8 comments Losing to Islam

Magnus says:

Nice to see you are alive and still writing. It is little scary when regular poster suddenly vanishes without warning and without trace…
Come back to Uselessnet, please …. It is long dead, but IMHO still more lively that blog that nobody reads 😉

Really, come back – without you, alt.anarchism is dead – even Sound of Trumpeting seems to be absent (or were you Sound of Trumpet :-PPP )

jim says:

Pearls before swine

Bill says:

Nobody reads usenet. Nobody under 35 even knows what it is. This sucks because it was a much better technology than are blogs. It’s too easy for blog owners to just pretend they can’t hear criticism of their ideas.

jim says:

Usenet is overrun by morons and Astroturf.

That on the blogs, the morons and astroturf tend to congregate in blog echo chambers where any doubt or disgreement is deleted is in substantial part a benefit. If they make sure they cannot hear us, we do not hear them.

Bill says:

We need to defeat Islam the way we need to defeat termites. That is, we only need to learn how to keep it pretty much at bay. Easy schmeasy. Just ignore and have nothing to do with.

jim says:

You cannot ignore Islam any more than you ignore termites. You have to stop them. All along the bloody borders of Islam, Muslims move in, then they start to become increasingly violent, getting everyone else accept second class citizenship and capricious violence.

Certainly going into Iraq and attempting to impose democracy at gunpoint is mighty stupid, but we need to look back in history and ask who has dealt successfully with Islam, and how did they do it? Punitive invasion was always part of the mix, as for example the French seizure of what is now Algeria, which was intended to prevent and deter the barbary pirates. When muslims pushed, they only stopped pushing when non muslims pushed back. The intent, however, was not to morally uplift Muslims, but to make them afraid.

Bill says:

In some hypothetical future where Islam is as dangerous as it was 2 or 3 centuries ago, yes. The Barbary Pirates and the various similar Muslim pirates of earlier epochs were a very big deal indeed. They made travel and trade in the Mediterranean quite dangerous and expensive. The loss of the ancient Greek tradition in the West was to a non-trivial extent a sequelum of the loss of sea supremacy in the Med (no safe sea routes to Constantinople).

But Islam is pathetically weak today, and when the oil is gone, they will be even weaker. They could not have even pulled off 9/11 without the shocking incompetence of the FBI. You or I could dream up 9/11 or much more damaging things in an afternoon, right? I vividly remember in the weeks after 9/11 wondering what the fuck all these “terrorism experts” were talking about in describing the “sophistication” of the attack. They are a clown show.

The fact that they want to kill us very badly is as relevant as the fact that termites want to eat my house very badly. The exterminator puts a ring of poison around my house, and I don’t think about the threat more than ten minutes per year. Same with Islam. Don’t let them in. Hire some spooks to keep an eye on them in case they start to get less pathetically weak. Maybe hand some guns to the Christians in Nigeria to give the Muslims something to do with their time. Foment Shiite-Sunni conflict. Problem solved, at least for the next century or two.

jim says:

“But Islam is pathetically weak today, and when the oil is gone, they will be even weaker”

I know that, and you know that, but a Muslim who sincerely believes does not know that. The proportion of Muslims that regularly attend Mosque and do the required prayers is very small, so the proportion of sincere believers is even smaller, but the sincere believers tend to run things.

The history of this war is that they keep on trying by all available means unless very forcefully stopped. Islam is weak in the sense that the Palestinians are weak. The Israelis could kill them all, but are reluctant to do so, for fear of the effect on themselves and their own society.

It takes drastic means to stop Islam, and these drastic means are apt to have bad effects on the society that stops them, for example Spain.

“The exterminator puts a ring of poison around my house, and I don’t think about the threat more than ten minutes per year. Same with Islam. Don’t let them in.”

This would indeed be a workable solution if we were willing to casually kill Muslims the way we casually kill termites, would be a workable solution if the gourmet cat food section at the supermarket had canned Muslim babies. Then our strength would count. Since not willing, are losing.

What is objectionable and controversial about Sharia law is not its treatment of women, for women have other means of getting their own way. What is objectionable about Sharia law is its treatment of infidels. And this, second class treatment of infidels, is what Muslims are succeeding in imposing.

“Maybe hand some guns to the Christians in Nigeria to give the Muslims something to do with their time.”

That would work. We should fund and arm fighters in every war with Muslims, and where it is Muslim on Muslim, fund and arm the losing side. Our government is, however, profoundly reluctant to do so, for to do so would be “funding terror”. Remember how violently controversial Reagan’s program of arming freedom fighters who were resisting communist takeovers was?

Inevitably these fighters would use dreadful means, did use dreadful means when they were resisting communist takeovers, and much outrage would be manufactured about these horrid deeds, was manufactured in the war with communism. To blow off such propaganda, we would need to have at least a little bit of the attitude that would cheerfully accept canned Muslim babies in the catfood section.

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