white or straight don’t make a point of it, because they tend to presuppose that Jews do not exist, gays do not exist, women do not exist, except perhaps in some weird and silly place far away and of little interest to normal men going about their normal business, that everyone on the internet is white, straight, and male except for robotic spam generated by ChatGPT.

Some thought crimes that will get you on the whitelist:

What did Soros do to bring about the deaths of half a million Ukrainian Goyim?

How did Soros make his money? (The official government answer will of course get your response silently deleted, unless accompanied by an explanation of why the answer given by us evil racist conspiracy theorists is wrong, which explanation has to reveal what us evil racist racist Hitler apologist racists say how Soros made his money.)

What are the biological differences between blacks and whites, and why does this make it impractical for blacks and whites to live together under the same laws applying to them both equally? How and why, for example, did Detroit turn from the magnificent Paris of the East to a desolate abandoned empty ruin? It is impossible to truthfully describe the fall of Detroit without committing thought crimes that will get you whitelisted, just as it is impossible to truthfully describe the career of Soros without committing thought crimes that will get you white listed, both of them being hate facts.

Why do women misbehave? Why are men and women not getting sex and family?

You can give one of the non thought crime answers, but in your response you have to critique the thought crime answer in a way that reveals to the reader what it was. To pass the shill test, you do not have to agree with the thought crime answer, but you have to reveal that your interlocutor agrees with it, that just about everyone on this blog agrees with it.

Cutting and pasting is allowed and encouraged. The simplest way to pass the shill test to cut and past answer five. Or you could say that answer five is wrong because of such and such, in way that reveals what answer five was. That also passes the shill test.

Possible answers to the woman question:

1. Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal Whites. If it weren’t for capitali$m, women would totally be completely sinless angels.

2. The (((jews))) make these totally innocent angels misbehave, since the jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck Blacks and lowlifes. There’s no way that pure White women desire to be on OnlyFans to whore for money. The jews forced these angels on that website.

3. Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.

4. Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men. It is men’s fault entirely, so men must be forced to pay for every bad decision done by any random women.

5 They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival. If women are emancipated, Miss Average will waste her youth, her beauty, and her fertility fucking Mister One in Thirty, thus a people, a race, a nation, a faith, or an empire that emancipates women will perish for lack of families, leading to lack of sons. Men have to impose stable monogamy on women with a stick.

Some bad predictions

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

I predicted after the election was massively rigged that the deep state would cease to employ the outer party, that the Republicans would not win an election for dogcatcher. Instead they continued to employ the outer party, but massively rigged the primaries, with the Republicans running candidates that outraged, demoralized, dismayed, and horrified the base. With the collapse of the censorship regime, I hear congressmen talking about this dismay and demoralization, while being rather delicate about what is causing it.

I predicted that the halt of movement left to ever more radical leftism, would not be accomplished except by a Caesar taking power, and the halt was likely to be bloody

It is early days yet, but so far looks more like the French Thermidor, which had no clear leader, was severely incohesive, and was not bloody. And promptly came under high pressure from the radical left and the reactionary right. Which troubles in the end they had to resolve by calling in Caesar.

Simultaneously with massive election rigging setting in America, massive election rigging occurred throughout the Global American Empire. But in Argentina we just saw an election in which the election rigging, though large, was ineffectual against the landslide. Incohesion among the election riggers in Argentina set in simultaneously with incohesion among American censors.

As Vivek and Musk explain, the censorship apparatus is an arm of the deep state, with its personnel taking direction from the spy agencies, and many of its personnel having both spy agency hats and private sector hats, and changing hats frequently. So the incohesion we are seeing in the censorship apparatus indicates incohesion in the deep state. Presumably the same thing happened in the Argentinian elections. And is therefore likely to happen in future Republican primaries and in the coming elections.

Javier Milei, the Argentinian Trump, however does not look genuine grassroots. His foreign policy (pro US fiat, pro Israel, pro Jewish, pro Ukraine War, pro China war) looks strangely similar to that of the obvious Thermidorean glowies I am suppressing on this blog. But his libertarianism, populism, and capitalism looks very real.

Capitalism failed in Latin America because when socialism became discredited after the fall of the Soviet Union, they, like Yeltzin’s Russia, imported postmodern capitalism from Harvard and Washington — with a disproportionate number of the carryon baggers coming in to steal everything not nailed down coming from Tel Aviv. In Latin America, they called this “neoliberalism” This was disastrous for Latin America, as it was disastrous for Russia. Then they had another go at socialism, which was just as disastrous, or even more disastrous, but socialism has a more popular story.

Cohesion is the capacity of many to act as one, a corporation is many people acting as one person, and the modern joint-stock for-profit publicly traded corporation is many acting as one to make a living. The postmodern corporation, not so cohesive, and thus not so corporate.

Jason Milei is, in many ways, an Argentinian Trump. But Trumps policy on Empire was Gorbachev like, that the state of the US empire should be allowed to be culturally themselves, should be allowed more cultural and social independence. A president who is converting to Judaism and flying to Israel does not look like cultural independence or the Argentinian cultural and racial identity. If I was running for office in Argentina, would convert to Roman Catholicism and be seen attending the mass of a radical anti Vatican priest.

What remains to be seen is whether Milie will implement modern corporate capitalism in Argentina, the corporate capitalism of Charles the Second and the Dutch Republic, or merely have another go at postmodern capitalism, which will have the same outcome as it did last time in Latin America. Postmodern capitalism is not actually all corporate, because a multitude of stakeholders, all of carefully filtered for allegiance to the faith of Harvard, have power independent of the board and the CEO, and pull the company in different directions, which tends to devolve into looting the corporation and pissing all over customers, suppliers, and shareholders. It leads to the corporation having cohesion around sodomy, abortion, and transexuality, while losing cohesion around profit, buying, selling, manufacturing, and managing capital. It abandons the mechanisms established by Charles the second and the Dutch Republic to give the corporation to act as one in the economic interest of shareholders. That Vivek has not criticised SoX suggests that the Thermidoreans are unwilling to let go of postmodern capitalism – they are the guys looting empire, and looting the corporate form. On the other hand, Vivek has criticized stake holder capitalism and Milei knows enough economics to understand why it is a disaster, so, maybe.


Saturday, April 15th, 2023

On Gab, I noticed a whole lot of wholly blue pilled people, not all of them shills.

So, despite my frequent declaration that this is not a game blog and not going to turn into game blog, here comes another game post.

It is kind of redundant, because everything that needs saying has been said in Setting the Record Straight, page 57, and Chateau Heartiste’s sixteen commandments of Poon.

Ok. Very short post.

Oh, OK, I will pad it out by reprising Heartistes magisterial Sixteen Commandments of Poon. But pay no attention. Read the original. This stuff has already been said, and I am just expanding on one detail or another detail.

I. Never say ‘I Love You’ first

Or second. When she says “I love your” it is a shit test. She wants to see if she can make you say “I love you” on demand. So when she says “I love you” you should randomly and sometimes respond “I love you too”.

II. Make her jealous

Preselection is the thing that most attracts women. If someone has popped thirty virgins and immediately dumped each one, and word gets around, a whole lot more will show up on his doorstep.

XI. Be irrationally self-confident

Hope and despair are self fullfilling. Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism. Hope is a virtue, despair a sin.

XIII. Err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little

Regrettably, female perception of manliness and alpha is primitive compared to that of men. So a whole lot of behavior that men would regard as brave but stupid and wicked goes down like a chocolate milkshake. Including all that stuff that males rightly regard as bullying the weak, including her, and the stuff that the blue pilled wrongly regard to be sexual harassment and rape.

XVI. Never be afraid to lose her

Preselection again.

But “do not be afraid to lose her” is a prescription for operating in defect/defect, the game of players and bitches. If operating in cooperate/cooperate, marriage 1.0, biblical marriage, her perception should be that in the event of infidelity you would kill her and her lover, and then swiftly replace her with someone younger and more fertile.