Month: February 2012


Warren Buffet doubts gold

Warren Buffet points out that land produces wealth, and gold does not. His argument leads to the conclusion that had a Roman in the time of Caesar invested a talent in land, or deposited some money with the money lenders to earn interest, his descendents would now be worth 1067 talents, or about one trillion …

global warming

What the DenialGate fake reveals about warmists

Peter Gleik phished some genuine files from the Heartland Institute.  The files revealed what everyone knows,  what no one has ever denied, and what the Heartland Institute has frequently announced:  That the Heartland Institute is funding science that is skeptical of global warming, though its funding is ludicrously tiny, while Peter Gleik received half a …


Laffer Maximum

Britain decided to increase income tax on the top one percent of taxpayers to fifty percent.  Predictably, revenues from the top one percent of tax payers collapsed. This demonstrates the entirely unsurprising fact that a income tax of 50% plus VAT tax of 20% for an effective tax of 60%, is well above the Laffer …



Pretty soon, just as heterosexuals who are having fun are no longer “gay”, heterosexuals who have committed to permanently be together will no longer be “married”.


The virtuous upper class?

According to Charles Murray in  the top 20 percent of citizens in income and education exemplify the core founding of industriousness, honesty, marriage, and religious observance.  They raise their children in stable homes. This is not my observation. My observation is that the the higher the socioeconomic status of the male, the better his behavior, …



Total sales are rising ten percent a year in nominal terms.    Surprise surprise, shadowstats estimates ten percent inflation per year if we use the measure of inflation that was used in the the 1980s.    Hawaiian Libertarian reports that that is pretty much what he is seeing when he puts his money down. So what is …


Steyn nails it:

Our Sick State: I don’t quite know what you’d call these rituals, but the term “private health-care system” doesn’t seem the most obvious fit. Indeed, as in so many other areas of American life — the Fannie-Freddied mortgage market, the six-figure college education — the main purpose of these dysfunctional labyrinths ever more disconnected from …