
The Overton Bubble

The Overton window has formed a bubble. People inside the bubble now refuse to have anything to do with those outside the bubble, refuse to hear, refuse to understand, refuse even to notice, react to them only with ignorant crazy hatred, and if anyone respectable shows signs of listening, he loses respectability and gets cast out of the bubble. No longer will respectable people have anything to do with him. He shall be friendless and alone. Except that so many people have been cast out of the bubble that he probably will not be friendless and alone.

This particular form of the left singularity, like many forms, leads inevitably to civil war. Unlike most forms of the left singularity, it will lead to civil war that the left is likely to lose.

Know your enemy and know yourself, win a hundred battles without jeopardy
Know yourself, but not your enemy, win some, lose some.
know neither yourself nor your enemy, always lose.

The left has weaponized self inflicted ignorance, symbolized by literally and physically turning their backs on their opponents. This weapon is apt to backfire. Not a good idea to show your opponent your back.

The back turning maneuver is a DHV (demonstration of higher value) It subcommnicates “You want our attention, but are beneath us, and are no threat to us”. It will be harder to pull off once Trump imprisons the officials of a few sanctuary cities and fires the Washington press core. (Which despite being a supposedly private enterprise organization works from government offices and receives the usual services and benefits provided by government employees to people in government offices, as do a great many politically critical supposedly private enterprise organizations. The phrase “NGO” has become a joke, with even NGO employees describing their work as government employment.)

A good reply to the physical back turning maneuver is to pour an iced drink over the offender. You have to respond to the “You are no threat” subcommunication by showing you are a threat.

50 comments The Overton Bubble


A month or so ago you asked me to help you with an article about my book, but never emailed me to let me know what you needed. If you let me know I can send it over.

» You have to respond to the “You are no threat” subcommunication by showing you are a threat.

Is that what you think about the Richard Spencer Roman salute? It sure drove the left crazy, to the point they’re even distracted from denouncing Trump and his cabinet picks. Was it a brilliant move instead of an eceleb forgetting his place?

Randy the Random says:

Spencer is a fucking idiot. He’s a trust fund kid who has zero political savvy. His antics have already hugely legitimized the lying press which we worked our asses off to discredit.

Jim is one of the few people who gets it. Societies decline when female influence overtakes male influence. When a Patriarchy becomes a Matriarchy. It has nothing to do with mutant mind-altering Jewish supervillains.

These autistic channers actually believe the memes we use as a fun way to protest for our freedom of speech. They actually believe Nazism is a legitimate political goal.

Utter fucking idiots, all of them. No man will undo the Constitutional Republic that is the USA. At worst, we’ll reset to a clean slate, probably prior to the 19th amendment. There is no way on earth we’ll become fascists.

Spencer’s autistic larping will only hurt us. He’s destroyed the brand of the alt-right overnight. I’m going with new-right from now on.

He’s also destroyed the credibility of Jared Taylor and Roger Devlin, two immense intellects of race and sex realism.

A goddamn disaster. Men of antiquity always police their own, lest rogue elements compromise the unit. Spencer has kindly reminded us why.

jim says:

They are going to call us “literally worse than Hitler” no matter what we do or say. No harm in playing the part.

I love the fact that when they go hysterical over Spencer they show a montage of feather Indians, implying that they intend to do to us what we did to the Indians.

Rick.Sean says:

Yes there is harm in playing the part when it goes to nazism.

The reason we play the part with racism, is not because we like the accusations, it’s because, race realism is an easily defendable position.

Nazism not so much.

jim says:

No enemies to the left works fine for leftists. Obama was the office boy of noted Marxist terrorist Bill Ayers, and no one asks him to disown Bill Ayers, and if they did they would not get any traction.

Commies have murdered far more people than nazis. No one is troubled by the fact that Obama’s mother and mentor were commies.

We should have no enemies to the right. If we have to disown nazis, we will have disown one faction after another until we are back to being cuckservatives.

Rick.Sean says:

“No ennemies to the left/right” doesn’t mean “acknowledge everything from the left/right”.

There’s a part of the left advocating for pedophilia. The leftist tactic about it is not to say “Well yes part of the left are really enthusiastic”. They will deny everything, and insult you as being pathetic for bringing such conspiracy theories. But they will not fire, physically assault, or cut their ties with the pedophiles in a meaningful way.

Same thing with islam, they disown their own values to the point of calling themselves the religion of peace. But behind the PR, they know they are all in it together.

Leftist doctrine obviously implies respect for pedophiles, with the inconsequential legalistic objection that children aren’t able to consent, which, of course, they are able to consent to sexual mutilation, and also to say that if there are pedophiles, they need to be understood or else they’ll rape children.

Nazis are obviously on the right and distancing yourself from them other than to denounce violence and claim that they are really to your personal left and you don’t know any real Nazis but if there are real Nazis it’s because people are really frustrated with leftist policies and politics is how ecelebs are supposed to respond to the accusation.

Some ecelebs like Andrew Anglin and the TRS goys embrace the Nazi label, though Anglin publicly and repeatedly denounces violence claiming that anyone who does violent stuff is either a double agent or understandably frustrated and needs his message to calm down. The legitimate frustration with Spencer was that he was supposed to not be that kind of eceleb and probably embarrassed his supporters, and also that he tried to tie his cart to the God-Emperor’s horse, forcing his majesty to take the time to denounce and condemn.

But the big question is, does Spencer make Bannon and Sessions look more reasonable by comparison?

jim says:

OK then. Nazis do not exist and they are the religion of peace, and they are just kidding they really love Jews, and anyone who mentions that nazis are part of the alt right is an evil paranoid conspiracy theorist and a complete asshole.

Rick.Sean says:

More like: Nazis died in 1945, and were not right-wing. They were in fact socialists, as their name implies. Those guys doing nazi salutes ? Leftists infiltrators attempting to make us look bad. We have nothing to do with them, we just want to enjoy our own culture, and have autonomy for our own people, a right recognised by the United Nations. Do you have a problem with Human Rights ? Do you have a problem with the United Nations ?

That’s for the media. Behind closed doors, Right wing death squads.

Randy the Random says:

Apparently it was a publicity stunt. This guy is trying to be the next Trump:

D says:

Muh PR

PR is their game, we play to their standards, we lose. They will not give us a fair shake. Stop trying to earn it

viking says:

I used to tell Land that he might as well get comfortable with the alt right because no matter what he too would be called a nazi. True Im not sure it follows we should credit nazis with intellectual ability. I think it should be hey see those nazis over there be a shame if no one were here to talk them down why dont you be reasonable and meet us halfway

pdimov says:

“He’s destroyed the brand of the alt-right overnight.”


jim says:

The brand of the alt-right is “literally worse than Hitler”. And proud of it.

Rick.Sean says:

I tought it was “Fun and Reasonable Racists”

viking says:

well if your idea of alt right started about a year ago youre right but not to long before that it was used interchangeably with a lot more quality thinking. the early alt right was warned if they were not careful they would become the neo nazis and they have so what exactly is the benefit renaming the neo nazis the alt right?whats the trhinking that the neonazis have been weaponized? What some of us thought was there would be a young edgy but intellectual nationalism that was circumstantially white because reasons other than hitler.

bill says:

Just so you know, in the video Spencer was raising his glass. It was a handful of audience members doing the salutes. Also, its turning out that they were jewish plants.

Sam J. says:

“…Also, its turning out that they were jewish plants…”

I don’t know if this is true or not but it was the first thought that popped into my head when I saw it.

I have an idea for a new meme to counteract all the racism, White Supremacy, Anti-Semite talk. It’s simple and hugely contemptuous of the left. Remember all this is about words and words that WOUND.

The Dindus say racism. I say Ni!
The Dindus say White privilege. I say Ni!
The Dindus say White supremacy. I say Ni!
The Jews say Anti-Semitism. I say Ni!

The Knights who say Ni! Watch the video to get the gist of it.

When ever someone calls a White racist or anti-Semite all the Whites around them should start saying Ni! Over and over. It will annoy them quite possibly beyond their central nervous system to handle. A “tilt” trigger. (tilt an old pinball term when you hit or shook the machine too hard it would shut down and stop working).

The only way to end this constant bleating of racism, White Supremacy and White privilege is to make fun of them when ever they say it. They’ve really driven it into the ground like chicken little and I believe Ni! could be pulled off now.

Evan White says:

This is kind of an Internet versus meatspace issue, right?

On the Internet, alt-right imagery, Nazi or otherwise, is layered and layered in irony and trolling, which not only makes it hard for progressive journos who want to write a hit piece to penetrate it without making themselves look stupid and getting trolled, but also lets other members of the alt-right choose the distance they want between themselves and that imagery: they can embrace it fully, write it off as humor, or something it-between that unpacks the irony and trolling to the desired extent.

But in meatspace, all that irony and trolling is harder to pull off and you have something that either is just straight Nazi, or just a crude joke without all the weird subtlety that the Internet offers.

jim says:

You are over thinking this. If Obama does not have to disassociate himself from commies and terrorists, we don’t have to disassociate ourselves from nazis. If we start disassociating ourselves from nazis, then we have to have to disassociate ourselves from those one step removed from nazis, then we have to have to disassociate ourselves from those two steps removed from nazis, then we have to have to disassociate ourselves from anyone whom the left points the finger at and screams racist at, and it is back to being cuckservatives.

pdimov says:

Also, if the alt right ‘brand’ was so weak it could be shattered by the media writing two articles about someone as its figurehead, then that someone raising his glass saying Heil Trump, then a few people in the audience raising their hands, then this ‘brand’ was worth nothing at all anyway.

This sort of thing is trivial to organize. Not saying that it was organized in this case – I don’t think it was – but if it were that deadly, it would be organized. The proper reaction is to not pay it much attention.

Nxx says:

Show them you are a threat? How about something like this:

The Left wants a browner America, as does the Cuckold Right. The Alt Right pulls in the opposite direction, wanting a whiter America.

The Left justifies more brown by denouncing white as being morally inferior and demanding white demographic eradication to atone for past oppression.

The Alt Right justifies more white by denouncing demographic eradication as a criminal violation of Article 2(c) of the Genocide Convention of 1948.

The Left calls Alt Rightists racists. The Alt Right calls Leftists genocide criminals.

The Left agenda is to use mass immigration to kill the Right demographically. The Alt Right agenda is to use genocide tribunals to kill the Left judicially.

A man cannot coexist with those who seek his eradication. No quarter will be asked for, none will be given.

War to the knife it is.

viking says:

problem is that should have been the tactic 50 years ago but instead we had 60s and 70s and so was impossible without war white blinked jews won, every day a hat war is not fought is a day weaker we become. a trump would have to have superhuman powers to navigate this into no war needed territory from this point, even a well planned hot war is a very long shot i suggest we start planning seriously trump is no savior

» Alt Right justifies more white by denouncing demographic eradication as a criminal violation of Article 2(c) of the Genocide Convention of 1948.

no, we justify more White by saying that Whites exist and have a right to exist as Whites. We will, of course, use any means, judicial or otherwise, to destroy the enemies of our nation, but after that, we’re not going to respect any human rights or democracy or any other individualistic and essentially soulful bullshit. The individual is ephemeral. The nation is the important part, that and the families that are the biological structure of individuals in the nation and its process of genetic evolution.

» The Left justifies more brown by denouncing white as being morally inferior and demanding white demographic eradication to atone for past oppression.

Look at this faggot -» «- he literally thinks that being further to the left gives him the right to say anything to anyone.

The reason he thinks that is that under normal circumstances the left, being the opinions of the institution controllers as distinct from the general opinions of the family men and the nation, is supposed to have good reasons. But they’re corrupt and destroying the nation, so they must be purged as violently as necessary, many of them may well have valuable genetics but we also must not reward bad behavior lest we evolve to behave badly.

Garr says:

Evola: The individual is ephemeral, but the person expresses eternity. The nation too is ephemeral, but the state expresses eternity.

» The nation too is ephemeral, but the state expresses eternity.

this is backwards, as we are demonstrating now

Garr says:

What’s your nation?

Dave says:

The Polish Army just invented a cloaking device. When you turn it on, the enemy becomes invisible to you.

Alan J. Perrick says:

The people in the bubble are looking a little green around the gills. Sure it isn’t a fish bowl?

If the removal of blue-collar factory jobs is really as systemic as has been recently mentioned, and they come flooding back in, it’s over. Blue-collar workers don’t give a toss about Political Correctness. They’ll learn about the situation from free-wheeling media sources on the Internet, and Trentians (those practising a religion originating at the 16th Century council of the same name) can’t convert them quickly enough into pseudo-Marxists for them to become like a Red Army.



anon says:
Jefferson says:

I’m not sure I get it, other than as giving Trump an excuse to show his centrist/moderate bona-fides. Americans are allergic to Nazis, and third election can easily be read as a battle in the civil war between secular Jews (Clinton’s son-in-law) and orthodox Jews (Trump’s son-in-law). Why alienate an ally? On many issues, orthodox Jews are to the right of WNs, so I’m not sure I buy the “no enemies to the right” excuse.

Glenfilthie says:


Apropos of nothing at all – I see Trump is dispensing with his useful fools just as I said he would:

Let that be a lesson to you boys – when you get around large amounts of money and power – there is no such things as friends. Temporary allies at best.

Cavalier says:

Looks like Trump just sliced out the beating heart of his coalition.

Robert says:

Spencer is our ally not our enemy. Not saying Spencer did, but it is inevitable that we or our allies will make mistakes, we should not disown them for it. We do need to pour ice water over the lefts head by putting some of them on trial for treason. We cannot simply dismiss Hitler as being in the past, we have to address him. I think our position should be that his intentions were for good, but circumstances forced him to act desperately. We should have pity for him more than admiration. Maybe kinda like King Saul.

Joe says:

Hitler did not have good intentions. He was a supremacist who said that Aryans/Germans were the master race and their destiny was to rule the world, subjugating “slave” races. He invaded peaceful neighboring countries and engaged in genocide to wipe out “inferior” races like slavs and Jews. He brought untold misery to millions of people. That is not “good intentions” by any definition that makes any sense, and you damage your credibility by trying to excuse him.

I understand the desire to defang the you’re-a-Nazi accusations by mocking them with memes and such. The problem is that it’s too easy to be painted by a hostile media as endorsing Nazism instead of mocking those who call every white person who wants a future a Nazi. When people see a video of people giving Nazi salutes they are not going to realize it was ironic (or just some plants trying to make the group look bad). They are going to think you’re Nazis and they’re not going to look any deeper into it. Memes can work both ways. If the alt-right gets meme’d as just another incarnation of Nazis they will not be taken seriously. All people really had to see was Spencer’s haircut and the people giving Nazi salutes at his meeting. They’re not going to get that it was ironic.

Frankly the embrace-Nazis thing strikes me as juvenile. Serious people, the kind of people whose ideas are worth listening to and whose leadership is worth following, don’t have the time or temperament to play those kinds of games.

» Hitler did not have good intentions.

» He was a supremacist who said that Aryans/Germans were the master race and their destiny was to rule the world, subjugating “slave” races.

» He invaded peaceful neighboring countries
false. Much of the PL was rightful German clay and PL was violating the rights of the Germans there. FR was at war with Germany when they got roflstomped. Everyone knew SU was getting ready for war. He was too soft, shouldn’t have let the UK troops retreat from Dunkirk.

» and engaged in genocide to wipe out “inferior” races like slavs
evidence? Nah, no evidence. But SU was wiping out Slavs and Baltics right and left, see Donald Day’s book Onward Christian Soldiers.

» and Jews.
the holy hoax that it’s a crime to contradict

» He brought untold misery to millions of people. That is not “good intentions” by any definition that makes any sense, and you damage your credibility by trying to excuse him.
Good intentions means intending the good of the nation. People who babble about human rights have bad intentions.

viking says:

yeah but the problem is people start wondering if they will make the cut, they wonder about aryan spiral.we are only 60% white everyone even I have non-white friends, what we could have said in 1960 does not have the same implication today. we all know the only way we get to a WN is holocaust, oh sure we can all imagine a very convoluted imaginary path but is it real or a talking point. This was actually hitlers problem the sheer logistics of deporting jews became impossible so he killed them instead and he was dealing with a few percent.

jim says:

My plan for the Jews is as follows:

Israel should not allow non Jews to have important government jobs, be elected to parliament, to vote, or to attend the most prestigious Israeli universities. America should not allow Jews to have important government jobs, be elected to congress, to vote, or to attend the most prestigious American universities, because everyone who wants a government job is required to convert to the official belief system, which requires them to cease being Jewish. An inquisition checks up on ex Jews in important government jobs to make sure they have in fact ceased being Jewish.

In practice at present Jews are required to convert to proggism if they want a good government job – you will not find any orthodox Jews in government exercising power, but you find a lot of cohesive prog Jew conspiracies exercising power.

Cavalier says:

>He invaded peaceful neighboring countries

>and engaged in genocide

>to wipe out “inferior” races like slavs and Jews
Do humans have souls? Are all men created equal? Are races equal?

Was Adolf Hitler obligated to love the whole world? Can any man love the whole world? Or was he obligated only to love his little slice of it, and did he love it dearly?

pdimov says:

“The problem is that it’s too easy to be painted by a hostile media as endorsing Nazism…”

If being painted as endorsing Nazism is enough to kill your movement, then it’s already dead, precisely because it’s easy for the media to paint it that way.

Robert says:

I think it is unwise to worry about looking credible in the eyes of your enemy. You should watch “the greatest story never told”. As far as those who we are trying to win over, because of their intense bias against Hitler, I think the best approach is to direct their attention to the real bad guys in WWII which was the communists, which Hitler was trying to protect Europe from.

You must realize that most every one of our ancestors believed in the supremacy of the white race (founding fathers), and we shouldn’t be afraid to agree with them.

We are not Nazis, just like we are not the Greeks fighting the Persians (both not being perfect) but when all is considered they both were more on our side than the enemies side and shouldn’t be thrown under the bus.

Sam J. says:

“…Hitler did not have good intentions. He was a supremacist who said that Aryans/Germans were the master race and their destiny was to rule the world, subjugating “slave” races. He invaded peaceful neighboring countries and engaged in genocide to wipe out “inferior” races like slavs and Jews. He brought untold misery to millions of people…”

(((Jews))) do not have good intentions. (((They))) are supremacist who said that (((they))) were the master race and their destiny was to rule the world, subjugating “slave” races. They invaded peaceful neighboring countries and engaged in genocide to wipe out “inferior” races like Iraqis and Syrians. (((They))) brought untold misery to millions of people.

“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” – Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982

PJ says:

I think the key is to look for places to exploit their delusions.

-Trigger them to act like raving lunatics to disillusion moderates. (Exploits the fact they are raving lunatics)
– Laugh at and mock their pieties whenever safely possible. (Same way they undermined religion. The sacred is only maintained in a zeitgeist of reverence and can not withstand mockery)
-Push multiculturalism and woman leadership within their institutions and families. (self explanatory)
-Concern troll as a PoC questioning why white identity politics is impermissible. (Exploits the fact that PoC should not be questioned unless disagreeing with a darker PoC or a PoC from the Religion of Peace.)

Jew says:

Geez i’d like to call y’all goyim (“the nations”) but i’m not sure many of you get the whole Aryan thing. Hitler said he was the champion of the Aryans. So why then did he end up in a war with larger numbers of Aryans than were on his side, and losing? He was a major screw up. Why was he that? Because he was at core a resentful, destructive, revolutionary (if not a leftist, by some definition, nonetheless cut from the same cloth) the kind who can’t help but screw up in power. Hitler’s rather leftist crimes are the direct source of the white guilt that dominates the modern (leftist) West. If the left were really so distant from Hitler, they wouldn’t feel so guilty about the Nazis. He is the cause of Merkel’s end Germany game. He destroyed his own nation and others too. He clearly had no idea what made the Aryans great. Anyone who thinks the left has no enemies to the left has failed to grasp that the whole de-Nazification regime imposed on Germany after 1945 was window dressing to help forget all the Americans, Russians, Brits, etc., who made nice with Hitler before the war, and so as to avoid, pre-emptively, calls for any “de- Communisation” or “de-New Dealing” in time. Both international and national socialism are enemies of any form of Aryan sovereignty. But you have to know your history to grasp what that could be, noting how the Aryans were assimilated into the larger populations they came to lead and in which they left their linguistic and other markers.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>noting how the Aryans were assimilated into the larger populations they came to lead and in which they left their linguistic and other markers.

And of course we end that note on a skype exhorting people to blanda upp and racemix. Its like you guys just can’t help yourselves no matter what.

General Pinochet says:

“This particular form of the left singularity, like many forms, leads inevitably to civil war. Unlike most forms of the left singularity, it will lead to civil war that the left is likely to lose.”


But I have a question. I keep seeing claims, usually in comment sections, that the red states/white Christians/rural people would win in a civil war type situation. Because we have guns, know how to use them, have food, know how to use it, have truth, know how to use it, have our people in the military and police departments, etc. All advantages vs. weak urban liberals.

But my question is, if we have all these advantages, why are we losing so badly already? They’ve turned the country from 90% white to 60% white in only 50 years. We’re getting our asses kicked.

I think the argument is that we’re slow to anger, slow to violence, but once pushed far enough we will snap and then put our advantages to use. But the left has been waging war this whole time and winning. They’ve indoctrinated our women and children against us, as just one example.

My point is, aren’t we being too optimistic to assume that we’ll finally prevail once the shooting starts because we have more trained military men than the left/the Cathedral does? They have everything else. All the money, all the support from globalist bankers and allied governments, all the propaganda, and all the ways they’ve already been using to weaken us, from unhealthy food to pollution to the boob tube.

What am I missing? The rural south lost the civil war to the city slickers. And the men of the rural south ain’t what they used to be. Haven’t we already lost?

Up until very recently, a White man could get a job and raise a family if he would at least pretend to respect political correctness, therefore Whites who didn’t were disreputable, and had no way of communicating other than through various government-run or otherwise Jewish organizations.

Young men who can’t live for their family will fight to have a chance to. Men without easy lives are harder to distract with individualism.

jim says:

Civil war was white males versus white males. Manly men on both sides.

[…] around the sphere there was a spate of articles building on the notion of the Overton Window — the current set of politically acceptable ideas — […]

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