
Soros and the rest fund domestic terrorism

Normally I would not mention this, because for me, and everyone outside the limits of acceptable discourse, that the big names of the left fund terrorism against their opponents is like reporting that bears shit in the woods and the Pope is Catholic, but lately people who foolishly thought they were within the limits of acceptable discourse have asked everyone to blog about Brett Kimberlin.  So here is the requested boring public service announcement:

Not only do bears shit in the woods, but the limits of acceptable discourse shift ever leftwards.  Check your weapons.

2 comments Soros and the rest fund domestic terrorism

Bill says:

From the linked article:

most liberals do not feel affection for . . . Che Guevara

Wait, what? There is a determined minority of modern liberals, an obvious example being Brad DeLong, who don’t have affection for guys like Che Guevara, but most? What is this compulsive need to pretend that leftists are less evil than they are? The whole left should be tarred with the crimes of their more enthusiastic members.

jim says:

Well I did say these are guys who thought they were within the limits of permitted discourse – only to find that the limits have changed.

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