
The swerve left

We are ruled by a government that hates us and wants to destroy us, and tells us we hate ourselves and wish to destroy ourselves, and I suppose most people will believe this. But it is not true, and the last election proved it was not true.

In the recent election, the public voted to end Obamacare, build a wall, stop immigration, stop white replacement, the abolition of white jobs, and to rebuild infrastructure. But permanent government policy against legacy Americans on all these matters has in fact escalated.

If Obamacare is not repealed, the wall is not built, mass migration continues, and our infrastructure continues to deteriorate, America is not a democracy.

Damore and Charlottesville reflects a swerve left. The Charlottesville protest was a reaction to accelerated erasure of white history, and then followed accelerated left wing violence against rightists.

And this swerve left has swerved the Trump white house left. Trump is the only Trumpist left in the Whitehouse. Trump is tired and weak, and is acting like a lame duck. He has allowed himself to be surrounded with people who are fundamentally hostile to him. He has been put inside a bubble of unreality where mass low IQ replacement immigration is popular, the dreamers are popular, the wall is unpopular, rebuilding infrastructure is unpopular, Obamacare is popular and virtuous, never ending wars to make conservative Mohammedans into progs are popular and virtuous, and so on and so forth, a bubble where he is a bad person, a low status person, and his natural inclinations are gross, wicked, and depraved. They are gaslighting him. Alinsky 101: socially isolate the target.

Having one Trumpist in the White House is still something. He went through the motions of trying to overthrow Syria, while quietly letting Syria be Syria. We thought he cucked out when he bombed Syria in February, but in the end, Trump prevailed despite officially cucking out and bombing Syria. He seemingly yielded, but in the end, it was Trump playing 4D Chess.

Rather than looking at the complicated details of DACA, the wall, miscellaneous wars, Charlottesville, Google, domain name seizures, and lawless exercise of executive authority by judges, all of which may be interpreted as collapse of will by Trump, 4D chess by Trump, or the Permanent Government cheerfully going its merry way paying absolutely no attention to the mere president, we need to step back and view current events in the context of the last thousand years.

What tends to happen is that when you have a permanent government that is incohesive, it suffers a holiness spiral, as each little conspiracy in the government tries to outflank all the other little conspiracies, taking advantage of no friends to the right, no enemies to the left. And so the Tsar was forced to hold elections and cede power to elected officials, because his bureaucratic apparatus wante legitimacy for stuff that was lefter than could plausibly be blamed on the Czar. Then the Kadets seized power, intending and expecting to institute a constitutional monarchy. Then the socialists seized power and removed the monarchy, but found it difficult to support their democratic credentials because the people were not in fact ready for socialism and not in fact ready to lose the monarchy, then the communists seized power, and then there were internal power struggles within the communist party.

Grenada has a similar story. What happens is that movement left is made in the name of the people, but inevitably the permanent government moves left faster than the people do, so its democratic credentials become less and less credible, and the government increasingly lies about representing the will of the people, and crushes anyone who calls out the lie.

And right now the policies that are in fact being implemented have no plausible democratic credentials, despite ever louder proclamations to the contrary.

We are not in the run up to open left wing dictatorship, because left wing dictatorship is never open. Mao and the rest claimed to be the will of the people, and I am sure the vast majority of Chinese, North Koreans, and so forth believe that leftism was the will of the people. But we are in the situation where the lie becomes more obvious, and is therefore enforced more coercively.

This is a rerun of the Russian “Revolution”, the French “Revolution”, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, communism in Grenada, and many others like it. You need to step back from the details of Trumpists being exiled from the Trump government and look at current events from the thousand year view.

Maybe Trump will reluctantly go along with this, maybe he will be overthrown and killed. It looks less and less likely that he will prevail, though he prevailed on Syria.

If Obamacare is not repealed, the wall is not built, mass migration continues, and our infrastructure continues to deteriorate, America is not a democracy. We are now retreading the path the socialists took in Russia and Grenada, with a merely elected government unable to deliver legitimacy to the ever lefter actions of the Permanent Government. In America today, the mere president cannot supply legitimacy to the mighty power of the Presidency. As in Grenada 1979 and Russia 1916, the permanent government is too far left to obtain legitimacy from elections.

We are ruled by a government that hates us and wants to destroy us, and tells us we hate ourselves and wish to destroy ourselves, and I suppose most people will believe this. But it is not true, and the last election proved it was not true.

17 comments The swerve left

Alrenous says:

June 2016.

In a sense I was right twice about the popular vote. He did get it for real, didn’t get it officially, and didn’t expose the widespread fraud. But really it was because I forgot about the electoral college.

ilkarnal says:

Having one Trumpist in the White House is still something. He went through the motions of trying to overthrow Syria, while quietly letting Syria be Syria. We thought he cucked out when he bombed Syria in February, but in the end, Trump prevailed despite officially cucking out and bombing Syria. He seemingly yielded, but in the end, it was Trump playing 4D Chess.

I don’t see how this follows. Everything looks fully in line with the permanent government seizing the reins. They are deterred by Russian forces in the region, and the clear unwillingness or incapacity of their allies to take the brunt of the fighting.

Obama, President Cafe Latte, stood more strongly against the permanent government than Trump. Syria was much more vulnerable and interesting to the permanent government at that point.

Rather than looking at the complicated details of DACA, the wall, miscellaneous wars, Charlottesville, Google, domain name seizures, and lawless exercise of executive authority by judges, all of which may be interpreted as collapse of will by Trump, 4D chess by Trump, or the Permanent Government cheerfully going its merry way paying absolutely no attention to the mere president

4d chess by Trump stands out as the absolutely implausible possibility. What Trump showed, the essence of Trump’s success, is that politics is actually much more elemental and basic than the politicians realized. They thought they were playing checkers, he thought they were running around like monkeys pounding their chests and throwing shit. He was right. This, and his other successes, indicate that he is a very clever and formidable individual. He cut the Gordian knot.

But to think he is a guy who wins because he has a more complex plan and understanding than his opponents is just absurd.

Give up on your God Emperor, Jim. He was never our hope, just a sign that there is still reason to hope.

jim says:

> > He seemingly yielded, but in the end, it was Trump playing 4D Chess.

> I don’t see how this follows. Everything looks fully in line with the permanent government seizing the reins. They are deterred by Russian forces in the region, and the clear unwillingness or incapacity of their allies to take the brunt of the fighting.

Color revolutions attempt to take power by bluff alone, but when this fails, as with the Congo, Rwanda, Libya, and Syria, they turn into long countervalue campaigns aiming to murder as many civilians as possible and deny them the economic means to survive, until the victims get tired of this and accept “democracy”. The color revolution campaigns tend to turn genocidal, because they necessarily rely on funding and arming genocidal local agents.

While loudly, but not very effectually, bombing military targets in Syria, a brief counterforce campaign that ended the moment it began, Trump quietly halted long running CIA countervalue campaigns against Syria. He sought as little publicity as possible while doing it, and the CIA could hardly jump up and down and protest.

Fine 4D Chess. The mainstream media could hardly demonize without admitting that terrorism, torture, and mass murder of civilians is sponsored by the Permanent Unites States Government, and instead had to carry his narrative that he was playing hardball with Putin.

Trump escalated counter force to give himself cover for de-escalating counter value. And it is counter value, murdering women and children, that is central to the success of color revolutions. As demonstrated by the ensuing collapse of the anti syrian forces.

Zach says:

I knew he was going to lose the election. Then, he won. Fools errand to try to meta him. Usually he stays silent about things that matter, while engaging in theater somewhere.

His leaked phone calls were hilarious. That’s not tough talk. That’s just yappin’.

jim says:

I, however, knew he was going to win the election.

glosoli says:

Sign of the times?
5 comments on this post, lots more on the ‘chicks dig jerks’ post.
They gamed as the Titanic sank.
No criticism of Jim intended.

Garr says:

The “chicks dig jerks” essay is about deeper, maybe eternal, political patterns; this one is about superficial, temporary political ripples.

The cruelty and disloyalty of women deeply disturbs and depresses me; Trump’s betrayals, on the other hand, only superficially infuriate me (and I’m really just angry at myself for believing in him just a little bit for a while).

I don’t know what’s going on with Trump’s strategy. There’s a lot going on outside of Trump’s purview, including Dox Gay’s attempt to destroy the alt-right, which will only isolate him since literally everyone except a few boomers and liberal strategists hate Buckley, the failure to censor Andrew Anglin, the growth of awareness of Alt-Tech, and an actual conversation about use of violence against speech.

Christianity is permantly discredited. Liberalism is permanently discredited. Everyone is afraid, and while normalfags aren’t going alt-right, they are caring about themselves and their families

A.B. Prosper says:

1st demanding Gab obey libel laws is hardly destroying the .alt right.

VD — Remove libel , its illegal

Gab. Free Speech bitches , make me

VD — OK clown shoes I will

Gab I be trolling and hating

everyone else — who cares?

I agree on the Christianity issues with you its the .Alt Right’s internal contradictions, “Muh Christendom” mostly that are creating the problems. VD’s crowd assumes that “any day now everyone is going back to church” and that the West they want will magically reappear after this happens.

Its understandable as he basically converted to Christianity and such people tend to have a lot of fervor. Its also not very likely.

Can’t vouch for the study as it might be Poz but less than 1/3 of young people identity as White and Christian , this means anyone who claims to be Christian but basically isn’t except in the loosest cultural way

and while we certainly can fix the “White” part and will, the religion i just past its prime . It may simply cease to exists in the West for the most part. Oh well. Such is the nature of human institutions

As for Neo Nazis they have no place on the .alt right period , Its not just VD that doesn’t want them but nearly everyone else too.

Nothing called Democratic Workers Socialism is Right Wing and while the Reds have been branding it that , it ain’t. Its just a Communism variant with some superficial Right Wing element.

just because the .Alt Right embraces nationalism and the 14 words and is pro West /White doesn’t mean the 88 part of anything but bullshit .This includes Spencer’s Pan Europa shit too. Its the just White EU

Good riddance

And note this is not directed at White Nationalism per se, I mean people on the Donald Reddit want a Whiter American even if they won’t express it in those terms Depreting 30 million illegals would have th same effects

Mainly its against Hitlerism and the like. No one needs that or any more Brother wars and for those who say Hitler did nothing wrong, he lost, Germany is in ruins and he killed more fellow Whites than people he claimed to hate . He did everything wrong

Which would you rather have on your team, we’ll get socialism right this time or we’ll get buckleyism right this time?

As a millennial, with the bleak prospects buckley carefully passed down to me, I hate buckleyism more. Socialism is aggressive and does things, dumb things because the idea of society being run by virtue signaling is fundamentally retarded, but things. Buckleyism is also based on virtue signaling, but ensures that nothing happens, or, rather, that the opposite of the claimed goal happens. It’s fundamentally mealy-mouthed hobbyist faggotry, for a middle class that no longer exists.

Dox Gay violated the precedent as old as the Internet that people don’t get doxed for merely insulting people, and if he retains any sort of leadership role, that’s a tu quoque for liberals doxing people for insulting them.

Dox Gay is fundamentally a GenXir middle class cuck. He talks bug, and when it comes down to it, my future is his hobby.

A.B. Prosper says:

Its not really that binary

Socialism in every single form has proven to be a radical failure and internally murderous killing more of people it purports to help than its enemies.

Buckleysim while bad isn’t actively genocidal and mixed with a bit of immigration restriction, social democracy , anti equalism and traditionalism is marginally better

Radical traditionalism, combined with distributism and economic and ethnic nationalism is what I want. Its neither of the above

There is a difference between actionable liable , accusing someone of actual pedophilia and name calling. My understanding is the post in question falls into the former category . I don’t think ordinary insults would have provoked any response

All that aside, Vox and he rest of Deus Volt crowd grossly overestimate the moral and practical position they have,

Gen X , Gen Y and Gen Zyklon are a lot less religious than people think in descending order and interestingly even larger fertility rates among the faithful aren’t budging the numbers

You might be able to soft peddle cultural Christianity as AFD (Alliance for Germany) party is doing with its in ‘chan memes but that is a long way from that to Christendom

glosoli says:

‘….everyone else — who cares?’

Vox has alienated himself to the True Right with his behaviour.

He is yet to realise this, but the hatred of the way he has behaved, from Charlottesville onward, will never allow him to be an influencer again.

I’m his age too, I will never be able to respect him again.

The world is headed for really dark times, the solution is in the hands of Jehovah, humans can’t sort it out.

The only potential obstacle left is failure to understand women, the only reason Whites weren’t doing this a decade ago is lack of motivation from misunderstanding women.

Win Bigly says:

The bigger question is why President Trump is so on his own despite overwhelming victory at the polls. Are Conservatives so unwilling to do the work necessary to participate in government that we read laments such as the blog at hand? If President Trump only has his enemies to work with, is the current situation so unbelievable? It appears the fault lies with those who voted for him and then decided to go home and listen to talk radio. Unless and until those who voted for President Trump realize the need to be active after the election, the subsequent failures are theirs to accept.

Boomer normies voted for Reagan, Perot, Gingrich, Buchanan, and GWB.

What they got was constant betrayal from the swamp.

Trump is different.

He needs new Republicans in 2018 before he can really do anything.

Should we blame Boomers for their failure to stage a revolution? Maybe, but at the same time, they had a much more strangling media than we do.

Win Bigly says:

Unless and until those who voted for President Trump realize the need to be active after the election, the subsequent failures are theirs to accept.

[…] see… first in rotation from Jim this week was an update on the Trump situation, the swerve left. The title ought to tell you that it is not exactly good news here. The coup by the Permanent […]

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