Archive for September, 2015

The great cuckolding

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

Stolen from the heartiste comments:

It is frequently reported that white women in Sweden have reasonable total fertility rate. What is not reported is that this largely consists of fatherless brown babies supported by white male taxpayers.

At an instinctive gut level, women recognize this for what it is:  Invasion!

And respond sexually to invasion as women always have and always will unless kept under tight control.   Yet another reason why we should never have emancipated women (to prevent them from fucking outsiders) and never given the vote to women (to prevent them from voting for outside conquest).

Yet another great Heartiste post

Saturday, September 12th, 2015

The Muslims invading Europe are, surprise surprise, acting like Muslim invaders.

Fearing to commit thought crime, Europeans respond with unconditional surrender, for to resist what is happening would require them to acknowledge what is happening.

Hillary and the decline of the elite.

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Bill Clinton was a truly great politician. He could embrace you and steal your wallet, embrace your wife and fuck your wife, and you would still somehow like him.

Hillary Clinton is the drunken dumb heiress bitch Bill Clinton married to fund his initial entry into politics. She is now big fat drunken carpet munching dumb bitch. Bill Clinton is a very good liar, an extraordinarily good liar. Hillary Clinton is a terrible liar. Whenever something bad happens in her vicinity, she goes into damage control mode which immediately leads everyone to assume that she deliberately caused that bad thing. Nothing stuck to Bill. Everything sticks to Hillary.

Bill Clinton was a very good politician. Hillary Clinton is hopelessly incompetent, and particularly bad at politics.

So why is the Cathedral preparing to enthrone Clinton the Second?

Answer: The Cathedral is stupid and getting stupider, in part because everyone is required to believe ever sillier things with ever greater sincerity.

Diversity means defection

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Yet another great Steve Sailer post. Diversity, even with groups of comparable ability, leads to loss of trust and bad conduct.

This is revealed by the FBIs ten most wanted white collar criminals. White collar crime requires intelligence, but the only American born white on the top ten, the only one you could not tell was a diversity by looking at him, is named Hamed Ahmed Elbarki. Every single one on the top ten is a diversity, and most of them belong to groups with a known tendency to ordinary lower class dumb vicious thug type criminality. The Russian Jew looks not at all Russian, and very, very Jewish. Most Jews are white, though they don’t identify as white. The Russian Jew is not white.

This reminds me of the last days of Informix. They hired very large numbers of Indians (dot, not feather). Because of corruption in the Informix hiring process, the Indians were not all of the best quality, but that was not the big problem. The big problem was that each caste or clan formed a conspiracy which proceeded to plot against the company, against whites, and against each of the other castes or clans. Though this was more a case of diversity leads to war, than diversity leads to defection. Towards the end, Informix was showing signs of becoming Beirut on the Bay. My boss sent me to a meeting, pretty much to spy on them. I go into the meeting and they are all Indians, all Indians of a particular Indian race. And they all look at me as one and viscerally react “Enemy spy”. All business halted while I was present.

Trump and democracy

Friday, September 11th, 2015

The Trump candidacy is great because:

The voices of the Cathedral from time to time say he will not be allowed to win, revealing the managed nature of democracy.

All the other candidates are ladyboys, revealing both the managed nature of democracy and the emasculating nature of progressivism. Also revealing that the Republican party is the outer party, a fake managed opposition. It makes “cuckservative” a devastatingly effective insult, linking their race traitor politics to their conspicuous lack of masculinity.

The voices of the Cathedral from time to time say that if he wins, will not be allowed to govern, revealing that they regard legislature and executive as mere theater, a meaningless show performed while the important people take care of the important stuff.

And best of all: Every time Trump opens his mouth, he widens the Overton Window.

The Trumpening

Monday, September 7th, 2015

Polls indicate that Trump is going to the Republican candidate, and going to win, going to be the next president.

In substantial part because he gets a lot more black and hispanic votes than Republicans usually do, which is to say, a lot of votes from those who are most directly hurt by illegal immigration.

The Cathedral attitude is that the voters are throwing a silly temper tantrum, which will be ignored. It is possible that they will declare his election unconstitutional, because racism, but more likely that they will just carry on as if he is not president, because racism.

This is pretty much what happened when Kevin Rudd attempted to stop illegal immigration to Australia and deport illegal immigrants. Totally failed. This is what Jorge means when he correctly tells Trump that Trump’s plan is unworkable. The country is ruled by priests, not politicians, and Jorge is a priest and Trump is not. Therefore Trump’s plan is unworkable. However, Kevin Rudd’s efforts eventually made possible Tony Abbots efforts. Tony Abbot just ignored the judges and used the military directly.

At one point the judges ruled that a bunch of Tamil illegal immigrants from India could not be expelled, unless their asylum status was checked with the Indian government. Tony Abbot readily agreed, since it is ridiculous for anyone to claim asylum from the Indian government these days. Then the judges pulled a switcheroo – their asylum status could not be checked unless they consented to it be being checked. Within minutes, airforce commandos were stuffing the Tamils onto airforce planes, which proceeded to fly the Tamils to some place far from Australia, with total disregard for Australian court rulings, supposed international law, and such. The judges hair caught fire, (only metaphorically, unfortunately) but since then they have been mighty quiet, and have stopped trying to meddle. Warriors 1, priests 0.

You can do anything with bayonets except sit on them. At some point we will find out whether soldiers obey priests or presidents.

The medium is the message, and the message is progressivism

Saturday, September 5th, 2015

New wine in old bottles.

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Roman Catholic church of one of my sons. He seemed quite satisfied that it was preaching Roman Catholicism, rather than progressivism.

The service was presided over by three people: A white male, a black male, with blackness much emphasized, and a woman. Which is to say, presided over by diversity and consensus.

I suppose that to the eye of faith, and to one sufficiently expert in Roman Catholicism, there were various indications that they were not presiding equally, that one was a priest, and the other two were not, or maybe the two males were priests, and the female was not. But such indicators were subtle.

Theoretically they were talking about the Eucharist, though the black man made a big deal out of the fact that his name was unpronounceable by white people. He seemed mighty proud of the fact.

But words don’t matter much unless congruent with deeds, and symbols. And the deeds and symbols were not the Eucharist, were diversity and consensus, rather than hierarchy and ancient ritual connecting the congregation to the apostles and to all co-religionists, living, dead, and not yet born.

I suppose that it was preaching Roman Catholicism – in words – but the words were incongruent.