

The holocaust is real, in that midway through the war, the Nazis decided to kill every Jew, and made a good start on doing so. The holocaust is fake, in that a pile of myths have been manufactured around it to deceive people about the nature and motivation of the crime.

The point and purpose of the mythmaking is not to exaggerate the crime, but to make the crime as different as possible from the communist mass murders (which probably killed more Jews even though they did not consciously intend to target Jews) and in particular and especially to deny the role of envy and covetousness.

Jews, like kulaks, were murdered because people broke the tenth commandment, the commandment against coveting that which belongs to someone else. If Jews spent one percent as much energy on the tenth commandment as they spend on the prohibition against eating a goat boiled in its mother’s milk, it would be a fairly healthy and sane religion. But instead Jews seem stubbornly suicidal, as for example in their firm support for the Islamization of Europe even as Muslims run them out of Europe, and in their hostility to the crusades, then and now.

The death camp of which we have the most reliable knowledge is Majdanek, which was overrun early while still in operation before the Germans gave any thought to concealing their crimes. Majdanek did not have gas chambers – the alleged gas chambers are delousing chambers, for the “gas chambers” lack doors that can be locked against those inside, and have genuine baths and showers for actually washing people and getting them clean. Poster girl principle: If no gas chambers at Majdanek, no gas chambers anywhere. In this sense, the holocaust as conventionally depicted is a myth. However, it is also clear that everyone sent to Majdanek died quickly – not from gas, but from overwork, lack of food, exposure to the elements, and disease – much as in the communist democides. The only survivors were those that had not been there very long. In this sense, the holocaust is very real.

Estimates of the death toll at Majdanek have varied enormously, by a factor of fifty, which inclines me to doubt all such estimates. One lie, all lies. But it is clear that if people were sent to Majdanek, they died fairly quickly, from which we may conclude that if people were sent to any such camps, they usually died fairly quickly. From which we may conclude that when the Germans rendered an area free from Jews, those Jews were sent to their deaths. The German internal documents show that the Germans had no intention of feeding them enough to keep them alive, and expected them to be dead fairly soon, and the evidence from Majdanek shows that is indeed what happened. Irrespective of whether it was exactly six million Jews, it was every Jew that the Germans managed to get their hands on.

Initially the plan was to deport them all, preferably to Israel. When this plan was frustrated by the allies, the Germans consciously adopted a plan of killing them all.

OK, no gas chambers, but the Jews still wound up dead. Which brings me to the diary of Ann Frank, which like the gas chambers is fake but true. It is clear that the diary of Ann Frank is a forgery, in that it was not written by Ann Frank. It is clear that the story of Ann Frank is not a forgery, in that Ann Frank lived and was murdered much as depicted.

Of all the Jews murdered by the Nazis, the Jew to be specially humanized just happens to be single, female, and did not have major possessions to confiscate. So that her murder is pure discrimination, and absolutely nothing to do with envy and covetousness. The choice of Anne Frank as poster girl rather than someone more typical profoundly and dangerously misleads us about the nature and causes of mass murder.

Undue focus on the deaths of six million Jews, when communism murdered a hundred and sixty million, is unfair and is driving us insane, driving us towards the murder of billions, for it is not discrimination that kills, but covetousness, wanting what is someone else’s, and the Diary of Ann Frank is inexorably linked to a narrative justifying and endorsing envy and covetousness, a narrative that white males do not deserve their stuff but somehow grabbed it before single women and people of color could, that husbands and fathers should be expelled from their homes and separated from their children, that those who work and pay taxes are the real welfare queens whose resistance to demands that they lose their undeserved privilege is racism and sexism.

Killing Jews and taking their stuff is a really bad idea, and even ejecting them to Israel and taking their stuff is also a really bad idea, because taking their stuff means that it will be ruined rather than sold to someone competent to use it productively. A desire to take their stuff reveals a motivation of envy and covetousness. The Nazis murdered a lot of Jews, not necessarily six million, but something like six million, though probably not by means of gas chambers.

But they did so for the same reasons that the communists murdered vastly more people, and considerably more Jews. They did so out of envy and covetousness. Holocaustianity is a religion that the real sin is “racism”, from which it follows that one group having more nice things than another group is evidence of a crime. Stronger and stronger methods are then applied to correct this crime, but strangely, nothing will correct it except murdering all those wicked people whose wickedness is proven by their continued possession of nice things. The murderers do not start out intending mass murder. They expect that after correcting this regrettable injustice, everyone will happily be brothers, but they get frustrated when this terrible injustice proves strangely difficult to correct.

The same dynamic will likely play out in Israel. If progressivism rather than Judaism continues to be the state religion of Israel, Israel will likely finish doing to Ashkenazim Jews what Germany began doing. For Ashkenazim to survive, they have to re-activate the tenth commandment, and to re-activate the tenth commandment, they have to let go of Holocaustianity, which needs to recede to its proper place in history, one rather small mass murder among the many enormous mass murders of the twentieth century.

126 comments Holocaustianity

Inquiring Mind says:

The Japanese under the Imperial System did much of everything you describe (work internees under starvation rations, conduct medical experiments), and at they too were brought before war crimes tribunals with at least high-ranking official sentenced to death.

In some ways “Zyklon B denial” clouds the question because if you are going to kill a person, perhaps forced labor under starvation rations is a more horrific form of execution than shooting or poisoning?

Which brings us to the stinker that Mencious Moldbug let out.

Moldbug was talking about Climate Change and consideration of what is really involved in changing CO2 emissions to a degree that could even make much of a difference. His argument is that absent some breakthrough in the replacement energy sources being considered, an 80 percent reduction in CO2 emissions means an 80 percent reduction in industrial production which means the Morgenthau Plan.

Well, what was the Morgenthau Plan? If I have this right, Henry Morgenthau was the Treasury Secretary who had the ear of President Roosevelt, that the plan for post-Allied-victory Germany would be deindustrialization of Germany, a long-term strategy to prevent Germany from ever rearming and putting the world what it had just put the world through.

I actually heard about the Morgenthau Plan in Middle School, where I think it was the Geography Class teacher going off script and telling us that the initial proposal for postwar Germany was the Morgenthau Plan, where Germany would not only be stripped of its industry but would be left destitute, broken, and starving. I was told that “thankfully this plan was never implemented” but in its place was the Marshal Plan, of General George C Marshall who was the “Colin Powell” of WW-II, where the U.S. through its magnanimity in victory rebuilt Germany and at least allowed West Germany to become prosperous.

Moldbug blurted out that the Morgenthau Plan was indeed implemented. I went to Wikipedia (! — I thought the Narrative got controlled over there?) where it is claimed that not only was the Morgenthau Plan implemented, by 1947 the ration of the average adult German was down to 600 kCal per day.

Herbert Hoover (remember him?) apparently “cut the Morgenthau Plan holdovers in the successor Truman Administration a new one” on the pages of the Chicago Tribune” about the potential humanitarian disaster for mass death from disease and starvation in Germany (Wikipedia was claiming this last I had looked, but that can change). Apparently this had enough effect that the Morgenthau Plan faction was ousted, the Marshall Plan was put into effect (largely because of worry of all of Germany and perhaps Western Europe turning Soviet Communist), and we USians can pat ourselves on the back regarding the humanitarian heroes that we know ourselves to be.

Were this all what really happened, you could say that there was at least a faction in the U.S. who wanted a kind of revenge where Germans would be punished with the kind of thing (everything but the Zyklon B part) that they had inflicted on others. You could say wanting this was morally wrong, wanting to do this (and starting on carrying it out) was as bad as what Germany did, but you could say it is understandable in terms of very human impulses and the history of what victors did to subject peoples and so on.

Did this happen — I mean the implementation of the Morgenthau Plan to the extent of 600 calories per German adult by 1947? I would really like to fact-check this, but my contacts with The Greatest Generation have all passed on by now. Is this account exaggerated — I have read that the casualty numbers for Dresden are exaggerated by some wanting to give some victim status to the Germans and I believe that because the effects of aerial bombardment in war are often overstated for propaganda and confirmation bias reasons.

Forget the Zyklon B thing, Jim, I want to know about the 600 calorie per day per adult German by 1947 thing as a direct consequence of U.S. postwar occupation policy. If the later can be corroborated, this would change everything. Or maybe not — many Lefties would readily equate the U.S. with WW-II Germany?

Orthodox says:

Morgenthau Plan

There are a lot of sources at the Infogalactic link. Looks like there was an order in place for 2 years, until replaced in 1947. The question is was holding back economic development the cause, or was it more due to post-war chaos, lack of basic infrastructure and higher priorities for the Allies.

fnn says:

There’s also a book on the implementation of the Morgenthau Plan written by
a former DIA employee:

Cavalier says:

The Morgenthau Plan makes clear why Germany needed autarky, Lebensraum, und Österreich — economic independence from hostile powers set out to destroy her.

pdimov says:

“If the later can be corroborated, this would change everything.”

Nobody will care. They were Nazis.

Incidentally, even though reliable data is hard to obtain, it’s quite likely that the average ration of Auschwitz prisoners was more than 600 kCal.

BigCheese says:

The Morgenthau Plan largely failed because German women whored themselves out on a massive scale to allied troops for food for their children. There were about 2 millions deaths but most were among German POWs being forced to do slave labor without enough food.

Turtle says:

I only know of one German WWII war bride. It’s hard to believe Allied troops would be customers of prostitution so much, too. But, I have heard stories of such soldiers feeding hungry families.

The soldiers want it, the women want it, why would you tell them not to? Don’t hate, just live your life #lovewins

pdimov says:

“It’s hard to believe Allied troops would be customers of prostitution so much.”


vxxc2014 says:

Yeah it’s pretty damn easy to believe.

Turtle says:

My grandfathers were not like that. I don’t know many other veterans of that war, so I assume they were mostly chaste, except for the gaia/europa/ aphrodite/ athena/ etc. – worshipping Westerners. Fornication, with or without payment, is not normal behavior.

》Fornication, with or without payment, is not normal behavior.

…in a context where White men understand that marriage is normal, if they do okay they’ll get married, and if they fuck the slut they’ll get a shotgun marriage.

Today fornication is normal, and the only way to bring back marriage is to bring back marriage.

Which you oppose because you’re a cuckservative.

jim says:

Did this happen — I mean the implementation of the Morgenthau Plan to the extent of 600 calories per German adult by 1947? I would really like to fact-check this, but my contacts with The Greatest Generation have all passed on by now. Is this account exaggerated

Was implemented, but with typical socialist inefficiency so that it never took full effect. As it began to take effect, those implementing it started to lose support within the administration, and their German servants, seeing and hoping which way the wind was blowing, took to ignoring their exterminationist masters.

But yes, the west made a substantial start on doing to the Germans what the Germans did to the Jews.

But extermination is difficult and complicated. You cannot just snap your fingers and make it happen.

If you are in charge of group A and want to exterminate group B, socialist methods are slow, inefficient, and unpredictable. The efficient procedure is sack of Rome. You legalize members of group A to kill members of group B at whim, you legalize members of group A to take stuff belonging to group B, you legalize slavery but you don’t legalize slave ownership, because slave owners have an incentive to keep slaves alive and healthy.

Thus you align the incentives of individual members of group A to eradicate group B. The Morgenthau plan on the other hand had misaligned incentives, as is typical of socialism, and thus was by it nature unlikely to be carried out effectively and efficiently. And it was not.

But it was an exterminationist plan, and they did attempt to carry it out.

Inquiring Mind says:

A couple of points.

Real Socialists (i.e. the Soviets, the Maoists) were rather effective if not efficient in their killing?

Two, isn’t the Morgenthau Plan Orwellian in that it has the Western/Anglo aspect to it? Who really knows if the motivation was revenge counter-extermination because it was couched in language of remaking Germans into Thomas Jefferson’s notion of pacifist gentleman farmers?

Think of it. The Eastern-Soviet way of doing things is “Those people over there are Enemies of the State, they deserve to die, and we shall execute them.” The Anglo way that George Orwell was on to was that there are the same sentiments, but they are clothed in so much euphemism, noble expressions and happy talk that you don’t know of the people saying all of those things have a deadly intention or if this is a conveniently unintended consequence.

jim says:

“Those people over there are Enemies of the State, they deserve to die, and we shall execute them.”

You attribute clearer and less hypocritical thinking to commies and nazis than is actually observed.

The level of happy talk and Orwellian double talk is about the same among commies, nazis, and progressives, resulting in mass murder, and even mass murder by torture, being conducted in a bumbling and inefficient manner.

The well oiled high tech nazi extermination machines was invented to be as different as possible from Soviet mass murder, and as Soviet mass murder recedes into the past, it also gets the nazification treatment. Progressives do not want to admit Soviet happy talk and hypocrisy, because the commies sounded so much like progressives.

Turtle says:

To me, the communists put the progressives to shame by being far more sincere-sounding leftists. Soviet rhetoric/ propaganda proves that progressivies are grying to be moderates, in a compromised way. They would be like Mensheviks, not Bolsheviks.

(I don’t know about other communist countries, only the USSR.)

Boomer hippy culture has one sin: telling someone else their behavior is unacceptable. Unless they are trying to exclude someone else for either unacceptable behavior or being inherently prone to unacceptable behavior.

You say economic marxism is superior to hippyism, well, hippyism won, didn’t it?

All cultures, other than economic marxism, are equally superior to Boomer hippy culture, especially Generation Zyklon nazi culture, which will replace it.

Turtle says:

Soviet hippie culture was different- more athletic, bards not rock instruments, alcohol not psychedelics, medals not diplomas, and overall more “classically european.”

Hippyism lost- most hippies became total moderates, like Dick Cheney, and Wall St. “greed is good” types who were just as savage in the 80’s, robbing the corporate world, as they were in the 60’s and 70’s, pillaging the cultural, sexual, artistic, etc. world. They never repented, with few exceptions.

Communism included hippyism in the Soviet early 1920s. You can watch prestigious films from that time, on YouTube for free, and this is stuff “smart professors” prefer to other videos on YouTube, meaning idiocracy-type “why socialism works but capitalism does not” fake economics.

In other words, you would like the hgiher-class communst culture better, because those hippies have their own private property, their own wives, etc. Better communists are actually more normal people, thus less communist in their behavior, but more eloquent in promoting it otherwise. The irony is that they make it look good by not doing it.

Hippyism lost? John Lennon’s song Imagine is still the anthem of the entire western world and the idea that women themselves and not their fathers should decide who they sleep with was until very recently more or less embraced by every political tendency.

Alrenous says:

Nazi commie proggie.

guest says:

The problem i have with it, is the constant singling out. It’s not the holocaust goddammit, it’s World War II, refer to it as such! Or do the 50 million dead white people don’t matter at all? The open secret is of course that it was far worse for white people, WW2, whatever did or did not happen to Jews, was a side show, not the main event.

Magus says:


It makes sense for Jews in West running media to single it out.
It doesn’t make sense for us to be complicit in it.

Massacres happen. This was a bad one. Similar worse ones happened in Ukraine, Russia, China, (proportionally) Cambodia, Rwanda….

That’s the right way to study it. Not putting this particular one one a pedestal because the bracket brigade wants it there.

Two remarks here.

The logic behind the “uniqueness” of the Holocaust comes not from the number of victims (China, GLF beats that easily) but from the efficiently organized industrialized killing. Put yourself in the shoes of relatively honest liberals. They really believed in Enlightenment, that it is primitive passion that kills, efficient High Modernist Reason Rationality is humane. And what Eichmann did was efficient High Modernist Reason Rationality work of killing. So relatively honest liberal was shocked in his faith in the Enlightenment.

The second thing is that it is not entirely fair to compare soldiers and civilians. If given the choice, would a man, a real man, die on the field of battle with rifle in the hand or processed in a slaughterhouse like cattle? Don’t equate the two.

Nevertheless the Holocaust has is less unique than they say and what I have in mind is the German women and children in Dresden and Hamburg. It was calculated, efficient evil. Arthur Harris, of course. He planned the bombings exactly so that by the second wave he would kill the people who would put out the fires and help women and children out under the rubbles. (Hamburg was worse than Dresden, but less spectacular.)

Harris clearly and openly wanted to kill the people who were the equivalent of 9/11 firemen. Let that sink in. And he was no Jew…

So that was what was comparable to the Holocaust.

My identity is Mitteleuropa, and that includes Germans, Jews, Poles, Hungarians etc. History is always personal and in my mind, there is a twin gravestone, side by side, with “Auschwitz” and “Hamburg” written on it. Both are our loss, as I identify with the victims of both. Stalingrad was a tragedy too, but they were soldiers, different story.

jim says:

The logic behind the “uniqueness” of the Holocaust comes not from the number of victims (China, GLF beats that easily) but from the efficiently organized industrialized killing.

The efficient organized industrialized killing is a political myth, invented to make it different from the communist mass murders.

Efficient organized industrialized killing is in fact difficult to organize industrially. If you want to kill really large numbers of people, less efficient methods are easier to organize.

The organizational optimum is to do it Sack of Rome style, in a way that is disorderly, chaotic and anarchic, because this aligns the individual incentives with the overall program of mass murder.

Oy vey, remember the 4M or 1.5M or 1.1M or 800k victims of lampshade machines and/or gas chambers and ovens and/or burial where blood spurted from the ground for days, with no surviving physical evidence of crematoria or mass graves, and the nazis who died in Dresden leaving behind physical evidence desoived it.

The moral distinction between soldiers and civiians is based on the rules of war between different states and aristocracies of the same nation, and the ridiculous idea of cosmic purpose assigned to individuals. Every nigger and muslim on our soil claims is officially a civilian while they fight their war against us raping our women and taking our welfare and using physical force to prevent us from walking in certain areas.

ikacer says:

There was no deliberate plan halfway through the war to kill the Jews through starvation. There are numerous interviews of survivors who say they ate well up until the last few months of the war. The large outbreaks of disease only occurred in the final months as well, as the Reich collapsed.

Hence why Anne Frank didn’t starve to death in 1944, but instead died of Typhus two months before the end of the war.

jim says:

If they survived, they ate well until near the end of the war. But everyone who went to Majdanek died quickly.

Socialism is inefficient at deliberately starving people, and inefficient at deliberately feeding people. But everyone who went to Majdanek died of one thing or another before very long.

EH says:


Anonymous says:

Majdanek is easily the most well documented WW2 concentration camp. Do a simple internet search before reflexively spitting out “Evidence?” and you will see this.

And, despite JIm’s repeated claims, Majdanek did have a gas chamber. So you can add that into the list of why Jews died so quickly after arrival.

jim says:

A “gas chamber” that could not be locked against those inside. It is clear that the problem was getting people to leave the “gas chamber”, which had hot baths and showers, not getting them to stay inside.

Jews “died quickly on arrival” in the sense of months – not hours.

They still wound up dead – but by a process indistinguishable from that of the communist mass murders.

Turtle says:

> > There are numerous interviews of survivors who say they ate well up until the last few months of the war.

I haven’t heard that from the survivors I’ve met. Where are these statements? Any online sources?

jim says:

It is absolutely inevitable that the center cannot starve everyone uniformly, any more than it can feed everyone uniformly, or kill everyone uniformly. Getting very large numbers of people to perform complex tasks in unison with identical results is hard, and the more violent, drastic, and extreme the tasks, the harder it gets.

Ken S. says:

“If Jews spent one percent as much energy on the tenth commandment as they spend on the prohibition against eating a goat boiled in its mother’s milk, it would be a fairly healthy and sane religion.”

That’s a quote for the ages.

Cavalier says:


2 gorillion / 50 thousand = 40. 6 gorillion / 40 = 150 thousand.

Incidentally, to deny the gas chambers or the lampshades is Holocaust denial, and indeed, to acknowledge the deaths of merely 5.999999 gorillion Jews is to deny the Holocaust. Congratulations, you filthy antisemite.

The important question, to the extent that the Holocaust is important, is why and how the untimely deaths of a few typhus victims came to occupy such an elect status.

Also, why was Patton ordered to throw Germans out of their homes without trial or judgement of any kind? Some questions may never be answered…

Grampy_bone says:

The Holocaust museum is really strange. Do other countries have monuments to the Trail of Tears or anything? It’s only intended purpose can be propaganda.

Cavalier says:


Alf says:

Jim, what in your mind is the clearest evidence that the diary of Anne Frank is a forgery? I read parts of it when I was younger and remembered it was strangely written (very literary language, unfitting for a girl teenager), but that is hardly evidence that the entire diary was forged by her father.

jim says:

“The handwriting of the diary in the three bound volumes — including all notes and additions on the glued-in pages as well as the 338 pages of loose material — including all corrections and insertions is identical . . .”

Oops, identical except for a few, very few, very very very few, parts written in ballpoint pen. Which parts absolutely do not matter at all.</sarcasm>

The typescript appeared first, then the handwritten original, then the extensive handwritten revisions to the handwritten original.

It looks like the hand that wrote the original is the same hand as wrote in ballpoint pen, in that the handwriting expert originally identified the ballpoint notes as the same handwriting, and subsequently identified them as clearly and distinctly different handwriting.

Alf says:

“The Forensic Science Laboratory report also points out that the paper, ink and glue in the diary and some of her accompanying loose sheets all existed in the early 1940’s.

[…] the defendants maintained that the diary was a fake because corrections had been made in black, blue and green ink with a ballpoint pen and that such pens were not produced until 1951. The defendants could not produce any examples of such corrections, however. Mr. Barnouw noted that changes in the diary by Otto Frank, Anne’s father, were made in pencil.

[…] The ballpoint theory was discredited.”

Says the NY Times in 1989.

I can not find the original Bundeskriminalamt ballpoint research your source points to.

Though even without the ballpoint ink theory this guy does a pretty convincing debunking:

jim says:

The story changed from time to time. One story, all in the same handwriting, none of it in ballpoint pen. Another story, a teensy weensy little bit in ballpoint, but that was different handwriting.

Similarly, gas chambers.

viking says:

you know if true this would be like one of half a dozen famouse jew whines from the war well asserted to be faked, a book devoted to all these and other frauds about the holcaust would be neat if it were stringently honest

Anonymous says:

From some articles:

A REPORT by the German Federal Criminal Investigation Bureau (BKA) indicates that portions of The Diary of Anne Frank had been altered or added after 1951, casting doubt over the authenticity of the entire work, the West German news weekly Der Spiegel has disclosed.

The diary, a day-to-day account of the anguish of a young Jewish and her family hiding in their Amsterdam home during the Nazi invasion, has touched the hearts of millions.

The manuscript was examined on orders of a West German court as of a libel action brought by Otto Frank, Anne’s father and the only family member to survive the concentration camps, against Ernst Roemer for spreading the allegation the book was a fraud.

This was the second suit against Roemer, a long-time critic of the book, by Frank. In the first case, the court decided in Frank’s favor when the testimony of historians and graphologists sufficed to authenticate the diary.

In April, however, only a short time before Frank’s death on August 19, the manuscript was turned over to techicians of the BKA [Bundeskriminalamt, Germany’s “FBI”] for examination.

The manuscript, in the form of three hardbound notebooks and 324 loose pages bound in a fourth notebook, was examined with special equipment.

The results of tests performed at the BKA laboratories show that portions of the work, specially of the fourth volume, were written with a ballpoint pen. Since ballpoint pens were not available before 1951, the BKA concluded, those sections must have been added subsequently. [*]

The examination of the manuscript did not, however, unearth any conslusive evidence to lay to rest the speculations about the authenticity of the first three notebooks.

* Anne Frank fell ill with typhus at the Bergen-Belsen camp and died in March 1945.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The Basel, Switzerland, Anne Frank Fonds (Anne Frank Fund)—which controls the copyright to the Diary of Anne Frank—has admitted that the book was in fact at least co-authored by Otto Frank, Anne’s father, after the war.

The admission proves that the book, which is still heavily promoted as a “holocaust memoir,” is in fact largely a postwar fabrication which contained parts of the young Anne’s diary with extensive additions added by her father.

This is obvious from even a cursory look at the actual diary. See, for example, the image below of two pages from the diary, which shows both Anne’s real youthful handwriting and her father’s obviously adult handwriting—although he signs his entries as “Anne Frank.”

As the New York Times has pointed out, when “Otto Frank first published his daughter’s red-checked diary and notebooks, he wrote a prologue assuring readers that the book mostly contained her words, written while hiding from the Nazis in a secret annex of a factory in Amsterdam.”

Normal copyright on books extends only 70 years after the author’s death. As Anne Frank died of typhus in Bergen Belsen in February 1945, the book theoretically entered the public domain in February 2015.

But, as the New York Times went on to say, the Anne Frank Fonds has now decided to try to extend copyright on the book past the 70 year cut-off period—by admitting that Otto Frank, who died in 1980, was indeed a “co-author” after all.

Actually, as I pointed out in Section 110 of The Six Million: Fact or Fiction, Otto Frank actually admitted in an Amsterdam court that much of the handwriting was in fact his, and not that of Anne’s.

He explained that he had “transcribed” Anne’s diary before publication, and this was why the handwriting was his. Furthermore, Otto Frank announced, he had actually only published a “novel” called The Annex: Diary Notes 14 June 1942 – 1 August 1944 (in Dutch, Het Achterhuis. Dagboekbrieven 14 juni 1942 – 1 augustus 1944) and had never called it the Diary of Anne Frank. The title Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl had been given to the book’s first English translation.

This “transcription” by Otto Frank finally explained the 1980 report by the German Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Investigation Bureau, or BKA) which showed that portions of the dairy had been altered or added after 1951. The manuscript was examined on orders of a West German court as the result of a libel action brought by Otto Frank against a German publisher who had claimed the book was a fraud.

The manuscript, in the form of three hardbound notebooks and 324 loose pages bound in a fourth notebook, was examined with special equipment. The results of tests performed at the BKA laboratories show that portions of the work, especially of the fourth volume, were written with a ballpoint pen. As ballpoint pens were not commercially available until after the war, the BKA concluded that those sections were added after Anne Frank died.

jim says:

The results of tests performed at the BKA laboratories show that portions of the work, specially of the fourth volume, were written with a ballpoint pen. Since ballpoint pens were not available before 1951, the BKA concluded, those sections must have been added subsequently.

The interesting question of course, is whose handwriting?

Since we have no end of authority figures testifying in a court of law that the entire Diary of Ann Frank is in one handwriting, I am inclined to believe them: That the entire work was written by someone who was alive after the war, every last word, from beginning to end.

Dave says:

The greatest tragedy of the Holocaust was this:

These men were some of the most brilliant scientists who ever lived, the extreme right tail of the bell curve of a population that went extinct in 1944. We might have cities on Mars today if we still had one or two million Hungarian Jews producing one or two super-geniuses a year.

Official numbers are 600K Hungarian Jews murdered, mostly rural shopkeepers. The highly intelligent urban elite generally fled before. Manhattan Project. Karl and Michael Polanyi.

Most of the prominent Hungarian Jews murdered were writers and poets.

The only truly important STEM oriented victim I know of was Gedeon Richter, an important pharmaceutical entrepreneur and inventor

Not defending the mass murder the slightest, of course, just for the sake of accuracy. It seems the loss is primarily not in STEM talent. In Hungary. In Germany yes.

The idea that there are a few named geniuses who produce all the science is kind of like the idea that there are a few named businessmen who produce all the wealth: there are, in that those particular ones were able to get their product to market. It’s also kind of due to professors naming individuals and their students remwmbering names of individuals because that’s easier than specifying concepts. It’s also because before science was kidnapped by the university system to give the universities a purpose besides spreading universityism, and was aubsequently infected with universityism, science was done by eccentric aristocrats and their servants.

I approve or arbitrarily many murders of Jewish writers and poets. The Jewish scientists may be useful as slaves, but one in a hundred Aryan men have +2σ IQs, so they’re far from indispensible.

glosoli says:

Like the Tower of Babel attempt, any and every attempt by man to escape earths atmosphere will be thwarted by Jehovah.

Why would you want to go to Mar anyway, our planet is beautiful.

Sam J. says:

“Why would you want to go to Mar anyway…”

Because there’s no Jews on it.

Jehovah caused his people to get niggers to demand gibsmedats and ruin NASA after the White man dared to step on the moon?

That does sound accurate.

Aoife says:

The (((Chosen))) versus Ernst Zundel

“In the forty-year battle between Ernst Zundel and the Jews, I think we can finally declare a winner. Hold on to your hats, folks, because the end result is a real shocker. In Harry Caray voice: “Jews win! Jews win!”

Zundel, for those of you who don’t know, is a 78-year-old Holocaust denier and Hitler-lover. And when I say Hitler-lover, I’m not using the term the way leftists do when referring to anyone slightly to the right of the Weather Underground. The living room of Zundel’s former home in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., is adorned with a painting of Hitler and Zundel hugging like father and son. Now, that’s Hitler-lovin’!

Zundel sincerely believes Der Führer got a bum rap. How could this dog-loving, nonsmoking vegetarian have killed anyone? Zundel has made it his life’s goal to rehabilitate Hitler’s image. It’s a fool’s quest. In a rational world, there would never have been a reason for Ernst Zundel to be the topic of a column in The Washington Post by one of the nation’s finest constitutional scholars. Indeed, the very suggestion of such a thing would be laughable. But it happened, and if Zundel’s legal travails are important enough to be examined by the WaPo’s Prof. Eugene Volokh, they’re certainly important enough for this column.


When Jews whined, “Give us Zundel,” it was a very cheap and painless bone to throw them to shut them up. Bully Jews picked on a nobody, and politicians, who never give a damn about nobodies anyway, happily threw him under the bus to stop the kvetching.

But….look what the war on Zundel wrought. Holocaust denial was put on the map, and Zundel became an international figure of note. Was it worth it, going after this rotund little bald man? Is it still worth it? Yes, it’s a victory in that Zundel is finished. He’ll probably die soon, and Jews can dance on his grave. Satisfied? But in a broader sense, it was a terrible defeat, in terms of what Zundel’s bullies were hoping to accomplish versus what they actually did. In attempting to silence Holocaust denial, Jewish groups gave it a megaphone.

Worse still, in trying to squash a man who spreads Jewish conspiracy theories, Jews acted just like the vengeful, world-controlling puppeteers Zundel portrays them as. In trying to suppress Zundel’s crude stereotypes, Jews ended up personifying them.”

viking says:

One might even call it the Streisand effect.

Turtle says:

The Soviet purges sometimes, definitely in the 1950’s, targeted Jews. The Jewish Autonomic Republic is where Stalin wanted to deport them all, and it’s a wasteland that’s arguably inhospitable to human life. I don’t think it’s that bad, but it was considered one of the worst places in the whole USSR. I wonder if Maoist CHina was anti-Semitic; from Wikipedia, Ilearned that the founders of the Chinese Communist Party were CommIntern Soviets, msotly Jews. I don’t think the CHinese were grateful for this meddling.

I mean that the Nazis were not alone in hating / killing Jews. It’s a popular activity worldwide. The Greeks, Baltics, Bvalkans, etc. mostly cooperated with the Nazis, and the war was *both* better and worse for them as a result. They might have lost fewer soldiers’ lives, but they now pretend to be vicitms just like the Jews were, which is ridiculous and makes them look like lying jackasses. They say things like “Bulgarian soldiers never allied with the Nazis, only some Bulgarian men enlisted independently,” and they think this makes their nations holy.

I am disappointed that Holocaustaism (as in Judaism) followers are mostly not grateful to the nations, such as Denmark, who resisted the Nazis and saved “their Jews.” I don’t know what the Jew-savers thought of the Jew-killers, but probably, they were appalled and angry. I know forgiveness is one of the most difficult acts any being can do, but the Jew-savers did not collaborate, so why lump them in withthose who did? Relatedly, why not note which nations did collaborate, and let them know “we remember?”

It’s like the Holocaustaism folks have generalizing amnesia, where all Europeans were Nazis. There are some charities devoted to providing for the needs of elderly desendants of families who hid Jews, but this is not popular among Jews as a cause. Jews, at least in America, more frequently prefer ISRAELIIII organizations, AIPAC… various political follies, especially adversarial ones.

In ROCOR, the Russian Church Abroad, then priest-monk Anthony (the future Archbishop of San Francisco) was sent to a concentration camp, but his Russian flock/ friends asked the Nazis to free him, and they did. So, it was not difficult to say, “this Jew is our friend, not an enemy.” I think the Nazis were more reasonable about whom to kill than anyone admits. They were people, not demons.

Archbishop Anthony is amost entirely not remembered as a Jew; I think some Russians call him a Russian, though photos reveal otherwise. He might be a saint, or just a blessed hierarch. The historical point is that a well-liked Jew could be released.

Felix Frankfurter’s uncle was detained, but Felix asked his American noble friend, Lady Astor, in England to go to the German mbassador, and Uncle Frankfurter was released. This man led his Jewish community, and was a professor, but one intervention saved him. I don’t know how often this happened.

Theologically, I mean that God can save people whenever He wants, seemingly because He only wants some innocents to be martyred, while others die violently because they themselves killed and injured vioently, like St. Moses the Black. It’s reassuring that the Orthodox Church blossomed during WWII, mostly because the people remembered they need God, and the authorities remembered they need religious people to win their wars. Saints are good soldiers.

St. Matrona of Moscow would visit the front lines, sort of dong astral projection or ‘exomatosis,’ and helped them somehow. More famously, St. John (Maximovitch) led the Russian colony in Japanese-occupied Shanghai, and saved many orphans’ lives. Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) was a doctor, I think, in France.

It’s popular to obsess over WWII service among famous people of the time, even in Orthodox circles, but reading accounts of the war period, most people didn’t learn any moral lessons from it. This indicates that while God is patient with us sinners, He will not stoop to saying, “This war will go away if you pray to Me for peace. Please let me solve your problems.” That would be invasive and lowly. God’s religion is mystical, and so He lets people find Him mysteriously, not blatantly.

> I don’t think it’s that bad, but it was considered one of the worst places in the whole USSR.

So if one of the worst places in the whole USSR is not that bad, then most places in the USSR were pretty good? TIL. /sarcasm

Turtle says:

People continue to live there. In Russia, people treat Siberia and the Far East like wastelands, which is analogous to saying nobody can live in Alaska or northern Canada. It’s chauvinistic, and about being closer to EUROPE. Aside from this bias towards Russia’s east, which is the bread basket and warm resort region, the far east is not so bad. Most places in the USSR were livable, except that people sinned. The JAR could have been good for the Jews, like a second Israel. I don’t know why they are so offended by Stalin’s plan- do they prefer ongoing conflict with others everywhere they live in tense diversity? I like the JAR plan. The people who live there seem fine, not starving or freezing to death. That’s what I meant.

A Portuguese Man says:

“in that midway through the war, the Nazis decided to kill every Jew”

And this is true why?

If they did, why did they bother saturating their train lines with loads of them and didn’t just shoot them wherever they found them? Or do like the soviets, load barges with them and sink them?

“Initially the plan was to deport them all, preferably to Israel.”

Never seen confirmation than Israel was the final destination, but seems reasonable. I wondered about that myself. But

” When this plan was frustrated by the allies, the Germans consciously adopted a plan of killing them all.”

Again, what supports your assertion?

“The German internal documents show that the Germans had no intention of feeding them enough to keep them alive, and expected them to be dead fairly soon, and the evidence from Majdanek shows that is indeed what happened.”

Which documents, specifically?

A Portuguese Man says:

You say it was for the labor. OK.

But if the idea was to work them literally to death, why build entertainment and sport facilities in the camps? Why give them medical treatment instead of just epidemics control?

The Japanese worked their prisoners to death, gave them fuck all.

Cavalier says:


It’s a magical word, simply repeat it thrice and click your heels together. It explains everything, including critical food (and oil) shortages, which had absolutely nothing to do with any Allied blockades or logistics bombing campaigns.

But there’s more! It not only explains starvation, it also explains obesity! Just go to your nearest Walmart and take a look around! She is a fickle mistress, this socialism.

A Portuguese Man says:

Not sure if you are being sarcastic.

But Nazi socialism is of a very different nature to Soviet socialism. They had rationing yes, but not because of production problems.

Oil was a concern, true. But they were at the front in terms of synthetics. And it didn’t stop them inventing the jet engine.

There’s a book by François Delaisi about their economy. It’s not some dumb socialist experiment. They didn’t fuck around.

The Soviets never even compared, even after. The US gave them literally all sorts of things. Major Racy Jordan’s account in his Diary says it all: tractors, engines, machinery, entire refineries and factories. Even a dollar printing plate found its way there. Nuclear secrets too most likely.

I don’t buy it.

A Portuguese Man says:

Communist socialism never advanced any country whatsoever. Russians were a match for the US not because of technology but because the US was playing the Miss Universe contest.

The Nazis turned a fucked up country into a bleeding edge technological country. They had video calls by the Olympics time. I kid you not you could go into a post office in Berlin and call someone in Leipzig and see their face.

It’s in a National Geographic article about the Olympics preparations…

A Portuguese Man says:


Page 167

Long-distance see-speak” in a Long-Distance Seeing and Talking Office


Cavalier says:

That’s pretty impressive.

I often wonder what a Nazi technological future would have looked like. It might be as divergent from us as steampunk is imagined to be. They might even have managed to put a man on the moon by the close of the second millennium.

Maybe built that for the guards?

Ryan C says:

The question of a conscious decision depends if you decide to look at where the food came from and where it went. Much of the food came from occupied Russia, and much of the food went into alcohol for rocket fuel to bomb Britain.

One can see how food allocations got worse towards the end.

A trolley problem if you will.

>If they did, why did they bother saturating their train lines with loads of them and didn’t just shoot them wherever they found them?

This was not the first crazy thing Hitler did. Throughout the whole course of war he gradually went from genius to crazy. Maybe, blame meth.

BTW what I have heard was that shooting was really hard on the soldiers doing the shooting, that is why. Would you shoot a kid? First time maybe, but if you are human by the third time you hang yourself.

>Never seen confirmation than Israel was the final destination

Madagascar was in play as well but of course Jews wanted Palestine, d’uh. Problem was Brits not wanting it.

>Again, what supports your assertion?#
>Which documents, specifically?

You’re a lion. Would you steal a gazelle from a cheetah? Since you’re a cuck, presumably you’d try to make friends with the niggers.

Fuck off.

Do you know why “no atheists in foxholes” became “no human with a soul could possibly kill enemies and be okay”?

Because religion was associated with conservatism when the universities were transitioning from transcendentalism to secular humanism (and while the churches were transitioning from White sharia with christcucked whaargarbl sometimes to transcendentalism).

The moral code against killing women, children and defenseless men, i.e. anyone who cannot put up a fight is not a direct descendant of Biblican Christianity but more an element of the Middle Ages Chivalry which came from a strong Paganization of Christianity, so I would bet you would find its origins in Germanic Paganism.

The idea is basically pride, not mercy. Fighting seen as not extermination or anything similarly utilitarian but a challenge to prove yourself a great fighter, limiting your fightign to worthy opponents raises that. The kind of stuff that made France lose the Battle of Crecy or created the rule that Templars may hunt only lions. And this is why we spank women but don’t brawl with them.

Assuming of course that they really seen Jewish civilians as enemy. Few were actually that depraved, and most understood that everything is downstream from power, i.e. when soldiers just kill soldiers and become unquestioned rules of a place, they can just order civilians around, anything civilians could put against them is less powerful than tanks, thus, they will submit, thus, they are not enemies.

If you would at least read Hitler’s table talks, he had ideas of resettling Jews to Russia and even said that unfounded rumours of extermination are good because terror will make the resettlement easier. Even for Hitler, making up his mind for mass murder was not straightforward. So, sort of consider yourself less human than Hitler.

Anonymous says:

I’ve read the Table Talk – awesome stuff. Need I post quotes that affirm Hitler intended to exterminate the Jews? It will be a very easy thing for me to do. But maybe instead of doing that right now, I’ll give you something “less direct”:

“As for my person, at any rate, I can proudly declare that, since the time that I became a man, I have always been for the strengthening of my Folk. And when the War came, I fought on the German Western Front for four and a half years, and since its end I have been fighting against the corrupt creatures whom Germany can thank for this disaster. Since that time I have entered into no compromise with the betrayers of the German Fatherland, either in domestic or foreign policy matters, but immovably proclaim their destruction one day as the aim of my life’s work, and the mission of the National Socialist Movement.”

Written in 1928.

Q: whose destruction is the aim of the author’s life work?
A: the betrayers of the German Fatherland.

Q: who are the betrayers of the German Fatherland, according to the author?
A: [you give the answer]

viking says:

while youre digging for that would you mind grabbing a good reason Hitler shouldnt have exterminated the jews if he couldnt find anyone to take them

Anonymous says:

He should have exterminated them.

Anonymous says:

And he should have done so even if the entire world was desperately demanding to take them in, even if every single country in the world was willing to acquiesce to every single German foreign policy objective and then some in exchange for taking in the Jews away from his control. That’s what logically follows from the statement of “the aim of [Hitler’s] life’s work”, which is immovable and without compromise.

That you even bring up the idea of sending them to other countries instead of exterminating them shows that you’re a bleedin’ heart “humanist” cuckold. Extermination of Jews is not merely an unalloyed good – it should be the aim of everyone’s life work. It should be the aim of the life work of Jews themselves.

And I know very well that NS Germany was full of cuckolds like you who preferred expulsion to extermination, who sought to cooperate with the zionists instead of exterminating the zionists, and who saw Jew-extermination as a “last resort solution”, rather than as the core mission of their own movement. It’s because of such disloyal, untrustworthy cuckolds — like you — that Germany lost the war.

Did I LARP hard enough for your taste, sir?

Anonymous says:

Btw, these days I’m reading (((van Creveld’s))) newest book, “Hitler in Hell” – so far, my favorite Jew has done quite alright. And quite alt-right, too. Thanks for the recommendation, Vox Day.

Cavalier says:

>Q: who are the betrayers of the German Fatherland, according to the author?
>A: [you give the answer]

An actual Holocaust would have helped the Germans, because in Germany, Jews were the principle agents of [the unnameable force]. It would, nevertheless, have killed a great many innocent people — smart, civilized, educated, and skilled. A final solution would have been the resettlement of perfidious Jews to Palestine and the (biological) assimilation of the civil ones; I would guesstimate the ratio of perfidious to civil to be at most 1:4.

Hitler occasionally named the Jew, but mostly for propaganda purposes. He knew and played the game at a far deeper level than that.

Sam J. says:

“…I have heard was that shooting was really hard on the soldiers doing the shooting, that is why. Would you shoot a kid? First time maybe, but if you are human by the third time you hang yourself…”

That’s why the Jews had no trouble shooting millions and millions in the USSR. They’re not human. They have no empathy for others. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths.

Samuel Skinner says:

“And this is true why?

If they did, why did they bother saturating their train lines with loads of them and didn’t just shoot them wherever they found them? Or do like the soviets, load barges with them and sink them?”

Because it is more efficient to extract as much labor as possible from people before they die then it is to straight up kill them.

“But if the idea was to work them literally to death, why build entertainment and sport facilities in the camps?”

The incentive of the people running the camp is different then Hitler’s incentive. The number of people the camp kills is self reported; the industrial output is checked by the people who receive it. Hence the incentive to increase the industrial output at the expense of mass murder, in this case incentives for the prisoners to work harder.

Matt;) says:

Jews are not suicidal. They think that they can handle the Muslim influx into Europe and even benefit from it. They may be right or wrong about that, but it is a gambit not suicide.

person says:

Jim, leftists have their vision of a utopia (which achieves perfect equality), which they are ever striving towards, from which striving they derive their purpose in life and their sense of happiness.

What is your vision of a utopia, if you have one? If you don’t, then for what purpose do you hold and express your views?

jim says:

Number one, make marriage, marriage as it has been understood for thousands of years, legal again, so that men and women can once again fulfill their deepest and most heartfelt needs.

Hold off the coming dark age. Restore the scientific and industrial revolutions, because they made us great, because the understanding of the universe that science gave us is good in itself, and because the power that technology gives us is good in itself. Turn the electric lights back on to drive back the demon haunted darkness.

Also, I want my descendants to conquer the world, the solar system, and the galaxy, but need to fix marriage first or no one will have descendants for very many generations. We will disappear from history and our empty lands will be conquered by some more patriarchal people, probably Somalis. The substantial majority of American Somalis are under eighteen. At the current rate America will be Somalia in a few generations. Conservative Muslim Somalis have a TFR of about six or seven, which will give us one billion American Somalis and about two million white Americans in two hundred years.

Turtle says:

I have thought recently that to marry responsibly, I would need to expatriate, perhaps to Russia, but I don’t really know.

Electric lights can be haunted by demons, because they are merely materially energetic. Candles are far better for exorcism; fire is purifying, just like holy water. Darkness can be pure, as in the cosmos before light was created, or the manger of Christ’s Nativity. And I prefer darkness to overly bright fluorescent lighting. I overall just mean that demons cannot be defeated without the help of God’s angels, our older brothers.

You really think these Somalis can sustain themselves without a greater white society’s hospitality? I disagree. Somalia has the rough peak population / carrying capacity of Somalis. Doesn’t that make sense? I guess there can be 5 million American Somalis. They will stop being conservative and Muslim as all immigrants assimilate; how many Somali kids today like Ariana Grande or porn? How many pray 5 times a day? I won’t believe they are pious until I hear someone praising them for it; do Muslims from other places even take them seriously?

Further, their weird autism epidemic in Minnesota indicates they have trouble adjusting to the American environment. Myabe it’s the alleged vaccine-caused autism, but maybe it’s caused by viruses we can’t stop with vaccines.

It seems like we’ve freaked out over demographic decline because we define ourselves biologically, not spiritually. I only count saints’ souls as worthy, so people in general are not an ultimate concern; condescending to the rest of humanity is good, as God does it, but there’s no honor for them. God can do whatever he wants with everyone, so there’s a limit to how much I can intercede for my fellow sinners. He will choose who is saved.

There are enough saints, especially angels, that I don’t feel like God is lacking friends and servants. God could always create more beings later, and we are taught that He has planned every life ahead of time, so we can’t change who is conceived. We could, rather, be better parents with the children we already have, or should be having. That’s obedient of God, and enjoyable.

jim says:

I guess there can be 5 million American Somalis. They will stop being conservative and Muslim as all immigrants assimilate.

Assimilation requires a fair bit of violent coercion, which requires a superior civilization confident in its own righteousness. Progressives no longer have what it takes to assimilate Muslims. The epidemic of Muslim rape and enslavement of white women shows that Muslims have the capability to enforce Sharia law on their women, and on those of our women who lack families, and progressives lack the will and capability to forcibly impose progressive “marriage” upon them.

As our population declines, while Somalia’s population presses upon its Malthusian limits, inevitably they come here. Upon coming here, survive on crime and welfare while multiplying like rabbits and organizing to take over the Democratic party, gangster style.

Turtle says:

>> take over the Democratic party

They aren’t that political, if their home country suffers from anarchy. Or perhaps they’re too political. They can chagne at any time too, but for now, I consider them as difficult as HIV patients, or perhaps nicer to be around. I don’t know, really.

About enslavement, the young lady I LTBF for is a pop culture satanist, in terms of “darwinism” and music choice (nothing disturbing according to normies, but the lyrics explicitly refer to satan; they just don’t play those songs on tv shows). It turns ourt that normies are satanists.

You would consider her an intelligent, feminine darling, I sense. But with me, she asks for forgiveness, admits to some things (her effort at confession is cute), and listens to the dogma I convey. The issue is that she is enslaved by sin, not Muslims. Muslims perhaps would treat her better than her friends do, aside from me. I disagee with the idea that Muslims are worse than the nominally secular whites who would sell her drugs, fornicate with her, and sing evil songs to her.

You are teaching me to protect women, which is great of you.

I am increasingly firm in dealing with them, even risking vulnerability (which just means honesty about how they make me feel, instead of stewing with sullen anger), because that’s what they need from me. I don’t mean doing bdsm, more like telling female relatives to call and visit each other though they don’t want to- keeping our family whole. It’s not explicitly patriarchal, which feels easy, though patriarchy should be easy too.

Any advice for me, Jim?

jim says:

Any advice for me, Jim?

Advice about women is hard, for the important interactions between men and women are preverbal, hence tend to be distorted by being explained and described in words.

Turtle says:

Yes. My body burned for weeks after I hugged her this spring, presumably because she is somewhat possessed (and exorcism takes time, with stubborn victims who enjoy their situation). But she’s not the only one to suffer from demonfluenza, as I call it.

I will see her later this month, and then may win a victory in terms of exorcism. It’s easy to do, by the way, for any confident Christian, but that’s with the definition of saint being all believers. I’ve done it before, I must say, but experience helps, so it should be easier. The most important ‘trick’ is to be respectful to the unclean spirits, not raging or beta as in mate-guarding. They sometimes get lost, when people (or animals, any matter, really) pray to the wrong beings. It takes two to tango.

I am oddly more angry with human sinners than demons; maybe I prefer angels because they lack God’s image,and so do not sin against Him as wrongly. They are allegedly more powerful than human sinners, but I disagree. That’s why I’m not scared- cooperating with good angels, praying for the fallen ones, is like owning pets and protecting them from wild animals. In terms of home-ownership, souls are property.

Mudslimes would kill her genetic line. Normie Whites who hail Satan because they’re not edgy enough to hail Hitler may just fornicate and move on, not because of satanism but because of boomerism, but they also might marry, not because of jesusism but because that’s in their dna.

The boomers wanted to eat lsd and fuck in the mud because they were raised transcendentalist, which you can call evil heresy against jesusism, but is actually part of the logical progression of the institutions of higher browbeating.

The reason millenial Whites aren’t marrying or having kids, isn’t so much that they believe in polyamory the way boomers and some genxers did – the women say they do in order to feel better about their way of life – but because White men 30 and under are prohibited by boomer law from having the kind of stable careers White men 50+ had, and White men are genetically programmed not to seriously look for marriage before we have that career, not because we need it to raise kids, but because we know in our bones we can get a better class of woman with it.

But it isn’t even true anymore, because no one has that career, and the millennial wives post sad stuff on normiebook while their tits sag and they don’t have a husband to squeeze them.

Turtle says:

Her bloodline is ruined until she is healed. Muslims have hurt her, but so have her siblings, for example.

>> Normie Whites who hail Satan because they’re not edgy enough to hail Hitler may just fornicate and move on, not because of satanism but because of boomerism, but they also might marry, not because of jesusism but because that’s in their dna.

The demoniac I was 5 years ago, hailing both evil figures you refer to roughly equally, was not a normie guy. I don’t mean to debate the definition of normie, but really, satanists cannot marry, and married people cannot be satanists, speaking anthropologically. Is there a single married satanist in recorded history? I think not.

>> The boomers wanted to eat lsd and fuck in the mud

They still do these things, just “in moderation.” This is why my church has way too many desserts and wines, besides lewd weddings. I hate it, and hate their gnosticism too (“quantum physics and common decency”. But why do you obsess over Boomers?

Cavalier says:

>Assimilation requires a fair bit of violent coercion

Assimilation is biological; assimilation necessarily dilutes the parent ethny. Where did the WASP go?

>”population pressure” means inevitably they come here

Then why not Japan?

If Somolia cannot defeat Minnesota by force of arms, there must be an invisible thumb. Clinton’s master was CFR.

jim says:

>”population pressure” means inevitably they come here

Then why not Japan?

Wait another generation or two, the remaining Japanese will not have the will or the capability to stop them.

If Somolia cannot defeat Minnesota by force of arms,

The British were defeated in Basra and Helmund province by force of arms, largely because their military gives higher priority to high heeled shoes than unit solidarity in the face of the enemy, and because they have more bureaucrats than generals, and more generals than fighting soldiers. If the British, why not Minnesota, particularly after their population halves and Somalia’s population doubles.

Cavalier says:

>the remaining Japanese will not have the will or the capability to stop them

A force of one hundred Japs could march to the Somalian capital in a week.

>The British were defeated in Basra and Helmund province by force of arms


>largely because their military gives higher priority to high heeled shoes than unit solidarity in the face of the enemy, etc.

That’s not defeat by Somoli, is it? It’s defeat by… something else.

>If the British, why not Minnesota, particularly after their population halves and Somalia’s population doubles.

Because with modern military and communications technology it just doesn’t matter how many niggers there are. Minnesota, as a truly independent state, is nuke-capable. Churn out a few of them, blanket the Somoli countryside, and the war is over. Of course, you don’t even need nukes, really; millions of tons of TNT would work just fine; or, one hundred Hessians.

All other explanations involve the great weight of the meaty flesh of the invisible thumb. You think that spiritual weakness is some kind of actual thing, but it isn’t: people become remarkably insouciant, even arrogant, the moment they think they can win.

person says:

You raise some good points there, Cavalier.

jim says:

Spiritual weakness really is a thing. The state’s subjects fail to reproduce because their men are cucked, and soldiers fail to fight and lack unit cohesion because their soldiers are cucked.

We used to know this. That is why the Cathedral, or at least a substantial part of it, went into reverse in 1933 and started telling men it was OK to be manly.

Cavalier says:
jim says:

> > the remaining Japanese will not have the will or the capability to stop them

> A force of one hundred Japs could march to the Somalian capital in a week.

A force of 1941 Japs.

Not a force of of 1965 Japs. It is surely obvious that the west is very weak and getting weaker.

Turtle says:

St. Nicholas of Japan (late 19th century, early 20th) will keep his diocese safe, just like Syria is blessed by her saints. I’m not worried about the Japanese will to win wars, because they just need will to obey God. That’s the spiritual war.

viking says:

oh now I get it, slow me. Youre doing a parody of a stupid fucking cuck christian moron, clever its subtle but you nail it. That zombie like indifference to reality while having arms and legs chopped off, while chanting hari krishna or kyrie eleison or yes master jew ……


person says:

Jim, I really appreciate your answer. Thank you.

Aoife says:

German police raid the house of Holocaust revisionist

Alfred Schaefer is a German Canadian political activist who has a house in Bavaria which the German police have raided twice, both times in search of incendiary videos, books and other materials relating to the Holocaust. They have done this on the orders of a powerful Jewish organization intent on silencing political dissidents…

Anonymous says:

“For the Jewish population, the occupation of CernăuÈ›i by the Soviet army in June 1940 replaced racial persecution with the terrible experience of Communist social egalitarianism and Stalinist terror. The bourgeois elite of the community, numbering approximately 3,000 people, was deported to Siberia.”


Dan-0-lee says:

You missed the whole point of holocaustianity. It is another artificial religion on which the West will impale itself.

Much of the brutal treatment meted out to inmates was done by other inmates. These camp trusties acted on political or group interests.

All told 300,000 people died in the camps from all causes; all other figures are bogus.

Glenfilthie says:

I was raised by liberals that have since devolved into progs. I know how they think, I know which lies they tell to mislead one which ones they tell themselves and believe. Sounds like the jig is up for most of you boys too.

But we have to be careful here. EVERYONE lied through their friggen teeth in both world wars. We did too; most Americans wouldn’t get involved in either of those wars – they literally had to be dragged in.

My question is this: why is it any different when the eeeevil jooos do it?

Aoife says:

Alison Chabloz is being ritually persecuted in England right now by (((Gideon Falter))) and his thuggish organization Campaign Against Antisemitism, for producing a relatively harmless satirical video about the Holocaust called “Survivors”, but in America there is not a single Christian who has the power to stop the foul-mouthed (((Jenji Kohan))) from grossly insulting Christianity by featuring blowjob scenes in Catholic churches.

Turtle says:

“Ritual persecution” is more like human sacrifice to pagan idols. You’re exaggerating this conflict- women don’t get punished much even if convicted in court. And what if this Alison is a Jewess? Sounds like it to me!

I hope her video was funny, because that helps judges and juries see that the butthurt complainers are lame.

As for scenes in Catholic churches, the point of this satire is that Latin “celibate” clergy treat young men and boys this way. Pointing out their hypocrisy, as in fellatio before crucifixes, the immaculately conceived cunt-worshipped Our Lady of Pussy-magic, etc. is funny. Their Marionism is a cult of sex, not about the Theotokos as the greatest of God’s handmaidens.

If you enjoy serious lulz on this topic, you might like the following book:

The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On

Dawn Eden released The Thrill of the Chaste in 2006, she was a Jewish convert to Protestant Christianity, preparing to make the final leap into Catholicism.

I want to respect her, but she’s too horny to be authentically chaste. Real chastity is healing- it makes people stop lusting after the chaste person.

I don’t know why American Jews seem, with your example and mine both, to obsess over Latin-Catholic sexuality. It’s odd, right?

Finally, don’t complain about moralists’ aggressive crusades, just pray for the persecuted. That’s what Alison needs, besides forgiveness from the aggrieved parties, who enjoy taking umbrage as a sport.

Aoife says:

do you think Alison’s satirical song is likely to trigger a second Holocaust? Or that Jews have the right to criminalize legitimate satire like this just because they happen to be the butt of it?

Is mockery a crime? Well then, why don’t they lock up Sarah Silverman for mocking Jesus Christ when she said “I hope the Jews did kill Christ”? Doesn’t Christ deserve some respect?

And I’m asking this as an atheist who has never been inside a Church, but one who despises hypocrisy and double standards.

BigCheese says:

>Is mockery a crime? Well then, why don’t they lock up Sarah Silverman for mocking Jesus Christ when she said “I hope the Jews did kill Christ”? Doesn’t Christ deserve some respect?

Sarah Silverman should be locked up for being a female comedian that’s not funny.

Aoife says:

One final point that needs mentioning. Alison’s satirical song “Survivors” was banned at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2016. This is unprecedented, the first time the Edinburgh Fringe Festival has been forced to cancel an artistic performance in all its 70-year history. This just goes to demonstrate the formidable power of the Jewish Lobby to censor, suppress, and criminalize free speech.

Even on so-called alternate right blogs.

Especially on so-called alternate right blogs.

I have watched the video below at least ten times, each time with mounting admiration. I have no hesitation in pronouncing this a work of satirical genius, comparable to the work of Juvenal and Jonathan Swift. A hundred years from now, when (((Gideon Falter))) is forgotten and all of us have gone to the Elysian fields, this song of Alison Chabloz will still be there. She herself will be dust and ashes, but her words will live on as a lasting memorial.

Aoife says:

One final comment:

I’m a free speech advocate. The comments I submitted above were all taken from the poet and translator Lasha Darkmoon’s blog. None of those words are mine.

For the thought police reading this, I’m merely defending Lasha Darkmoon and Alison Chabloz’s right to free speech.

If the Holocaust is a religion (“Holocaustianity”) then poking fun at its articles of faith (no matter how ridiculous) would be blasphemy.

But if the Jews are allowed to ridicule Christianity (and to promote a Triple XXX Bible in the name of “free speech” of course), then why should Gentiles not be allowed to do the same to the Jewish Holocaust-religion ?

That’s the free speech issue at stake here. But we all know there’s a double standard, and Gentiles are not allowed to do the same.

So I have some advice for Alison. Relying on truth and facts to yield a just outcome is foolish. In the United Kingdom, hate speech laws carry a maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment.

Alison must consider whether she is willing to risk a long prison sentence and whether it is worth staying in the rainy grim Cattle Control Experiment that is the UK?

Alison is a member of the nearly extinct courageous “And did those feet in ancient time” vertebrate English (As is Lasha Darkmoon). Alison should take an initial 9 day trip to sunny Asia where her teaching talents would be much appreciated. Alternatively, sign over assets to family and retire in Asia where she can continue blogging to her hearts desire.

The revisionist David Irvings’s time served in prison should be a warning to Alison. Theresa May is determined to lick Tribe backside to the bone.

Ron says:

“Initially the plan was to deport them all, preferably to Israel. When this plan was frustrated by the allies, the Germans consciously adopted a plan of killing them all.”

Jim, be realistic. That was never going to happen.

For starters, the Germans desperately wanted arab oil. See “the redline agreement” for an in depth discussion of the european manuevering to gain access to that oil.

Also, they were in the middle of a war they started. The idea that they would have used their desperately needed resource to ship the Jews off to madagascar is nothing more than a half baked fantasy meant to placate the intellectual class. Its far easier to kill people than resettle them. Besides, if we’ve learned anything from Armenia, Cambodia, Rwanda and yes, the holodomor, its that governments dont give a shit about dead innocents.

Unless you shove their faces in it.

See “IBM and the holocaust” for a very long look at how the Nazis used top of the line IBM computers to figure out how to logistically sort where all the Jews were in all the towns of all the countries they occupied. Its not enough just to enter a town and randomly tell people of group X to assemble. And you cant just rely on local sympathizers to your cause. You have to blitzkrieg them, give the population no chance whatsoever to resist or even think its possible to do so. That you have every angle covered, to paraphrase colony wars: that you know everything, see everything, and punish everything. In the modern age, that means you need to be able to determine who you are looking for, where they are, what their ages are, risk factors in dealing with them, etc. Not everything socialists do is inefficient. Their systems just break down faster.

Both the Italian and Hungarian governments resisted German pressure to deport Jews until they couldnt. Mussolini and the Italians in general avoided it as much as they could, Horthy also tried putting it off as long as he could, until the Germans realized they were losing the war and refused to allow any more delays. Also the Japanese government was constantly pressured to kill off all the Jews in their territories, fortunately they didnt have a German army on their doorstep to worry about so they did manage to put it off.

When someone has it in for you badly enough that they are willing to antagonize their own allies to get to you, in the middle of a war that they are losing, that isnt about policy, it isnt anout misguided ideals, it isnt about survival. Its about a lust for murder. Plain and simple.

I know what you are trying to do, and I respect it and even hope you succeed. I also know every Jew on the planet needs to get his ass to Israel fast. Because as much as I agree with your ideals, I know that no one is going to keep to them. If history shows us anyting, its that outside of a few eccentric individuals, very few people are willing to keep to principle when everything goes to Hell.

jim says:

“IBM and the Holocaust” is total fiction as it relates to IBM, which makes it likely it is also total fiction as it relates to the holocaust. At least the “Diary of Ann Frank” is fiction by a Jew who suffered actual genuine Nazi persecution, whose daughter really was wrongfully killed by the Nazis, whereas “IBM and the Holocaust” is made up without the fiction writers having any solid link to reality at all.

The Nazis put serious and substantial effort into deporting the Jews, and if not for obstruction by international Jewry, would have succeeded.

Which does not excuse the Nazis being murderous, but does illustrate Jews being suicidal.

International Jewish obstructionism was in substantial part a response to the Nazi policy of deporting Jews disarmed and stripped of their assets. If the Nazis had been willing to get rid of Jews in a slower and more orderly fashion, if they had put Jews under pressure to leave with their assets and with arms, they likely would not have faced such obstructionism. So the Jewish obstructionism was in substantial part the fault of the Nazis – but that does not make Jews look any saner.

Steve Johnson says:

“When someone has it in for you badly enough that they are willing to antagonize their own allies to get to you, in the middle of a war that they are losing, that isnt about policy, it isnt anout misguided ideals, it isnt about survival. Its about a lust for murder. Plain and simple.”

Hey, just like the United States pressuring every white country on the planet to admit unlimited numbers of Africans and Muslims.

alt-right academic Jew says:

There is much sense in what you say, but the devil is in the details.

1. Doing a web search for “Majdanek”, its USHMM (Holocaust memorial museum) page is one of the top results. If the information there is factually correct, it answers your skepticism about Majdanek gas chambers. On the one hand there is a photograph there of a metal casting of the door to one of those chambers, which is visibly bolted from the outside to prevent things inside from leaving. On the other hand they only claim that “at least one” of the gas chambers there was used to poison humans, and that there were delousing and bathing facilities (real showers and baths) some of which were converted for gas poisoning. Also that there may have been a non-Zyklon facility using carbon monoxide, as in the gas vans and the first-generation death camps.

2. Majdanek was not primarily a killing center, it was mainly a slave labor camp, and the number thought to have been killed there (by gas) is much lower than the larger and more death-focused operations at Birkenau etc. Therefore, it is not expected that there would be as many gas chambers in use, and the operation there may not exemplify the “hi-tech industrial death machine” model for which the idea comes from the other camps.

3. You dispute the death figures for Majdanek as unreliable because estimates differ by 2 orders of magnitude, but the issue was the total for all gas chamber deaths for all camps. Different estimates use different methods, but none of those differ by anything close to 2 orders of magnitude for the aggregate gas-chamber-Holocaust combining all death camps.

For example, the low estimate for Majdanek is by Raul Hilberg, 50K according to Wikipedia. Hilberg if I remember is conservative in his estimates, and his expertise was in analysis of records of deportation trains. But he still comes up with millions of dead Jews and supports the conventional accounts of gas chambers.

jim says:

Different estimates use different methods, but none of those differ by anything close to 2 orders of magnitude for the aggregate gas-chamber-Holocaust combining all death camps.

That one set of numbers adds up to exactly six million, and another very different set of numbers also adds up to exactly six million does not seem a little bit odd to you?

Such curious convergence makes the numbers less credible, not more credible.

Not that I dispute that the Nazis killed a great many Jews, that they intended to kill every Jew they got their hands on, and did indeed kill most of them, but the six million number is sacred, in a way that estimates of those killed by communism are not.

Anonymous says:

If you seek envy and covetousness (what Kevin MacDonald calls “resource competition”) as motivators, you’ll find them less among the Germans and more among Eastern Europeans who desired to acquire the property of Jewish families – Poles, Balts.

Whether or not the Jews have amassed their property fair and square, or oppressed the locals with debt and thus “earned” it, is another question.

Dan says:

I agree with everything here except for the claim that at some point the Germans “consciously adopted a plan of killing them all”. Yes, intentional or not the result was the same for those who died, but there is a crucial difference between a proactive attempt to eradicate, and an indifference toward using them as labor and not caring if they died.

What is your evidence of this? All I know of are mountains of evidence to the contrary.

Sure they despised the Jew and had a complete disregard for their existence, but their actions toward them until the end of the war suggests they treated them like any other war power treated its POW labor force, in some ways better.

Why attempt such a huge irrelevance in the middle of a war, especially as you started to lose it?
Why bother wasting crucial resources transporting Jews all over Europe?
Why bother providing sustenance, entertainment and medical care to prisoners?
If there were no systems in place (gas chambers), how did they intend to kill them?
Why was it such a failure? (You can’t dismiss this as inefficient socialism)

There are 3 pillars to the Holocaust narrative:

1. Intentional systematic plan to kill all Jews
2. Did so primarily with use of gas chambers
3. Approx. 6 million were killed thus

None of these are true; I don’t know why you’d even give them the first.

His claim is that 2 and 3 are commie bullshit to make 1 as different from them as possible.

2 and 3 are commie bullshit for that reason.

1 was an example of Vox’s Third Law, JEWs always project, the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

jim says:

there is a crucial difference between a proactive attempt to eradicate, and an indifference toward using them as labor and not caring if they died.

I don’t think the difference is crucial at all.

Making a deal out of this sounds like the commie progressive theory of good intentions, bad deeds.

Alrenous says:

If your good, pure wishes start coming false, you cease the actions which embody those wishes. Unless the wish is disingenuous, and the supposedly unintended consequences are in fact the point. Indeed who thinks e.g. sending folk to hard labour on little food isn’t going to have them end up dead? Folk who genuinely believe in communism get shot by Lenin, who is manifestly aware communism is for making Lenins powerful.

Turtle says:

Great explanation, Alrenous.

Turtle says:

Academically, the difference between “passive and active harm” is controversial. The nerds don’t agree on these interactions. I like one professor’s approach, but she focuses on how people view each other, not actions themselves.

I do think there is a difference, but it is not crucial. Not caring if prisoners die will quickly allow them to die- they rely on the Nazi camp guards for food. But, it is worse to directly murder them. Starvation is murder, however. My conclusion is that we reveal our intentions most meaningfully in our actions, unless we are split with compulsion, as in addiction. In those cases, the residual of past decisions is resisted by a newly changed heart. It’s a temporary conflict then.

The full leftist theory is sometimes good deeds, bad intentions – like a criminal avenging injustice, while personally only wanting to steal property. This is a dualistic theory- the criminal has one free will, while “the world” has its own will, which controls the criminal’s action’s consequences from above.It’s quite schizoid, and caused by lying- lying breaks the liar’s own mind into pieces.This is easy to describe in psychiatric terms,but I shouldn’t pretend I’m an expert that way.

I haв been arguing with a consequentialist yesterday, and he openly is a nihilist too. To be in denial of morality is understandable, for sinners who hate Jesus- their lie is that because God is not good, He cannot judge us. But, there are no alternative explanations for the human conscience, especially not “it evolved.” Sure, we can imagine some humans evolving to be amoral, while others have group or individual advantage with morality.But, these groups have mixed since then, and yet consciences vary differently than evolution would predict.Within a lifespan, a conscience can be broken and then repaired. Life is too moral to be biomechanical.

BigCheese says:

>Sure they despised the Jew and had a complete disregard for their existence, but their actions toward them until the end of the war suggests they treated them like any other war power treated its POW labor force, in some ways better.

They treated the Russia POWs just like they jews: IE they worked them to death without enough food. Western POW generally received enough food. Comparing Jewish Treatment to Russian POW treatment just indicates they planed the same end for both groups.

>During World War II, Nazi Germany engaged in a policy of deliberate maltreatment of Soviet prisoners of war (POWs), in contrast to their treatment of British and American POWs. This resulted in some 3.3 to 3.5 million deaths, or 57% of all Soviet POWs.

[…] Jim points out, the reason for the obsession with the Holocaust is to make racism the Holy Sin of the […]

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