
How to remove eleven million illegals.

Trump has promised to triple the number of ICE deportation officers, the people whose job it is to remove illegal aliens already in America, the ones that made it past the border regions.

Since public servants can never be fired, the ICE deportation officers (ERO) are still there, and are still theoretically deportation officers, but their status has been systematically lowered, and these days they push paperwork in circles rather than actually deporting anyone.

If you catch someone near the border, you can deport them pretty easily, but the huge problem with ERO is that in order to deport anyone, they have to go before a judge, and judges are extremely reluctant to deport anyone.  There is an unending due process legal labyrinth in which illegals, even criminals, even murderers, circulate forever.  If Trump empowers ERO officers, judges will continue to disempower them.  Trump not only needs to triple the number of ICE deportation officers, he needs to empower them.

The Australian solution to this problem was to just deport illegals and completely exclude judges from the process altogether.  In Australia an “unlawful person” (Aussie for illegal immigrant) is just administratively sent to Villawood Detention center.  From there, they can get a ticket home.  Or if they cannot get a ticket home, they are sent to an “Offshore processing center”.  (Australia’s equivalent of Gitmo.)  This tends to highly motivate them to get a ticket home.  Some, who it seems were insufficiently motivated, have just been dumped by the Australian navy on some foreign country’s beach between the high tide and low tide mark.

In Australia, whenever someone in authority encounters an “unlawful person” inside Australia, for example at a police stop or a hospital visit, they are supposed to rat them to border control, and they generally do rat them to border control.  And from border control, to Villawood Detention center.  Trump has to make sure that police stops, hospital visits, welfare applications, and so on and so forth, rat illegal immigrants to ERO, and that ERO has a nice convenient prison in which they can throw people and leave them to rot without pesky judges bothering them.  If all ERO can do is take them before a judge, the judge will let them loose, even murderers and rapists. An unlawful person is likely to become a whole lot more cooperative if his only way out of his oubliette is to go home.

Let us call the wall, “The Great Wall of Trump”, and the prison, “The Trump Archipelago”.

56 comments How to remove eleven million illegals.

[…] How to remove eleven million illegals. […]

Mackus says:

Oh yeah, its priceless 😀

William Wilson says:

Trump will also have to flush jews from the legal system. Jews will never allow white males to establish secure and sovereign territories. But Trump is utterly surrounded by jews, like Putin is.

I’m afraid there is no peaceful way to flush jews. We cannot vote our way out of this trap. The Third War To Exterminate White People is in the works. The jew is anticipating victory.

Berserker and no-quarter is the only solution. Leavened by Sun Tzu, of course.

jim says:

Jews are less cohesive than you think. Two Jews, three factions.

JRM says:

“Two Jews, Three Factions”?

Or “Two Jews, Three Factions, One Shared Goal”?

jim says:

Don’t think so. George Soros wants Israel to open the borders and give all the immigrants Israeli citizenship, which would certainly result in all Jews in Israel being murdered in short order.

By and large, the policies that George Soros seeks seem likely to bring about the genocide of whites pretty soon – but they also seem likely to bring about the genocide of Jews even sooner.

And you know the “happy merchant” meme:

Now it is certainly true that Jews have a tendency to be alarmingly creative and highly imaginative in reinterpreting contracts, promises, and bets – as implied by the “happy merchant” meme – as distinct from chinese and blacks who just ignore contracts and promises. However if a Harvard Jew started looking so conspicuously orthodox as the “happy merchant” he would lose tenure so fast it would make his head spin. Harvard Jews are conversos to progressivism, and any of them that are genuinely Jewish by religion get the Social Justice Inquisition on them. “Orthodox Judaism is misogynist and homophobic” Even though orthodox Jews are capitulating on patriarchy and buttsex, the social justice warriors refuse to accept “yes” for an answer.

Anti semites often say that many antisemitic pogroms were “cleverly caused by Jewish agitators”. It is certainly true that many pogroms were caused by Jewish agitators, but I fail to see the cleverness. Looks to me more like the classic leftism of using far to murder near: Goodjews using badwhites to murder badjews, progressive Jews siccing the badwhite mob on the happy merchant that runs the vodka distillery, then the mob gets lit up on vodka, and goes after targets the goodjews did not intend.

Soros resembles the old bolsheviks. The old bolsheviks were mainly Jewish until they purged each other out of the party.

Hidden Author says:

Ah! So you equate homosexuality with “buttsex”…what about men who sodomize their wives? Wouldn’t you insist that they have a wifely duty to submit to such treatment because patriarchy ftw?

Mackus says:

In practice, if husbands have no authority to make their wives “give them buttsex”, its not because its demeannig to wives, but because wives were so emancipated they can and will quite willingly demean themselves and “give buttsex” to drug dealers and thugs.

jim says:

Yes. Husbands should not demand buttsex from their wives. But if husbands lack the authority to compel their wives to give them buttsex, their wives will give it away to drug dealers and pimps.

Dave says:

When I was a young lad, my mother told of a man in Oregon arrested for having anal sex with his wife. The wife changed her mind and asked that the charges be dropped, but the state threw him in prison anyway, which my mom thought unfair.

But what if wives are terrified of being abandoned — is their “consent” to acts of sodomy still valid? Perhaps, as with anti-hazing laws, it is right for the state to protect weaker parties from being subjected to unnatural acts that could cause serious physical harm.

Buttsex is used by straight men and women so signal the woman’s submissiveness to the particular man, as regular sex is treated more casually than kisses were in the past.

jim says:

The wife has a duty to submit to any sexual demands her husband makes whatsoever, even unreasonable and unkind ones, but the husband is not entitled to make unreasonable and unkind sexual demands. Whether buttsex is unreasonable or unkind depends.

As for me, buttsex is dirty without a condom, and I hate condoms. Hence I tend to equate buttsex with the kind of people who get covered in human shit and transmit vile diseases, which is to say, gays.

Sam J. says:

JRM says,“Two Jews, Three Factions, One Shared Goal”?


Where is the “good Jew” against mass immigration, homo world and globalism? White genocide? There are what, maybe ten, hundred??? Where are they?

We have Ron Unz, Geraldo reported on building #7, I think Paul Craig Roberts is Jewish and he’s very strong on the issues, Gilad Atzmon… Who else?

Corvinus says:

Your fetish on flushing jews is eerie and disturbing. Pro tip –> Jews aren’t the boogeyman out to get you. It’s called paranoia.

Of course, like any arm-chair warrior, you don’t have the stones to take on those “beady eyed, hooked nosed menaces”.

Glen Filthie says:

Another option is to use the law against itself to achieve justice. People employing illegals could be fined into penury and shamed the same way drunk drivers are.

Without income, the low skill/low IQ illegals from Mexico would go home of their own accord.

Alan J. Perrick says:

That was tried before, but crony capitalists stopped it. The problem is a lot deeper.

Best regards,


JRM says:

And it goes (almost) without saying that the deportation should be uncomfortable enough, with a profound absence of coddling, that when the deportees get back home, word-of-mouth word-on-street discourages others from the trek.

Every illegal deported should not only not come right back, as they have been demonstrably doing for some time, but their personal odyssey should have high disincentive value.

It has become a fun game under BHO, with some nice prizes.

Cavalier says:

Not 11 million. At the low end, 30 million. Probably 40 million. Not including anchor babies or anchor babies’ babies.

If we got a Caesar Trump, and Caesar Trump decided to deport those who came after the criminal and treasonous Immigration Act of 1965, the population would drop from officially ~325 million / unofficially 30-40 million, to officially ~230 million / unofficially 0 million. If he revived Abraham Lincoln’s Liberia Plan, 195 million.

Fun fact: ~75% of all immigrant families are on one or more forms of direct government assistance, are certainly tax net negatives. Mid-80% for illegal immigrants, if I’m not mistaken.

JRM says:

“…75% of all immigrant families are on one or more forms of direct government assistance, are certainly tax net negatives.”

Yes, but they are wage and benefits payment positives creating savings for employers. The same employers who lobby both parties for open border policies.

The average tax-payer who is taxed to pay for the illegals safety net expenses is in effect underwriting large employer expenses, while making it possible too for the employer to let American employees go in favor of immigrants. You could say we get hit coming and going.

Which raises the question of exactly who and how many are going to be asked all those difficult questions if the “day of the rope” discussed in the other post occurs.

Cavalier says:

I did a bit more looking. It would appear that the vast majority of growth came after 1990, after the Soviet Union fell. Before the Soviet Union fell, the country was ~245 million total, ~190 million White, ~30 million Black, the rest miscellaneous.

In the 25 years since, the population of the United States has risen from officially ~245 million to officially ~325 million, all of the increase but for ~10 million, Nonwhite. All of it entirely under the own power of the immigrants themselves. This does not include the unofficial 40 million, which would bring total growth, vast majority of which immigration, immigration’s babies, and Blacks, to 120 million in approximately 25 years.

Wikipedia says “Hispanic” population was 50 million in 2010. If the Hispanic population growth continued at the rate of the previous two decades, which is probable, even certain, the Hispanic population now numbers 60 million in late 2016. If this is not the greatest invasion in the history of the world, then spank my ass and call me Sally.

The trouble with das Trumpenwall is it makes it a whole lot harder for all those people to go back.

Link to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_racial_and_ethnic_demographics_of_the_United_States

Hawk Spittui says:

I know how to fix this one. Simply declare anyone in the country illegally forfiets the protection of US law, and let the citizenry take it from there. I guarantee, the illegal immigration problem will be solved so fast it’ll make your head spin.

Hidden Author says:

Then the lawyers will say the resulting mob violence is vigilantism and cruel and unusual punishment in defiance of the Constitution and the rule of law.

William Wilson says:

Right, H.A. Any ploy we make using the “legal system” will be derailed. The jew will see through it immediately. There is no peaceful way out of this. We are in the jew corral. Our only exit is by kicking down the fence.

That’s easy, either have the Supreme Court find that cruel and unusual punishment only applies to humans and law only protects non-humans that are owned, or have Congress pass a law to that effect. Changing what the words in the Constitution mean has been used by liberals for some time, so they will not object.

Cavalier says:

> so they will not object

I chuckled.

Salger says:

It’s not enough deport Illegals. It’s not enough to fine businesses with them. We must do all we can to remove incentives to hire Illegals (and other non-Europeans really).

I’m talking working to end teenhood (really an example of society getting more infantile and feminized) for post-pubescents to either go straight into work (public education as we know it has to go too) or get ready for marriage. Among other things.

A.B. Prosper says:


Baring a fairly extreme regulatory system,the demand for human labor will decline year after year till disrupted.

Its not new, we didn’t have enough work for 40 hour weeks for men alone in the 1930’s

Even simple automation is a big deal and machine learning, robotics and such are still advancing. A few short years from there will be many fewer jobs as truckers and soon after, as cabbies

And yes this won’t be everyone. It doesn’t have to be. 50% unemployment is going to put a bullet in capitalism

We can’t all be butlers for the Elite especially give the toxicity of the elites culture. It would be suicide

There are three ways forward, regulation, socialism/distribution etc and or collapse in which case its highly probable Neo Ned Ludd or Neo Pol Pot beats the techies to death with tire shocks ,

jim says:


A computer cannot drive a car without a driver at the wheel, cannot pick clothes out of a laundry basket and pack them, cannot take groceries out of a shopping basket and place them in shopping bags, cannot paint a house, so there is unlimited work that needs doing.

First world poverty is as artificial as the Ukraine famine.

First world poverty is caused by the government making it effectively illegal to produce physical objects, except for old manufacturers who got grandfathered in as unprincipled exceptions, ever longer and ever more expensive education caused by degree inflation, and artificially high housing costs needed to keep dindus out.

A.B. Prosper says:

You have a cognitive complacency bias against disruption by automation.

Craigsllist already destroyed the newspaper , the Internet took out the travel planner and tons of other jobs. Automation and machine learning will have huge effects everwhere

Self driving cars exist right now Jim.

Self driving cabs from UBer


They already are here, now. This year and need no driver . Even if they did, they don’t need a skilled driver, It does no good to have more minimum wage jobs.. If you can’t have food and housing you can’t have patriarchy

And yes robots can assist in picking groceries


Note here from Wal-Mart

He said shoppers start their orders online either by phone or desktop devices. They pay online and select a convenient pick up time. They notify ASDA by alert when they start toward the destination. They scan a QR code into the kiosk upon arrival and their order is dispensed with seconds. The frozen food is bagged separately and kept cold. Fresh food is bagged together at the correct temperatures. Shanahan said the collection point is fully automated with robots that dispense the orders which are loaded by the drivers who bring the orders from the nearby stores. He said the launch was just a week ago and if the format proves successful it will be replicated.

Here is a Laundry Bot too . It folds clothes.


And yes a few of these things are bleeding edge or may not pan out. The concept has been proven. The fact is everything can be automated will be and machine learning is self improving

This does not mean all work will be gone, only enough to destabilize society , lower wages further and down-skill

Here is one that can in a rudimentary house painter as well. Its not very good but its quite possible for it to get better in a decade or so, Note its a student project from Egypt and Japan too.


Everything is vulnerable and any social model that is built on assumed preexisting conditions will fail. Now it may be human’s simply cannot adapt social models or that the adaption will create a mouse utopia. and near extinction

So be it , survivors build robust structures,

But if you are trying to create a society as versus survive a collapse,you heed to understand the real consequences of heavy automation and plan ahead.

jim says:

Craigsllist already destroyed the newspaper ,

Making it easier, cheaper, and more convenient for dispersed people to make deals with each other, reducing the need to be in the same city, and thus reducing the need for that city to get ever bigger, and its housing ever more expensive.

More deals, more work, more employment.

Here is a Laundry Bot too . It folds clothes.


It folds clothes after a human has removed the clothes from a laundry basket and straightened them out. “The most likely practical use for this prototype robot might be in sorting through fabrics in an industrial setting, with human assistance. Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-03-robot-capable-piles-rumpled.html#jCp” In other words, it is as fake as Wolfgang von Kempelen’s mechanical Turk.

Here is one that can in a rudimentary house painter as well.

We have been hearing this since Wolfgang’s mechanical Turk. Remember Google’s driverless car? Turned out, it was just cruise control on steroids. Yes, it is a big help to the driver, a big improvement. But you still need a driver.

Self driving cars exist right now Jim.

No they do not. You still need a driver with his hands on the wheel to overrule the robot when it does something stupid.

The horse collar actually replaced humans. Machine intelligence can only assist them. The standard common as dirt not very high status jobs, painting, cleaning, folding sweaters, food prep, shop checkout, truck driving, and so on and so forth are still with us as ever. Computers make people more productive, they make jobs easier, they help, but people are just not being replaced. Very few people been replaced by machines since the horse collar and the combine harvester.

People keep announcing the self driving car and the clothes folding robot, and so on and so forth, but when actually delivered, needs human assistance. The self driving car and the clothes folding robot have been being announced for years.

Hidden Author says:

Yes but you’re assuming technological improvement is linear rather than exponential. Remember, Jim, that if a Petri dish takes 30 days to fill with a daily doubling rate, then it’s only half full on Day 29.

It took millions of years of existence for the first humans to evolve into humanity’s modern form. Then it took tens of thousands of years to go from foraging to agriculture. After that, it took ten thousand years to go to the Industrial Age. In 200 years of the Industrial Age, the agricultural workforce in some nations became 1% of the employed population, electricity and running water enabled new forms of sanitation and technology and men went to the Moon. So while civilization could cycle to collapse, there’s an opposing tendency of paradigm shifts occurring and occurring ever more rapidly!

jim says:

Science largely halted shortly after World War II, and technological improvement has been substantially stagnant since 1972. Today’s science is mostly bullshit and games. The last man on the moon is now 84 and is soon going to die of old age. Our fighter jets are getting slower. While tall and taller buildings continue to be built outside the west, America and Europe cannot build tall buildings any more.

The two towers were profitable. Their replacement, Freedom tower cost far too much to build, is shorter, uglier, unprofitable, and far less impressive. We show consciousness of failure by lying about the number of stories it has.

Silicon Valley today is shabbier, poorer, dirtier, and more crowded than it was ten years ago, more third world, less like the future.

Breeding is severely dysgenic, because we put our smartest women in university for long periods and artificially raise their status, making all men less attractive in their eyes. National IQ is falling, as happened to past civilizations that fell into dark ages. Looks to me that the intelligence of our elites maxed in about 1875, and has been falling ever since, due to dysgenics, and due to selection for political correctness rather than ability. The entrance exam to our top universities has been getting steadily dumber since 1890 or so.

The way the wind blows, the descendants of the white race, if any remain, will be running naked through the forests with pointy sticks.

We are bluffing about technological progress. We have been bluffing since the eighties.

People hoped that AI could save us, that if we are getting dumber, we could build smart machines. This sounds more like being eaten than being saved, but in any case, the question is now moot. It is now increasingly obvious that we are not going to be able to build smart machines in time to save us from dysgenesis. Google is getting less sentient, not more sentient, in part because a near sentient Google tended to be racist and sexist.

Now they are hoping that gene editing will save us, which is a more cheerful scenario than being eaten. But it still not looking likely.

The future shown in “Back to the Future, Part II” was cool and shiny. Instead, dirty, crowded, poor, and shabby. Just not seeing that cool “City of Tomorrow” cityscape that was on the cover of the old science fiction magazines.

A.B. Prosper says:

You are of course correct about innovation. Outside the exponential improvement in processing power , we’ve only had modest linerar improvements

A 2015 Impala is somewhat better minus the larding down with electronics than a 1965 Impala, its more reliable, more comfortable and requires less repair

The modern computer interface dates from 1973 (Xerox Alto)

That said it doesn’t require exponential growth ,

We only need linear improvement for vast disruption in the current system.

A slight improvement in the existing systems is enough, like moving from a 1965 car to a 1995 one or like moving from early non computer automation to the modern factory

On top of this, the magic dust, software algorithms can be made to self self improve as well.

The same disruption of the old system will and is happening again and anyone not prepared for it is screwed.

We will reach a natural rate of unemployment and underemployment that wilt force change , either collapse, socialism, tyranny or some other undesirable system, that will render patriarchy and Western stability untenable

That said a regulatory big boot of No, Not Allowed is a valid kind of preparation and might be a viable option.

jim says:

A slight improvement in the existing systems is enough, like moving from a 1965 car to a 1995 one or like moving from early non computer automation to the modern factory

I rather liked the pre computer cars. Even though they needed a lot more maintenance, I could do the maintenance myself. I don’t think we are getting a huge improvement in value. Given that today’s cars cost substantially more in proportion to wages, living standards have fallen.

There was rapid and radical change before the early seventies. Since then, change has been stuff like more people getting faster internet, bigger airliners with much the same design as older airliners going at about the same speed.

People are talking more and more of radical disruption, while we are seeing less and less of it. They keep announcing new generations of silicon technology as if everything was still getting smaller. The technology continues to improve, but the minimum line separation has not changed much in a long while. Moore’s law is being announced rather than followed.

You are talking as if we are building that shiny City of Tomorrow featured on the covers of old yellowing science fiction magazines, but everything keeps getting dirtier, shabbier, more crowded, and poorer. First world poverty keeps getting worse. Harder and harder for people to afford crowded housing and second rate education. Less people employed, more people, mostly women, in makework employment that is probably of negative value. Degree inflation now means that most Harvard graduates are kind of dumb.

To say, “Oh, the wonderful advance in technology is causing first world poverty” is obviously silly. It is like the Soviets celebrating the overfulfillment of the four year plan while there was no bread in the shops.

If technology was advancing in AI, if we had things like an actually useful sweater folding robot, a genuinely driverless car, rendering humans obsolete, yes, that could cause unemployment, but it would be high living standards luxury unemployment. What we are seeing, like not being able to replace the two towers, the last man on the moon being about to die of old age, tells me a different explanation for falling living standards. Technological decline.

» We will reach a natural rate of unemployment and underemployment that wilt force change , either collapse, socialism, tyranny or some other undesirable system, that will render patriarchy and Western stability untenable

oh look, another cyber-christcuck talking about cyber-heaven where

Oliver Cromwell says:

“Science largely halted shortly after World War II, and technological improvement has been substantially stagnant since 1972. Today’s science is mostly bullshit and games. The last man on the moon is now 84 and is soon going to die of old age. Our fighter jets are getting slower. While tall and taller buildings continue to be built outside the west, America and Europe cannot build tall buildings any more.”

Europe never did.

I recently visited New York and was baffled why the Empire State Building was still a major attraction, nearly 90 years after it was built. The lobby even looked kind of shabby. Back then they built it in one year. It is still impressive but it shouldn’t be.

But London doesn’t really have a skyline. Berlin actually doesn’t (if you don’t count the communist TV tower which is useless). Cities’ skylines freeze at the point it was outlawed to build big stuff in that country. In the UK, around 1900. In the US, around 1950. In Singapore… still hasn’t happened yet.

Our technical knowledge and ability is really expanding but our political ability to apply it is reducing.

cloudswrest says:

“I rather liked the pre computer cars. Even though they needed a lot more maintenance, I could do the maintenance myself. ”

The only thing really preventing one from doing maintenance on a modern car are proprietary ECUs (Engine Control Unit). If someone came out with a standard form factor, open source ECU (i.e. a GNU car) you would see a renaissance in self maintenance. I’m sure the government would ban it. Can’t have people fiddling with the EPA restrictions you know …

Hidden Author says:

“If technology was advancing in AI, if we had things like an actually useful sweater folding robot, a genuinely driverless car, rendering humans obsolete, yes, that could cause unemployment, but it would be high living standards luxury unemployment.”

That would be true for the owners of the machines since they would have legal title over the products of the machines, as occurs already with assets worked by cheap labor that’s been imported or outsourced. But those excluded by lack of legal title become dependent on private charity and/or government social services…and are then condemned as lazy parasites!

jim says:

We have a massive redistribution system, which is bottoming out because the owners of wealth are already taxed well beyond the laffer limit.

And they are not getting any revenue from the owners of robots.

A.B. Prosper says:

Peppermint, I can’t fathom why my writing here makes you think I am Utopian or a Christian ?

However what i am saying is actions have consequences and automation has had big ones.

Want a simple technology with huge consequences? The modular standardized shipping container made modern trade possible.

Its cheap , highly disruptive and low tech.

Anyway one thing I am not certain about is what the future will look like, if the ACW 2 comes about in the next couple of decades as some people think (me, our host Vox Day among others) the situation will be quite different.

However assuming a 20 year time frame, there will be more jobs lost to automation and such a thing is perfectly doable with dying roads and sketchy power and a partially stupid population . Asians and Whites are numerous enough to make some headway

if theoretically post Trump Ultra Nationalist America happens, unlikely but not impossible after deportations the labor market will change quite radically

Really its a race between supply and demand and stupidity vs. innovation. Right now, innovation is slower than it could be because labor is cheap but its changing

I do think that the war will happen or collapse before mass automation is a big thing but it might not and future USA especially a smarter post invasion one, better plan for disruptive innovation

We could for example deport a grip of people , make the country smarter than end up triggering enough of an innovation cycle to fuck ourselves over.

All that said, if we don’t take our nations back its moot. We’ll be Brazil 2 and too impoverished and stupid to accomplish nearly as much which is not all bad I suppose.

jim says:

Peppermint, I can’t fathom why my writing here makes you think I am Utopian or a Christian ?

You are a technological singularitarian – which is Christianity lightly redone.

If machines actually get smarter than us, they will not be driving our cars. They will snip off our arms and legs, and plug us into their cars to drive their cars.

you’re a cyber-christcuck envisioning cyber-heaven, either though painlessly getting uploaded to the cloud like how meat-christians envision being uplifted to the cloud, or through the construction of New Jerusalem in which everyone lives in a mansion and has 2500 goyische/mechanical servants and no one has to work except if God/the machine gives them a holy/scientifically determined assignment.

if you don’t want to be a christcuck, please remember that to live is to work and fight, and only the king and his family get to go to the pub and get a rum and coke without having to create value for someone else to trade, because the king creates value simply through holding his office against christcucks.

A.B. Prosper says:

Jim I’m not a singulatarian.

Complete human obsolescence is not on the near and will not be at current rate on the far horizon

what i trying to say is that disruption to a brittle system is accelerating and quite a bit has already happening and between mass immigration and the disruption is already causing trouble

My favorite example is Craigslist . That company employs 35 or so people at a good wage.

However several thousand people working at newspapers lost their jobs when classified revenue dried up

Now we all know it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch but still this is not much fun if you used to answer the phone for classified adds, worked as a reporter or writer or delivered papers

New jobs aren’t replacing them.

It doesn’t require singularity BS like the transhumanists are peddlingt o have serious effects

Just watch How Its Made sometime. Than compare to a 30’s factory and see how many people have jobs

This is automation and it effects every category of work, hell just using say Travelocity instead of travel planner is a disruption.

Real Estate has been disrupted, everything except menial jobs has been disrupted though there is a D.C restaurant right now that uses a machine to cook hamburgers and places in Japan that use robots to serve them

This i s going to have serious effects as it it continues bit by bit, no singularity required.

This will impair consumption and could probably will create a cascade failure

That said repatriating many migrants and discouraging women from the workforce should stabilized the system for a time and if needed, regulatory action can force inefficiency into the system and keep it stable.

jim says:

My favorite example is Craigslist . That company employs 35 or so people at a good wage.

However several thousand people working at newspapers lost their jobs when classified revenue dried up

But classified ads is not so much production, as coordinating production – enabling people to make deals. More people being able to make more deals more easily is more employment, not less. The customers of the newspapers, and the customers of craigslist, are the ones actually creating value.

Further those employed by newspapers were employed at the center of cities, while Craigslist, and the people making deals through craigslist, can live anywhere.

Similarly, a sweater folding machine that enables the sweater folding girl to fold more sweaters faster does not reduce employment. A sweater folding machine that replaces the sweater folding girl would reduce employment. Replacing people reduces employment. Making people more productive increases employment.

The horse collar meant that a horse “replaced” a dozen slaves – but you still needed a free laborer, or at worst a serf, to command the horse.

“When all the niggers are replaced with the Super Ultra Nigger 9000 ( http://i.imgur.com/KcPmmYX.png ), niggers won’t have jobs, the family will break down and they will all do drugs and run riot”

This is luddism, another retarded derivative of christ-cuckoldry. Having established that another world where people do not work and fight is possible, we argue that work might become obsolete in this world.

In reality, just as he who will not fight does not deserve to live, he who will not create value does not deserve to have value given to him (this is known as capitalism).

The ONLY reason for unemployment is government banning people from working through, in Rome, crushing taxes, while here, regulation making it illegal not to hire niggers that piss on the corn flakes conveyor belt.

the classified ads example brings us back to the question of what is an economy

and the answer is, the economy is how people’s productive abilities are are arranged for their mutual benefit

the way the us government has crushed the american economy is by vastly increasing costs of hiring good workers

when sweater girl is replaced by a robot, maybe the cost savings could enable the business to keep their building clean

when will someone paint the rusty bridges in my city, or get the grass out of the sidewalk?


jim says:

Folding sweaters is harder than you think. When they are smart enough to fold sweaters, they will be smart enough to eat us.

Sam J. says:

A.B. Prosper and Hidden author are exactly 100% correct. We have about 10-15 years, maybe 20 depending on software and the whole job market will be consumed by robots.

The reason is there is a gap between the amount of intelligence/computing needed to usefully automate task and present computer power. Computers have the brain power of bugs now. This gap is rapidly closing. You really should read “Dennis M. Bushnell, Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] ” he goes over the trends of technology coming up and how they may play out. His report is not some wild eyed fanaticism it’s based on reasonable trends. Link.


Page 70 gives the computing power trend and around 2025 we get human level computation for $1000. The only way that this can have no meaning is if computers go crazy with human or higher than human level computation. This idea comes from Larry Niven, Pournelle, etc. great Sci-Fi writers in the grand space opera tradition. I just don’t believe it. Every since this computer trend has been established Sci-fi has had a hard time dealing with it. Greg Egan has a great series “culture series” where the computers become partners with us but we have no assurance that this is the case.

It may very well be that when the wealthy control this much computing power they just get rid of the rest of Humanity. Of course 2025 is bad but notice it says”…By 2030, PC has collective computing power of a town full of human

The machines will get rid of the wealthy or they will merge with them. The real problem is not that the machine is smart it that it has no empathy for humans. How does empathy work? I don’t think anyone knows. It’s hard enough to program intelligence. We know people with no empathy cause all sorts of problems. What about psychopathic super machines. It’s frightening.

jim says:

A.B. Prosper and Hidden author are exactly 100% correct. We have about 10-15 years, maybe 20 depending on software and the whole job market will be consumed by robots.

AI has been about to happen all my life. Has not happened. Tesla and Google’s self driving cars need a human driver with hands on the wheel. Sweater folding robots still don’t fold sweaters without human supervision.

Google search seemed smart, but that was just the canned human intelligence of the programmers. Now that they are so big that they have to hire women, google search has become robotically dumb.

Page 70 gives the computing power trend and around 2025 we get human level computation for $1000.

That is like the plot for the amazing growth of the Soviet Union. Our computers have had more computing power than the human brain for quite a long time, does not seem to do them much good. Check similar graphs published twenty years ago. They predicted that by 2005 we get human level computation. If computing power was all that was needed, my video card would be smarter than I.

A.B. Prosper says:

Hidden author, actually demand is a problem right now.

Karl Marx of all people noted it back in the day , surplus production can be as big a problem as lack of production.

I’m going to ignore collapse and increasing dysgenic stupidity but run this scenario, most jobs are done by a machines, kiosks, online and so one.

Robots load trucks, drive them unload them, watch the warehouse, sort the good, stock them where they are delivered by Amazon Drones (a tech we have now) or bought at stores which have a much smaller staff

This means a natural unemployment rate of 75% or so

Big robot, the people who own the robots can produce 150% of what goods we make now now quite easily.

Minus government spending how much is being produced.

Answer 25% of what we make now plus exports/

taxes can’t make up the difference either as the incomes don’t exist to tax away.

The nation despite robots is much poorer.

Unless fiat bux are being minted by the State and spent on redistribution , there is no economy since wages from labor is demand. Let me repeat that, wages from labor are demand

And note this is a problem right now without nearly as much automation

Bloomberg here


The two biggest welfare queens in America today are Wal-Mart and McDonald’s.

Subsidized low wages to keep the companies alive.

Right now estimates suggest that as much as 40% pf the US GDP is government spending anyway

This means figuring out a way to make it work.

Now the feudal option is possible I suppose or hordes of servants but frankly if thew war breaks out ,many of your future butlers, servants and some maids will be hardened killers with guns . God made men and all that

Other options, enclave living and such mean no modernity .

I suspect though its mostly going to be a moot point, war is probably inevitable and will take care of the issue anyway. To much destruction to allow that much complexity

If we keep the economy of modernity though, we get automation and need to be prepared

jim says:

Karl Marx’s economics was full of crap, and so is your economics.

Your faith tells you that technology is going great, yet the observed first world economy sucks, so to reconcile these two incompatible facts, you concoct some entirely incoherent economics.

jim says:

This means a natural unemployment rate of 75% or so

When robots can drive trucks and sort sweaters, they will not be driving trucks and sorting sweaters. They will eat us.

Your tech singularity God is
1. Unlikely to happen any time soon.
2. If he did happen, unlikely to benevolently upload you into sim heaven.

pdimov says:

“surplus production can be as big a problem as lack of production.”

No. Surplus production is never a problem. When there is a problem, it’s that the wrong things have been produced instead of the right things. That is, the problem is again lack of production.

And, labor is not currently cheap at all. It’s artificially been made very expensive.

Automation, in contrast, is inherently very expensive, and is only competitive at the moment because (1) labor costs has been inflated and (2) fossil fuels are insanely cheap.

The trajectory that you’re projecting into the future is already unsustainable. Energy costs can’t drop below zero.

“Now the feudal option is possible I suppose or hordes of servants but frankly if thew war breaks out ,many of your future butlers, servants and some maids will be hardened killers with guns .”

I remember reading (in Moldbug’s comments, I think) a similar discussion where one commenter insisted that if you don’t pay your servants “a living wage” they’ll slit your throat and because living wage in Manhattan was such and such this kind of economy was impossible.

This is so post-French revolution it’s not even revolting. Typical materialistic modernism where the only compensation for work is considered to be money.

That’s not how it works. You do not pay your servants with just money. You pay them with respect, gratitude, and helping them financially and otherwise when f.ex. their children get sick.

Very un-American, I know.

The only natural unemployment rate is 0. Everyone must, and does, create value. The unemployed create value for the politicians who feed them.

The reason for unemployment in this country isn’t even crushing taxation but regulations, specifically, the regulations making it illegal not to hire this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KX7p_PkX_Q

Cucks just assume that the last 50 years can’t possibly be repealed. Christcucks think they mustn’t because they are evil and must be killed.

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