
Not the Zionist Occupation Government

Is the problem an evil Jewish Conspiracy, or, as Mencius Moldbug argues, out of control runaway Christian descended holiness.

In Moldbugs account: the Puritans started off holier than thou, then became the Evangelicals and such, who were holier than Jesus, then the Unitarians, who were holier than Christ, and finally the progressives who are holier than God. And here we are while they get holier still. While Jews are overrepresented among progressives, they are conversos.

Jews are massively overrepresented in various areas of life, sometimes to their credit, sometimes to their considerable discredit. There are a number of websites which list Jewish overrpresentation in various unpleasant activities, but none of these unpleasant activities matter much, except that they are rather strikingly overrpresented in the Cathedral, from which throne they venomously condemn Christianity, the crusades, white history, whites and white culture, while considering themselves nonwhite.

Is this because the Cathedral is a Jewish plot using non Jews of tools, or is it a ruling class plot using Jews as tools? Historically rulers have routinely used Jews for various objectionable activities, and then, when these activities attracted too much heat, proceeded to throw the Jews to the wolves, like the matador using his cape to distract the bull.

Remember the war on Christmas was a traditional Puritan activity – Jews never cared much about other people celebrating Christmas one way or another until they signed up with progressivism.

So, are the Jews the matador, in which case getting rid of the Jews would make a big difference, or are they the easily discardable matador’s cape, in which case getting rid of the Jews would be a mere distraction?

The voice of the Cathedral is the New York Times.

The voice of the Cathedral made an interesting report on the murder of Alexander Levlovich by Palestinians.

If Jews ruled America, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority would be reduced to smoking grease spots in half an hour and the Al Aqsa Mosque would be flattened in a day. Therefore, the matador’s cape, not the matador.

There are a lot of things wrong with Jews. But my diagnosis is that exile has made them sick, has made their religion sick. For Jews to heal, not only do Jews have to go home, but Judaism, which is still in exile, has to go to home. A nation state religion became an exile religion. For Jews to heal, it has to become a nation state religion once again. Today the state religion of Israel is not Judaism, but progressivism. Hence the stoning of Alexander Levlovich.

Over time, Jews should move to Israel or be assimilated. And that is what, in fact, is happening. As Jews become progressives, which is to say conversos to the official state religion of their country of exile, they become indistinguishable from, and intermarry with, Christian derived progressives, as we would expect if Jewish progressivism is conversion to a Christian derived heresy, rather than a Jewish plot. If Israel exists, the long run solution, and the long run trend, is for people to become adherents to the state religion of their country of residence, or residents of the country of their religion.

124 comments Not the Zionist Occupation Government

Red says:

Jews make leftism much worse. Where as leftist rule eventually makes acomadations with reality, mix jews in and you go from a river that can be diverted into a 500 foot tsunami the destroys everything in it’s path. Its the nature of the propganda and finance bubbles they generate.

Worse they’re ungrateful little shits. The whites of the USA saved thier sorry asses from Hitler and the repay us by promoting White prividge harder than anyone else. They clearly know it’s the Jewish question in reverse leading to the extermination of whites and they love it. I’m not intrest in seeing my people go under nor will I forgive the people making the propganda for it.

jim says:

All pretty much true – but they are not the problem. They are just conversos to the official belief system. If we had a healthy official belief system, they would convert to that instead.

Indeed, I predict that if the official belief system changes radically overnight by decree, from progressivism to reaction, most formerly progressive Jews will support the new system, and claim, and fully believe, that they had always supported it.

A.B Prosper says:

Aye. Most Progressive being herd animals at heart with do this. Rabbits gonna rabbit,

Alan J. Perrick says:

They’ve hardly converted. They see themselves as the in group and others as the outgroup. So it’s easier to do things which are detrimental to the outgroup than it is to one of your own. They are better demotists for that very reason.


jim says:

Is the ingroup their fellow progressives, or their fellow Jews?

They are dissolving. Increasingly, the ingroup is their fellow progressives.

Alan J. Perrick says:


For now the ingroup is still Jews. Maybe that will change, maybe it won’t but you’ll have to excuse me if I seem a bit impatient. That Talmudic Jews work on an ingroup basis is a pretty good motivation for wanting a proper established church, don’t you think?


jim says:

For now the ingroup is still Jews.

Maybe. That is what Madoff told his clients.

Alan J. Perrick says:

You make it seem like it’s Protocols of Zion Jewry or nothing. Even if it were that, would that change the efforts of W.A.S.P.s to re-establish ourselves?


B says:

>Jews make leftism much worse.

Well, when you add talent to an enterprise, it becomes more effective. For instance, the Manhattan Project gave you people nukes, using Jews-so, Jews make applied physics much better. When you add talent to an evil enterprise, the scope of evil increases. The bell curve distribution being what it is, the further right on the curve you go, the more Jews there are. Sorry we’re more talented than you, on average.

Nonetheless, I notice that leftism did just fine being evil without Jews in Communist China, Communist Cambodia and Revolutionary France. Goyim are quite capable of wrecking stuff and murdering massive amounts of each other without our help. Even the theoretical underpinnings were created largely without Jewish assistance (Rousseau, Mill, the Fabians.) To the extent that there was Jewish assistance, it was from Jews like Marx, who were completely assimilated into your society and hated Judaism and their own people.

>Worse they’re ungrateful little shits. The whites of the USA saved thier sorry asses from Hitler and the repay us by promoting White prividge harder than anyone else.

Oh, go fuck yourself. The US 1) promoted the rise of Hitler (see Anthony Sutton,) 2) turned away Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, 3) minimized the Holocaust as it was happening (FDR famously asked Jan Karski, who was a Polish resistance guy who infiltrated Auschwitz and then was smuggled to the US, whether the horses in Poland were suffering terribly from the war.)

In return, we gave you idiots the nuclear bomb (try the Manhattan Project without Einstein, Fermi, Bohr and Feynman), the nuclear fleet (Admiral Rickover,) and a slew of other stuff.

Who’s ungrateful?

vxxc2014 says:

B – /Jim

Keeping in mind that I’m not racist nor Anti-Semitic – you have only my word, but I have only your word as well – keeping that in mind and if you recall what I think is the chief unraveling of order&sword of Damocles is the fantastic pyramid of derivatives/debt/*Fiat: Is the best solution to our American dilemma not a Brumaire without the antecedent terrors or the subsequent world wars?

*$Fiat itself Risk Formula Based Fiat

In other words a blanket amnesty all round with a change of power.

All debts are erased especially the 630$ Trillion in Derivatives, all corporate debts, all mortgages. The only debt paid is that owed the nations [Bonds, which are trifling at $20T by comparison]. In exchange for all debts all crimes are amnestied.

B-I don’t single your people out [I agree with Jim above] however others do.

We may want to consider that debt will be wiped out anyway, certainly the derivatives will and we might all as well get something in exchange.

Jim you are welcome to comment on the proposed Brumaire exchange as well. Again all debts [save Sovereign bonds between nations] and derivatives are zeroed in exchange for amnesty for all misdeeds [considerable concession]. Also note the derivatives are linked completely with debt and indeed daily cash flows, and the derivatives are no more notional than our Fiat.

jim says:

Jews tend not to engage in misdeeds that are flat outright illegal, though they often steer mighty close to what is illegal. If you look at the recent 2007 financial crisis, all the flat out barefaced fraud, bribery, and corruption was done by non Jewish diversities. (Not counting Madoff, whose victims were Jews.) Hence amnesty favors everyone except whites and Jews.

For example, consider the misdeeds of Goldman Sachs.

What happened was an affirmative action banker, Angelo Mozilo, with a dubious claim to be hispanic, issued a pile of dud loans to mestizos with no jobs, no income, no assets, and no credit rating, thereby earning immense brownie points from the diversicrats, who suspended all the normal controls that prevent banks from making dud loans.

He then bribed and conned various people to take these dud loans off his hands, among them GoldmanSachs. GoldmanSachs was initially deceived, believing the happy diversity talk that these loans were good, and any doubt in the value of these loans was racism. If they had had half a brain, would have seen through the lies in an instant, but crimestop made them stupid.

At the last minute, they realized the truth – that they purchased a pile of worthless mortgages. They then unloaded these on their customers, pretty much telling them not to be racist, and used their influence with the government to get the government to take these dud loans off their hands.

But they did not make any dud loans, and they did not make money out of dud loans, just reduced their losses by passing them on to the bigger idiot. Which is morally dubious but not exactly illegal, since they did not at the time actually officially know the loans were shit – just that horrible racists were making a lot of horrible racist shit talk about the loans.

vxxc2014 says:

“you are welcome to comment on the proposed Brumaire exchange ”

Instead of what happened what is a solution?

BTW the Brumaire exchange doesn’t care about blame because everyone walks.

B says:

In the American system, near-illegality is the only way you can operate without operating illegally. Check out HSBC’s dealings, for instance. There was some ex-cop lawyer on YouTube a while ago explaining why you shouldn’t talk to the cops. One of his arguments is that in the insane spaghetti mess of American jurisprudence, everyone is a criminal according to at least some obscure interpretation of some obscure law. Therefore, if you’re smart, you will operate near-illegally. If you’re dumb and/or greedy and/or in a business which is totally regulated, you will operate illegally. See: AirBnB, or PayPal at the outset.

In the Soviet Union, the only way that you could operate was illegally. So Jews operated illegally. Of course, so did everyone else, but the machinist stealing scrap metal and alcoholic cleaning solution from his job and paying off his boss in kind was looked at differently than a Jew running a vegetable distribution center and selling vegetables under the table and paying off his boss and the cops in cash. Much like Africa, everyone steals but the merchant minorities do it successfully, inciting resentment.

You get what you incentivize.

vxxc2014 says:

“you are welcome to comment on the proposed Brumaire exchange ”

Instead of what happened what is a solution?

BTW the Brumaire exchange doesn’t care about blame because everyone walks.

jim says:

The Brumaire exchange rewards bad behavior – mainly the bad behavior of diversicrats and diversities affirmative actioned into positions of power.

B says:

If you have corrupt people, they will build a corrupt system.

If you disassemble the corrupt system and redistribute assets among the people, in 10 years you will be back to the same thing.

Cancelling debts is like redistributing assets.

I like Moldbug’s reset, but of course none of this is realistic and the actual result will be a massive crash with destruction of value.

B says:

The solution for the current situation is not a top-down financial reorganization. That can come after the solution.

The solution is to be found in the Book of Yonah (Nineveh): teshuvah, i.e., national repentance. Yom Kippir is in 2 days, by the way.

Without total repentance, the people will not change, and any top-down scheme will only make the end worse.

Hidden Author says:

You guys complain about the corruption and un-freedom of America and yet most of the world if not all of the world is even worse…

jim says:

This actually is not true. The US rates its own corruption as wonderfully low, but to get anything done, like developing a plot of land, you need the approval of umpteen bureaucrats, and to get the approval, you need “consultants”, which is to say bagmen. The bureaucrats have a small number of approved “consultants”, and somehow, if you pay the consultant money, the bureaucrat will find the consultant’s statement that you are in line with regulation much more persuasive than if you claimed to be in line with regulation. Ayn Rand ridiculed these “consultants a long time ago, and it has become vastly worse since then.

It is effectively illegal to produce anything physical in the US, and to actually produce anything requires that you be grandfathered in, and pay bribes consultants.

B says:

The US is full of manufacturing. Machine shops, etc. everywhere you go.

jim says:

And the machine shop is owned and controlled by an office far away, an office that is right next to the regulatory revolving door. And most of the employees in that office are for dealing with the tentacles of the government, not for administering the machine shop.

vxxc2014 says:


We are not a corrupt people.

We have corrupt elites.

As far as solutions and national repentance….


***I just had to delete some unproductive comments. **

Not that saying repent of your sins is productive.

Repentance is either a personal or in group matter.

Americans need only repent of being too damned Christian and too damn trusting.

PS – evil is on the evil doer. Not “the system”. In particular a system where that simply isn’t true. To get rich fast YES there’s always “incentives”. But in America and the West it is not necessary to do evil to survive, even prosper.

We don’t need to repent. We do need to wise up.

B says:

The machine shop is controlled by an office that is in the same building/shed. There are 4-5 office employees for doing ERP and 20 guys in the shop running CNCs and injection molding or whatever. You’ve never been in one of these places, I take it. Stop blowing smoke up my ass.

Repentance-I recommend the Book of Jonah.

The elites did not land from the moon.

You strike me as a retired field grade officer or SNCO, probably combat arms or combat support.

How many bullshit SITREPs/INTSUMs/OPSUMs did you see downrange?

How many bullshit briefings did you sit through?

Did you get up and call bullshit?

Of course not. Everyone knew who was doing the lying and who was being lied to and why. Part of the game.

That’s how America works.

jim says:

The machine shop is controlled by an office that is in the same building/shed. There are 4-5 office employees for doing ERP and 20 guys in the shop running CNCs and injection molding or whatever. You’ve never been in one of these places, I take it. Stop blowing smoke up my ass.

Whenever I check your sources, they never show what you claim the show.

So let me contrast this unnamed machine shop with an named manufacturer: Boeing. I don’t know what the situation is now, but the situation about a decade or so was that all actual production was in Everett, which is the back end of nowhere, where one can indeed house a wife and children cheaply and safely, but the main office and main employment and all the important people and all one’s career prospects were in Chicago, busily sucking the tit of the regulatory state, while Chicago turns into Detroit.

Eli says:

I second B’s point strongly: for published cases, see http://huffpost.com/us/entry/55fc0e98e4b0fde8b0cdd589
Similar bad things happened to the younger Tsarnaev’s pals.

jim says:

Your link is dud.

And what point were you supporting? B makes a lot of points, some of them arguable, some of them too deranged to respond to.

B says:

Boeing is a unicorn. Open the yellow pages in any American town, look up “machining” or “sheet metal work.” Typical shop is 2-25 people and $200k-$15 million worth of machinery, doing contract work or with a main product line and maybe side stuff.

jim says:

Open google earth and take a look at one of these shops. They are old and shabby, and the cars near them are old. The regulatory state is grinding down them, their customers, and their suppliers.

Eli says:

The point of “why you shouldn’t talk to the cops.”

jim says:

I have talked my way out of problems with the cops quite a few times. But most people should not talk to cops.

Note however that Zimmerman, far from being the sharpest chisel in the box, gave cops a lengthy videotaped interview, and came up smelling of roses.

B says:

>Open google earth and take a look at one of these shops.

I’ve been inside dozens of them. personally.

>They are old and shabby, and the cars near them are old.

Some are old and shabby. Some are new and shiny. Some are in between. There’s a spectrum, as there always is with private business.

jim says:

“Keeping in mind that I’m not racist nor Anti-Semitic – “

Then you are a cuck.

Anyone who says “I am not racist” is taking a social justice warrior dildo up his ass.

If you are white you are racist. If male you are sexist. If heterosexual you are homophobic. And if you have the sex organs you were born with, transphobic. Own up to it. Everyone repeat after me: I am racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic.

jim says:

>Jews make leftism much worse.

Well, when you add talent to an enterprise, it becomes more effective.

Exactly so. I think you have put your finger on the Jewish problem.

If the reaction was in power, they would all sign up with the reaction, and believe its doctrines with equal certainty.

viking says:

maybe and its my hope. But they are inbred not out bred and think differently, although progressivism is out bred thinking generally for an outgroup multiculturalism has advantages.They may have an genetic affinity for reaction but it will contrast their out status. the key is assimilation. But of course they are natures non assimilation experts.How many times have you heard a progressive tell you something like their paternal grandmother was jewish, pretty often myself, its as if no matter how assimilated they continue to identify as jewish. I hope it just needs more time. The down side is we will lose the advantages of that bell curve, but may be close to reproducing it synthetically

B says:

The Jewish Problem is the Overseas Chinese Problem is the Syrian/African Refugee Problem.

“The dumb are better than the smart because there are more of us.”

And if the smart have more stuff, they must have gotten it at the expense of the dumb.

And if some of the hereditary dumb turn out to be smart, and enough of the hereditary smart turn out to be dumb (ideologically or genetically,) you get a revolution.

“Get ’em, they got stuff!”

(killing, looting, arson, rape, random acts of warfare ensue)


“Where the hell did all that stuff they used to have go? Why does all our shit look so bombed out?”

vxxc2014 says:

How bombed out were we in say end 19th century?

B says:

The end of the 19th century was a pretty grand time, with the smart ruling the dumb, and the dumb not running rampant.

vxxc2014 says:

Uh sure, Yes

Actually No.

martin says:

Enrico Fermi and Neils Bohr were not Jews.

B says:

Bohr was Jewish (meaning, his mother was Jewish.)

I stand corrected on Fermi-he left Italy because his wife was Jewish.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Simply because Progressivism works as a religion now, does not mean that it came from a religious source.


This is true, of course. But it did come from a religious source: “progressive Christianity”. http://bit.ly/GI2UR is a good place to start.

Alan J. Perrick says:

No, it came from lack Ethno-Nationalism as much as it did from lack Theonomy, or God’s Law.

Are you really, “Lex Corvus”, going to try and claim that New World nationalism was similar to the ones that were left behind in Europe?

Best regards,


Alan J. Perrick says:


I’ve read Mensch Moldberg before, and I vehemently disagree that Talmudic Jews can be trusted in such matters. He does some interesting history once in a while.

A more important concept is alienism, http://faithandheritage.com/2014/11/the-battle-for-the-soul-of-reconstructionism-kinism-vs-alienism/ which is the phenomenon where self-hating nerds on the internet look for exotic solutions while deriding their own heritage.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>I vehemently disagree that Talmudic Jews can be trusted in such matters
He’s an atheist, and ethnically half-Jewish.

Moldbug’s arguments don’t rely on you trusting him. Virtually everything he says (about the Elders of Massachusetts) is accompanied by historical citations, and reasoning.

If you want to disagree with him, and be taken seriously, you need to do more than dislike his ancestry.

>while deriding their own heritage
If you’ve read him, you’d notice that he’s more sympathetic to Christianity and the ideas of White Supremacists, than their opposite.

Alan J. Perrick says:
jim says:

If you trace the history of progressivism all the way back, it used to be explicitly and overtly Christian.

Jesus got dropped during the civil war, since by going anti slavery and anti alcohol, they were holier than Jesus, but they were still nominally Christian as recently as 1940

[…] Singularities and restoration (plus, the Cathedral isn’t ZOG). Private cities (1, and police. 2). Swimming right? Chomsky’s methods. Babies and […]

vxxc2014 says:

Incentives aren’t exculpatory.

Then again Vibrants consider robbery “gone wrong” as exculpatory for robbery-murder.

Rape is incentivized for the rapist, the bitch was asking for it.

Evil has many incentives.

Pointing the finger at everyone else for misdeeds is incentivized at the 4 year old child’s level and the adult moral autist.

This is why this story always ends the same way.

Dr. Faust says:

Jews do not exempt themselves from Progressive insanity.


Jew Rabbi says anyone can become a Jew. He takes the progressive note of signaling how there are asian and black jews.


Female Jewish Rabbis have been around for nearly 100 years.

“Jews are clearly not a race.”


Jews are atheist:


Progressives have subverted the Jew. The Jews have a Progressive master.

Bettega says:

>If Jews ruled America, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority would be reduced to smoking grease spots in half an hour and the Al Aqsa Mosque would be flattened in a day. Therefore, the matador’s cape, not the matador.

Not really. Taking from Winston Churchill classical definition, American Jews are Bolsheviks, Israeli Jews are Zionists, they like each other as much as New England whites like Southern whites. There was actually a generation of American Jews who grew up by the time of the Six-Day War that came to like Israel as a symbol of Jewish genius, but this generation will soon pass away and the young politically powerful American Jews, if they have to choose between progressivism and Israel, will choose the first. I give 20 years at most for American Jews to abandon their support of Israel and the Jewish state go the way of Rhodesia.

Though I do agree that Jews are converts to progressivism, not it’s creators. It’s just that as converts they exhibit a zealotry not seen in the original faithful. That’s a very prevalent historical phenomenom. During the Early Middle Ages, the people who went out of the way to convert the countryside and the areas outside of previous Roman influence to Christianity were not the Romanized elites of the cities, but the recently converted Irish and Anglo-Saxon monks such as Columba and Boniface. Currently, South Korea provides the world’s second largest number of Christian missionaries, surpassed only by the United States. When Jews converted to the Enlightenment, during the 18th century, they also became it’s most zealous missionaries.

Dr. Faust says:

Converts tend to more zealous in all religions.

Yvjrolu says:

Imagine a firebrand preaching about the depravity and unworthiness of mankind, now imagine an extraterrestrial agreeing with him.

Dr. Faust says:

If Jews want Jewish domination of the world then why would they actively promote and participate in Progressive ideology which destroys ever facet of Judaism?

Jews are atheist, feminist, race egalitarians now but they weren’t any of these things 200 years ago. They are JINO: Jews In Name Only. A future generation will see no point in keeping the name Jew or name it divisive and oppressive and just do away with it. They are suiciding their own people in the name of Progress. They may be smart but they’re not smart enough to stop from destroying themselves. YAHWEH is being sacrificed to the God of Progress.

Wyrd says:

Say what you want about women, but they make awesome an Iron Maiden tribute band:


vxxc2014 says:

There will be a solution.

It can be with vast unnecessary suffering or with mitigated and less suffering.

I suspect and all of history bears witness it will be the former.

Let it be said many bought it on their own stiff necks.


Oliver Cromwell says:

Jews have higher average IQ than gentile whites and so are overrepresented in all IQ-loaded professions, obviously including the ruling class but also totally benign fields like classical music composition and astrophysics. Its not clear to me that there is any over representation of Jews in the cathedral after normalising for IQ.

jim says:

Unz did some statistics and sampling. Jews are heavily overrepresented in the Cathedral even after controlling for IQ. This may reflect evil ingroup conspiracy, but evil ingroup conspiracy did not do Madoff’s clients much good. It may also reflect Cathedral preference for zealots, and converso zeal.

jim says:

Engineers from MIT are not overwhelmingly Jewish. Social Justice Warriors are overwhelmingly Jewish, and particularly incendiary about hating whitey. I am pretty sure MIT engineers are way smarter than Social Justice Warriors.

B says:

SJWs (the 20-ish crop) are no longer largely Jewish.

Propaganda, unlike engineering, requires verbal facility.

When I look at the mechanical engineering faculty at MIT, I notice that about 20% of the non-Indian/Asian names are Jewish.


Higher percentage at MIT Comp Sci:


20% is about 10 times the general representation of Jewish names in the population.

Overlapping bell curves, moving to extremes, etc.

B says:

comment awaiting moderation. Is this some filter that flags URL links?

Oliver Cromwell says:

Jews have won 26% of Fields Medals which is about the least politicised, most IQ-loaded prestigious award in existence – http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/ashkenaz.htm

I am not necessarily saying you are wrong that Jews are yet more overrepresented among left politicians and social science academics but I want to see numbers. It isn’t enough just to know that Jews are overrepresented compared to medium IQ groups like gentile whites and low IQ groups like blacks and Hispanics, since we would expect that even if Jews were merely a racial group with no common culture or religion, or group loyalty at all.

Would you care to link to the Unz article as it is not clear to which you are referring.

jim says:


A bunch of people have disputed his statistics, but they make typical B style arguments. They confidently announce that they have found a flaw in his data, but fail to present any actual flaw.

Jewish overrepresentation in the Cathedral is not based on merit.

jim says:

Subsequently I found he had made a response to his critics http://www.ronunz.org/2013/02/13/unz-on-meritocracy-response-to-prof-gelman-on-jewish-elite-overrepresentation/ a response I found entirely unnecessary, since I had noticed the same defects in their arguments, and concluded that they were writing for idiots.

Eli says:

Which arguments do you mean?

For me, I notice that he undercounts Jewish last names. For instance, he would have definitely not counted mine. Many Jews changed their last names from as far back as Poland, before 20th century, and many did subsequently thereafter. I also know a few Jews with very Jewish last names like “Ivanov.” Go figure.

jim says:


Astonishing how the famous Jewish facility with words disappears when they read something they do not want to understand.

Eli says:

Another one: Looking at BU (http://www.bu.edu/math/people/faculty/), more than 25% of faculty in the math dept (*not* counting people like computer scientist Prof. Levin) are Jews.

So, what Unz is saying is 1) that Jewish ability declined in America, within the last 1-2 generations and 2) There is a bias against Asians at elite admissions.

The above two seem very plausible, though I still doubt that 1) is as radical as he suggests. Am I missing something else?

I find reading Unz’s website’s GNXP section, run by Razib, very useful. However, I dislike many of Unz’s positions, including his anti-Israeli stance, which he expresses in various ways, including by giving a platform to liars and traitors like Israel Shamir.

jim says:

Faculty is not necessarily indicative of ability, which is Unz’s major point. Even if we do not assume an evil Jewish conspiracy, the Cathedral’s first requirement for Ivy League faculty is primarily ideological conformity, and only secondly competence. What is indicative of ability is completed projects in the private sector. Which is not all that Jewish.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Since it’s Sunday, and the topic at Jim’s Blog is religion again, I would like to invite individuals to watch this video stream of a traditional, Continuing Anglican service:


hey cuck, the Anglican church was supposed to be defended by the monarchy, and now the monarchy is dildos while the most recognizable church guys are niggers and women and they give “marriages” to faggots just like they gave “marriages” to Henri VIII.

Here’s some questions for you, though:

* Do niggers have souls?

* Are interracial marriages valid in the eyes of the Lᴏʀᴅ?

* When Paul says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” in Galatians 3, does he also mean neither White nor Negro?

* Will you accept sacraments from nigger priests?

* Is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in heaven?

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Cuck”? So following the traditions of one’s ancestors is now cuckoldry? Strange…

Hey, say what you want, but at least I’m no papist!


Answer the questions you cuck. Following the traditions of your people w.r.t. what to care about while your people are destroyed makes you a cuck. Papists are just as bad. Now quit playing the fiddle while Rotherham is mongrelized.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Let me do what the persistant internet troll wants…No wait. Bad idea!

There’s one “cuck” in this conversation, though, and it isn’t me.

Answer the questions you cuck.

Your forefathers answered like this: sure, fine, whatever, do niggers even exist I hear they live on another continent but I’ve never seen one and I know Sir Arthur Conan Doyle made up that snake thing, and let’s cuck these nignogs by shoving crosses down theory throats to legitimate our conquest, prevent them from organizing against us, and laugh at how uncomfortable they are when forced into White sexual behavior.

Your answers appear to be yes, definitely, with all my soul, I swear by the graves of my ancestors, and lets cuck ourselves by inviting them all over and talking about content of character while they systematically rape our women and laugh at ourselves about how uncomfortable we are when incentivized to nigger sexual behavior.

jim says:

Peppermint, you are becoming incoherent.

You might be arguing that western colonialists and segregationists imposed white style behavior on blacks, while today black style behavior gets imposed on whites, but it is not clear what you are saying, if anything.

peppermint says:

western colonialists and segregationists imposed white style behavior on blacks, while today black style behavior gets imposed on whites, and AJP thinks professing the same beliefs his ancestors professed, which is far from the same thing as believing the same things they believed, could possibly reverse the situation that taking their professed belief seriously created

jim says:

OK, now I get you.

AJP recommends the Christianity that got us into this mess.

fnd says:

lol Peppermint, cuck master race.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

I’m not exactly a standard Christian, but I’ll give it a shot.

>Do niggers have souls?
Yes. The type of soul may vary by race. Souls are not the some supernatural glowing thing that live inside of you. That’s the platonic version of the soul, and the New Testament religion is Jewish, not Platonic. At least when it concerns souls. For the New Testament religion, life after death consists of resurrection from the dead, not the soul floating up to heaven.

The idea of a “mind” is similar to the idea of a “soul”. So negroes have souls, but not in same way you or I do. Their soul is (usually) simpler.

>Are interracial marriages valid in the eyes of the Lᴏʀᴅ?
Valid? Yes. Though it would usually be unwise, and often wise to require divorce.

>When Paul says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” in Galatians 3, does he also mean neither White nor Negro?
Yes. Although you have to quote the passage in it’s entirety to understand it. It means that everyone can be saved, not that race and sex don’t exist. Historically, no one understood this passage as teaching that homosexuality is alright, because we can no longer distinguish between men and women.

>Will you accept sacraments from nigger priests?
I wouldn’t reject it on principle. But the choice of priest is typically up to the family, and I probably wouldn’t end up at a church with a large negro population, or a negro priest.

>Is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in heaven?
He was baptized, but he lacked faith in core Christian revelation, like the deity of Christ and the virgin birth. So no.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

I should point out that I’m a Christian in the same sense than Adolf Hitler was a Christian. Christianity does not determine my worldview. Of course, Christianity doesn’t fully determine anyone’s worldview, outside of sedevacantists.

Corvinus says:

Here’s some questions for you, though:

* Do niggers have souls?

It’s black people. Yes, they have souls.

* Are interracial marriages valid in the eyes of the Lᴏʀᴅ?


* When Paul says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” in Galatians 3, does he also mean neither White nor Negro?

He means anyone who seeks His guidance.

* Will you accept sacraments from nigger priests?

Again, black priests. Yes. They do God’s work.

* Is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in heaven?

Yes, although his penchant for sleeping with women outside of marriage cost him brownie points with the Lord.

You really hate yourself, Peppermint. Seek forgiveness from the Lord. He will fill you with happiness.

Steve Johnson says:

That ain’t the Lord Corvinus and you didn’t get filled by happiness.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>>Is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in heaven?
Is Muhammad in heaven? They believed very similar things about Christ.

» Why can’t we talk about the Jewish plot to genocide the White race using mass immigration and forced integration offline using our real names?

Because the Jews control the media.

» Does someone else also control the media?


» Who’s behind the “White privilege” whaargarbl intended to confuse and demoralize Whites?

Jews who are pretending to be White write books about how evil “us Whites” are, then turn around and whine about being persecuted by Whites as it suits them.

fnd says:

“Why can’t we talk about the Jewish plot to genocide the White race using mass immigration and forced integration offline using our real names?”
Because you are too coward to do so? Do jews make you coward or is your cuck genes speaking?

Aristocles_Inv says:

I agree somewhat in the sense that without White racial consciousness being strong enough Jews will exploit their host countries good faith. Once this and a few other ancillary problems are solved Jews will not be as much of a problem. However one cannot deny the unique havoc they have wrought, some of the things the Jews have done in Western countries over the years would have probably never occurred to the Puritans or their descendants.

jim says:

some of the things the Jews have done in Western countries over the years would have probably never occurred to the Puritans or their descendants.

Seems to me that all the bad stuff done by Jews is, as B argues, done at the instigation of not very Jewish Cathedralites. What bad stuff do you think the Jews came up with on their own initiative? Maybe the civil rights marches, but Nixon was the guy who introduced affirmative action on large scale.

A pint thereof says:

“What bad stuff do you think the Jews came up with on their own initiative?”

The Talmud?

B says:

Answering against my better judgement: what do you know about the Talmud, except some made up quotes on loony websites?

Jack says:

The Talmud has its merits, not unlike the Koran, but it contains sheer disdain for humanity and relevantly to the discussion in this post, enshrines the authoritarian rule of priests over the whole of Israel in every aspect of life. (Note: the Talmud’s agenda is actually anti-priestly, so priests here means “rabbis”) The rabbis have stripped both the hereditary Priestly class and the Monarchy of their power. Deuteronomy 17:11 has been reinterpreted by the Talmudists to refer to rabbis rather than the Jerusalem Priests, and throughout the Talmud the rabbis basically engage in incessant propaganda – in the form of aggadah – to establish their authority as ultimate and to undermine that of any Jewish political leadership, cherry-picking and misquoting irrelevant biblical verses in the process. All are subject to the whims of the cynical rabbinic guild. If “rule by priests” is the problem, look no further than the Talmud to see what total rule by priests looks like. To Hell with kings, emperors, commanders, hereditary priesthood, prophets, Messiah, popular leaders – to Hell with them all, only rabbis are authoritative.

The Talmud doesn’t even contain the notion of an incorporeal divinity, but that’s a whole other Pandora’s box.

The quotes circulating among WNs are mostly accurate, B. The Talmud does indeed call for the murder of “the best of the Goyim”, does indeed regard Gentiles as non-humans (“You are called ‘man’, but they are not called ‘man'”), does indeed purport to document rabbis falsely accusing Gentiles of stuff which results in the Gentiles’ execution, does indeed command butchering secular Jews even on a Yom Kippur which occurs on Shabbat, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the magnificent volume of disdain the Talmud holds for people who don’t subscribe to the Pharisaic cult. One can forgive the endless ritualistic superstitions and even the disgusting sexual perversions, but what is completely unsalvageable is the utter rejection of all of humanity as sub-humans worthy of death.

The quotes are not made up. They are real, in fact, there’s plenty of juicy material within Jewish sources that “anti-Semites” are not yet aware of. If you think you’ve read the worst, think again. I can confirm with citations if needed, but I guess we’ve already passed the “oy vey, the Goyim know, shut it down” phase by now.

jim says:

This is an adaption to exile. Hence the reluctance to retake the temple. What would rabbis do with a temple?

Jews need a state religion, because their current state religion (progressivism) plans to do them in, but the Talmud contains a massive pile of rationalizations for Judaism not being a state religion, which of course it could not be while in exile. A state needs supremacy of political and military leadership, for that is pretty much what a state is.

Retaking the temple activates a pile of stuff that they have found very convenient to ignore.

B says:

Pretty much everything you just said is either untrue or taken massively out of context.

Example: “To Hell with kings, emperors, commanders, hereditary priesthood, prophets, Messiah, popular leaders – to Hell with them all, only rabbis are authoritative.”

This is completely untrue. The king (who is the messiah, which just means anointed) has a set of powers above and beyond the Sanhedrin. For instance, he can execute people for the purpose of maintaining order, which they can’t (generally). He can take land for military purposes and doesn’t have to consult them. Etc. Prophets and priests are authoritative insofar as they are competent in the Law. A prophet can’t use prophecy as a legal argument. Etc.

> The Talmud does indeed call for the murder of “the best of the Goyim”

This is a distortion by lack of context. The Talmud is talking not about murder but about a time of war. Can we spare enemy civilians because they are individually nice people? Obviously not, as for instance the Patrol of the 35 found out in 1948: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convoy_of_35

The question being addressed is not “should we murder non-Jews,” but “when we are at war, do we make exceptions for members of an enemy nation due to their personality/accomplishments/the fact that they happened to be out plowing their field and not carrying a weapon when we encountered them.”

The rest of it I don’t have time for, but it’s horseshit.

jim says:

It is clear that the old testament had most religious and judicial authority in a hereditary priesthood. Executive authority was initially in the hands of top judges, who tended to be prophets, later in the hands of Kings. Rabbis really are not anywhere to to be seen.

When the mighty man Boaz summons the elders it is to witness the precedent that he sets, not to decide upon it. Similarly when the high priest sets a guard at gates of Jerusalem to stop commercial goods being transported through the gates on the Sabbath, he does not consult with anyone. He is the high fucking priest.

The Sanhedrin was a Roman creation. Perhaps the Romans got tired of trying to negotiate with warlords who lacked the power to make war or peace, and prophets who lacked the sanity, so proceeded to manufacture something in the image of their own senate.

B says:

>It is clear that the old testament had most religious and judicial authority in a hereditary priesthood.

No, this is not clear. We don’t see priests playing a particularly active role, most of the time. We see the occasional leading priest, such as Eli, and then we see his sons not leading. And then we see Samuel, who’s not a priest. And then we see the priests in David’s time and onwards, again, not playing much of an active judicial or religious role.

G-d through Moses establishes a hierarchy of courts, culminating in the 70 elders, who stand immediately below Moses and Joshua on Sinai, explicitly given judicial authority. He also establishes a hereditary priesthood with responsibilities including sacrifice and purification. These are two distinct institutions and presented as such.

>Executive authority was initially in the hands of top judges, who tended to be prophets, later in the hands of Kings. Rabbis really are not anywhere to to be seen.

A “rabbi” is a scholar. The judges were not chosen based on their prophetic gifts-with many of them we don’t get any mention of such gifts. They were chosen based on their authority with the people, as scholars. The institution Moses established continued uninterrupted, though the Torah does not give its daily details but refers to it cursorily.

>When the mighty man Boaz summons the elders it is to witness the precedent that he sets, not to decide upon it.

Boaz is called a man of valor, but not because of any military exploits. No military exploits are mentioned. He is a man of valor in the sense that he is a scholar and a man of virtue. He convenes the Bethlehem city court, of which he is the head, not to set a precedent but to carry out a standard legal procedure.

>Similarly when the high priest sets a guard at gates of Jerusalem to stop commercial goods being transported through the gates on the Sabbath, he does not consult with anyone. He is the high fucking priest.

You are an idiot, and you have not read the Book of Ezra/Nehemia but rather ctrl+f’d it.

Ezra is not the high priest. The high priest is Joshua. Ezra is a priest, but he is not the sole authority, and his authority does not come from priesthood. His primary designation is Ezra Ha-Sofer, “the Scribe,” i.e., a scholar. ” “He was a ready scribe in the Law of Moses, which the LORD, the God of Israel, had given.” He is not ruling unilaterally-he is working with Zerubavel, who is the exilarch, not a priest, and/or Nehemia (who is either Zerubavel or another priest.) It is Nehemia/Zerubavel who institutes the guard at the gates.

How does Nehemia/Zerubavel rule? ” Zerubbabel, and Jeshua, and the rest of the heads of fathers’ houses of Israel, said unto them: ‘Ye have nothing to do with us to build a house unto our God; but we ourselves together will build unto the LORD, the God of Israel, as king Cyrus the king of Persia hath commanded us.'”

The heads of fathers’ houses are the court of the day. They are the sanhedrin. I.e.: “Let now our princes of all the congregation stand, and let all them that are in our cities that have married foreign women come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our God be turned from us, as touching this matter.'”

>The Sanhedrin was a Roman creation.

Not so. The word is Greek. The institution, called “beit din,” “house of the law” in Hebrew, or “elders,” existed since Moses’ time and actually probably predated him (see whom he goes to see once he comes back from Midian.)

jim says:

>It is clear that the old testament had most religious and judicial authority in a hereditary priesthood.

No, this is not clear. We don’t see priests playing a particularly active role, most of the time. We see the occasional leading priest, such as Eli, and then we see his sons not leading. And then we see Samuel, who’s not a priest.

Samuel is a priest. In First Samuel 7:9 we see him make a burnt offering. Leviticus 1:10 tells us that is a priest’s job.

The anarcho-theocracy starts with Aaron the priest having a lot of power, and it ends with Samuel the priest having a lot of power. And then comes the monarcho-theocracy, in which the high priest as a lot power, but is under the thumb of the King. (And the prophets have a lot of power and are a pain in the ass for the King) In contrast, absolutely no sign of your sanhedrin.

G-d through Moses establishes a hierarchy of courts, culminating in the 70 elders, who stand immediately below Moses and Joshua on Sinai, explicitly given judicial authority. He also establishes a hereditary priesthood with responsibilities including sacrifice and purification. These are two distinct institutions and presented as such

You are making stuff up and torturing the text till it confesses its crimes.

Moses, and no one else, gets to make judicial precedents. So when Moses dies, who is to set judicial precedents? Answer: The priests will tell you which judge is going to do that – there is not going to be a committee, there is going to be one top judge in Israel and the priests get to name him.

And that is the system (as depicted in the Book of Judges) that did indeed prevail until Samuel named Saul King.

The heads of fathers’ houses are the court of the day.

The powerful people when the walls of Jerusalem are restored are listed in thorough detail in the book of Nehemiah – priests, princes, nobles and mighty men. The heads of houses are princes and/or nobles, commanding mighty men. Don’t see scholars anywhere.

The reason the biblical theocracy did not get out of hand is similar to the reason that the shinto and icelandic priesthoods did not get out of hand. Hereditary priesthood, priestliness as private property, protecting owners of that property from being out holied.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>Moses, and no one else, gets to make judicial precedents. So when Moses dies, who is to set judicial precedents?
Um … Joshua. Have you even read the Torah? He clearly ordains Joshua for this role.

And from what I understand of Jewish theology, the Sanhedrin’s authority is derived from the elders that Joshua and Moses worked with to rule Israel. No mention of the Sanhedrin, or a similar organization in the Old Testament, that I can recall. I assume that it’s just the elders working together to rule a centralized state.

>The anarcho-theocracy starts with Aaron the priest having a lot of power
Moses mattered more than Aaron. The books of Joshua and Judges supposedly give the history of Israel from the death of Moses to the United Monarchy. How many of the Judges were priests?

>Rabbis really are not anywhere to to be seen
Israel was ruled by “elders” and “priests”. You’ll find numerous references in the Torah and following literature to the role of “elders” in administering and judging law.


You’ll also find that the Sanhedrin was filled with these men. The New Testament term used to refer to the Jewish authorities is “elders and teachers of the law”.

I am not intimately familiar with ancient Hebrew history, but I assume that the elders of the city were the wealthiest men, especially the large landowners, and ones with military experience. Modern rabbis, and the rabbis of the Talmud, do not appear to be landowners or military men. I assume the transition started when the Jews were conquered by the Greeks, and stopped being the economic and military elites of Palestine. And it finalized in the diaspora, where Jews never owned land or served in the military.

jim says:

Israel was ruled by “elders” and “priests”. You’ll find numerous references in the Torah and following literature to the role of “elders” in administering and judging law.

No it was not ruled by elders, who are scarcely mentioned in the Old Testament, and when they are mentioned, as in the book of Ruth, are powerless. Boaz the mighty man sets the precedent, the elders merely witness it.

We don’t see anyone that looks like a rabbi in Nehemiah’s enumeration of powerful and influential men in and near Jerusalem.

The system at the time of Nehemiah Looks like the standard system of warriors and priests, but only the descendents of Aaron in the male line can be priests, which protects priests against holiness competition.

The Sanhedrin did not exist until created by the Romans, and was never very functional. It seldom came to any coherent decision unless one man seized power by terrifying means.

Jack says:

Haggai 2:11 proves unequivocally that it was Priests rather than rabbis who instructed the law and knew the law.

Alan J. Perrick says:

If any anti-Catholic group during the Reformation was against celebrating Christmas, especially with its usual connections with the Bishop of Rome, remember that the Talmud and its devotees were against Christians, carte blanche.

Trimegistus says:

I’ve been saying this for years: Jews aren’t the masterminds of Progressivism, they are its chief dupes and victims. Eugenics, and consequently genocide, was a Progressive notion. Decolonization, and consequently turning against Israel, is a Progressive notion. American Jews have been gradually sacrificing every last shred of their Jewish identity on the altar of Progressivism — with the exception of the Orthodox, who are notably less liberal than their nominal coreligionists.

And when American Progressivism has sucked away the last vestiges of Jewish identity, it will turn on the Jews, because Progressives always turn on the Jews.

Zach says:

“In Moldbugs account: the Puritans started off holier than thou, then became the Evangelicals and such, who were holier than Jesus, then the Unitarians, who were holier than Christ, and finally the progressives who are holier than God. And here we are while they get holier still. While Jews are overrepresented among progressives, they are conversos.”

Basically a synopsis too great to be comprehended by the entryists.

Alan J. Perrick says:

An anti-Protestant sneer is a dime-a-dozen in the instutions of The Cathedral.

you’re the one sneering here.

now answer those five simple questions. Acceptable answers are yes, probably, dunno, doubtful, or no.

Alan J. Perrick says:

If I’d been a papist as long as you’ve been I’d have every reason for my brains to have all the cognitive usefulness as a plate of scrambled eggs, too. So, you’re forgiven. But as the man says, “Peppermint”, “Go forth and sin no more”.


sneer, disqualify, dodge the question. You’re arguing like an SJW. Real men don’t fear answering simple questions anonymously on the Internet.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

1) The Cathedral isn’t wrong about everything.

2) And you’ll find that in their history textbooks, the Cathedral likes Martin Luther a lot more than the Pope.

Bruce says:

Can I nitpick a bit? Technically, progressivism is a Christian apostacy since it denies basic Christian beliefs about Christ. Granted there are Christians who adopt progressive ideas who are merely heretics and not apostates.

Mustmite says:

“Historically rulers have routinely used Jews for various objectionable activities, and then, when these activities attracted too much heat, proceeded to throw the Jews to the wolves, like the matador using his cape to distract the bull.”

The obvious example would be lending at interest. Other examples include… okay, now I’m drawing a blank. Anyone?

jim says:

Tax farming. Estate management.

Anon says:

“My ex is Jewish. My kids are Jewish. Morning minyan is the only place men can go to get away from the women and that’s only because the women are still in bed. Judaism is a Matriarchy disguised as a Patriarchy. Jewish women obey no one – not their husbands, not their God. They are in many ways the mold for the type of women American society is producing.

Judaism is a system for enforcing female values and the hell with goat herds.

Catholics pray more to Mary than to Jesus. And can you guess who Mary is? Mary is a Jewish mother.”

This is a quote from Rich Zubaty. I think it might have been Jim who mentioned in a recent thread that Christianity’s inherent propensity towards progressivism is directly owed to the fact that Christianity is Judaism-lite. And he is correct. Judaism and all its derivatives are religions for cucks. At the very least old school Judaism is exclusive; Christianity doesn’t even have that going for it. With the addition of Jesus as a community organizer figure it is an inclusive religion that enforces the lowest common denominator and openly embraces losers and outcasts.

Alan J. Perrick says:

There aren’t nearly enough exclamation points in your bold statement of anti-Christian determination. See?


Kind of thing! Makes your post even stronger!!!


Anon says:

Shouldn’t you be off in a corner vibrating your prostate with a crucifix shaped dildo, cuckvoy?

Jack says:

Jim wrote:

“I predict that if the official belief system changes radically overnight by decree, from progressivism to reaction, most formerly progressive Jews will support the new system”

That’s exactly where you’re wrong. What your argument boils down to, in accordance with Moldbug’s fashion, is that Jews are not naturally, inherently Leftist any more than anyone else, but rather, became Leftist due to exposure to a memetic force instigated by Puritans. If only you expose Jews to a different memetic force, they’ll change their conduct altogether, so you reason. Basically, when the Jewish Question is concerned, you disavow of biological determinism in favor of the nurture hypothesis. There’s actually a subset of philo-Semitic WNs who believe that, if only Jews start identifying as White, their Leftist proclivity will instantly evaporate, so let’s convert Jews to White Nationalism; in similar vein, you want to convert Western Jews to Reaction and believe this will solve the Jewish Problem instantly. Wrong.

Jews are Leftist not due to exposure to any specific memetic force, but due to their biological programming. First off, when we speak of Jews here, we mean Ashkenazim, for the most part. This is not to argue that Mizrahim have wings attached to their backs, but evidently they are quite similar to Arabs, who are not known for excessive Leftism. So when Jewish Leftism is concerned, it is meant the Leftism of “White” Jews. It matters not whether you consider Jews to be Armenoids or Afro-Asiatics; Ashkenazim are the distinct sub-race under scrutiny here.

What differentiates Jews from normal Europeans? A lot, in fact. Let’s start with, say, creativity and talent. Most would assume that Jews are more creative than Whites. This is false, and particularly false when adjusting for IQ. A White man with an IQ of 125 is immensely more creative than a Jew with an equal IQ, probably more creative than any Jew with an IQ of 140. Jews are abstract thinkers who lack the spontaneity required to produce high culture. Aesthetically speaking, Jews are inferior – there are almost no great artistic, architectural, or musical masterpieces produced by Jews, barring a few insignificant exceptions here and there, mostly created by Jews with significant White admixture. Jews have verbal IQ in spades, but are low on performance IQ. What Jews do have is consistency, some would say rigidity, and I would add: zeal. Naturally, Jews are prone to formulate abstract ideologies which are meticulously internally consistent, detached from actual reality as they may be. (Marxism, Freudianism, Randianism, race-denialism, Cultural Marxism, etc etc.) Jews are scholastic, or rather, Talmudic. Shocking, I know. This internally-consistent ideological detachment from reality is a key feature of Leftism. If Leftism is defined as holier-than-thou signaling which inevitably spirals into complete insanity, then Jews are natural Leftists, specifically, natural completely insane Leftists. This has a deep biological root and nothing at all to do with conversion to any type of memetic movement. Jewish attraction to Leftism is not due to talent — Jews are less talented than Europeans in almost everything except legalism – but due to abstract-mindedness, scholasticism/Talmudism, and zeal.

Another source of attraction for Jews to Leftism is diminished empathy. Whereas White Leftism is of the “cat lady” variety, which is why so many Whites become cucks for Africans, Jewish Leftism is of the Machiavellian variety: they don’t actually care about the subject of their ostensible affection. White couples may adopt broods of African niglets, but Jews don’t do that – rather, they use Blacks as a cudgel with which to beat their White political adversaries. White Progressives were, initially, race realists who wanted to civilize Blacks for their own good. (And yes, many Jews were also quite racially realistic) Today, that would translate to supporting massive genetic engineering to increase Black IQ and reduce Black aggression, combined with other Eugenic measures. Then Jewish Boasian Anthropology happened, and so only an evil Nazi would want to increase Black IQ now. Jews transformed White Progressivism, which however misguided was at least somewhat altruistic toward its supposed beneficiaries and had a moral leg (however unsound) to stand on, into an insane, blind, totalitarian ideology which benefits absolutely no one. They did it because they are not driven by empathy, but by zealous pursuit of power, or less nefariously, by zealous adherence to ideological purity unmolested by the outside world. Jews are inherently Pharisaic, and Phariseeism leads to Leftism, leads to accelerated batshit insane frothing at the mouth Leftism. Jews did not convert to Phariseeism – they brought it with them, obviously. Because Jews have diminished emphatic capacity, they are attracted to ideologies which allow for Machiavellian competition for power, thus, ardent Trotskyism or conversely ultra-capitalism with international and individualistic features (did someone say “Neocons”?), whatever has a better prospect of taking over their hosts. Combined with the ability to rationalize everything on purely intellectual grounds, this already-sociopathic streak becomes particularly lethal. Jews are inherently destabilizing and can turn any harmless, to say nothing of harmful, notion into an expanding and accelerating black hole of death.

Let’s talk about sex. Jews are described here as converts to Progressive Puritanism. Do you believe your own words? Jews are definitely “puritanical” in the sense that they want to purify society of whatever mystical, immaterial force they blame their supposed misfortunes on – Tum’ah (ritual impurity), racism, anti-Semitism, pork, Sabbath violation, Hellenism, White Supremacism, Amalek’s scheming, “erev rav”, whatever. But then why is it that almost every time an article or a book is published promoting sexual perversion and degeneracy, there’s a Jewish name attached to it? I know: Whites never write articles or books ever, so it must be it. No, actually, Jews are not puritanical at all when it comes to sexuality, rather, Jews strive to sexualize each and every aspect of culture. My point here is that Jews make Leftism in their own image, and this image is not sexually puritanical in the least. Jews are perverted and hypersexual because of their genes, and will keep being perverted and hypersexual whatever the official state religion is.

Don’t even get me started on Jewish greed, nepotism, and general low-trust conduct. (But I guess these, too, are the result of “Jewish talent” and conversion to Progressivism rather than a biological predisposition. Right)

My last point here, which is crucial to the whole debate: many claim that because Leftist Jews don’t reproduce much while Orthodox Jews reproduce like rabbits, Jewish Leftism is on its way out. Aren’t you forgetting something? Namely, that all Ashkenazi Jews began as Orthodox, and that even if tomorrow all Leftist Jews disappear, individual Orthodox Jews will keep leaving the ghetto behind and in a generation or two will form the new stratum of Leftist Jews? Now at this point you may argue: the more Leftism-prone Jews leave Orthodoxy, the less Leftist will the Orthodox become. Alas, Giyur is a thing, and those who convert to Judaism, usually cynical, materialistic, pharisaic, special-snowflake cases, may as well bring with them an admixture of genes to ensure that the Orthodox never select too-harshly (if at all) against Leftism. That is, some Jews leave Judaism, some Gentiles join Judaism, but the Jewish people will keep producing Leftism forever, and removing the “bad” secular Jews without also removing the “good” Orthodox Jews and without ensuring that no Gentiles convert to Judaism is an exercise in futility. “Good” Orthodox Jews carry the same genes as “bad” secular Jews.

So now answer this: if supposedly you convert all Jews to pan-White Nationalism or to Reactionism, do you think that they *won’t* adjust to the new ideology by bringing with them abstract ideological zeal devoid of any organic connection to reality, Machiavellian power struggles, Phariseeism, sexual perversion and degeneracy, and legalistic & trust-diminishing endeavors? Were the Jews made this way because they converted, or is it hereditary? If a Cathedral functions as a Synagogue, is it really a Cathedral?

tl;dr Jews gravitate toward Leftism entirely because of their genes and regardless of Progressive memetics, are biologically predestined to Leftism, and replacing one memetic force with another won’t make the Jews any less Leftist. Convert Jews to Reaction and you’ll end up with Judeo-Reaction – a Reaction with Jewish features, not necessarily any better than Progressivism with Jewish features. There’s indeed a Jewish Problem independent of whatever critique you have devised against WASPs.

jim says:

you want to convert Western Jews to Reaction and believe this will solve the Jewish Problem instantly.

Not exactly.

Jews are inherently talmudic – very good at rationalizing whatever it is that is in their interests to believe. There are a lot of Jewish jokes about this national characteristic. When what is in their interests to believe changes, they will continue to believe what is in their interests to believe.

If supposedly you convert all Jews to pan-White Nationalism or to Reactionism, do you think that they *won’t* adjust to the new ideology by bringing with them abstract ideological zeal devoid of any organic connection to reality, Machiavellian power struggles, Phariseeism, sexual perversion and degeneracy, and legalistic & trust-diminishing endeavors

But this is merely a particular case of the general problem of priests in charge. Priests in charge are bad, clever priests are worse. Jews are alarmingly good at being priests. The proposed system of Archbishop and Grand Inquisitor is intended to prevent priests from being in charge and prevent priests from being dangerously clever.

Jews worsen the problem, but they are not the primary cause of the problem. If you read old books you will discover we were up to our necks in this shit and sinking fast before we allowed Jews to get in on it.

Whites produce porn, including beastiality porn of dogs fucking White women. Jews produce porn, including beastiality porn of niggers fucking White women.

Whites advocate for saving the whales and niggers, arguing that they are just like us. Jews advocate for replacing Whites with whales and niggers, arguing that “us white people” are guilty of lampshades.

[…] Coulter goes off the neocon reservation. Related: Jewish Republicans and Trump. Related: Jim on the Jewish question. Related: Ann Coulter and the Jewish […]

Red says:

If attacking cathedral is more important than attacking it’s tools, then why did all it take to stop it in Germany was the removal of the Jews from power? Hitler beat the larglly jewish comunist party and gained control of the media and the cathedral died in Germany. Based upon that example attacking the cathedral is best done indirectly by attacking it’s most effective servants.

Look at how Victor Orban dismantled Cathedral power in Hungary without explicitly mentioning the Jews.

jim says:

Hitler checked the Cathedral by Gleichschaltung, not by merely removing Jews.

If we implement Gleichschaltung, formerly progressive Jews will be lining up to help us do it.

Dirtnapninja says:

The problem with Jews is that they worship themselves.

Robert What? says:

The other wrinkle in the “Jewish question” is that today’s Ashkenazi Jews are completely unrelated to the ancient Hebrews. They don’t even follow the ancient Hebrew Torah, but rather the Babylonian Talmud.

jim says:

The presence of the Cohen gene indicates significant direct descent from the crowd that came out of Egypt and conquered Palestine – a significant number of Jews are descended in the male line from Aaron. He was not as busy as Genghis Khan, but he and his sons had their moments (Numbers 31:41) . The Babylonian Talmud is loosely based on the Hebrew Torah. B says tightly based, but it looks to me more that it takes random versus from the Hebrew Torah as pegs to hang new doctrine on, a process that continues to this day. Rabbis devote a great deal of energy thought and effort to making the case that the Talmud is consistent with the Torah, but the process involves text torture and a variety of dubious, misleading, strained, and improper methods of argument. As I said earlier: obfuscation, complexification, uglification, equivocation, distraction, derision, and evasion.

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