party politics

Hillary’s condition

Hillary has been photographed being stabilized by two assistants as she climbs the stairs. This used to be Hollywood’s way of depicting someone as drunk – that he needed assistance to climb stairs without falling over and falling down.

Hillary is known to have injured her head by falling down.

Hillary has seizures. Seizures are typical of repeated severe alcohol withdrawal. Diazepam is used to control seizures and to treat alcohol withdrawal, and Hillary is accompanied everywhere by a man with a Diazepam injection pen.

Hillary is frequently unavailable for lengthy periods, while Trump is always on and ever ready to speak off the top of his head.

Hillary was famously unavailable for a considerable time during the Benghazi incident.

46 comments Hillary’s condition

Alraune says:

Does alcoholism cause tongue lesions as well?

jim says:

Yes. Tongue and liver. However alcoholic lesions on the tongue are white, while Hillary has a hole in her tongue, as if something has been removed.

Alcoholic lesions on the tongue tend to become cancerous, so she could have had an alcoholic lesion removed.

Koanic says:

Free will, probably.

i thought she got syphilis from bill through huma abedin

It is undoubtedly a case of chronic mendacity combined with terminal malice brought upon by a lifestyle of extreme witchcraft.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Very “meta” answer, though not incorrect.

JPW says:

She was medically unavailable during the Benghazi Honkey Shoot due to an acute case of O-Shitittis!

Anonymous says:

You can’t honesly believe Hillary is an alcoholic, Jim. This is some of the worst reasoning I’ve ever read.

jim says:

If someone needs to be stabilized while walking up stairs, the usual explanation is that they are drunk at an inappropriate time and place. If someone is drunk at an inappropriate time and place, they are usually an alcoholic.

Contaminated NEET says:

Why is it so ridiculous? Is it because it’s the kind of thing Rush Limbaugh, or your lame uncle might say?

Suppose for the sake of argument that Hillary was an alkie. Don’t you think she would hide that information from the public? And wouldn’t powerful people in politics and the media help her to hide it?

Anonymous says:

Considering Hillary is a barely-functioning sociopathic lizard person, I imagine drinking would be rather appealing to her, perhaps as a way to better tolerate the strain of having to constantly pretend to be human. It’s interesting to fit that in with impressions of her character.

The stairs in particular are damning, as is her general appearance. Alcoholism isn’t such a ridiculous logical leap at all, considering the startling recklessness of drinking heavily as a woman in her position. The Enemy is not quite so cunning as we may like to think – it is very possible.

Those Sailer posts Jack linked are delightful. I like this image –
– in particular – note the facial expression of the man to her right.

Inquiring Mind says:

Whether this condition is alcohol dependency or neurological disease, if Secretary Clinton is in this condition, there is a serious right-to-know. To use her trademark passive voice, “Jokes are being made” but this is a serious health issue.

But if this is that thinly sourced to allow Snopes to triumphantly stamp it with False and with the Media protecting this the way they did with President Kennedy’s Addison’s Disease, “what difference does this make”?

jim says:

Seizures on camera, stabilized while walking upstairs, falling down and hurting herself – I have only once been so drunk that people stabilized me to walk upstairs, and that was after a party, when it is socially acceptable to be out of it.

Hidden Author says:

Are you unwilling to consider old age as a factor, being an old man yourself?

jim says:

It is possible, but how often do you see a sober old man being stabilized while walking up stairs? Alcohol is by far the most common cause of instability on the stairs in all age groups.

Also, Snopes correctly points out that some of the time, Hillary can climb stairs just fine.

The cause of being sometimes unable to climb stairs, and sometimes able, is almost always being sometimes stinking drunk.

Inquiring Mind says:

Yeah, the more I look at that photo.

For the man on the right, Secretary Clinton has a good grip on his upper arm. Mom would do that to you when she knew she needed help with stairs or a slippery walkway. Doesn’t look like helping a drunk person up the stairs because the person being helped appears to be very actively and purposefully cooperating.

Man-on-the-right has a good grip on her elbow. Doesn’t look like the grip you use if you just grabbed or caught someone from falling. If I just slipped on the stairs, my hand would shoot out to the front to break my fall. If I were “spotting” someone I thought was shaky going up the stairs, I would stand slightly back and be prepared to “do a Lyndon Johnson handshake”, that is, grab her upper arm with my left hand and her forearm with my right hand.

Man-on-the-left — hey, isn’t that “keep talking” man with the injector pen?

Wish there was movie footage to confirm, but having been part of the progressive neurological disease world, boy does that still photo look familiar. Look how she is tensed in the shoulders underneath that jacket — drunks are much more relaxed.

Accuse me of being a concern troll, but it is our luck this story will get out and Secretary Clinton will get the sympathy vote for being a disabled person.

jim says:

When you help a drunk person up the stairs you stabilize their balance. You don’t haul them up the stairs. You don’t take their weight.

When you help a frail person up the stairs you do take their weight.

This looks exactly like helping a drunk up the stairs. It does not look like helping a frail old tired person up the stairs.

jim says:

Doesn’t look like helping a drunk person up the stairs because the person being helped appears to be very actively and purposefully cooperating.

Looks exactly like helping a drunk person up stairs. The drunk is actively going up the stairs, and strong enough to go up the stairs, but apt to lose balance. They are helping her with her balance.

Inquiring Mind says:

I have helped Mom up the stairs like that — she had Parkinsons.

But the MSM has an excuse for everything, this is a still photo, and the claim is that Ms. Clinton stumbled on the stairs and people grabbed her to help (I am starting to do that more often, but then again, Mom had Parkinsons).

If all I am going on is that photo, however, done that, been there (as one of the two people on each side helping). From the slight forward lean of her back, it doesn’t look like she lost her balance, it looks like she is trying to keep her balance. And the helpers don’t look like they are rescuing a slip, they look like they are steadying someone.

But as I said, if the Media is covering for her the way they covered for Mr. Kennedy . . .

jim says:

Steadying indicates drunkenness (or a neurological condition that like drunkenness interferes with balance). Grabbing her indicates a slip. Taking her weight indicates frail and old.

They are not taking her weight. They are not grabbing her.

We know she does not have a neurological condition that interferes with balance because most of the time she can climb stairs just fine, stand just fine. She only sometimes has a condition that interferes with balance. Therefore, sometimes drunk at inappropriate times and places.

Is alcoholism disqualifying? General Grant was re-elected.

Kudzu Bob says:

Nuclear-tipped ICBMs did not yet exist during the Grant administration.

Steve Johnson says:

Or so the Germans would have us believe.

who knows…drunk, are-related fragility, confirmation bias, inopportune moment

we would need many pictures to know if this is a common occurrence of just a single unflattering photo …

jim says:

It is two unflattering photos – two separate incidents of being unable to climb stairs. If it was anyone except Hillary you and Snopes would conclude two separate incidents of being caught stinking drunk at a socially inappropriate time.

jim says:

Age related fragility would involve them taking her weight. They were stabilizing her, not taking her weight.

Slipping, the official story, would involve them grabbing her. They were stabilizing her, not grabbing her.

Age related impaired balance – well most of the time she can climb stairs just fine. Plus, in all age groups, the most common cause of impaired balance is drunkenness.

Wilbur Hassenfus says:

Yes, it’s easy to take a photo of a sober person walking up the stairs unassisted, and due to the angle or the light, have it unflatteringly appear to be a photo of a drunk being helped. Happens all the time. It’s just “unflattering”, that’s all.

Like the unflattering video of her uncontrollably bobbing her head like a lunatic for several seconds.

Every democrat who sees it instantly starts babbling excuses. Instantly. They never ask what’s supposed to be interesting about it. They never think it’s just a normal candidate acting normal. They act like it damn well requires an explanation. They instantly start jabbering glib lies and change the subject. “It’s faked! The clip was repeatedly spliced!” No, the camera angle changes slightly, no motions repeat exactly, there are no jumps.

When you saw it, you started making excuses, right? You started lying. You started making up reasons not to believe it, like you do when you see blacks acting black.

You know something went very wrong in her brain there. You’ve seen human beings before. That was not normal.

Your candidate is brain damaged. She can’t function reliably. Lying won’t change it. This is real life. It’s not TV. It’s really happening. The outcome really matters.

Don’t bother bullshitting me; I’ll just think you have shit for brains if you try that. I’ve known compulsive liars before. No, this is one you need to talk over with yourself.

jim says:

Oh come on.

She is not slipping – she is being stabilized, and we have two pictures of two similar incidents.

If she was slipping, they would have moved in to take her weight, rather than her balance

gokart-mozart says:

Everyone is saying her aide carries diazepam in an auto injector.

It would much more likely be lorazepam, for seizures or any other alcohol withdrawal-related things.

What is the source of the diazepam information?

Samson J. says:

We usually use diazepam for alcoholic (or any) seizures, FYI, and I’ve seen diazepam autoinjectors (the military uses them) but never lorazepam ones. Lorazepam is usually for anxiety.

Bad fall and traumatic head injury 2012.
Subsequent stroke.
Subsequent seizures some of them in public.
Development of vascular dementia (subcortical) by MRI
Frequent confusion and forgetfulness
Volatile moods

dude what’s with her tongue

jim says:

Something has been removed. Tongue cancer is a known hazard of alcoholism. Could be she had a tongue cancer removed.

jim says:

Maybe, but I think she just gets too drunk rather too often. Even in old people, that is by far the most common cause of temporary inability to balance.

Texas says:

Remember the media hid for a decade plus that FDR was in a wheelchair and effectively couldn’t walk at all without two men on both sides of him. Of the thousands of pictures of him at the time, very very few have him in a wheelchair, if Americans had known at the time tgere’s no way they would have voted for him.

glenfilthie says:

I dunno if it is alcoholism or not, but something’s clearly wrong, she’s trying to hide it and the fuggin media is complicit.

Almost certainly Trump is too. The media is no longer in control of the narrative as the social media (and guys like our host, for that matter) have proven. Somebody, somewhere – knows or will know soon… And be in the position to prove it. It would serve Trump well to sit on that knowledge as long as possible and to sink Hillary at the last possible moment, leaving the Donks as little time as possible to parachute in a replacement

Texas says:

Holy SHit, Jim there’s a story you have to know about. I already largely believed your narritive on Science, but this story is insane, it’s like you made it up as a caricture of modern science. It has all the bad shit of women scientists, peer review, Political correctness cathedral style, and the ivey leagues wrapped up into one.

Basically there was a woman scientist and her succesor scientist at MIT in Boston who worked on one of, if not the, most important amnesiacs/neurological patients in history. Basically he had had a lobotomy and was in some ways very capable but couldn’t retain new information after the lobotomy for more than 30 seconds usually, or occasionally sometimes in unusual ways.She made and “proved” a new theory that contradicted all the previous ones really, and she and her patient became world famous. When the patient died and his brain was opened, she cheerfully gave it over to a male scientist in California who spent most of his life as a cook before he became a brain scientist.

That male scientist discovered something shocking, that the thing that she “disproved” was actually proved by the physical evidence, and the male scientist did a bunch of great work and wrote a great paper on it. She started asking for the brain, all the data, all the files, everything back from the male scientist and got it back from the document that the nearest-of-kin who donated the brain to her and MIT.

However, it turned out that the “nearest of kin” actually was very distant, and possibly not kin at all! In addition to this lie there were much closer relatives who lived very close to him, and were very disturbed to find out all the shit she did to this poor, holy man, and her seemingly not-that-family-clean experiments she did on him.

To top it all off, after she got everything back, she shredded almost all the first hand documents on him! When confronted by the reporter she said that they might contradict her and her 100 peer reviewed slave students forced to agree with her, she they had to be destroyed. Otherwise people would “interpret them wrong” and she mentioned something about a seizure.

To add insult to injury all this time she owned all the things this man had, including owning and copyrighting all known images of him and his parents. She also owned this holy man’s Bible, Crucifix, and other personal affects.

Lest anyone think I am exaggerating, a link to the story below, and it’s published in the New York Times, a friendly source to a women scientist from MIT if there ever was one! If even the NYT thinks she’s messed up, can you imagine all the sick crimes this women has done towards this holy man, his relatives, Science, civilization, etc.? This world is sick

jim says:

Bottom line: She was big important scientist for producing fraudulent evidence to overturn the older view of memory.

She falsified the data to make her results appear more important than they were, and MIT collaborated in the destruction of inconvenient data. Knowing that the patients brain damage was more extensive than believed, we can conclude less from his incapacity. Thus the older view, that memory formation is broadly distributed in the brain, is not refuted by this case – indeed, it is confirmed. The patient’s broad inability to form long term memories was the result of broad brain damage, not narrow brain damage.

Texas says:

In addition, her story is all over the place, just full of lies and misinofrmation.

Hilster will kick off and then we will have a pro-gun democrat running our country. Could be worse.


pdimov says:
George Meredith MD says:

George Meredith MD

In the year that preceded her run for the Democratic nomination, Hillary’s aides pressured her to go to the Betty Ford Clinic because of her alcoholism. Willful Hillary resisted, choosing instead, to detoxify under the direction of an unnamed Internal Medicine detox specialist, working out of her Westchester home.

Curiously when her personal Internist Lisa Bandack MD released Hillary’s medical record ( summary) on July 28, 2015, Bandark presented Hillary’s serum lipid and triglyceride studies but cleverly neglected to mention Hillary’s alcohol rehab report. And the key liver function studies were likewise omitted from this personal physicians “summary”. Go to the July 28, 2015 Bandack report and search for yourself….you will find no CDT, no MCV, no GGT, no AST, no ALT, no BAC (blood alcohol level) and no AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test).

Hillary and her doctors chose to hide these things from us. Remember, Hillary sits atop a vast criminal network with which she and her narco trafficking cabal (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, private detectives, a variety of government agents, etc) have the power to steal this election. Furthermore, were they be able to steal this election, Hillary’s temper tantrums, so well known to her staff and her secret service detail, places the planet earth at considerable risk …..,.THEREFORE WE THE PEOPLE, should insist on a blood alcohol level should she, in a drunken rage, decide to push THE NUCLEAR BUTTON

George Meredith MD

Virginia Beach

George Meredith MD says:

George Meredith MD Followup Remarks

A common defense mechanism, used, repeatedly, by hard core alcoholics, is to lie repeatedly, and to lie without qualms. They lie, even when their self preservation does not dictate that they do so. They get so used to lying that it becomes a way of life for many alcoholics. And if they have unlimited (drug) money and power they can recruit hoards of others to do same, regardless of whatever oath these people may have taken. Witness MSNBC media thugs that currently associate themselves with the Former Secretary of State.

Consider:in the year that preceded her run for the Democratic nomination, Hillary’s aides pressured her to go to the Betty Ford Clinic because of her alcoholism. Willful Hillary resisted, choosing instead, to detoxify under the direction of an unnamed Internal Medicine detox specialist, working out of Clinton’s Westchester home.

Curiously, when her personal Internist Lisa Bandack MD released Hillary’s medical record ( summary) on July 28, 2015, Bandark presented Hillary’s serum lipid and triglyceride studies, mammogram report and a host of other trivia.

Hillary Clinton is 68 years old. Citing Michael Kriger’s summary August 23, 2016 as it appeared in libertyblitzkreig “She’s been diagnosed with cerebral venous thrombosis; head trauma, pregnancy, cancer, brain infection, autoimmune diseases and inborn clotting abnormalities are all predisposing factors, … She’s currently taking blood thinners. Four years ago, Clinton fainted, hit her head and suffered a concussion”

Bandack, however, cleverly neglected to mention Hillary’s alcohol rehab report. And key alcoholism studies were, likewise, omitted from this personal physicians “summary”. Go to the July 28, 2015 Bandack “summary” and search for yourself….you will find no CDT, no MCV, no GGT, no AST, no ALT, no BAC (blood alcohol level) and no AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test).

Hillary and her doctors chose to hide these things from us. You should know that Hillary is a puppet for va vast criminal network, with which she and her narco trafficking cabal (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, private detectives, a variety of government agents, etc) have the money and the power to steal this election. Furthermore, were they be able to steal this election, Hillary’s temper tantrums, so well known to her staff and her secret service detail, places PLANET EARTH at considerable risk …..,.THEREFORE WE THE PEOPLE, should insist on a blood alcohol level should she, in a drunken rage, decide to push THE NUCLEAR BUTTON

George Meredith MD

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