Month: August 2017


Recap on the Left Singularity

The violent suppression of the UniteTheRight ralley, and the firing of James Damore, shows repression is getting more and more extreme, with more and more people deemed nazis, and nazis suppressed more violently. For roughly two hundred years, leftism has been getting lefter, and crazier. For a bit over a hundred years, repression and censorship …


Field Report on a trans

I was with a girl in a bar, (under another identity, of course) and a friend of hers showed up who appeared to be a young man, a teenage male. If you saw a photograph of him, you would have no doubt he was male. But the movement was off, the social interaction was off, …


Revolution and helicopter rides

The word “revolution” used to mean a political change that restored some previous state of affairs. Since everyone wanted to claim legitimacy from the ancient past, they would call their political changes “revolution”, meaning what we would now call a “restoration”. Then leftists claiming legitimacy from the supposed will of the people, also dubiously claimed …


Coup by permanent government in the wind

I expected, and predicted, a self coup by Trump, seizing the power of the presidency for the president, but instead, Mueller has empaneled a grand Jury, which is the permanent government, the presidency, seizing the president. Empaneling a grand jury is institutional preparation for arresting Trump, not institutional preparation for an impeachment vote in the …