
The left as astroturf

Whenever one sees supposedly insurrectionary leftism, one usually detects a government official sponsoring it, as for example in the recent suppression of US flags on Cinco de Mayo.

Observe the recent firebombings in the Greek riots, where the “rioters” murdered three people.

Here are a couple of videos of the “rioters” firebombing police.

The “rioters” charge the police, and bang on their shields with light sticks, making no attempt to jab through the gaps at the actual bodies of the cops, nor using sticks heavy enough to even shake the shields.    No axe handles or baseball bats.

Hey guys, if you want to bang on armored cops, I have a sledgehammer that would make a pretty good mace. It goes through concrete mighty fast.

They then fall back, and hurl firebombs – but they do not hurl firebombs at the police, but at the ground in front of the police.  One cop gets one of his boots splashed with burning petrol.  He rolls around, and a couple of other cops put him out.  In the second video, same scene shot from a different angle, we observe that the cops make not the slightest attempt to arrest the firebombers for attempted murder, and the rest of the mob for assault and as accessories to attempted murder.  It is all theater.  When they see that one of the firebombs has actually hit, the theater pauses.

When right wing militia listens politely to an FBI provocateur at a meeting proposing that they bomb someone, they all go to jail for plotting crimes.  The “rioters” firebomb a cop, and everyone acts like it is an unfortunate accident – which of course is exactly what it is.

The “rioters” in the Greek riots are government employees put on the streets by government sponsored unions that are themselves as much part of the government as the police were – and predictably, in a supposed riot supposedly between police and government employees, the only people actually murdered were neither police nor government employees.

One comment The left as astroturf

[…] fact, left anarchists are astroturf. They are the government threatening those that would restrain its […]

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