
Rabid Puppies and My Little Pony

For a long time the major science fiction publishing houses have been vomiting forth tedious hate filled political lectures that patronizingly scold the traditional audience for science fiction and fantasy: White males. The only part of what they produce that actually sells is romance porn for women where the female protagonist or gay bottom protagonist gets nailed by demons, dinosaurs, vampires, zombies, and werewolves.

(I have only just now discovered that dinosaur porn actually exists. I thought it was a joke of the Rabid Puppies. You would think it would be ironic, but porn does not do irony. Girl gets nailed by carnivorous dinosaurs with grotesquely large equipment.)

The Hugo awards have generally celebrated the most pompous and worst written political lectures, works that are very little read, plus a few celebrations of grotesquely deviant female perversion, works considerably more widely read.

The Rabid Puppies are akin to Gamergate, in that social justice warriors don’t like anything that white males do for fun, and intervene to stop it from being fun and instead make it morally improving. Thus, for example, Title IX is largely aimed at stopping white males from engaging in physical team sports. Apolitical white males get pissed with this and become political. Hence the rabid puppies want good science fiction and fantasy to get the awards. And particularly good science fiction and fantasy that pisses on social justice warriors.

And among their nominations were a two episode My Little Pony story.

Social Justice warriors took this as a troll, that the Rabid Puppies were nominating something bad just to show that they could, much as Social Justice Warriors stage revolting and disgusting events to see how far they can force people to degrade and humiliate themselves, but of course that is not Rabid Puppy style. If they nominate it, has to be good, or something they think is good.

So I downloaded this My Little Pony Episode, “the cutie map”, And it is pretty good and very deep. 1984, Brave New World, and Harrison Bergeron, written for ten year old girls.

A commie pony has established a commie utopia, and our major characters drop in to investigate.

There is the mandatory official happiness of “Brave New World”, the destructive equalizing downwards of “Harrison Bergeron”, and the poverty, ugliness, and lying authoritarianism of “1984”. All depicted for ten year old girls.

Of course “My Little Pony” is in the business of teaching little girls prosocial lessons, and the first lesson that we are beaten over the head with is “people can disagree, and still be friends”. Which gets repeated numerous times. Sounds pretty bland and innocent as a lecture to ten year old girls. Right? Except that it is set in a society of terrifying political correctness where everyone agrees with everyone or else. Which makes it not at all bland and innocent.

In other words, Social Justice Warriors, the mob who wants to no platform Moldbug, the rioters trying the shut down the Trump rallies, are behaving like naughty, unpleasant, bad, nasty children. Like naughty ten year old girls.

Another lesson, less heavily thumped, is that some people are better than other people, and that some people can be better than other people, and still be friends. Also, the commie utopia has no choice in goods, and what goods it does have are no good. The equal ponies are dressed in identical coarse sacks, and eat identical bad food. Since everyone is supposedly equally good at muffin production, the cook is in fact dreadful at cooking muffins.

At eighteen minutes in the first episode, we find that the incompetent muffin cook has, like Harrison Bergeron, been deprived of her special talent that once made her better than others.

We also encounter the Overton Window “that sounds extreme”. Or rather “that souNDS EEEXXXTEEEEEEEEME!!” – for views that before the communist revolution would have been utterly ordinary and taken for granted. Even those plotting counter revolution are incapable of crimethink. They want moderate and reasonable counter revolution – nothing EEEXXXTEEEEEEEEME!! They are cuckservative ponies. Communism is horrible, brutal, and failing disastrously, so they want just slightly less communism. But nothing “EEEXXXTEEEEEEEEME!!”

Yes, My Little Pony features a cuckservative.

And then, at the end of the first episode, they discover there is no leaving utopia,

At the start of the next episode, we hear propaganda broadcast by loudspeaker. “Exceptionalism is a lie” say the loudspeakers. But the ten year old girls viewing the episode know the major characters are exceptional – leading to a moral unusual in shows directed at ten year old girls “Don’t trust the mass media – it is probably propaganda.”

But the major characters have had their special abilities, their superiority, magically removed from them. They are handicapped down to the lowest common denominator. They find that they like dull books and crappy soviet style goods.

Then comes the pressure to rat out your fellow reactionaries and counter revolutionaries.

Then Fluttershy discovers that some commies are more equal than other commies, reveals it, and counter revolution ensues – an ending that I fear is far too optimistic. We already know that some commies are more equal than other commies, and no one is revolting.

26 comments Rabid Puppies and My Little Pony

Stephen W says:

That is the first I have heard of Dinoporn. Ironically for all we know Dinos may have just made do with o cloaca.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

From what I understand, there’s also Bigfoot Porn, or Sasquatch Porn.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Female sexuality is truly, utterly deranged.

Are you familiar with My Nationalist Pony, Jim? If not check it out

Glenfilthie says:

I dumped SF over a decade ago. It started out that one in four books were about Butt Blasters In Space or Time Travelling Fister Sisters. Then it became 50/50…then one in 5 books was worth reading – until today when pretty much all of it sucks.

The puppies tempest in a teapot has produced the odd laugh. I wish I knew more about the Dino Butt Raper Invasion though – I thought it was a joke too. If it is I didn’t get ti

pdimov says:

“As Michael Schaub observes in the Los Angeles Times, the Puppies’ self-mythology here as Hugo provocateurs doesn’t totally hold up. “Tingle is a popular figure among a wide range of readers,” he notes, “not just Puppy-affiliated ones.” A fair number of science fiction and fantasy folks seem delighted, not offended, by the Butt bard’s success.”

Epic times ahead, I foresee.

MC DuQuesne says:

Here is a wonderful dramatic reading of the Hugo Nominated Space raptor Butt Invasion. It’s only 15 minutes, but it’s worth a year full of smiles.

jim says:

I would rather not.

It’s hard to watch The Cutie Map as anything other than anti-USSoviet propaganda.

Now in part 2. Anti-Maoist is more like it.

“Equality for thee and not me”.

Cmmr says:

[For a long time the major science fiction publishing houses have been vomiting forth tedious hate filled political lectures that patronizingly scold the traditional audience for science fiction and fantasy: White males. The only part of what they produce that actually sells is romance porn for women where the female protagonist or gay bottom protagonist gets nailed by demons, dinosaurs, vampires, zombies, and werewolves.]

I’m really not sure about that. Those companies are trying to stay afloat. Publishing boring agitprop would sink them like a lead balloon.

There probably is some such SF. Haven’t read any of it bc I’m not gonna pay money for that, and I tend to read whatever seems to be interesting. There is some SJW editors and such (Patrick Nielsen Hayden and co.), and a lot of SJW writers, but none of the real popular ones are really into Social Justice.

Charlie Stross sells well, and is an actual leftist, but he comes across as more of a scared elderly* nerd-boy whose parroting of leftist dogma(not frequent) is there just so he doesn’t get lynched. Meanwhile his SF is mostly decent to pretty good because he’s moderately funny, has a solid head for engineering and is very clever.

Honestly, I can’t even name one SF book which might be that. (except a short story or novelette the one by Requireshate, ak Benja… I can’t pronounce that shit. She is a psychopath or something like that, a millionaire Thai-Chinese girl with a pathological hatred for everyone who doesn’t lick her fingers and a web history full of scorched earth, ruined forums and having driven multiple female POC writers towards suicide attempts.

She was outspoken against whites and racists and all that but most her targets were people who were her competitors or future competitors.

The story I believe involved holocaust of white people portrayed as necessary, and I’ve heard of people being made really uneasy by that story.

So, can anyone pony up some examples of said propaganda tracts?

Publishers are in the business of earning money. They would only sell such tracts if there was a market for that. There isn’t – SJWs bitch, don’t buy.

*like say, Greg Cochran, but too scared and too needy to be socially accepted to be a contrarian, right-wing asshole.

jim says:

I’m really not sure about that. Those companies are trying to stay afloat. Publishing boring agitprop would sink them like a lead balloon.

They are sinking like a lead balloon.

Charlie Stross sells well, and is an actual leftist, but he comes across as more of a scared elderly* nerd-boy whose parroting of leftist dogma(not frequent) is there just so he doesn’t get lynched. Meanwhile his SF is mostly decent to pretty good because he’s moderately funny, has a solid head for engineering and is very clever.

True, and I used to like him, but I stopped reading him because half way through “iron sunrise” there was some totally leaden propaganda, extremely twentieth century propaganda that just killed my suspension of disbelief, dead in its tracks. I just put the book down, not consciously intending to stop reading it, or him, and just never picked it up again.

Greg says:

> Publishing boring agitprop would sink them like a lead balloon.

Probably frog-boiled themselves, getting sucked progressively deeper by ((critical)) praise. What was praiseworthy about Samuel R. Delany, the SF, or being gay-cum-one-drop-black?

> Charlie Stross sells well, and is an actual leftist, but he comes across as more of a scared elderly* nerd-boy whose parroting of leftist dogma

Don’t think so, because on his blog he comes across much more deeply pozzed than his novels. As a professional author, probably even suppresses his inner progtard for $$$.

jim says:

So, can anyone pony up some examples of said propaganda tracts?

Nearly all of them.

Every book is required to have counterstereotypical black, brown, and female characters, whose ostentatious and excessive counterstereotyping disrupts the narrative and derails the story.

Most books contain insulting and offensive lectures. For example in “monstrous regiment” the counter stereotypical female lead is a monstrous vicious filthy vile bitch whose stream of consciousness continually and venomously denigrates males, which is to say, most of her readers. Every paragraph depicting her internal stream of thought tells me she needs a good beating followed by some hard fucking.

If a book is set in a medieval or medievalish world, it cannot have noble heroic lords and grateful peasants. The lords have to oppress the peasants, or else become enlightened and realize that feudalism is wrong.

No relationship of authority and obedience is ever depicted with loyalty and service going in both directions.

The action regularly stops for tedious and painful lectures on political correctness. In the case of “Monstrous Regiment” stops every page or so. (Or perhaps it only seemed like that to me and it was not really every page or so.)

Men are depicted as ridiculously weak and women as ridiculously strong. And if any women are subject to male authority, being strong women they resent it and successfully rebel. No one restrains misbehaving women except the bad guys, and if the bad guys restrain them they need a collar and chain more suited to a raging wild bull elephant rather than a firm word and a slap on the backside. Can you imagine a male in modern fiction slapping a misbehaving female on the backside? We never see women rolling over and gladly obeying a command confidently given by a male they way they do in real life. In fiction men are always terrified of women, never the other way around. Women always effortlessly beat up men. Wives always treat their husbands with contempt, derision, and hateful spite, for example the doctor and the chaplain in “Schlock Mercenary”, and their husbands love them for it.

If you see a woman chained in fantasy fiction, observe the thickness of the chain. Then google up some real life images of elephants in chains. They use stronger chains on the teenage girls. (That is fantasy fiction from mainstream publishers, not porn. Porn often uses realistically slender sexy jewelry type chains) Women are uncontrolled, uncontrollable, and powerful. Princess Leia, restrained by a chain and collar that would be oversized for a wild bull elephant, strangles Jabba the Hut.

A male hero would never be depicted as strangling Jabba the Hut, because that would be too silly, given that his neck is bigger than an elephant’s.

Princess Leia would have been way sexier if restrained by old style slavegirl type chains (scarcely distinguishable from jewelry), and rescued by the dashing hero.

We never see men exercising authority over women, even when the story features a male commander and some of his subordinates are female. We regularly see women exercising authority over men in counterstereotypical roles – thus for example women are doctors, not nurses. Blacks are generally scientists or magic negroes, often warping the plot around themselves Mary Sue style.

Magic Negro Nick Fury warps the Marvel comics universe around him. There is absolutely no reason for him to show up on screen except to be the magic negro. Iron man abandons weapons manufacture, abandons building the toys his teenage male audience loves.

Tranny Thor.

At some point, counterstereotypical became stereotypical and closet Nazi sympathizer Taylor Swift became the most honest mainstream voice on women. If feminists cared what women thought, they would be alarmed by the following songs:

Chuck Tingler says:

The blogger name of Jim didn’t mention my Hugo-nominated book Space Raptor Butt Invasion and its sequel Space Raptor Butt Redemption because he works dark magic along with Ted Cobbler and Truckman in their Devilman Agenda to defeat my message LOVE IS REAL.

I thank Jim for determining the reactionary wisdom of My Little Pony so the rest of us don’t have to.

Beyond Anon says:

No pony left behind.

SFF is plagued with cuckoldism, with implicit feminism and induhvidualism everywhere. Most of it could only have been written and can only be viewed as reasonable within the 20th century when feminism was popular and men willingly sacrificed their communities and their own families in service of cuckoldism.

Heinlein was a cuckservative who put women and minorities everywhere with the assertion that civic nationalism with no assertion of values would lead to something other than exactly what civic nationalism with no assertion of values observably leads to.

Ayn Rand is popular for John Galt’s anti-cuck speech, “You have reached the blind alley of the treason you committed when you agreed that you had no right to exist…”, but even that is induhvidualist. Ayn Rand couldn’t talk about family and nation, since she was a Jew raised in the USSR, probably saw Israel as more pozzed than America, and came to live amongst the goyim of America pleading with them mendaciously in universalist language to stop being cucks.

The biggest problem the Aryan race has is cuckstainty, the cosmopolitan religion that holds either that universal salvation is possible, or, in a heretical mutation, that universal salvation is assured, or, in a heretical mutation, that God doesn’t exist but He made everyone basically the same.

The future will have secularism instead of religion because secularism is the only thing that makes sense. The future will have nationalism instead of cosmopolitanism because nationalism is the only thing that makes sense. The future belongs to the Nazis.

And the future will need to write its own SFF that doesn’t cater to the bizarre ideological preferences of the 20th century.

Xavier says:

I hate to ask this, but are you actually retarded?

Universal salvation doesn’t mean everyone is made the same. Many Christians I know very easily and readily acknowledge that fact. Two people aren’t equal, and on top of that, one man likely isn’t equal to himself on two given days (to paraphrase Ayn Rand). This doesn’t meant that we won’t try to treat everyone respectfully, but it’s a fact of life that people are naturally unequal.

Nationalism is shit (though, admittedly less shit than globalism/multiculturalism). NatSoc’s are some of the biggest cucks of all — they’re hardly different from any other leftists. The only thing that they, and the other “Fash” retards, have going for them is their strict cultural conservatism. However, that’ll die off as their economy decays into utter shit from their economic policies.

Are you the last UU left who doesn’t believe in actual equality while flying rainbow flags at your church?

The funny thing about faggot rainbows is they quietly replaced multicultural rainbows, which were flown by the same people, who used to help runaway slaves and set them up with their daughters.

Secular nationalism isn’t going anywhere, since God doesn’t exist and nations do.

Jack says:

Reproduction is the only issue that ever mattered. And I mean the reproduction of racially pure Whites, not the “I rented my wife’s womb to niggers” variety of reproduction. Sorry, Peppe, but it’s only the White Christians who reproduce in significant numbers. For every coal-burning / niglet-adopting cuckstian, there are 50 healthy Christian families raising their young Aryans, resisting the White Genocide by definition.

Why do you hate White people?

Corvinus says:

“Reproduction is the only issue that ever mattered.”

No, Christians have a number of topics that are important to them. Now feel free to practice your own perverted version of the faith, since the reproduction of racially pure whites only matters, well, to you and your ilk.

“For every coal-burning / niglet-adopting cuckstian, there are 50 healthy Christian families raising their young Aryans, resisting the White Genocide by definition.”

Excerpt there observably is no such thing was “white genocide” taking place. You are taking a concept–genocide–and crafting a narrative based on an unholy worldview. Best wishes finding millions of acolytes who embrace it.

“Why do you hate White people?”

I was just going to the same thing about you. White people have the liberty to marry and procreate with whomever they want, including non-whites. You are impotent to make a dent in that current line of thinking. Their decision, not yours.

I imagine that you have at the bare minimum six white children in your brood. If not, then you are woefully behind.

Jack says:

That reproduction is the only issue that ever mattered is not necessarily a Christian position, rather, it’s an ideologically-blind hatefact of indisputable science which states unequivocally that for the last billions of years, the propagation of DNA is the only thing that has ever been important.

That there is a White Genocide we know, as a matter of fact, by observing the (((mechanisms))) at work reducing and/or otherwise hindering White reproduction. The internationally-accepted definition of “genocide” was actually concocted by a perfidious self-interested kike; in reality, everything that diminishes the absolute numbers, the relative numbers, or the genetic quality of a population is worthy of the definition – which means that liberalism of the kind you promote is part and parcel of the White Genocide agenda, by sheer flawless logic.

The German Jews — they, of all people! — tried to warn us about the results of Feminism:

But no one listened to them, or to Hitler for that matter. How can you be more cuck-positive than even German Jews?

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