global warming

Global warmers lie again 1

According to a statement issued by the World Wide Fund for nature a few hours ago:

“Hundreds of newborn seal cubs risk dying of hunger and cold because global warming is making ice in the Arctic Circle melt too fast“When the ice melts too fast, the cubs end up in the ice water before they have their insulating fat layer, and they die painfully of hunger and cold.

“The WWF said there was less ice in the Arctic this winter than at any point in the past 300 years.”

Needless to say, according to satellite observations, the ice the arctic this winter is at the exact average that it has been during the period that it has been subject to satellite observation, and no one has any clear idea what it was like three hundred years ago.

2 comments Global warmers lie again 1

Nyan Sandwich says:

I don’t know jim. That graph (6 years later) doesn’t look much like it supports your theory. Looks to me like winter ice extent is staying the same, and summer ice is getting smaller. This seems plausible under warming.

Seems to me you’ve noticed that they are lying, and deduced that they are wrong. They are lying, but even insane liars can notice things. I think they have the picture basically right when they bother to quote actual numbers.

jim says:

“The WWF said there was less ice in the Arctic this winter than at any point in the past 300 years.”

“Less ice this winter”

Well, they could lie about winter ice, and still speak the truth about seal cubs.

But, in fact, not speaking the truth about seal cubs either, though that is a little more tedious to prove.

There have been incidents of seal pups prematurely suffering loss of ice. The last such incident, however, was 1998. Incidents of shortage of winter ice to bear young on are more common. Because seal pups wean very fast, (12 days) if there is enough ice to bear young on, there is usually enough ice for them to wean on. Hard for the ice to melt a lot in twelve days.

The greenies have mangled together two threats: Lack of winter ice, which commonly kills them, but has not been killing them lately, and fast breakup of winter ice, which less commonly kills them, but which, surprisingly, has not been killing them lately.

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