
Anne Mansouret confirms rape of Tristane Banon by DSK

It seems that the chief of the IMF has been in the habit of raping women for quite some time – and no one called him on it until today.

Ann Mansouret confirms that her daughter, Tristane Banon was raped by Dominique Strauss-Kahn

So far, the hotel management has had balls the size of apples, the south central cops have had balls the size of apples, and, to my considerable surprise, the judge has had balls the size of apples. But, of course, the higher this goes up the judicial system, the smaller the testicles.

5 comments Anne Mansouret confirms rape of Tristane Banon by DSK

Alrenous says:

I started arguing that DSK wouldn’t get off because of lack of moral fortitude, but then I argued myself around.

I also expect DSK to be let off, though the public eye may make this a special case. However, I also expect the judge to meet him for beers afterward, or some equivalent.

Judging by past cases, that judge’s daughter will also get raped. The only question is whether the judge will think she deserved it, or cover the new rape up out of fear.

Though I suppose irony of that caliber is fairly rare. More likely it will just be some girl the judge knows.

jim says:

Though I suppose irony of that caliber is fairly rare.

Regrettably it is, though poetic justice happens more often than one would think.

Rollory says:

“qui aurait essayé de la violer”

“who tried to rape her”

Get your translation right. I despise the guy as much as anyone, but he did not, in fact, rape Miss Banon. He merely tried to. This has been the consistent story from her from the start.

jim says:

He stuck his dick in her mouth, and up her ass. Close enough for government work.

Maria says:

What a pathetic, misinformed blog…

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