
Does game work?

Read it and weep

If still in doubt, watch the video

For a lot of men, game is not all that effective. This is because the major part of game is to superficially appear to be high status, as women perceive status, which is very different from how men perceive status, and it is simply hard to appear to be high status. One’s subconscious shoots one down, resulting in incongruent behavior. Easier if other people act as if you are high status, as in the video.

Obviously it was stupid to emancipate women. Fertile age women should have the legal status of children. The state should back parental authority over children, and the husband’s authority over his wife.

Emancipation was a shit test that we failed.

36 comments Does game work?

Puzzle Privateer (@PuzzlePrivateer) says:

“This is because the major part of game is to superficially appear to be high status, as women perceive status, which is very different from how men perceive status”

Yes and the worst part is the fitness faking status symbols don’t have to be remotely connected to any reality. It’s probably best to be slightly delusional in your own abilities and worth – no so far disconnected from reality that you think you’re Napoleon but far enough to make yourself out to be a whole lot better than you are. If reality ever comes knocking just retreat into your narcissistic fantasies. Worst part of all this is most women are either too stupid to tell the difference between a man who actually can get stuff done and a fake, or maybe they don’t even care.

jim says:

In the ancestral environment, it was the man’s job to eradicate the fake alphas and delusional alphas. Women did not need to know the difference.

zephyrprime says:

Everyone knew who was alpha back then because tribes are so small (averaging 50 people).

Terrible Dictator guy says:

Thank you Jim. All women to be legally minors until 30. After that any poor behavior to result in resumption of minor status.

Red says:

Most historical societies only give women status once they have children. Even then it’s generally much lower than a man status.

Dave says:

Bingo. It’s very hard for students of game to affect high status because, for most of human history, such behavior would provoke the real Alpha males to kill you. Thus women instinctively learned that a man who acts like an Alpha without breaking a cold sweat probably is an Alpha.

R7_Rocket says:

such behavior would provoke the real Alpha males to kill you.

Which is solved by killing the Alpha male, but then, doing so makes one an alpha. Look at the love letters Anders Behring Breivik is getting…

yup. envy works on a small scale, as long as it’s not Abel killing Cain to win God’s love, because God isn’t a woman.

Scale it up and you have Pol Pot killing all the intellectuals.

R. says:

I don’t think Oswald became an ‘alpha’ after shooting JFK

game sort of works, it’s easy to trick and confuse people, and women *want* to be gamed and look at you confused and sad if you don’t follow the script.

No doubt the games that pickup artists play lead them to “have sex with” women who they could reasonably marry.

If only they could take that last step and realize what the game is actually about.

Dave says:

Even if he wanted to, a pickup artist could not marry and keep a woman because he lacks the resources to do so. The time and energy that a gullible man would invest to learn a useful, well-compensated, male-dominated trade, he has spent learning to score with easy women.

“Gullible” because it’s his manly duty to become a chilimony slave, or at best, a milk cow for the welfare state. “Male-dominated” because whenever large numbers of women enter any field, the pay and prestige go way down.

Women set the incentives by mating with players when they’re young and hot, then settling down with a “good provider” when they’re old and busted. Which man would you rather be?

Kgaard says:

Yeah this makes a key point. The whole notion of investing all that time to learn a remunerative trade or profession … the qualities one must cultivate to make a lot of money generally are kryptonite to women’s sexual desires. Therein lies the problem. Women don’t like to be bored, and to make a lot of money you need boring attributes.

Of course … one could argue that the women are right. Why SHOULD they have to be bored? Perhaps they are selecting now for artists and merry-makers because that’s what society is in short supply of? If we look back to pre-historic man, he spent a lot of time involved in self-generated entertainments, such as dance, music and storytelling. Also self-adornment with cool stuff like animal heads. Maybe it’s the dudes in the white shirts and ties who have it wrong? (I am one of them.)

Red says:

It’s women’s relative status that causes them to reject most men. Reduce that status level to the equivalent of the military power that women actually posses and they’ll fuck any guy that will have them… and they’ll love it.

jim says:

Exactly so. So, for society to reproduce, needs to lower female status so that they want to have sex and restrain them from having sex – so that when dad approves some suitor, then they eagerly leap into bed with whoever gets approval and have babies.

It is like damming a river, so you have the pressure to direct the flow to where it will do some good.

Dr. Faust says:

Why bother with giving women consciousness? Why let them keep it? Napoleon saw them as babies to produce factories.

bub says:

Women set the incentives by mating with players when they’re young and hot, then settling down with a “good provider” when they’re old and busted. Which man would you rather be?

I’d rather be the player when I’m below 40, and the “good provider” when I’m above 50. Unless I’m the ultimate player, a 50 year old isn’t going to be doing that well, so a loving wife is appealing, especially if I’ve been with her since my youth.

“Gullible” because it’s his manly duty to become a chilimony slave, or at best, a milk cow for the welfare state. “Male-dominated” because whenever large numbers of women enter any field, the pay and prestige go way down.

You could move to China, or Singapore, or Russia, or something. I suspect that a lot of men like complaining about these things, but never actually want to live in a (relatively) Patriarchal society.

Red says:

Most men want their own tribe to continue. Leaving is conceding that our home tribe is dead.

bub says:

If you think America is your tribe, you are foolish. You have no few cultural, and no genetic roots here, unless you’re Cajun, or something.

Kgaard says:

This is precisely the issue. To what extent is living in America living as part of one’s tribe? My answer is … “sort of.” There’s no question that attractive women are hotter and easier to land in Eastern Europe, Asia and Latam. No question at all. I have spent a lot of time in all three regions and it’s just FACT.

But living there means … not living here. And I am quite used to living in America. It’s easy. All the immigrants defer to me. I don’t have to try to be nice to people. I know how everything works. I have a house. It’s REALLY easy. But there are not sufficient attractive women who want to breed (outside of NYC, where I don’t really want to live/pay taxes).

So you face a choice: Stay home and breed with a fattie and be comfortable, go to NYC and land a reasonably attractive woman but pay a lot of taxes and be claustrophobic for a couple years, or go to emerging markets, land a hottie but be a foreigner. It’s a tough decision. I am wrestling with it right now …

[…] Source: Jim […]

scientism says:

You can’t blame women for going crazy over high-status men. Yes, there’s a good chance they’re going to be used or conned, but there’s also a small chance they’re going to land a high-status man, which is the female equivalent of success. Men take risks to make their fortune and are liable to be conned in the process, women take risks to land a fortunate man and are liable to be conned in the process. When you remove the social barriers to either, you get gold rush behaviour. Men and women are both better off under a formal social hierarchy. Knowing your place is a fantastic thing.

jim says:

They are not trying to land a high status man. They are trying to fuck a high status man.

bub says:

Suppose, in the video you posted, the man had handed out cards saying

anyone who wants to have sex with me, call me at this phone number 555-1893

How many women would call?

In an equivalent situation, how many men would call?

Most women are not trying to fuck on the first date. Many can be coaxed into it, especially if the man is high-status, attractive, et cetera.

jim says:

That depends on who they are going with. If they go with a high status guy, they figure that this is likely the only chance they will get to fuck him, so they head for the nearest horizontal surface right away.

Women are more selective than men. Women are hypergamous, men are polygynous. Women are not less inclined to fuck than men. They are less inclined to fuck pigs.

aoeu says:

Because women’s favorite part of sex is the man chasing after her, not the act itself. Calling a number cuts out the fun part for them.

AAB says:

More ‘popular’ than ‘high status’. More ‘Pop Star’ than ‘Astronaut’. I’d wager that Mick Jagger had more groupies than Buzz Aldrin.

Unless of course you mean that ‘popular’ = ‘high status’.
(Popularity seems to be woman’s standard of status while mans seems to be physical and/or mental excellence.)

A couple of my friends were discussing me, and they came to the conclusion that I’m intimidating women by dressing too well; that I should embrace the “casual, cool, masculine” look for prep-boy douchebags.

They are right; I said that the female-half could take me shopping next time I’m updating my wardrobe.

Women these days prefers baseball caps to pocket squares. I find this disgusting, but it is what it is.

bub says:
R. Jones says:

Sorry Aurini. You dress like you’re going to the H.R. Giger museum.

1. Apologizes.
2. Insults.

“I’m not racist, but…”

bub says:

You read that wrong. It meant

You are a sorry man, Aurini. You dress like you’re going to the H.R. Giger museum.

Zach says:

If game works, then don’t marry the goddamn slut. Just tear it to pieces for as long as possible until she gets the hint.

Vox Day says:

I suspect you are atheist. Christian men do not engage in such machinations.

Game doesn’t work very well because it’s about the same as little boys reading comic books or watching James Bond movies, It’s a fantasy designed to make you feel better about yourself. It’s the male version of female romance novels.

jim says:

If you feel better about yourself, girls will believe your self perception, and will have sex with you.

For which reason I recommend l-theanine. For two hours after taking 150mg of theanine, you will find girls are substantially more interested in you.

Does game work? « Jim?s Blog

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