
Rohingya terrorist problem

You may have heard that there are over a million poor stateless victimized Rohingya that our do gooders want to move into first world countries to vote for more leftism.

And indeed it is true that they are poor stateless and victimized. But a big part of the reason that they are poor, stateless, and victimized, is that they believe that Muslims should live under Muslim rule, and to this end they tried to carve a Muslim state out of Burma. To my surprise, they do not want to go to a first world country, such as America. They want to go to a Muslim ruled state, such as Malaysia. A few days ago, America legally accepted its first batch of Rohingya from a refugee camp in Thailand. Thai military attempted to move them to the US, Rohingya refugees refused and rioted, seeking the opportunity to set sail to a Muslim country.

These guys take their religion seriously. And their religion says that Islam should rule, and they should be ruled by Islam. They are reasonably happy to be ruled by moderate Islam, you cannot get much more moderate than their favorite destination, Malaysia, but Islam it has to be.

If brought to America or Australia, they will be in America very much against their will, and therefore will likely attempt to create a Muslim ruled state inside America as they attempted to create a Muslim ruled state inside Burma.

The Bangladeshi refugees who are intermingled with the Rohingya refugees, who speak the same language as the Rohingya refugees, who look like the Rohingya refugees, are economic refugees, seeking a better life. They want to go to first world states such as America and Australia. Maybe many of the Rohingya refugees are economic refugees also. But they are primarily religious refugees, seeking, not freedom to practice their religion, but freedom to persecute anyone who does not practice their religion. They don’t want to go to the first world. They want to go to Dar al Islam.

If I had my way, we would ship them all to Islamic State.

66 comments Rohingya terrorist problem

Dr. Faust says:

Christ taught to tolerate evil and not to destroy it. The leftists have a problem with the Old Testament when it’s the New Testament that depicts god as a 98lb emaciated virgin who allowed evil to kill him. And this is the lesson it preaches to white males today. Allow your destructions just like Jesus. The only worthwhile book in the New Testament is Revelations since it promises that Christs second coming will involve the destruction of evil which is the only way to deal with it. The problem is there seems to be a new date till Apocalypse every other tuesday and this one looks no closer than the last. So the cuckolded, pathetic, weak Christian males will continue to tolerate evil, tolerate the lesbian communist who teaches your son what it means to be a man and tolerate an incessant stream of faggotry on every television channel. He still has his man cave that his wife lets him use when she doesn’t need the storage space.

Is it any wonder that most Christians are women?

Phoenicks says:

And yet, Christianity articulated the thoughts of world-ruling empires for over a thousand years.

jim says:

Charles the Hammer smacked Christianity into line. So did Charles the Second, or perhaps General Monk acting in the name of Charles the Second.

Dr. Faust says:

I’ve seen you mention Charles Martel before and I admire most warriors but I wonder if the current spirit of christianity can be resurrected into something more appealing to men. Many pastors have noticed the lack of man in their congregations and definitely the lack of manly men. Every church is majority female to varying degrees and many husbands are henpecked to go by their wives. If pastors spoke of the power of Christ and his promise that when he returns again he will destroy his enemies he’d bring in a few more men. But a majority male in a larger church? Doubtful in today’s time. Sunday is football day. They need to reschedule one or the other.

I’m uncertain if a more masculine Christianity is the answer or if it’s possible.

B says:

Martel couldn’t even read (his grandson, Charlemagne, learned how to read in his 50s, but could never write properly.)

I mean, sure, great, we all watched Conan when we were kids and thought it was pretty cool. But that’s no way to run a circus, kids, especially not in the 21st century.

Not to mention that Charles Martel and his Frankish warriors would probably take one look at the current crop of NRx-ers and sell them off to the Arabs for eunuchs.

jim says:

Progressives are on side with the Muslims against the Christians, and Jews are onside with the Muslims against the Christians, even though Jews under Christian rule flourished, while Jews under Muslim rule slowly vanished.

And, predictably, you look for irrelevant dirt to throw at the man who thwarted the Muslims.

Asean is, predictably, sliding back to its position of letting the Rohingya swim, now that the Cathedral is distracted by the latest shiny. How do you feel about letting them swim?

B says:

First, neither Martel nor his Muslim enemies have much bearing on today’s situation. Both would find all sides today (Western progs, ISIS, etc.) fairly repugnant. I suspect that Martel, were he transported into 2015, would sympathize with ISIS over both his French descendants and NRx (although he might like those Generation Identitaire guys, in a patronizing way). As an 8th century Eurasian leader, Martel was one of the greats, right up there with his contemporaries An Lushan, Al Saffah and Al Mansur. As a model for leadership today, he’s not very useful.

Second, Muslim Spain was a golden age for its Jews. Once the Christians took over, they immediately launched an ethnic cleansing. The French Christians did so earlier, though not as thoroughly (and the Carolingians acted decently.)

Third, I have little personal interest in the Rohingya. Another crop of dirt-stupid, violent Muslim peasants being used by the Cathedral against its client frenemies in SEA. Nirad Chauduri, in his autobiography (Thy Hand, great Anarch) remembers the Muslim peasants of Bengal as having their life cycles governed by that of the jute plant. During the planting season, they would be too busy to cause trouble. Once the plants would grow, they would hide in them and jump out to rape and rob Hindu passerby. During the harvest, they would again be too busy for predatory behavior. Then after the harvest, they would use the proceeds for lawfare (in model very similar to the 21st century Trayvon Martin debacle.)

In general, the model is very similar to James Lafond’s description of the EBT/SSI handout cycle in the Baltimore ghetto, and how it governs predatory behavior by ghetto blacks: http://jameslafond.com

Anyone who lets these people into their country is an idiot, unless they have some massive uninhabited island that would lend itself to farming by people with an IQ of 80. I don’t know of any such islands. The closest thing is probably the jankier parts of Indonesia’s archipelago, populated by even dumber and more violent tribesmen.

Not being a progressive/universalist, and having my own capitalist ethnostate to worry about, I don’t find the question of What Should Be Done With The Rohingya very interesting. I suppose they don’t take much of an interest/stance on what should be done with my Samarian settlement. This seems to be a healthy model. People who spend a lot of froth and spit on issues concerning nations that are far from theirs geographically and ethnically tend to have something mentally wrong with them.

jim says:

Muslim Spain was a golden age for its Jews

Some Jews argue that this golden age is a myth, manufactured to attack Christians. In 1066 the Muslims massacred the entire population of Granada. Moses Maimonides who should know better than anyone, said that Islam had inflicted more pain on the Jewish people than any other nation’.

Whether or not it is a myth, the story was industriously cultivated in order to attack Christians. Had you even heard of the Granada massacre?

Supposing the golden age to be real, one brief period between massacres of Jews in one small area is being used to glorify Islam generally and condemn Christendom generally.

B says:

>Some Jews argue that this golden age is a myth, manufactured to attack Christians.

Which Jews argue that?

>In 1066 the Muslims massacred the entire population of Granada.

This vile episode was exceptional. In Christendom, that sort of thing was regular.

>Moses Maimonides who should know better than anyone, said that Islam had inflicted more pain on the Jewish people than any other nation’.

He lived before the expulsion from Spain, Khmelnitsky, etc. On the other hand, he personally suffered under the Almohads, who were exceptionally intolerant of Jews. With all that, note that he didn’t flee to France or any other part of Christendom, but rather to Fez and then Egypt. And he said that unlike Christians, Muslims were monotheists and not idolaters: http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/maimonides-islam-good-christianity-bad-muslims-bad-christians-good/2013/11/15/

> Had you even heard of the Granada massacre?

I had.

>Supposing the golden age to be real, one brief period between massacres of Jews in one small area is being used to glorify Islam generally and condemn Christendom generally.

The period in question lasted centuries. We all regularly study the writings of many of the Jewish scholars who wrote during that time, or their comentators.

jim says:

>Some Jews argue that this golden age is a myth, manufactured to attack Christians.

Which Jews argue that?

Mark Cohen and Bat Yeor

>In 1066 the Muslims massacred the entire population of Granada.

This vile episode was exceptional. In Christendom, that sort of thing was regular.

So the Christians massacred the entire Jewish population of … where.

Bottom line is that there are one hell of a lot more German Jews still around than Islamic Jews still around.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Dr. Faust”

You have been, metaphorically, in a hole that you have dug for yourself for a while, at least according to memory. You keep digging though, so perhaps you’ll hit water? Go ahead and drown yourself while you’re at it.


I am puzzled by Jews who defend Islam constantly, despite its clear desire to eradicate them.

Christian Reactionaries would, by and large, simply move Jews to Israel where they can build their own state, reserving violent reprisals only for Jews involved in Modernist atrocities and cultural terrorism (media, abortion, etc). Muslims on the other hand, would like to sweep into Israel and dig mass graves for all the Jews.

It matters not. Let them attack Christianity, as they have done since its beginnings. They will find that their war doesn’t involve us soon enough. Their real war will always be with those swarthy men from the desert who carry the sword. It’s geographic.

B says:

>I am puzzled by Jews who defend Islam constantly, despite its clear desire to eradicate them.

You are worse at reading than our host. I dislike Islam-like its sister religion, Christianity, it’s a poor knockoff and spirals off into another failure mode. But it’s a well-known fact that Jews thrived in Muslim Spain and were ejected from Christian Spain (many seeking shelter in Ottoman Turkey.) What possible use is there in rewriting history?

>Christian Reactionaries would, by and large, simply move Jews to Israel where they can build their own state, reserving violent reprisals only for Jews involved in Modernist atrocities and cultural terrorism (media, abortion, etc).

If grandma had a dick, she’d be grandpa. Adolf also only wished to move us to Madagascar, where we’d be out of the way. At first.

In the meantime, you let me know when you Christian Neoreactionaries manage to reconquer a city block from the Morlocks. Not seeing it so far. Good luck with your mangina army.

jim says:

that Jews thrived in Muslim Spain and were ejected from Christian Spain (many seeking shelter in Ottoman Turkey.) What possible use is there in rewriting history?

History is that those Jews that took shelter with Islam are not around any more, while those Jews that took shelter with Christianity flourished. You are, like a Climate Warmist, picking and choosing particular places and times, the best of Islam and the worst of Christianity, and the best of Islam was not nearly as good as you depict it.

B – you are a pinnacle of Reactionary ideology! The words that come from you make it almost as if De Maistre was alive today! Bravo! It doesn’t seem Jim nor myself have misconstrued what you have said about the Muslims.

The tittering of Jews remains pretty formulaic. Thankfully, your relevance is at a low ebb. We will inherit the ashes of Modernity’s final cremation. You’ll be just another group of foreigners… or glass. Who knows?

B says:

>We will inherit the ashes of Modernity’s final cremation. You’ll be just another group of foreigners… or glass.

Meh. The nice thing about 4000 years of history is we’ve seen a lot of assholes show up, predict our doom and deflate. And you? You’re bush league.

The Seleucids, the Romans, the Visigoths, the Almohads-those were men. They’d sell your bitch ass in the slave markets with a discount for uselessness. But where are they now? Their descendants are hoping the Germans don’t call in their debts. Not that the Germans are doing much better.

In short, as one of Sailer’s commenters likes to say, your grandchildren will be speaking ebonics (probably trying to convince the receptionist put their sex change operation on the Obamacare card) while mine will be cursing in Hebrew about Jerusalem parking tickets.

jim says:

your grandchildren will be speaking ebonics (probably trying to convince the receptionist put their sex change operation on the Obamacare card) while mine will be cursing in Hebrew about Jerusalem parking tickets.

I have been around long enough to see Orthodox Judaism walking the path to suicide that Reform Judaism has already walked. Far from practicing the same religion as the Old Testament, you are not even practicing the same religion as your fathers.

pdimov says:

> In short, as one of Sailer’s commenters likes to say, your grandchildren will be speaking ebonics (probably trying to convince the receptionist put their sex change operation on the Obamacare card) while mine will be cursing in Hebrew about Jerusalem parking tickets.

You’re confident that Israel will be able to survive without American support?

“You’re confident that Israel will be able to survive without American support?”

Which is, rather ridiculous. It seems obvious, when one takes into account the weaponry of today, that should the Modern Liberal Democratic order of the West collapse, the Muslims will make their move on the Jews of Israel with a ferocity not before encountered. And from a pure military analysis, bearing in mind the booming population of Arabs INSIDE Israel, I wouldn’t bet on that horse if I’m honest.

Regardless, nobody of Occidental origin should really care. It’s foreign war, like Tutsis vs. Hutus. It’s happened for generations, and will continue to happen. We should deal with our own problems. B wants to be cocky, and I say that’s good for him. The fact is just that he and the nation of Israel are of no consequence to the Reactionary movement and project in the Occident.

Also, using the term “bitch ass” then telling me my children will speak ebonics… the irony!

“shut yo bitch ass up, nigga!”

R7_Rocket says:

Mark Citadel said:
“Which is, rather ridiculous. It seems obvious, when one takes into account the weaponry of today, that should the Modern Liberal Democratic order of the West collapse, the Muslims will make their move on the Jews of Israel with a ferocity not before encountered. And from a pure military analysis, bearing in mind the booming population of Arabs INSIDE Israel, I wouldn’t bet on that horse if I’m honest.”

No wonder B thinks so many in NRx are pussies like Peppermint. The total lack of knowledge of military affairs is readily apparent in Mark Citadel’s statement. Mark, you do realize that Israel has nuclear weapons, right?

jim says:

The total lack of knowledge of military affairs is readily apparent in Mark Citadel’s statement. Mark, you do realize that Israel has nuclear weapons, right?

Israel has never tested a nuclear weapon. Pakistan has tested nuclear weapons. Iran is working towards testing a nuclear weapon.

As an engineer, I doubt the ability of any organization to produce nuclear weapons without a successful test. On the other hand, Israel may well have the Soviet Union’s test information.

B says:

>I have been around long enough to see Orthodox Judaism walking the path to suicide that Reform Judaism has already walked.

You’ve demonstrated your knowledge of Orthodox Judaism pretty well. Not that I mind-a bottle of Ardbeg is a bottle of Ardbeg.

>Far from practicing the same religion as the Old Testament, you are not even practicing the same religion as your fathers.

Since my fathers (going back several generations) were not religious, you are correct.

>You’re confident that Israel will be able to survive without American support?

Israel survived without American support for the first 25 years of its existence, back when Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq were serious threats. This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

The kings of Israel were specifically told not to get horses (military aid) from Egypt. Right now, US aid consists of State Department aid to various “democracy activists,” the F-35 and precision-guided munitions which we need in order that we don’t hurt the innocent civilians of Gaza, so that the US doesn’t get mad at us and cut off our supply of precision-guided munitions and State department aid.

Or, if you’d prefer a completely secular analysis, here’s Luttwak (an American apparatchik, whose Coup D’etat handbook is well worth reading): http://tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/178540/luttwak-zionism-history

>And from a pure military analysis, bearing in mind the booming population of Arabs INSIDE Israel, I wouldn’t bet on that horse if I’m honest.

All good and well, except that the Israeli Jewish population growth rate is increasing and the Arab one is decreasing (faster than official statistics show, because they register the same kid multiple times by different wives for bennies.) This is the case even if you include the territories.

Not to mention the Israeli Arabs’ complete inability to organize and seriously threaten Israel, demonstrated over the last 65 years. Even with lots of State Department money, guidance and encouragements (Kaplan’s Arabists is a good overview, if you can stomach it.)

>The fact is just that he and the nation of Israel are of no consequence to the Reactionary movement and project in the Occident.

Yes, I’m quite impressed with your Movement and Project. Your tweets and blogs demonstrate an impressive cohesion, strategy and ethic. Any day now, I’m sure you’ll take that one city block, and then it’s just a matter of time. First the Aryan Nations will sign up (“lead us, Mike Anissimov! Tell us what to do, Peppermint!”) Then the White Vice Lords. And so it shall begin.

>Also, using the term “bitch ass” then telling me my children will speak ebonics… the irony!

I am speaking to you in a language suited to your understanding. I’m sure I’ll have to dumb it down even further for your grandkids.

For instance, notice that you attempt to scare me by summoning the specter of swarthy, brown people. What does that tell us? Me, I don’t find Muslims or Arabs frightening. I’ve been fighting them, living among them, working with them, etc. for the last decade, give or take. Before that, I grew up with your feral pets. I don’t find them frightening. They are constantly whining about how we are moving in on their turf and making life difficult for them, and if not for the Israeli police and security services coming after settlers constantly, they’d really have something to whine about.

You? The scariest thing that you can imagine is the browns. They’re gonna get yooouuu!!! A family just moved in down the street-better sell the house and run while we can still get something for it! They’re gonna hurt us! They’re violent!!! Noooo! Run!!!

And because you find them terrifying, you assume I would as well.

See? That’s what I mean. Complete bitch ass. If he’d known that you’d be the end result, Charles Martel would have joined the Muslims.

B says:

>History is that those Jews that took shelter with Islam are not around any more, while those Jews that took shelter with Christianity flourished.

History is that half of Israel’s Jewish population is made up of Jews from Iraq, North Africa, Persia, Turkey and Yemen, who came here after 1948.

Most of them lived under Muslim rule from the 7th-8th century onwards (except for the ones who fled to Turkey and North Africa after the expulsion from Spain.)

It would be news to them that they died out under Muslim rule.

Obvious leftist is obvious.

B says:

Tell me more about the scary brown people whom I should fear, Great Occidental. When you see them, do you lock your car door and avoid making eye contact, like a proud European conqueror?

Hidden Author says:

Yes, Mark Citadel, B wants you to build his masterbatory fantasies about white men being bullied by brown men!

pdimov says:

“Right now, US aid consists of State Department aid to various “democracy activists,” the F-35 and precision-guided munitions which we need in order that we don’t hurt the innocent civilians of Gaza, so that the US doesn’t get mad at us and cut off our supply of precision-guided munitions and State department aid.”

This is not quite what I had in mind. A post-American world will be qualitatively different in aspects that are not limited to direct aid. Right now, basically, nearly every country does what America tells it to. If your ebonics prophecy comes to pass, America will no longer be in a position to tell anyone what to do.

I don’t exactly know how the world will change if this happens, but I’m pretty sure that, in Israel’s case, it won’t be just the lack of aid that will be felt.

“Or, if you’d prefer a completely secular analysis, here’s Luttwak (an American apparatchik, whose Coup D’etat handbook is well worth reading):”

I’ll see what he has to say, but my opinion of him so far is that he says whatever he thinks needs to be said, without much concern for the truth. Doesn’t make him automatically wrong, of course.

pdimov says:

“History is that half of Israel’s Jewish population is made up of Jews from Iraq, North Africa, Persia, Turkey and Yemen, who came here after 1948.

Most of them lived under Muslim rule from the 7th-8th century onwards (except for the ones who fled to Turkey and North Africa after the expulsion from Spain.)”

Today’s Islam doesn’t seem so friendly, however. I remember reading articles to that effect, although I can’t find them now. I did find this recent one though:


If my memory is correct, the case in other Muslim countries is similar. No Jews there any longer. (Except Iran, I think.)

B says:

Islam was never FRIENDLY per se, but today’s Islam is simply insane. This can be explained in many ways, the most dominant one being that until pretty recently, a population with an IQ of 80 could feed itself (and in general wouldn’t get too big.) Arrangements could be made with neighboring countries and empires and internal minorities.

But now, the Muslim countries can’t feed themselves, except for the really oily ones. At the same time, mass media makes it obvious how badly they really suck from a materialistic standpoint. So Islam has to either conquer or die.

Another way to explain it is that today’s Islam is really Modernism with a turban, and Said Qutb’s writings suggest that there’s something to that. Modernism is famously uncompromising.

I personally think that this is history moving towards Zechariah’s prophecy. Eventually, these guys will need to find adult leadership or die of hunger and thirst. There is no adult leadership in the region except for us.

What will the world look like with America off the stage? Well, warfare has been getting steadily more reliant on technology, the brains to operate it, and the cohesion required to operate as a modern army. On all these fronts, we have no competition on this side of the Med, and damn little on the other side (France possibly excepted.)

Boycotts are a Cathedral thing and don’t work really well even with the Cathedral alive. With it gone, I doubt this passive-aggressive tactic will remain a thing for long. They worked on Rhodesia, because it was a landlocked country reliant on South Africa for oil (SA stabbed it in the back) and exporting commodities. We have our own oil and gas, in quantity, and export non-fungible tech. We also have a population that is pretty cohesive and getting more so (religious birthrates are high and lots of secular people become religious or emigrate.)

So, I’m optimistic.

Dr. Faust says:

Or was it white people that articulated those thoughts and they would have done so with any religion?

Stephen W says:

Jesus, Christianity, and the Bible are three different things. There are some good aspects to medieval Christianity but they did not come from Jesus or the Bible. Since the invention of the printing press people have become to literate to be good Christians. All Christians now are reading too much poison in the Bible.

Dr. Faust says:

Off topic: The new release of Fallout 4 is a good example of the stagnation of technology. I wonder how Kurzweil (Jew) is reacting to his predictions of technological utopia not coming true. Some of the major predictions of his book “The Technology Singularity Is Near” seem to have come and gone including the disappearance of the PC which he predicted would take place around 2014 and the failure of anyone to produce AI which can pass the turing test. The false positive in 2014 doesn’t not count and has be debunked multiple times. But with video games the stagnation of graphical fidelity is easy to see (pun intended) as the graphics have not improved much and one of the complaints about Fallout 4 was that it looked similar to Fallout 3.

jim says:

We are still using 1982 technology (193nanometer laser) as the root of photolithography. It just took this long for stagnation to work its way all the way through the technology chain to the point were you can see your video game graphics are not getting any better.

Stephen W says:

I recently saw an article in tech news saying that a couple of recent advances are finally making EUV lithography competitive.

jim says:

The problem with extreme EUV is high energy electron scatter, which this does not address. The problem with EUV is not that it is slow, but that it does not actually work.

Stephen W says:

So if you are slagging off both ArF lasers and EUV what direction do you think they should go in? Ion beams?

The simplest way of improving resolution is a 160 nanometer laser with the wafer wetted with a layer of perfluorocarbons several wavelengths thick, which is a simple stretch of existing photolithography.

But photolithography maxes out with 160 nanometer coherent light and perfluorocarbons.

After that, we need contact lithography. You draw the mask with a scanning atomic force microscope, and then the mask directly contacts the resist, imprinting it after the fashion of Gutenberg.

Erik says:

I refuse to complain about this. I still play Angband and I think most of the “better graphics” advances have been processor-eating nonsense that distracted from everything else about games. I have a hard time caring about the fancy rendering of every single hair when the AI is still too stupid to pathfind its way out of a V pointing towards the player, and the wheel has to be constantly reinvented on every non-graphics feature that could have been solved, and was solved, thirty years ago.

Dr. Faust says:

It is debatable if video games have improved in gameplay. The graphics made dramatic leaps forwards in a few years but the growth of the industry seems to coincide with stale gameplay being masked by a facelift. A game’s success now seems to be how addictive the game can be on a facebook app.

are you serious, computer graphics got much more advanced from 2000 to pretty recently, as they went from fixed pipeline to shaders through a collection of increasingly sophisticated stream processor architectures to what they have now, which is made on the same physical processes as CPUs, and shows no faster improvement than CPUs.

You know what, cell phones aren’t advancing any faster than they were earlier either. They used to be going from one core to two and four cores. Now they’re stuck on four.

B says:

You’re breaking character.

Dr. Faust says:

I tried to reply to this several times. Not sure how though. Explain your statement!

[…] death spasms. Who wants Rohingyas? SA in decay (1, 2). Sweden is just about done. Trudeau was a fascist (figures). “… […]

Alan J. Perrick says:

I really like this concise and sharp, yet also subtle, blogpost. While factually pointing out that the third-worlders do not have agency in this situation, the post also alludes to possible solutions to the crime that anti-whites perpetrate on my people. Well done, “Jim”.

spandrell says:

B> An Lushan? Seriously? Now I think I get why you like coming to this blog so much.

The south-Asian diaspora is a huge problem. Afghans, Pakis and Bengalis are everywhere, and they’re still breeding a lot, so it will only get worse. Some country torpedoing a ship would set a pretty important precedent.

B says:

An Lushan was a badass. It’s a shame he got sick. I suspect that if he succeeded, he would have established something great. In general, I tend to root for the Central Asians-they’ve largely improved the places they conquered (well, except that one time with Seistan.)

Duke of Qin says:

An Lushan was traitor and one of the best (among many) reasons for the Chinese to distrust outsiders especially those of the middle-eastern archetype. His father was a Persian and I suspect it’s where he found his “wormtongue” like ability to social climb to the pinnacles of the Tang imperial state. That after the rebellion was ended, the Chinese massacred most of the Sogdians that had formed a diaspora within Chinese cities for damn good reason.

I suspect his treachery is likely appreciated by you because your Scotch-Irish affinity for such deviousness.

B says:

He was a Soghdian, not a Persian. Chinese need no lessons in wormtongue or betrayal and never have. I suspect that the reason they brought foreigners in was that they knew they couldn’t trust their own. Everything’s for sale, right?

As for the little Scotch-Irish dig-fuck you. I served the US honorably until I saw it was a communist country, and a dysfunctional one even by those standards. Then I left. What have you served faithfully?

jim says:

Foreign label food is popular in China, because they suspect their own to be illegally adulterated. Chinese (wisely) trust whites better than chinese.

B says:

I suspect An just got tired of serving the kind of people who would package poison as baby food to make a little bit more of a profit margin.

Duke of Qin says:

A distinction without a difference. The Sogdians were Iranians. Their socio-economic role in the Tang empire was as a middleman minority who enjoyed a privileged position by serving as functionaries and compradors for the Tang in central Asia and eventually in their own Metropole. Stop me if this sounds like anyone else.

I serve my own race faithfully and that is all I expect of myself or anyone else. Also spare me your semitically correct word games, it doesn’t work on the aware. Your judgement of the 7th century Chinese by the standards of Bolshevik collaborators today is par course for what passes among Jews as debate; lies, slander, ridicule.

B says:

Soghdians were Persian to the same degree that the English are French or German.

China needed (and needs) middleman minorities for the reason we already discussed. A large part of the native population is the kind of people who would sell rat poison for baby formula, let their toddlers shit on the floor and walk by other people’s kids who’ve been run over by a car.

How do you “serve your race faithfully”? What race would that be, anyway?

Duke of Qin says:

More yiddishkeit lies. The English are overwhelmingly of Britonian Celtic stock while the French are again also Celtic. The Sogdians are to the Persians what Austrians are to Germans.

I’m afraid you have the Chinese confused with your own people. Amoral shekelgrubbing is a widely recognized “feature” of Jews recognized the world over.

Eli says:

Hi B,

(Going off on a tangent) I was not aware of the pooping situation until now. After cursory research, this seems like a decent explanation: http://www.quora.com/Chinese-Etiquette-and-Behavior/Is-pooping-in-public-a-common-occurrence-in-China.

Indeed, to call Soghdians “Persians” is akin to calling Ostrogoths “Polish”

B says:

>Amoral shekelgrubbing is a widely recognized “feature” of Jews recognized the world over.

Of course. Remember that time we poisoned 300K people with melamine? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal

Steve Johnson says:

It’s not melamine but…


“Now, AIDS didn’t enter America, and from there the rest of the world, directly from Africa. It came from Haiti.

And in Haiti, mass recycling of needles was not part of a WASP-y campaign to treat third-worlders for tropical diseases. Rather, it was part of an efficiency-maximizing, cost-cutting business model designed by a Jewish New York stockbroker, where the needles were re-used during the collection of blood from “donors,” i.e. poor Haitians selling their blood to the clinic, who then sold it on the American hospital market.”

(posted initially at the wrong reply threading level)

B says:

Just to make sure we’re on the same sheet of music-you’re saying that giving you guys AIDS was a bad thing that Jews should be sorry for (like that syphilis you inadvertently brought back from Africa and the tobacco you brought back from America)? Or that it’s a good thing that we should be proud of (like when Jews came up with a polio vaccine?)

I just want to keep track-these things get very confusing.

the story of Haiti and AIDS isn’t as simple as Jews cutting costs by sharing needles. There’s also voodoo blood rituals, and international faggot buttsex tourism.

Contaminated NEET says:

The good Duke appears! I must say your short-lived blog was excellent; it’s a shame you didn’t keep it going, but if the spirit doesn’t move you, so be it.

Steve Johnson says:

It’s not melamine but…


“Now, AIDS didn’t enter America, and from there the rest of the world, directly from Africa. It came from Haiti.

And in Haiti, mass recycling of needles was not part of a WASP-y campaign to treat third-worlders for tropical diseases. Rather, it was part of an efficiency-maximizing, cost-cutting business model designed by a Jewish New York stockbroker, where the needles were re-used during the collection of blood from “donors,” i.e. poor Haitians selling their blood to the clinic, who then sold it on the American hospital market.”

[…] death spasms. Who wants Rohingyas? SA in decay (1, 2). Sweden is just about done. The bit of Europe that’s working isn’t, really. […]

anonymous says:

whats the problem if they carve out an islamist ethnostate within the USA?

wouldn’t that be a good thing? encourage more people to do the same

OldStudent says:

Is your wife permitted to speak before she is spoken to?
Does she address you as Sir?
I have a feeling she says “yes dear” all day long with you
And then maybe goes off to sing in the World Peace Choir Project.

Greg says:

OT, regarding the Yarvin/Strange Loop affair:

A certain Steve Klabnik seems to have been an early insistent shrieker on twitter regarding Yarvin’s participation. Turns out, Klabnik’s activities are funded by Mozilla. It seems Mozilla funding of Klabnik was started sometime around the Brendan Eich purge. Successful entryism? Mozilla pwned?

Zimriel says:

“Thai military attempted to move them to the US, Rohingya refugees refused and rioted, seeking the opportunity to set sail to a Muslim country.”

Source requested.

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