Month: December 2011


Blacks chimp out for Christmas

La Griffe du Lion finds that though the average criminality of blacks is substantially higher than that of whites, the variance is substantially lower. This predicts that under a firm and effective law enforcement environment, in which only the most criminally inclined misbehaved, a black majority area would be safer than a white majority area. …


We have a winner

I crowdsourced the task of finding a word to describe the political and social order that is leading us to doom, in a way that explains the fundamental driving forces, explains why the left always wins. Hwan Lewi: How about ‘atheocracy’? It should be instantly recognizable as derivative of ‘theocracy’ and thus retain most of …


The word “theocracy”

A lot of people complain about my use, and Mencius’s use, of the word theocracy, to refer both to past systems were God endorsed Caesar, and Caesar endorsed God, and the present system where Political Correctness endorses the state, and the State endorses Political Correctness. So I am trying to crowdsource some less confusing terminology.

party politics

Paul leading in Iowa

As the last non leftist still standing, Paul is now leading in Iowa, the first actual vote of the Republican nomination. Paul twenty three percent, Mitt Romney twenty percent, Gingrich fourteen percent, ten percent or less for all the rest.


Worse than a crime, a legalism

MF Global did worse than embezzle client funds. They embezzled client funds legally Very large numbers of investors may be in the same position as MF Global’s investors, who thought they were investing in gold, businesses, and suchlike, but were in fact investing in Greek rioters, Italians on welfare, and public servants taking early retirement.

party politics

All Republican nominees extreme left by 1996 standards.

There is Governor Romneycare, who created the original of which Obamacare is a copy. There is Governor Perry, a man who fully supports the underclassing and the suppression of Christianity by state power combined with state sponsorship of alternatives to Christianity such as Islam. There Newt Gingrinch, who talks like a right winger, but is …