Month: September 2012



This video is racist Because reality is racist. “Everybody in Cleveland got Obamaphone. You minority, you low income, you disability …” The obamaphones are not paid by taxes, or printing money, or the US government borrowing from China. The phone companies are required to give obamaphones to people like this woman, so if you pay …


The Dark Enlightenment

The fundamental realization of the Dark Enlightenment is that all men are not created equal, not individual men, nor the various groups and categories of men, nor are women equal to men, that these beliefs and others like them are religious beliefs, that society is just as religious as ever it was, with an official …


Religion and reaction.

Fosetti criticizes Bruce Charlton’s claim that there are only three sides: Christianity, Islam and secular Leftism Obviously most Christians are secular leftists, in that they have chucked the Gospel overboard because of all those horribly reactionary bits commanding patriarchy and commanding toleration of all sorts of things that progressives are not supposed to tolerate, and …


The neg in romance stories

The authors of A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships have surveyed thousands of porn sites and great stinking piles of slash romance fiction. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. They tell us that the ideal-looking hero of a romance story has “dark hair,” which …



A lot of people, including pretty much everyone in academia, including supposed libertarians in academia, agree that deregulation has been happening. Everyone agrees that the US banks were “deregulated” – in that a seventeen page law governing their permitted activities was replaced by three thousand pages of laws governing their activities, which three thousand pages …

party politics

The reaction to Clint Eastwood’s speech

Every television station, every radio station, every newspaper … Every mainstream blog that mentions the topic is being spammed with suspiciously repetitious comments. An abrupt and coordinated attack, endlessly repeating a single message, is like an army, its behavior showing it is thrown into action by a single command, issued by a single commander. And …