
Law of conservation of pussy

Reading the manosphere blogs, I notice a lot of husbands complaining that their wife has sex with them once a month, and, of course, no end of nice guys getting no sex at all.

A fertile age woman generally has sex at least once a week. As Saint Paul observed, few people have the capacity for continence, whether male or female. So if husband is not getting any, chances are that someone else is getting a piece of his wife. It is not in a woman’s nature to be content with sex once a month.

The law of conservation of pussy is that if some men are not getting some, other men must be getting a lot.

Allegedly, in the ancestral environment, half as many men reproduced as women, though the source for this conclusion is hard to track down. With the abolition of old style marriage, we seem to have reverted to the system where a minority of males have sex with the majority of females during the female fertile years.

If ten year old girls were not restrained, most of them would be banging thirty and forty year old men. While ten year old boys are completely uninterested in sex and regard it as disgusting, girls start taking an interest in males well before puberty. Preteen girls are primarily interested in older males, and, just as male homosexuals don’t much like male homosexuals, preferring manly men or twelve year old boys, preteen girls don’t much like adult males that like preteen girls. Preteen girls are especially interested in older males that have recently had an adult sexual relationship with an adult female, are especially interested in divorced men, separated men, and widowers.

We don’t let preteen girls follow their desires because it is likely to be bad for them and bad for society. Seems to me that letting adult women follow their desires is worse for them and worse for society. All women are immature until menopause.

In the ancestral environment women seldom got to make their own sexual choices, and have not evolved to be very good at it.

22 comments Law of conservation of pussy

jim says:

testing, spandrel complains that he cannot comment

valner says:

comments work

Truth says:

“If ten year old girls were not restrained, most of them would be banging thirty and forty year old men.”

False as a former 10 year old I had no interest in men your age. Us girls didn’t want that. You are projecting

“While ten year old boys are completely uninterested in sex and regard it as disgusting, ”

This is a huge joke. Child sex play is quite common. Also don’t boys masturbate? It seems like you don’t even under boys.

“girls start taking an interest in males well before puberty.”

False. Funny you said males….hm

“Preteen girls are primarily interested in older males,”

False. Most girls think boys have cooties and are gross. Others delevop crushes on their peers. They also aren’t interested in full blown sexual intercourse.

“Preteen girls are especially interested in older males that have recently had an adult sexual relationship with an adult female, are especially interested in divorced men, separated men, and widowers.”

This has to be a joke. You are really projecting and need help. You must have never been around preteen girls. Your wife left you because you were disgusting creatures and nobody wants you.

“We don’t let preteen girls follow their desires because it is likely to be bad for them and bad for society.”

I doubt you even know what preteen girls want. It is not you.

“Seems to me that letting adult women follow their desires is worse for them and worse for society.”

Seems to me that you following your desires evolves the sexual abuse of preteen girls.

“All women are immature until menopause.”

Projection you are so immature that you cannot relate to adults despite being in your 40s grow up.

“In the ancestral environment women seldom got to make their own sexual choices, and have not evolved to be very good at it.”

You are upset that you can’t rape little girls. That is pathetic and you clearly don’t have much of a life. You are bitter, wanna be child rapist.

spandrell says:

“All women are immature until menopause.”

I haven’t noticed any improvement after that.

Is there any obscure tribe that lets pre-teen girls fuck around? We need an anthropologist around.

Red says:

“All women are immature until menopause.”

My mother really calmed down and became much easier to deal with a few years after hitting menopause.

I’ve read that the Russian army raped girls as young as 8 while moving through eastern Europe, but I can’t say I’ve ever heard of such girls fucking around. They certainly do spend a great deal of time trying to be attractive to males before the hit puberty, but I always chocked that practicing for once they hit child bearing age.

Interesting Wikipedia page:

jim says:

Is there any obscure tribe that lets pre-teen girls fuck around? We need an anthropologist around.

Due to political correctness (only males behave badly, never females) this is always depicted as evil males cruelly ravishing chaste innocent ten year old girls. There are a lot of primitive tribes, probably most of them, where, allegedly, evil males routinely ravage chaste innocent ten year old girls.

Fortunately, however, we can read what literate people did before progressive rule:

Before the civil war the non puritan states generally accepted the English common law on sexual matters as it had been at the time of independence. It was illegal to sleep with other men’s wives, to seduce virgins of any age without parental permission, and so on and so forth, but sex with consenting ten year olds was OK.

Blackstone’s commentaries on the laws of England, volume 4, page 212, 1770 edition, the law as it was around the time the US became independent: “And by Statute 18 Eliz. c. 7. it is made felony without benefit of clergy, as is also the abominable wickedness of carnally knowing or abducting any women child under the age of ten years, in which case her consent or non consent is not applicable … the law in general has been held to apply only to infants under ten.”

When progressives got the upper hand, in Victorian England, they made it a misdemeanor to have sex with girls under twelve, and the age and the severity of the offense has been rising steadily since then. In practice, however, this is only applied to whites and some asians. If you want to find an obscure tribe that lets ten year old girls fuck around, try East Palo Alto in California.

Zach says:

Got a list of good old books? I was surprised by “Sex and Culture”. A far better read than I had anticipated given the age of the book and the insights it showed.

jim says:

Foseti has a list. I would add to that list “Translations from the Hakayit Abdulla, with comments by J.T. Thomson” which was written during the transition of colonialists from pirates to imperial bureaucrats.

I notice a lot of husbands complaining that their wife has sex with them once a month, and, of course, no end of nice guys getting no sex at all.

But maybe they are the only ones complaining…

Bill says:

What’s your source for the preferences of pre-teen girls? It looks to me as if they like feminine, early-20s men.

jim says:

Personal observation. I agree that romance books targeted at pre-teens depict feminine early 20s men, but this seems discrepant to the behavior that I observe.

spandrell says:

Come on Jim stop being a tease and be more specific. What have you seen going on?

Truth says:

Personal observation is not empirical evidence. Once being an 10 year old girl and knowing them we didn’t desire adult men. We actually had crushes on other boys.

BJenkum says:

The 3 great myths:
The loyalty of dogs,
The value of a home cooked meal, &
The quality of teenaged pussy.

jim says:

Teenage pussy is of excellent quality. The chastity of teenage pussy however, is sometimes less than one might expect.

Home cooked meals, like chastity, depend on the cook.

“Allegedly, in the ancestral environment, half as many men reproduced as women, though the source for this conclusion is hard to track down.”

I haven’t got it to hand but it’s somewhere in the first half of Greg Clark’s “Farewell to Alms”.

jim says:

And what was Gregory Clark’s source?

:/ says:

This is fucking disgusting in so many ways.

M says:


jfc says:

holy shit, this is the biggest pile of shit. this is disgusting and sexist and all together terrible.

These are the rantings of a pedophile. It is clear that the illegality of sex before the current age of consent in the U. S. serves a critical purpose in establishing a conformance to sexual relations when the girl is old enough and wise enough to make informed decisions.

Udolpho says:

Fucked any good ten year old gooks lately, Jew?

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