
The perils of government intervention in health care.

It is mighty embarrassing if a sick person is turned away from hospital to die in the street because he has no money. So the kindly government insists that sick poor people be treated for free.

But if the hospital is going to treat poor people for free, then the hospital is going to besieged by people with carefully memorized symptoms for vague and difficult to treat diseases who show up looking for a bed, some food, and some human contact.

So, the next thing the government should do is empower to the hospital to turn away unwanted patients with a jab from a stun gun. But they don’t, because that looks kind of bad. But they do kind of sort of give the hospital some kind of monopoly power, and some power to hurry up patients who are taking too damned long to die. And then to the government’s surprise they find the hospital is mistreating and murdering affluent middle class patients. The government also finds that it still running up gigantic medical bills on bums, who are supposedly getting all sorts of extremely expensive medical treatment, though in fact they are getting this super expensive treatment only in the most superficial manner or not at all.

The hospital is rushing middle class patients out the door or into the morgue, while every corridor is piled high with incredibly expensive (and profitable) bums piled three to a urine soaked bed. (Yes, Canada, I am looking at you.)

When the government empowered the hospital to be quietly and furtively brutal and murderous, the intent was that the hospital only be brutal and murderous to the horde of bums besieging it – but they could not actually say that out loud, and if they had said it out loud would still find it difficult to get compliance.

So now the hospital is massively over treating bums, massively undertreating people who are genuinely ill with genuine diseases, and murdering any of its customers who are too sick and weak to protest. And medical costs are soaring.

So what should the government do?

Firstly, needs to hit who everyone lays down his head on a hospital bed with a high enough deductible that anyone who is not all that sick and who has to pay the deductible will not go near the hospital bed. It does not have to be all that high, does not need to be nearly as high as the Obamacare deductibles. Five hundred should do it. First thing that should happen on intake is a wallet inspection.

But suppose the patient does not have five hundred in his pocket, nor an acceptable credit card, and seems unlikely to pay. Then the nice friendly hospital for nice respectable middle class people sends him to the hospital for poor bums staffed by big ugly lesbian nurses with thick mustaches, where the first thing he meets is the death penal, with a big male guard holding stun gun, a baton, a taser, and a twelve gauge shotgun standing uncomfortably close beside him, and the death panel decides whether his treatment is likely to be cost effective.

Now at the nice friendly middle class hospital for nice middle class people we try to organize things so that the doctor and the hospital has to please the customer, if they are going to make some money, and the patient bears enough of the cost to scream bloody murder if overbilled or billed for nonexistent or barely provided services. Deductibles need to be high enough to hurt a bit, but not so high that they are, like Obamacare deductibles, frequently unpayable.

And at the hospital for poor bums, we provide all the wonders of socialist medicine so beloved by Bernie Sanders, modeled on the wonderful success of Cuban healthcare. </sarcasm>

If the hospital is in the business of handing out free beds and food, it is going to need to be able to whack undeserving customers with a baton, jab them with a stungun, and throw them into the street hard enough to bounce several times. On the other hand, you would probably prefer to send your elderly grandma to hospital that does not do that sort of thing. So we need to keep a good separation between the hospital that hands out freebies, and the hospital that does not hand out freebies.

Or, equivalently you need to have very different rules in place for treating the people who are getting free food and free beds, from treating the people who want to get out of hospital as soon as they can. You have to treat one lot pretty much the opposite of the other lot.

43 comments The perils of government intervention in health care.

Alrenous says:

>And then to the government’s surprise they find the hospital is mistreating and murdering affluent middle class patients

Which apparently doesn’t look bad. Meaning the sick man dying in the street didn’t really look bad either, it was merely journalists behaving badly. (Not that they can really do anything else.)

Journalists and also “feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the sick, visit the imprisoned” cuckstains, without which those jewnalists wouldn’t be fed, clothed, cared for and housed.

“The right” had power in the 20s, 50s, 80s, and now. In the 20s, 50s, and 80s, t”he right” cucked out because cuckstains are actually leftists.

Hidden Author says:

Yes, people never become poor through no fault of their own. The feeling that that may happen is a delusion put upon by cuckstainity.

Or alternately, as society has limited room in the middle class aside from the unusually prosperous society of the industrialized, full-employment First World of the 60s and 70s so that one disaster can knock even the worthy frugal hard-working poor (or even just common) citizen into total destitution. And so, while “worthless Jewish agitators” may be behind the churches and the trade unions, the goyim mobs staffing those institutions may accept their Jew leaders because they speak to needs unknown to the affluent but very understandable to the hard-working but vulnerable masses!

Alrenous says:

>Yes, people never become poor through no fault of their own.

Sophism. Nobody’s dumb enough to really believe what’s being implied.

>one disaster can knock even the worthy frugal hard-working poor (or even just common) citizen into total destitution

I figure this is probably delusion though.

Hidden Author says:

What implication is there? I thought my sarcasm was a straightforward addressing of an actually existing reality.

Samson J. says:

*Yes, Canada, I am looking at you.*

Haw, haw – you Yanx barely *ever* look at us!

What’s so striking about our healthcare system is how little public appetite there is to make it better, or even to admit that it could be better in any way. I would guess that there are mighty few Canadians who have ever consciously realized and pondered how grotesque it is that we are NOT ALLOWED to spend our own money on our own health.

*the doctor… has to please the customer*

As a doctor, I’m awfully leery of this. What sorts of things are you suggesting that won’t lead to bad medicine?

jim says:

*the doctor… has to please the customer*

As a doctor, I’m awfully leery of this.

Singapore is exhibit A of the doctor as the customer’s personal servant, the in house doctors in nice hotels being the extreme example. And Singapore’s health system is the best there is.

Do the in house doctors in nice Singapore hotels deliver bad medicine?

Reactionary Oriental Libertarian says:

“how little public appetite there is to make it better, or even to admit that it could be better in any way. ”

Except your politicians all fly to the US for treatment, except for Jack Layton. I personally know a couple Chinese immigrants who flew back to China to get treatment rather than endure the Canadian health care system. The Canadian health care system sucks and kills a couple thousand people a year due to medical errors and lack of treatment, a dog gets surgery before a person.

The fact that you can brag about this atrocity of a health care system while in Singapore people get treated instantly and spend 4% of national income on their health care system while having a higher lifespan and better health outcomes is outrageous.

Samson J. says:

*The fact that you can brag about this atrocity of a health care system*

It’s bizarre. You want to talk about brainwashing and media control of the narrative, you ain’t seen nothing until you’ve seen the way that Canadians really (really) think our system is the “best”.

I do think that there would be more appetite for change if the US wasn’t available right there.

*Do the in house doctors in nice Singapore hotels deliver bad medicine?*

Well, do they? Of course, I don’t know anything about it, and we’d have to get a lot more specific for this discussion to have any value. As a matter of fact, though, I have a close colleague who is a doctor and grew up Singapore – I’ll have to ask him about this.

thinkingabout it says:

I’m impressed by your perceptiveness. You are 100% accurate.

Wealthy educated whites usually pull the plug on their seriously ill relatives. Ghetto blacks and illegals seldom do, and rack up tens of thousands of dollars in bills that the taxpayer is on the hook for.

And if that weren’t enough, PC thrives in the medical community. Google the term “pseudo seizure”. It’s basically a histrionic chick who craves attention, and decides that the way to secure that is to fake a seizure. Doctors are taught to play along with this charade, since it would be too mean to tell this poor girl that she’s crazy. These patients even get sent to rehab facilities to fix deficits that they’re faking. They know they’re faking, we know they’re faking, the rehab specialists know they’re faking, and yet no one says a word.

Meanwhile, some 60-year old man with a treatable heart attack has his ambulance turned away from three different hospitals because their beds are all occupied.

Hidden Author says:

Wealthy educated whites usually pull the plug on their seriously ill relatives. Ghetto blacks and illegals seldom do, and rack up tens of thousands of dollars in bills that the taxpayer is on the hook for.

So ghetto blacks and illegals care more about family than spoiled wealthy educated whites?

jim says:

NO. Wealthy whites care for their family, and get tired of it. It is always the one’s that were not with Grandma as she slowly died that want the hospital to make Grandma live for ever, while they cheerfully go about their business.

I loved my wife very very much, I was with her when she lost ability to think, lost the ability to speak, with her when she lost the ability to eat even when I spoon fed her in tiny amounts, then with her when she lost the ability to drink, even when I poured it in in tiny amounts. I then took her then to hospital, and hospital after a rather short time decided to pull the plug. I Oked that decision, and all her family that was with her as she lay dying OKed my decision.

Samson J. says:

*Google the term “pseudo seizure”. It’s basically a histrionic chick who craves attention, and decides that the way to secure that is to fake a seizure.*

Here is an example of what I’m talking about. It happens that last summer I had a teenage girl with pseudo-seizures, and because I don’t work in a system where “pleasing the customer” is paramount, I told her she was crazy and sent her home. Money was saved.

Anonimouse says:

Surely dear old middle class grandma deserves a death panel too, if she is taking a dime of Medicare? All the same moral hazard issues apply as to the bums on Medicaid.

jim says:

Grandma has her own home, her own food, and her own family, and does not show up at hospital for a bed, hospital food, and human contact.

Boomers without families to look after them should be euthanized. They did it to their parents.

I don’t have the heart to tell gf’s grandma her snivel rights husband was wrong about literally everything, but I don’t have to, her anti-Trump walker protest marching looks ridiculous and sad.

Steel T Post says:

Chigurh, A. (2016) Contra Good Samaritan: Stungun Therapy for the Sick Poor. American Journal of Making Hospitals Great Again. 82(5), 14-88.

Mycroft Jones says:

Here in Canada the emergency rooms are unusable. Every Hindu and Sikh mother is there with her runny nosed child, to see the doctor, in case it turns into a fever. The walk in clinics were ok for a while, but now you have to get there before 10am or they are full for the day, you have to go back to the emergency room and wait 8 hours to be seen.

jim says:

My wife went to a Canadian hospital for a day, and I spent the day with her. Place was full of homeless bums, and the homeless bums, supposing they needed treatment, were not genuinely being treated. The hospital was being abused, and was itself abusive. The place was a homeless shelter staffed by people in labcoats.

Oliver Cromwell says:

This is also my experience of the British NHS hospitals. Even the upstairs wards are full of drug addicts begging for morphine, and doctors pretending to see them as patients, while refusing their requests for morphine.

I have also noticed that the NHS hospital located in the area with the highest concentration of MPs is strikingly superior to any other I have ever visited, including one just a fifteen minute walk away. Both, however, are full of drug addicts begging for morphine.

Tommy Judea says:

Having spent a lot of time in Canadian hospitals, i am rather certain the food, and probably even the beds, is way better in homeless shelters.

Samson J. says:

Holy smoke, try getting out of Vancouver (or Toronto, whatever other third-world city-state you are in). Next time you’re sick come to my ED in rural white Ontario, you won’t have to wait more than an hour!

Mycroft Jones says:

The Queen has effectively given her Canadian colony over to India, and her African and Australian colonies to China. This doesn’t bode well for the Europeans who settled here.

No, Parliament did it in order to prove its’ supremacy over the monarchy. Death to parliamentariyids, death to the monarcheeb that failed, death to jewnalists and the civil semitce. England will rise again with a new king.

Reactionary Oriental Libertarian says:

What are you talking about? There aren’t that many Indians in Canada. And whites have already been ethnically cleansed from all of Africa except South Africa, which is still in process.

Mycroft Jones says:

There aren’t that many Indians in Canada? Who the hell do you think controls the Canadian military? If you don’t see very many dot-heads in Canada, winning elections, buying up important infrastructure and businesses, gobbling up real estate of all kinds, then you have your head up your ass.

Mycroft Jones says:

The Queen’s government is so much in love with the Diamond in the British Crown, that Canadian banks have special credit departments for Indians; they get easy credit that everyone else doesn’t.

Reactionary Oriental Libertarian says:

Yes Canada has AA. What’s your point? Natives and Quebecois get far more privileges than Indians. 4% of Canada’s population are Indian, around 4% are Chinese. Most people I see in Vancouver buying up houses are Chinese. Indians are not even close to taking over, the antisemitic guys sound more reasonable than you on this front.

Proof Indians have control of the Canadian military? not that it would make a difference considering how crap it is.

Mycroft Jones says:

Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defense, Canada.

Samson J. says:

I agree that Canada is in deep, deep trouble with a white, rural population and a handful of ethnic city-states. You never heard talk about the problems this is going to produce. It’s a discussion for another thread, though.

Mycroft Jones says:

Hope Jim starts that thread. So, rural white Ontario. Access to university/college? Work? How cold is it? Price of land to build a house? Decent soil for doing the garden/chicken/beehive thing? Well-watered or dry? What climate zone?

I’ve noticed that southern Ontario has the same climate as southern BC; amazingly warm. No wonder those areas are so vibrant. What I don’t understand is that Quebec has become a colony of Haiti. They complain about the cold, but come and stay anyway.

jim says:

I don’t know enough about Canada, though I should. All my grandchildren are Canadians.

Cavalier says:

Now _that’s_ interesting.

By the way, have you noticed any regression to the mean, did you take any steps to attempt to prevent it, and have you any Jim ideas to prevent it?

Samson J. says:

Most Americans don’t, which I always say is too bad, because although the reason no one knows anything about us is that we’re kind of boring, there are nevertheless interesting and striking sociological lessons to be observed here.

Mediocre IQ White Nationalist says:

Any thoughts on doxing incident

I heard some info on this but not sure of the details

seems like every few weeks there’s new drama out of the alt-right

jim says:

News to me. What happened?

Brit says:

Seems to be a case of very-far-right attacking (ddosing and eventually doxxing) the moderately-far-right for being soft on Jews/gays

pdimov says:
pdimov says:
pdimov says:

There was a fourth link here, but it went to spam.

Alan J. Perrick says:

L.O.L…. Interventionist maniacs.


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