
Arab Spring

Arab Spring has predictably been an utter disaster.

By undermining the legitimacy of existing authority, it has turned the middle east into a sea of blood and fire, the worst cases being Syria and Libya.

Middle Easterners are mostly of inferior races, and at the best of times, it is hard for them to maintain the basic functions of a modern society, hard to keep the electricity running, the water running, the sewage off the streets, and all that.  To operate this quite ordinary stuff in a society dominated by an inferior race requires a fair bit of arrogant confident elitism and a cheerful willingness to smack grossly inferior people around to keep them from mischief.  Arab Spring has been democratic and anti elitist.  Thus most of the anti Bashar Assad groups in Syria just cannot keep that stuff functioning, and keep begging the horrid evil tyrant Bashar Assad to keep that stuff operating for them.

Near as I can figure, the major reasons that Bashar Assad is a horrible tyrant is that he stops stupid people from doing stupid things and he will not let them rape and murder those of non Muslim minorities.

Oddly, Obama and the Cathedral press have unshaken confidence that Obama is on the correct side of history.  From time to time they confidently predict that Putin will fail unless he overthrows Bashar Assad for the Cathedral, after many years of disastrous failure by the Cathedral in its efforts to overthrow Bashar Assad.

Obama and the New York Times and the rest live in an echo chamber, utterly impervious to outside reality.  Their policy cannot be a disaster, because they are on the right side of history.

The natural outcome of democracy is that each tribe votes for  its tribal interest.  The result is unacceptable to all the minority tribes.  War ensues, unless the majority group has a natural advantage in military struggle as well as voting, unless the majority group is the clearly superior group.  If you have democracy without war, it is because you have an ethnically homogeneous society, or someone is rigging the system to produce acceptable results.

Bashar Assad’s strength is that his religion is the only religion in Syria, other than Christianity, that is tolerant enough that it can be trusted to refrain from massacring minorities and his political organization is the only one that has the basic competence to keep the basic services of a modern society functioning and the will to keep the hands of subhumans off those basic services.

The Cathedral congratulates itself that it is rule by smart superior people, but rule by smart superior people was an unprincipled exception, which exception has now been rolled back.

The effects of rule by stupid people are most immediately apparent at your DMV department, at your airport security screening, and in Syria.

If you are not getting Syrian style brownouts, the people who are keeping our power system functioning, the people who making sure you do not get brownouts, are all rather old and due to retire soon.  Soon your power supply will be provided by the same people who operate airport security, because right now, white male privilege keeps the power on, and that is an unprincipled exception.

84 comments Arab Spring

[…] By jim […]

Mackus says:

Speaking of elite being in power.
Jim, what are the odds that VW scandal broke out, because it implicates Merkel who wants to drown Germany in brown immigrants?
As in, what are the odds that group of people in power wants to exploit the scandal to remove Merkel, because her migrant policy is too stupid and too leftist even for them to stomach? They are leftist too, so they cant attack her for wanting to help “poor refugees”, so what are the odds they’ll force her to resign over this, and then quietly do something about migrants?
I am just curious if it wasn’t a coincidence that scandal broke out mere months after migrant crisis began.

jim says:

The same policy is applied in every white country except Australia and Israel – and the way the wind blows, will soon be applied in Australia and Israel. Malcolm Turnbull is asking for some high status UN sinecures for his pals, and word is, if you want the job, better quietly allow a hundred million illegal immigrants into Australia to outvote the locals.

B says:

>and the way the wind blows, will soon be applied in Australia and Israel.

Unlikely for us. There is currently a law enforcement crisis going on with the Arabs of Jerusalem (who enjoy de facto citizenship) running a silent intifada. The Israeli police has been softshoeing it with them, a la the NYPD with OWS, while arresting Jews for moving their lips while visiting the Temple Mount, or for making objectionable statements on Facebook. Nothing new there, but it’s gotten worse and worse, and people are losing patience.

The police have, aside from de facto being on the side of the Arab terrorists, been wracked by scandals-corruption, sex for promotions, etc. Again, nothing new but people are fed up.

The last proposed chief of police was a “center right” Cathedral tool, Gal Hirsch, a former general, unreligious and a politician to the core. The Cathedral (in the person of the unelected and unreligious Attorney General) shut down his candidacy through undemocratic means (announcing the background investigation for Hirsch would take six months or more.)

The new proposed chief of police is Roni Alsheh, a career ISA (secret service) officer, who is a religious settler, lived in Kiryat Arba and Binyamin for the last 30 years, has made no secret of his right-wing religious views, and was blocked from taking over the ISA for this reason. Picture a polygamist and proud Mormon from Northern Idaho being nominated to lead the FBI.

The wind is blowing right here. Slowly, but the vector is steady.

jim says:

Really? The way you describe events in Israel (people get arrested for politically incorrect speech) sounds to me that the wind blows leftwards.

If Roni Alsheh gets the job, the fallout will be not that the police move rightwards, but that the religious right moves leftwards. Similarly, in Australia, a hard liner on people smuggling who has been giving the state department fits is lined up for a plum job at the UN, but the implication I see is not that stopping illegal immigration is being rewarded but that the condition of that plum job is that he mysteriously develops a helpless inability to stop illegal immigrants.

B says:

Everything is known in comparison. Compared to the situation 70 years ago, when Marxists would kill their opposition, or 40 years ago, when only the marginalized crazy extremists lived in the settlements, we have moved right.

When Alsheh gets the job, the police will spend less time and effort going after religious Jews and more time and effort going after Arabs. Maybe a 3% improvement.

jim says:

Compared to the situation 70 years ago, when Marxists would kill their opposition, or 40 years ago, when only the marginalized crazy extremists lived in the settlements, we have moved right.

Gay Parades with public indecency and obscenity, the retreat from Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority. Looks leftwards to me.

Suicide on the installment plan.

Rightwards will be going back into Gaza – or into the temple.

jim says:

Oslo and the retreat from Gaza were 10 and 20 years ago, and represented a low point.

Not a low point until the settlers return to Gaza.

And every year the gay parade is more obscene, reflecting and causing an ever diminishing will and ability to resettle Gaza.

B says:

Oslo and the retreat from Gaza were 10 and 20 years ago, and represented a low point.

As I’ve said about the homos, they are a red rag and irrelevant to the main issues.

Anyway, I’ve invited you to make quantifiable predictions.

Ron says:

I think you are correct Jim.

The national right wing elements in the country have been compromised for years, and anyone with sense knows that they cannot be fully trusted. There is a series of videos on YouTube called “meraglim” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H27TUyXm8HQ which documents how the purge of the Gazan townships was clearly done with collaboration of owned assets in the nationalist camp.

Unlike most conspiracy theory videos, this one relies completely on the words and actions of the players themselves as recorded on video. At this point, there can be no question that anything done by the nationalist parties is suspect. But to be fair, that is true of all the parties in the country. We are completely overrun by enemies both foreign and domestic.

Barry Chamish, made a very good point that several of the activists who he suspected of also being compromised by the state, misled and wasted the energy of the youth, by encouraging them to march huge distances on the day of the purge, such that they were easily turned aside by the time they came to the barricades. They were simply too exhausted to continue. A neat little trick.

I think this is a point of interest even to those less favorably disposed to Israel, as it is a documentation of the purpose of the “surveillance state” to control the population on behalf of those who hold the reins of power in a democracy.

I encourage people to read anonymousconservative series of posts on the rise of the Surveilance State, how it is done, what its uses are, and how pervasive it is, and how one must prepare to deal with it.

Ron says:

You are wrong B.

The homos are not a red flag. They are indicative of a society that has absolutely lost its will to fight.

The first time they pulled that stunt there should have been riots across the city. But the plain reality is that no one really cares and the few that care lack the courage to stand up

By contrast, if the Haredi parties decided to hold a “Haredi Pride” parade in downtown Tel Aviv, you’d better believe there would be riots. Or imagine if the nationalist camp decided to hold a “Settler Pride” parade. How peaceful do you think the leftists in Tel Aviv would be?

We are too concerned with being good little boys and girls. That is, we are obsessed with being approved of, with being considered respectable. I am saying that the right wing wind you speak of is superficial in nature, and controlled.

Fortunately, we have an actual God, and He has little patience for the plots and schemes of the so called elite. As He is demonstrsting even now by causing the Arab colonists to riot and make fools of the government.

B says:

The national right wing elements in the country have been compromised for years, and anyone with sense knows that they cannot be fully trusted. There is a series of videos on YouTube called “meraglim” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H27TUyXm8HQ which documents how the purge of the Gazan townships was clearly done with collaboration of owned assets in the nationalist camp.

Unlike most conspiracy theory videos, this one relies completely on the words and actions of the players themselves as recorded on video. At this point, there can be no question that anything done by the nationalist parties is suspect. But to be fair, that is true of all the parties in the country. We are completely overrun by enemies both foreign and domestic.

Barry Chamish, made a very good point that several of the activists who he suspected of also being compromised by the state, misled and wasted the energy of the youth, by encouraging them to march huge distances on the day of the purge, such that they were easily turned aside by the time they came to the barricades. They were simply too exhausted to continue. A neat little trick.

I think this is a point of interest even to those less favorably disposed to Israel, as it is a documentation of the purpose of the “surveillance state” to control the population on behalf of those who hold the reins of power in a democracy.

I encourage people to read anonymousconservative series of posts on the rise of the Surveilance State, how it is done, what its uses are, and how pervasive it is, and how one must prepare to deal with it.

Ron says:
October 1, 2015 at 8:53 am
You are wrong B.

The homos are not a red flag. They are indicative of a society that has absolutely lost its will to fight.

The first time they pulled that stunt there should have been riots across the city. But the plain reality is that no one really cares and the few that care lack the courage to stand up

By contrast, if the Haredi parties decided to hold a “Haredi Pride” parade in downtown Tel Aviv, you’d better believe there would be riots. Or imagine if the nationalist camp decided to hold a “Settler Pride” parade. How peaceful do you think the leftists in Tel Aviv would be?

We are too concerned with being good little boys and girls. That is, we are obsessed with being approved of, with being considered respectable. I am saying that the right wing wind you speak of is superficial in nature, and controlled.

Fortunately, we have an actual God, and He has little patience for the plots and schemes of the so called elite. As He is demonstrsting even now by causing the Arab colonists to riot and make fools of the government.

In order:

1) Chamish says a lot of unproveable stuff. Some of it is probably true and some is probably false. I suspect even lots of the true stuff is out of context. He’s basically the Israeli Alex Jones.

2) It is plainly obvious that the National Zionist camp and the settler movement are heavily compromised/infiltrated. Even before Gush Katif this was plain. And everything that’s happened since has made it more obvious, like for instance the Chaim Pearlman case.

3) I do not base my enthusiasm on a top-down approach where organizations like those of Ben Gvir (see above) rally change through popular government paradigms, but on a bottom-up approach. “If they’re not prophets, they’re the sons of prophets.” This would not work for any other nation or country. Roni Alsheh is not an agent of change and I don’t pin my hopes on him; he’s an epiphenomenon of the actual phenomenon upon which I pin my hopes.

4) Nothing would happen if there were a Haredi/settler pride parade in Tel Aviv. You can’t go to Tel Aviv University or the Technion without seeing settler/haredi students. My friend’s son, from Kiryat Arba, led the Technion student union a few years back. TAU had a settler art exhibition last year.

5) You can see the military’s combat and special operations units and security services becoming more full of right-wing people, with the left increasingly avoiding service and leaving the country.

6) When time is on your side, moving smoothly is essential. Not lunging at the matador’s cape.

B says:

In order:

1) Chamish says a lot of unproveable stuff. Some of it is probably true and some is probably false. I suspect even lots of the true stuff is out of context. He’s basically the Israeli Alex Jones.

2) It is plainly obvious that the National Zionist camp and the settler movement are heavily compromised/infiltrated. Even before Gush Katif this was plain. And everything that’s happened since has made it more obvious, like for instance the Chaim Pearlman case.

3) I do not base my enthusiasm on a top-down approach where organizations like those of Ben Gvir (see above) rally change through popular government paradigms, but on a bottom-up approach. “If they’re not prophets, they’re the sons of prophets.” This would not work for any other nation or country. Roni Alsheh is not an agent of change and I don’t pin my hopes on him; he’s an epiphenomenon of the actual phenomenon upon which I pin my hopes.

4) Nothing would happen if there were a Haredi/settler pride parade in Tel Aviv. You can’t go to Tel Aviv University or the Technion without seeing settler/haredi students. My friend’s son, from Kiryat Arba, led the Technion student union a few years back. TAU had a settler art exhibition last year.

5) You can see the military’s combat and special operations units and security services becoming more full of right-wing people, with the left increasingly avoiding service and leaving the country.

6) When time is on your side, moving smoothly is essential. Not lunging at the matador’s cape.

jim says:

You can see the military’s combat and special operations units and security services becoming more full of right-wing people, with the left increasingly avoiding service and leaving the country.

We always ruled by priests or warriors. You are ruled by priests as much as we are. Unless there is the will to make a coup against Cathedral rule, does not matter how many religious rightists you have in the army.

And the Israeli religious right is reluctant to accept rule by warriors anyway. Judaism has to change back from a religion of exile to become once again a nation state religion before the religious right could make a coup.

B says:

>We always ruled by priests or warriors.

Your framework may be accurate for you, but not for us. Which is predictable and typical.

B says:

It is amazing how few smart people you need to run a modern infrastructure, if they have the backing of the authorities. For instance, the New York Power Authority, which provides power to something like 15 million people, has 1600 employees. Out of those, once you remove lawyers, HR, etc., there’s probably 400-800 who need to be smart, meaning, IQ over 120. If you even need people with an IQ of over 130, you can probably manage with less than a dozen.

Assuming an average IQ of 90, a normal distribution and a 15 point SD, 2.5% of the population is over 120 IQ, .15% is over 135. In Syria, with 20 million people, that’s 500K over 120 and 30K over 135. Quite enough to keep the lights on and the water running.

I don’t know about inferior races. Next door, in Iraq, they had a functional infrastructure run by the same Sunni Arabs who are destroying Syria.

>Thus most of the anti Bashar Assad groups in Syria just cannot keep that stuff functioning, and keep begging the horrid evil tyrant Bashar Assad to keep that stuff operating for them.

You have a source for that?

jim says:

Sure, you don’t need many smart people to keep electricity running.

And similarly, did not take many smart people very long to build the Obamacare website – once they were reluctantly forced to accept smart people.

But you saw how hard it was for team Obama to put IQ 120+ people on building their website.

B says:

When you have value inversion, narcissism and idolatry, the best idolaters tend to run things. People who lie to others for a living/hobby end up lying to themselves and selecting those who support their lies. The smart end up focusing on propaganda and competing over lies vs. keeping the lights on and water running.

Do you have a source for the assertion I brought up above?

jim says:

If I give you the source, you will, lacking rational arguments, abuse me. Debating you is tiresome. You invent your own sources by deliberately misreading material, and when evidence argument, and logic fails, throw shit like a chimpanzee.

B says:


“I’d give you the source, but you will abuse me”?


jim says:

If you want to debate facts and evidence, stop the ad hominems, and stop torturing the text of your sources.

Whenever you lose an argument, you throw poop like a monkey and proclaim victory. Finding my sources is work. The reward for that work is invariably that you abuse me.

Further, giving you a source is a waste of time, since you will proclaim that some other source says the contrary, without regard for the actual content of that other source.

B says:

Yes, right, clouds of squid ink, like a typical triggered leftist. You don’t have a source.

jim says:

You will spit ad hominems regardless of what I do.

B says:

As I said, you don’t have a source and are just throwing stuff out there.

Why is it that nobody else reading this has called you out on this?

bomag says:

“Why is it that nobody else reading this has called you out on this?”

I’m here for a road map of the decline, and Jim’s analysis fits my experience. Carping about the details has limited effectiveness.

Erik says:

I have seen Jim post sources and B post “that’s not what the living rabbi-stitution says” in response during the debates on Judaism, so I am supportive of Jim not giving B any further sources, only living statements interpreted through emanations of penumbras.

Jim is emitting a cloud of squid ink here, but, Jim and B are both dealing in assertions of hard to interpret evidence, so I don’t know what to believe here other than to take the Aryan’s word for it.

Jack says:

You don’t need many high verbal IQ individuals to run a modern infrastructure, though you need a fair amount of individuals with above-average performance IQ. A nation of sophists cannot stand – it needs those talented earthly individuals to actually get things done. Hence, when people ask why Israel hasn’t invented time travel yet, given it has so many Ashkenazim, the answer is that this IQ is mostly verbal IQ, utilized by lawyers and authors and such, not performance IQ. If one day Israel invents time travel, it’d be mostly due to its “Russian Jewish” population, since these aren’t pure-blooded Ashkenazim but carriers of significant Aryan or Slavic genetic admixture. Overall Israel would be better off with more Whites — they could be converts to Judaism, so the rabbinic guild would be satisfied — and Armenoid Jews, a slight reduction in percentage of Ashkenazim (thus less Leftism, which is endemic to Ashkenazim), and significant reduction in number of Moroccan Jews who are good for nothing. You can keep some Arabs as slaves, though the Chinese are a model slave minority as they don’t revolt and have good work ethics.

Israeli society is emblematic of the Ashkenazi Problem in the West: a disproportionally high ratio between verbal IQ and performance IQ. Hence, rule by Priests rather than Warriors, since Ashkenazim are natural Priests. To have more natural Warriors, need to lower the ratio between verbal and performance IQs by bringing Whites and East Asians into the country. Just convert them to Judaism, *wink wink*, and problem solved. While Christians are busy proselytizing to Africans, you should convert Whites. But of course you’ll just shrug off this suggestion with the usual “we’re not a proselytizing religion” mantra, which is contradicted by all the available evidence, and keep swinging between the hammer of barbarian hordes of Arab Jews and the anvil of Ashkenazi Leftist sophists. The immigration from the Soviet Union really saved your ungrateful asses.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Turning the terrestrial, historical places of earliest godly knowledge into an international battleground is a major goal of the anti-Christian Marxists, obviously. Not interested.


» Israel says they want that war to keep going as long as possible

» ISIS is supported by Israel and Israel’s allies

» Israel is anti-Christian Marxists

…well, yes, absolutely. But you could just say Jews, and then turn the bizarre phrase “terrestrial, historical places of earliest godly knowledge” into “the place Jews have historical evidence that they originated from”, and then turn “into an international battleground” into “into a region dominated by Jews”.

Typical Christcuck refuses to name the Jew. Here, six different questions:
* Do kikes have souls?

* Are interreligious marriages valid in the eyes of the Lᴏʀᴅ?

* When Paul says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” in Galatians 3, does he mean Whites should let heebs in their countries over and over?

* Will you accept sacraments from juden priests?

* Is Israel, who jewed his brother out of his birthright, and, somehow, his father’s blessing, in heaven? What does it even mean to jew his brother out of his father’s blessing?

* When do you think Esau’s descendants will turn Israel’s descendants into lampshades (Gen. 27:40)?

Alan J. Perrick says:

Is “naming the Jew” a sacrament in your cuck-cult, “Peppermint Papist”?

well, I suppose it is. See




When only the nazis tell the truth, the only way to reliably signal that you’re not a cuck is to present yourself as a nazi.

But if you don’t like those questions, you could try my original five questions instead. It’s simple theology, a Christian should be able to answer them.

* Do niggers have souls?

* Are interracial marriages valid in the eyes of the Lᴏʀᴅ?

* When Paul says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” in Galatians 3, does he also mean neither White nor Negro?

* Will you accept sacraments from nigger priests?

* Is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in heaven?

fnd says:

1- Yes, and some of these souls will be saved or go to hell
2- Depends on what kind of marriage
3- Yes, if they want to be one in Christ, infidels need not apply.
4- Depends
5- Don’t know

What sort of gotcha questions is this?

the purpose of these gotcha questions is to end the perennial debates of what a pro-White Christianity would look like. Once you kick the apostle “no refugee or European, no cis or trans, no adult or pedophile, but all are one in Christ” Paul and Rabbi Yeshua “blessed are the refugees, they shall inherit Europe” bar Yahweh out of the canon, and the book of Galatians, and the books of Genesis and Exodus that glorify Jews and jewing, and all of the rest of the irrelevant and harmful Old Testament, and a bunch of other New Testament books like the ones where Jesus talks about taxing the rich to pay for AIDS drugs so vile parasites can use their bodies as petri dishes to evolve drug-resistant vile parasites, what‘s left to Christianity?

I get it. Christianity seems pro-natal, anti-degeneracy, and the proggers hate it most of the time. But the Red Party seems anti-tax, anti-transfer payments to support the creation and preservation of subhuman garbage, anti-politically correct regulation, and the proggers hate it all the time. Yet no one here is stupid enough to want it, as opposed to a Generic American Party built around Trump, pretending not to have heard of Lincoln, and keeping some congressmen.

I lost interest in Christianity at some point in between the time a White couple posted to /r/cucktholicism that they had a 25% chance of serious birth defect and the answer was abortion and fertility treatment haram, fertility a gift of God, a soul is a soul, so get cucked.

The first question, do niggers have souls, is designed to make would-be pro-White Christians admit that their metaphysical commitment requires them to believe that niggers, which torture kittens for fun, are more human than gorillas, which pet and love kittens.

The second question forces “pro-White” “Christians” to admit to having a bestiality impregnation fetish, and an actual desire to see half-human abominations born, which is incredibly cruel. It also forces them to admit that their answer to a White woman with an abomination inside her is ‘mixed race babies are cute’.

The third question forces cucks to admit that cucktianity is basically one world Kum-bay-ya, my lord, that both Jesus and Paul are basically socialists, that any exception to trans acceptance is unprincipled and the moral arc of the universe bends towards dildos, well, either that, or they have to write a 5000 word essay about why that’s a misinterpretation. Incidentally, does anyone here remember the days when, when someone dropped the n-bomb on /b/, it was followed by several 5000 word essays about why no one should say the word? Then they were 500 words, then 50 words, then NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER.

Cucks get nothing, not even what they thought they were bargaining for.

The fourth question is intended to force cucks to openly precommit themselves to accepting niggers as spiritual leaders.

The last question is supposed to be a give away, but some cuck on /v/niggers piously claimed that he didn’t know.

Another of the worst aspects of cucktianity is the way cucks keep getting good feels about kikes from reading the Bible, at which point they let the kikes back in the country, where their great grandfathers had kicked them out. But, these five questions are about immediate issues.

There is no such thing as pro-White Christianity in a world where any dirt nigger can swim the strait of gibraltar and then use his Samsung Galaxy S6 to livestream any attempt to prevent him from signing up for free housing and doing sex on White women. To demonstrate, post the five questions, then reply to any answer but an unqualified yes (except for the last one) with accusations of heresy, and any answer but an unqualified no with accusations of cuckold fetishism.

Derp, I meant to say vile drug-addicted parasites evolving vile drug-resistant parasites.

Also the other point at which I lost interest in cucktianty was talking to Corvinus here and realizing his interpretations are simpler, more correct, and have institutional support.

Unlike the cucktians and their children the proggers, who demand total obedience in deed and thought (Christ authorized neural implants for men to ensure that if they look at a woman who isn’t their wife she can divorce him and take all his stuff, which, in the penumbra, authorizes all manner of thought policing), I’m not saying don’t be Christian. But I am saying don’t be anti-White, and it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a Christian to not be anti-White.

jim says:

Progressivism takes the anti white potential in Christianity, and amps it up. Hard for Christians to oppose.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Jim”, that may be true if you consider papists to be Christians.


Alan J. Perrick says:

Please observe how the Vatican follower tries to steer nearly every topic toward Talmudic Jewry in a desperate attempt to keep anyone from noticing his own denomination’s culpability in the horrific changes that are taking place in white countries.


Jack says:

Religious Jews are not fond of Replacement Theology, though herein lies the contradiction in their thought: if “Israel” is a religious designation then non-Jews should have as much right to claim it for themselves as ethnic Jews; if it’s a marker of ethnic affiliation then how can Gentiles convert to Judaism and become “Israel”? Check-mate, rabbi.

Seeing the rising tide of intra-Jewish color, one has to wonder whether Judaism really is good for the Jews at this point. It probably still is, because it encourages Ashkenazim to breed vigorously, but the danger of being Pozzed by anti-racism lurks in the shadows, waiting to entrap your fair skinned daughter in a romantic relationship with a North African Jew. Let’s see how anti-bigotry works for the Jews.

The point of “Who’s coming to dinner?” was to shock Whites by showing them a horrid abomination, but one that as Christians they could not find the words to reject.

Jews do not have this problem. Jews do not say “we are Judaists, the Law makes us who we are”, other than B, who secretly wants Zimbabwean Jews to run a train on his wife.

Hidden Author says:

Yes, peppermint, B invented the halachic procedures for conversion to Judaism even though the halacha is much older than he is. That makes a lot of sense! (If you note that few convert to Judaism now, also note that Jews are not supposed to proselytize Gentiles, that even a Gentile who wants to convert must be rejected three times and be scrutinized by a religious court of three rabbis before he could be accepted as a Jew. That is still the position of Orthodox Jewry though the Left wants Israel to acknowledge the validity of the much easier Reform Jewish procedure for conversion as well as membership of the Jewish people through the father’s lineage, not just the mother’s as with the Orthodox.)

fnd says:

Name the jew, forget the manipulated goyim

Alan J. Perrick says:


It is not non-Jews who are the goyim or gentiles today, it is non-Christians. Don’t forget that the words Christendom and Israel are interchangeable, that’s why Jacob was given a second name (Israel) which was used alongside Jacob throughout scripture. Israel is the nation that came from him.

Best regards,


B says:

Stealing is wrong.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Yes, but who’s stealing? This blog is about Restoration.


B says:

You’re stealing.

You are not Israel, you’re goyim (which simply means “nations,” as in, “the nations other than Israel.”)

Get your own inheritance.

Alan J. Perrick says:

This is a good example of how the papist “Peppermint Papist” and the Talmudic Jew “B”, play the game of Good-Cop, Bad Cop against the Anglo-Saxon. But no matter, we’re onto you…And we’re playing a different game now.


Alan J. Perrick says:

To other whites reading the conversation-it is important for whites to stand up to white ethnics who will take everything you have got if you let them. Due to demotism and decadence, our ancestors allowed legislation forbidding any place, private or public, to shut its door against anyone for identitarian reasons. Therefore, while it might have been, in years past, the thing to do to “be the better man and walk away”, it is now the thing to do to call out the situation for what it is. A direct product of forced assimilation which allows no long term peace.


B says:

Dey oppressin us, dawg. Da black man, he da original Hebrew! Blix nood papist whites we onto yo ass dawg.

Hidden Author says:

B, suck Alan’s dick; he will let you!

Alan wants to suck B’s dick, but B doesn’t like Alan’s nazirite rabbi, preferring the mainline Talmudic tradition.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Sodomy is a sin, abomination and hell is forever.

Hell is forever!


» Nazirite (conspicuously holy) rabbi Yeshua denounces right-wing entryism in the form of using one’s money and power to make displays of holiness

» Yeshua furthermore saves a woman from punishment for adultery, commuting her sentence to ‘go and sin no more’, since women can be expected to do the right thing without any threat of punishment

» Yeshua furthermore defined adultery for men to be looking at another woman. Men are threatened with sexual harassment lawsuits for looking at women and in Sweden men who don’t cross their legs on public transit are threatened with prosecution

» Yeshua tells the most famous anti-racist #truestory of all time, about the Good Samaritan. Good nigger Bill Cosby rapes tens of White women, while other White women are robbed, raped, or murdered by niggers they try to play the Good Samaritan and help

» Yeshua proves his holiness by getting himself killed

» 2000 years later, Internet reactionaries consider using the sayings of Yeshua to avert the signalarity

» hell is forever

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Peppermint Papist”,

A papal pupa must learn to crawl before he walks. Fire, burning with-out end…It’s Hell. Forever!


viking says:

NYC construction unions build the modern office towers medical facilities power plants etc Affirmative action has been destroying those unions for 40 years now the last generation of high IQ foremen are trying to keep things going a few more years using minority crews and minority project manager and architects engineers its hysterical at times but usually a big drag. I sit at weekly meetings with 25 other foremen all white men in their fifties with about 130 IQs we try to explain to gay Asian engineers and female architects why their design are not build able and coax them into best practices but they are sure we are idiots and haters so its tough, then we try to get our apes to do the work formerly done by artisans and skilled craftsmen.Owners no nothing about their businesses they are tied up in knots of safety and human resource compliance bidding procedures and fighting to get paid and keeping the union happy, the unions are broken by decades of crippling lawsuits by incompetent minorities and the state claiming discrimination is the cause of their woes they bet that multiculturalism will be their ally now but its really leaving them a hollowed out husk, they will not survive much longer the wages are too high for the new workers skill sets and the politicians stopped supporting racist unions long ago so the minorities will be left hold a bag the legacy members children will program computer or something for less money and no benefits or security. and so it goes.

Syria is in Putin’s hands now, and is better off for it.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Under his bomber’s actually. Dirty hypocrite.

“Don’t bomb Serbia. Do bomb Syria!”

Kudzu Bob says:

Why do you think Putin is a hypocrite for opposing the bombing of Russia’s Serbian allies and for bombing the enemies of Russia’s Syrian allies?

Alan J. Perrick says:

President Putin wasn’t the target of my barb, K.B…..

Best regards,


Kudzu Bob says:

I appreciate the clarification. Take care.

Bombing an insurgency with the sovereign ruler of that country’s express go-ahead, is a little different to bombing a sovereign country to AID an insurgency. In other circumstances, it might be a case of Christian tribalism on my part, but here it’s just common sense.

If your barb was aimed at me, it was fucking retarded, almost to Corvinus levels.

Alan J. Perrick says:

I have a filter for your dirt, so your comment looked like this:

i …aimed at me, it was !@#$%^&* retarded, almost to Corvinus… /i

Can’t stand the Russian operatives lurking the Anglosphere traditionalist and larger Neo-Reaction circles. Get into your own politics-Moscow and so on.

Barb = beard, the favourite accessory for the Oriental “Christian.”


You’ve failed to address the substance of the issue at hand, your conflation of bombing imported Jihadists in Syria to the bombing of Serb Christians being so profoundly ridiculous it’s no wonder you don’t wish to defend it.

And as far as I am aware… you do virtually nothing within the ‘Anglosphere traditionalist and larger Neo-Reaction circles’ so you’ll forgive those who ignore your meaningless dictats. It might as well come from ‘anonymous’.

Dr. Faust says:

How do you content with the Flynn Effect?

Is everyone getting smarter in aggregate but dumber at the poles?

jim says:

1. I like Flynn’s explanation of the Flynn effect. IQ tests are culturally loaded with culture of academia, which becomes daily more pervasive due to credential inflation.

2. 1875 was the high point of selection for smarts. Over time, academia and elites have increasingly selected for things unrelated to intelligence, or strongly anti correlated with intelligence. In particular, the ability to believe in six impossible things before breakfast every morning.

Dr. Faust says:

Let me try to understand your answer. Are you saying that people are more indoctrinated to academia and are not getting smarter?

Could this have to do with testing and the accuracy of crowds? Instead of smarts are people just better able to predict the answers?

It makes me think of some people who do well on exams but fail at applying that knowledge beyond the text sheet.

jim says:

People on average are getting better at test passing, but not better at the things that the tests are intended to measure.

However, the top elite in academia is getting worse at test passing and everything else except political correctness.

Dr. Faust says:

At some point in the past the elite must have believed in Star Trek. Some other NRX writers have written about the aristocracy of Star Trek where man, freed from the need for his labor puts away his worker’s consciousness and takes up the mantle of the aristocrat pursuing activities of the mind.

Look at all the solipsism in the world today. I turn my head and I see it everywhere. To me the elite believed this lie. That at the heart of the worker was the aristocrat but only burdened by his labor. Distinctions such as worker, black, white, male, or female made no distinction to them. Each was part of the aristocracy no different from themselves save for the condition of their life.

Do we not see this same thing in Malcom Gladwell’s work. All our experts but for the right condition. And again in the blank slate theories of sexless and raceless thought. It’s never seen as something perverse. Everyone is not going to become jungle savages. No, they are going to become as a world of aristocrats.

But throughout we see the same thing. We see the inability for minds to perceive another mind as different, a consciousness as different greater or lesser.

Hmmm what if they were right?

Strelok says:

Seems to me the elites have been getting stupider as they age. True, the young are undeniably stupider than the young used to be. The elite colleges are way dumbed down– the classes are moronic, the comics have quit going, Harvard discontinued finals a few years back. But in addition, the previous elites are getting rapidly dumber. JEB! and Hillary once were thought of as intelligent. Now they are manifestly idiots. And I had an interaction with a scientist/engineer who was brilliant as a youth, and basically till he started working for huge computer companies. Now he’ll advocate PC crap that’s ridiculous, and hasn’t to my knowledge produced much lately (though I might not know).

Flu shots? PC? (If being PC can lower your testosterone, why not your intelligence?) The hand of God intervening to save the world?

I don’t feel like I’ve lost a step, in fact I’m far more perceptive about many things than I used to be and still crank out maths and ideas, but I’d like to know what’s making the rulers into such morons.

Stephen W says:

Of course as the noose of political correctness gets tighter ever increasing fraction of their brain power has to become dedicated to Crime Stop. As the spectrum of acceptable thought gets narrower and narrower the Elites are training themselves not to notice things and to avoid logic as they dedicate all their concentration on navigating the contradictions of politically correct thought. Even if the rational conclusion is politically acceptable they will not notice it because they have trained themselves against rationality, and their concentration is elsewhere. http://www.theguardian.com/science/neurophilosophy/2015/sep/07/self-control-saps-memory-resources

Excellent answer. I think you have a good point there.

Korth says:

Off topic note- even progressive webcomic artists are becoming aware of the accelerating leftist singularity, even if naively, like someone who just discovered that he’s been speaking in prose his entire life:


fnd says:

Only now they are beginning to doubt the moral progress as a good thing, but only a little.

Dan says:

Irony alert: Pope recants his heresy (Catholicism) before the modern Inquisition!

R7_Rocket says:

Tsar Putin’s take on The Cathedral’s mad policy in Syria:

jim says:

I think the incoherent and self contradictory American policy is best understood as the blue empire (state department and the empire of the consulates) using radical Muslims to attack the red empire (the Pentagon and the empire of the bases)

Osama bombed the Pentagon because the State Department does not dare to – yet.

How did the hospital get blown up?

[…] of the Singapore provocation. How China sees Africa. “Arab Spring has predictably been an utter disaster.” Policy delirium. “I cannot overstate the damage Islam did to […]

Dan says:

I am pretty sure Putin is wiping out ISIS in 3 days in order to troll Obama.

no, he’s doing it before the Chinese get there so that Syria will be a protectorate of the Russian Empire. Before the conflict, Syria hosted a Mediterranean port for the Russian navy.

Assad waited until his government was about to collapse and invited the Chinese in as well before asking for Russian aid, it was a choice between his people being Russian subjects and “Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the grave”

Dan says:

No, I maintain trolling. Putin is the alpha to our beta. Putin has a new GF, same as our old GF.

There was just a big Israeli delegation to Moscow.

And then today big Russia delegation to Israel.

Our neocons hate Russia and love Israel. Russia runs off with Israel. John McCain ought to be dying of a cognitive-dissonance induced stroke right now, but he is too senile to get that his number one enemy just got his girl.

[…] although it isn’t quite over yet, Jim’s calling winners & losers in Arab Spring. OK. Well… […]

[…] Arab Spring. Related: Insanity in Syria. Related: Russia has a plan in Syria, the US doesn’t. […]

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