Month: October 2008


The cause of the subprime crisis

The subprime crisis was caused by regulation and the expectation that some companies were too big to fail – that if those companies got in trouble, the government would make sure their debtors were paid. What did regulation tell financiers about subprime loans? It told them they had better make subprime loans, or face a …


The cause of the crisis

The bailout will fail. If the government offers implicit or expicit debt guarantees, if a firm is “too big to fail, then that firm can easily borrow lots of money cheaply, and lend that money to people not so guaranteed at a higher interest rate. Free Money! The too big to fail firm is going …


The cause of the crisis

If a company is too big to fail, then people will take risks they would not otherwise take.  “Too big to fail” is an implicit subsidy for taking big risks – which results in people taking big risks. So we have just paid people seven hundred billion dollars for taking stupidly big risks. What do …