party politics

Another day, another scalp

Trump is not alt right, but the alt right is Trumpist. Jeff Flake was a cuckservative enemy of Trump, and went out denouncing Trump. The alt right is successfully nailing Trump’s enemies.

Mencius Moldbug interpreted the Democrats as the inner party, and Republicans as the outer party, as subservient to the Democrats. Which accurately describes and predicts their inability to build a wall, halt race replacement, or repeal Obamacare.

But Trump, whatever his faults, is not part of the Outer Party, is manifestly an enemy of the inner party.

The inner party has been investigating Trump for imaginary crimes, but inevitably the investigation started turning up Clinton crimes, not Trump crimes, since the Clintons are criminals, and Trump is not. I expected the investigation to lead to a left wing coup or an attempted left wing coup, with some judge no one has heard of issuing a warrant for Trumps arrest on the basis of a grand jury indictment, to be followed not long afterwards with arrests of numerous prominent Republicans for insufficient leftism, but it looks like it is just going to evaporate.

With a permanent government coup against Trump evaporating, this makes a Trump coup against the permanent government (“You’re fired”) far more feasible, as everyone rushes to support the strong horse.

The Moldbug analysis is that all this is just a distraction. No Trump coup, Trump will never take power, Trump will merely delay some parts of the inner party program by eight years, thus ensuring that the frog is slow boiled, rather than fast fried.

So far, Trump is not in power, and nailing Jeff Flake, and perhaps nailing the Clintons, is merely a step towards getting him into power. But it is a step that Moldbuggians and neoreaction would not have predicted.

If Trump turns out to be just another chump, retreading the steps of Nixon, then the Moldbuggian analysis is confirmed. All Nixon’s rightward measures evaporated like the morning dew. A recalcitrant governing apparatus simply failed to give any lasting effect to them. All Nixons leftward concessions proved permanent, fundamental, massive, disastrous, and irreversible.

Trump has taken important and major steps to defunding the left. He has had far more success in defunding the left than Ronald Reagan. But the left is still massively government funded, while the alt right is still massively government persecuted.

If Trump takes power, falsifying the Moldbug thesis, it will be that the alt right frog marched him into power, as King David’s mighty men conscripted him into Kingship, and the junior officers hauled Pinochet off to the still smoking presidential palace. It is striking that Jeff Flake conceded on the same day, or within a few days, of the investigation into Trump going off the rails, indicating that both are merely symptoms of a deeper change, that deeper change being recognition of the strong horse. We are still far away from Trump actually being in power, but today, not as far as it was.

Trump actually in power would be able to use the resources of the state to ensure his re-election. The presidency has gathered power so overwhelming as to render democracy largely moot, giving itself legislative, judicial, and budgetary authority, as for example funding Obamacare without regard of the inability of Congress to agree on paying for the freebies they had already agreed to. If Trump actually had power, he could just direct the wall to be built, without regard for any budget. After all, congress has not been able to pass a budget for a mighty long time. The budget process is starting to resemble the Queen riding a stagecoach to open the houses of Parliament. Thus Trump actually in power would likely result in a Trump dynasty. The Whitehouse press corps are de-facto government employees, working at government desks using government office services. Trump actually in power would simply fire them. If not yet fired, Trump not yet in power.

87 comments Another day, another scalp

Cavalier says:
Cavalier says:

The Mormons have apparently defaced this song with “let us live to make men free”. All of them. And most of the other ones on Youtube are similarly ruined.

I finally found a pretty good version though.

Cavalier says:
Cavalier says:

Jim, you’re breaking legitimate hyperlinks.

MadMax1861 says:
Cavalier says:

Her rendition is overshadowed by a ridiculous twaaang.

lalit says:

So much affection for Trump. If only Trump would reciprocate

Reluctant Dissident says:

Well we never said the slide leftward was a straight line: even Reagan (in spite of everything) constituted a small and temporary victory, as might Trump.
So far he’s not achieved anything because, as you say, he’s not in power, but yes indeed he’s going to war with the inner party.
Does that mean the inner party’s hold over the masses was always an illusion and/or is going away? Well I just don’t think so – go talk to ordinary people in the street and you’ll find that even though many of them will have gritted their teeth, crossed themselves and voted for Trump to save their job (so they thought), they’re still broadly hostile to him.

It’s not complicated: democracy is socialism. The masses who’ve achieved little want services paid for by those who have [earned] all the resources.
That’s not going to change any time soon.

If Trump took power, that’d be a good thing, but the minute he began dismantling the gibs train, the jobs for the boys or the living beyond the means scam, the masses would instantly yelp for a return to new normal.

Would he then crush dissent and declare himself God-Emperor? Not a chance: the guy’s a social democrat. He has neither intent nor wish to restore anything. At best he yearns for the 1970s, which would be a very good thing, don’t get me wrong!

But a restorationist reactionary shitlord he most certainly ain’t.

pdimov says:

“So far he’s not achieved anything…”

A Modbuggian theoretician might venture that to get to the inner party, you have to destroy the outer party first.

peppermint says:

》It’s not complicated: democracy is socialism.


》The masses who’ve achieved little want services paid for by those who have [earned] all the resources.

No. Class warfare is the class consciousness of the oven middle class. It’s the professors who are doing this and they are the ones who must be butchered for organs and dog meat.

Cavalier says:

>Class warfare is the class consciousness of the oven middle class.

People want free stuff.

“The desire by one human being to live off another’s labor is the strongest desire that I’ve ever encountered,” said one litigator.

Women do it differently than men, but everybody wants slaves and/or servants and/or serfs — it’s in our primordial nature.

How do you keep people from enslaving each other in distasteful, disastrous, and — dare I say it — un-Christian ways? Limit liability, get rid of debtors’ prisons, end divorce-rape, and end debt peonage, including but not limited to college buttfuckery.

The professors are patsies.

peppermint says:

No, they don’t. Honest working people want to earn what they use because they understand that what they don’t earn they don’t control and can be used against them when they’re weak. Which is why social security had to be snuck in the way it was.

Pseudointellectuals overestimate their contribution, underestimate the contributions of the ancestors of the true aristocracy and the fact that the true aristocracy is a biological continuation of their ancestors, think they can steal everything, and try to.

Marxism is their creed. Working people do not want marxism and never have. Working people hate freeloaders and reject UBI communism too. Robot slave UBI communism is the only form of communism that could possibly appeal to working people, which is why it’s the preferred form to sell to them directly, however, everyone knows no matter how many times economists claim to have proven otherwise that there will always be a market for human labor and a market for the resources we need to raise families.

It’s been said that there are three stories of heroism, proletarian, it’s luck, bourgeois, it’s work and discipline, and aristocrat, it was already there. In fact, the bourgeois child pseudointellectual bugman thinks the difference between himself and the aristocrat is luck, while the medieval stories passed down to us are all about work and discipline raising peasants to aristocrats. The commie recgonizes this fact and calls it false consciousness.

Cavalier says:

>while the medieval stories passed down to us are all about work and discipline raising peasants to aristocrats

Feelgood bullshit, opiate of the masses.

>No, they don’t.

Tell me that you don’t want a small army of black Rhodesian servants to mow your lawn, shape your bushes, clean your house, mix your drinks, prepare your food, wash your clothes, tend to your shoes, polish your silver, man your door, and wear your livery.

Tell me that you don’t want to live like a lord.

I dare you.

peppermint says:

Huge difference between buying services from muds at the free market rate for mud services and recieving free stuff from the government.

Ultimately slavery or expulsion won’t solve our mud issue in the West. But ending affirmative action would.

S.J., Esquire says:

****but everybody wants slaves and/or servants and/or serfs —


Tell me that you don’t want a small army of black Rhodesian servants to mow your lawn, shape your bushes, clean your house, mix your drinks, prepare your food, wash your clothes, tend to your shoes, polish your silver, man your door, and wear your livery.

Tell me that you don’t want to live like a lord.****


An “army of blax”? Groace and groacer.

As Tolkien remarked,

“the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.”

The idea of “servants” makes me literally nauseous (I do mean that literally). I suppose this is owing to a deep-seated sense of empathy and love for the Golden Rule, as I wouldn’t want to be a servant either. A man should bloody well serve himself.

In any event, I don’t believe I’m unique or uncommon in this feeling. No, not everyone wants “an army of blax”, and I would eye the man who says he does with a mighty strong suspicion.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to west african bantus.

In the end taking xenos into your home, giving them work programs, giving them room and board, is but the first step down the road of cuckoldry. Regardless of how subservient or hierarchal it may seem. (And as you know, all slopes are slippery).

In their solipsism, blue tribe whites derive an almost perverse glee at the thought of things not like them, acting like them. And the less like them it is, the greater the hit of validation.

This dynamic is a major function undergirding their xenophilic fetishism (along with their nominalistic superficiality, desiring an endless bric-a-brac of novelty, having little perception of [and therefore appreciation of] anything more essential, transcendent, or fundamental). It can be seen in anything from hipsters and catladies watching millions of funny animal videos doing ‘human things’, to spending millions in futile attempts to ‘educate’ mud people into doing human things, beyond all reason and evidence; because the *idea* of a baboon putting on a suit and adjusting insurance claims and doing scientism and voting for gun control just tickles them pink.

As always, aesthetics are the door of epistemology, differences in which lie at the root of differences between the exoteric socio-philo-political forms spun out to rationalize them.

Steve Johnson says:

Tangent here but the problem with the peasant / bourgeois / aristocrat model is that it was created to deceive by leaving out the intellectuals. Can’t turn Marxist class analysis back on Marxism if you can’t even notice a Marxist class that just happens to contain all the fucking Marxists.

It’s a lot like how leftists think they’re some kind of underdog fighting the system.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Priest and technician is the divide, representing competing evolutionary strategies: parasitism and production. Amorphous underclass categories are really composed of both but politival theorists dont care to distinguish because the whole underclass is unimportant (what does a maid have in common with a mugger? weakness). Aristocrats are successful warriors and war is a technical field. We are now ruled by priests i.e. parasites, which is an unstable situation.

peppermint says:

Bugmen are bourgeois and think luck is the difference between themselves and the aristocrats, and want redistribution of prestige to themselves. Unfortunately for non-bugman intellectuals, the word intellectual now makes everyone think of bugmen, but their fault for not giving f’s to and sending home bugmanlets.

vxcc2014 says:

The Alt-Right is about effects not numbers so Jim is correct.

The Alt-Right is the hard right flank, attacks the Left flanks of Progress, polices the right/conservafrauds.

As for what measures and metrics we know Trump is in Power sorry but much of the true tells and facts will remain obscure to us indeed probably future historians. Man may never know when he triumphed or fell.

We should prepare for war whether Trump leads us or not.

*quibble: Alt-Right and neoreaction aren’t synomous, although Alt-Right’s roots and intellectuals are neoreactionary or strongly influenced by same.
Moldbug and Land will forever remain our Locke, our Tolstoy.

Our Lenin has yet to appear. Fine by me if he does. Politics is power not principles, not truth. POWER.

But Trump is a leader and we have one at last. Great ain’t it?

JohnB says:

> Man may never know when he triumphed or fell.

At the time of this comment, no one has mentioned Mueller. The charges he has reportedly filed will not mortally wound Trump – yet. I think Mueller’s job is to keep the axe poised over Trump’s neck to keep him in line. He is permitted the occasional symbolic victory such as Arpaio’s pardon but will not be allowed to reverse the election of a new people.

> Our Lenin has yet to appear.

Yes. The comments here generally seem to take a “Menshevik” line in supposing that a mass uprising is in prospect. I doubt that. A Bolshevik-like movement is needed – indeed, many such movements – but if such exist they are invisible. A Lenin is the best hope, though a slim one.

Another development is the partial embrace of passivism by parts of the AltRight. In the wake of Charlottesville, Anglin and TRS have taken on a less edgy tone. They have dialed back the WWII era optics and strongly admonished their followers to follow all laws. If the Alt Right can be patient, they may eventually be seen as a viable alternative.

Joe says:

The winning PR approach for the alt-right would be to be fit, well-groomed, wear suits, march silently carrying American flags, and do nothing when the scruffy frothing black-clad leftists beat us. Take a cue from Martin Luther King getting hit with firehoses and police dogs. Take the non-violent resistance approach and win the moral high ground. How are the networks going to spin it when clean-cut, well-dressed, peaceful men carrying American flags are beaten by dirty mobs of brown thugs and white anarchists?

Also, I would go all-in on Americana – flags, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, pictures of Washington crossing the Delaware, etc, etc. In fact, I have taken to telling people (when asked) that my politics are virtually identical to what George Washington would have believed, minus the slavery. I believe America is for white people, women should not be voting, we should stay out of foreign wars, and that the greatest political value is liberty. There’s probably hardly a political belief that Washington had that I wouldn’t agree with.

I think taking up the mantle of the Founders would be a clever approach because really, they were all white men and if you could go back in time, every one of them, I suspect, intended America to be always a white, Christian country with white men fully in charge. Let our enemies be put in the position of having to attack well-dressed, peaceful people who carry American flags and celebrate the Founders’ beliefs. Let it become very clear to everyone that the Left is the party of brown Marxism and moron white Anarchists and means to wipe out America. It would be very easy to prompt Leftists to self-destructive fury with this alt-right/American approach because they are hugely triggered by flags and patriotism. The sight of white men marching along carrying American flags and advocating a white America based on the Founders’ intentions would drive them nuts.

Anglin has suggested this approach. American nationalism is just sitting there waiting for someone to take up the mantle. While this approach may lead to power eventually, there is a problem in the sense that we do not wish to repeat the mistakes of the past. The American founding was flawed as was Naziism–just a different set of flaws. The American system st in place in 1789 contained positive feedback loops (perverse incentives), which eventually led to the mess we have now. Can the alt right, or new right take up American nationalism while still arguing against full representation? Perhaps it could be called Franklinist?

Kevin C. says:

“Can the alt right, or new right take up American nationalism while still arguing against full representation?”

No, because like I noted in the comments of the previous post, no polity has ever successfully narrowed the franchise without eliminating it altogether,* and pretty much every attempt to do so has met with disaster for the government that tried. Note how Napoleon III got himself elected.

*With, as Jim notes, the exception of Athens, but the Athenian “electorate” was never more than 30% of the adult population, Athenian democracy was quite different from the republics that have followed, and lasted, by the broadest definitions, about 250 years (and by the strictest definition of Athenian democracy, less than a century), and so is of highly limited applicability.

jim says:

> Athenian democracy was quite different from the republics that have followed, and lasted, by the broadest definitions, about 250 years

By an amazing coincidence, that is about how long democracy in the west has lasted so far.

Samuel Skinner says:

“How are the networks going to spin it when clean-cut, well-dressed, peaceful men carrying American flags are beaten by dirty mobs of brown thugs and white anarchists?”

By not showing it on television? That is the power of the media- if what you do conflicts with their narrative, it simply isn’t reported. If the media doesn’t talk about it, it isn’t an issue. People are not expected to have a position on it and the masses ignore it.

“There’s probably hardly a political belief that Washington had that I wouldn’t agree with. ”

Treason? Universal suffrage? A society defined by rigidly defined hierarchy modeled after English nobility?

“I suspect, intended America to be always a white, Christian country with white men fully in charge. ”

They immediately lost power to the Democratic-Republicans, the people favoring universal suffrage and pro-immigration. Given their definition of white and Christian, importing large amounts of Irish was a massively violation of their ideals.

Idolizing the founding fathers works if you want to make people feel good about themselves. It doesn’t work for anything else.

Garr says:

“The winning PR approach for the alt-right would be to be fit, well-groomed, wear suits, march silently carrying American flags, and do nothing when the scruffy frothing black-clad leftists beat us.” — The professional-class minions of Progressivism are generally fit, well-groomed, well-dressed, and do nothing when beaten by thugs. So — act like SWPLs?

Cavalier says:

There is no winning PR move.

1. Become worthy;
2. Assume power;
3. Rule.

Don’t act like a SWPL unless you want your children to languish in poverty. The middle class is finished, it just doesn’t know it yet.

I’ve always thought there should be a step 1a.
1. Become Worthy
1a. Be seen as worthy by people that matter.
2. Assume power…
PR matters in the sense that we can never be seen as worthy by appealing to the masses. Our PR needs to appeal to those who might have influence. Already there are cracks in the elite narrative. It is hard to appeal to a new aristocracy when you are covered with tattoos.

Cavalier says:

>1a. Be seen as worthy by people that matter.

Who matters, and why?

Mr. Cavalier. You have asked the best question in all of 2017. So far… Peter Thiel–maybe. We don’t have many people that matter yet. Are some of them reading? Learning? Bet on it.
People that matter are by definition only those who have the ability to grasp power, or facilitate someone else grasping power.

Garr says:

Peter Thiel married his boyfriend last week. Congratulations, Peter Thiel!

Will says:

I seem to recall clean-cut well dressed good looking Richard Spencer getting punched in the face by some unkempt degenerate ancom and the entirety of the left celebrated.

They’re going to spin it as nazis deserve to be punched and any white male who is not actively whipping himself is a nazi.

Joe says:

Sure, they’ll spin it that way. But the people whose opinions we care about – the white “normies” who we’d like to sway to our side – will viscerally react to seeing clean-cut, normal white men being punched and beaten just for walking along in a protest carrying an American flag.

The left lost a lot of the moral high ground with the pictures that were coming out of white Trump supporters being beaten and chased outside his rallies. It was a tactical mistake to fight back; it feels good to punch a Leftist but because they control the narrative and have built up an image of evil, violent right-winger nazis, ANY kind of violence by our side, even if completely justified as self-defense, can be made to look bad. I am not an expert on the civil rights movement of the 1950s but I know that MLK Jr and crew won the moral high ground by dressing well and being non-violent. Video of Bull Connor’s firehoses and police dogs attacking black people cost the South the moral high ground, and you won’t win wars unless you occupy the moral high ground.

Dave says:

Now as in 1950, the Left controls the media and the courts, so they decide who occupies the moral high ground. If they can’t get footage that makes you look like Nazis, they ignore you. The March for Life brings a million peaceful protesters into DC every year without a peep from the controlled media.

The media as leftist propaganda goes all the way back to Ben Franklin, who was celebrated for printing lies that supported the rebel cause.

Glenfilthie says:

The media is no longer relevant. Consider: they hated Trump with the heat of 1000 suns; but you annoying peons and peasants voted for him anyway – in spite of the prepared hoaxes, the cooked polls, and the fake news. The media is deader than a dodo.
When the left marches through an institution they inevitably destroy it. The NYT can’t sell a subscription to save its life, our universities are laughable intellectual wastelands, and city states where they rule are going the way of Detroit. Leftism is dead – you boys are grossly over-estimating their power. Watch them – they are turning on each other as their money and influence drains away! Harvey Weinstein raped and fucked half of Hollywood and nobody cares.
Don’t underestimate yourselves or doubt yourselves – the reality of it is that you can’t lose.

Will says:

MLK won the moral high ground because he was a leftist and leftists decide who’s moral and who isn’t. He succeeded because the people in power were already on his side before he gave a single speech. The people in power hate the alt right so they will be made to look bad regardless of their actual behavior. You should’ve learned this from Charlottesville.

I agree that American flags would look a hell of a lot better than black suns and confederate flags, but let’s not pretend you’re going to sway a large amount of white normies with these types of protests.

Joe says:

Also, Richard Spencer permanently zeroed himself out of the political arena when he gave the Left the video clips it needed by saying “Hail Trump!” and having people giving nazi salutes. You just can’t joke about that, no matter how stupid the Left is about accusing every white man of being a nazi.

Much better optics would be to claim you simply want pre-1965, liberty-oriented, white-run America back via a peaceful separation…and fly lots of American flags and be absolutely fucking ruthless in loudly expelling anyone who wears or brings any nazi or confederate shit (sorry Southern friends, that’s just the way it is) to rallies.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Anarcho-Tyranny: sovereign institutions put the squeeze on law-abiding citizens with ever more draconian intensity; because they are they only ones they *can* put the squeeze on, being unable (or worse, *unwilling*) to put the squeeze on the actual criminals, barbarians, and shysters running amok.

Anarcho-Ideology: White cucks, including nominal conservatives and reactionaries, reflexively tend to try and punch down on clades associated with white racial consciousness, as those are (for now) much easier targets then actually getting into a memewar with the proggies they live in fear of.

~Any way the wind bloooooowwwws~

Cavalier says:

Anarcho-Tyranny: pardon your clients; subdue your enemies.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Seems like somethings been hacking their IFF transmitters.

Pseudo-chrysostom. says:

Or worse, they’re just naturally injurious to civilizational advancement.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Much better optics would be to claim you simply want pre-1965, liberty-oriented, white-run America back via a peaceful separation…and fly lots of American flags and be absolutely fucking ruthless in loudly expelling anyone who wears or brings any nazi or confederate shit (sorry Southern friends, that’s just the way it is) to rallies.”

That didn’t work in 1964. Why would it work today?

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

A winning PR approach is to be fit, well-groomed, wear suits, march carrying American flags, and if anyone steps to you beat the fuck out of them while people cheer and celebrate the manly man demonstrating his manliness over the weak opposition.

Theshadowedknight says:

Even better, have an action wing/group. You have the nice suits and the flags, and when they have a problem, they command rough men to handle it for them. More powerful than committing violence is commanding other men to commit violence for you. It makes your opponents look even more weak in comparison, because they got beat up by the men that you could beat up, because why would they follow you if you could not beat them up? You might pitch in once and a while to demonstrate your ability, but commanding men is a strong, powerful statement.

The Shadowed Knight

Cavalier says:

Yes, yes, erect your own golem army in order to combat the enemy’s golem army. This is the path to success.


Garr says:

It works for the Hassidim, so it should work for the alt-right.

deltahedge says:

From March, but probably still a valid snapshot, but things have only slightly improved since then:

John Q Public says:

The NRx skepticism over voting and elections can blind people to the fact that regime change happens all of the time. The regime is in crisis and is going to change, whether Trump or somebody else.

Your Wife's Son says:

>The NRx skepticism over voting and elections can blind people to the fact that regime change happens all of the time.

Not through voting and elections.

peppermint says:

Trump? Duterte? Brexit and Catalonia?

Voting alone won’t solve the problem of the entire political class being traitors and enemies. What’s needed, instead, is a massive campaign raising awareness against enemy institutions and polarizing the people on the question of the ruling elite so that dissidents within the ruling elite can find the support they need for a hostile take over.

Your Wife's Son says:

>>>regime change happens all of the time
>>Not through voting and elections
>Trump? Duterte? Brexit and Catalonia?

The first 3 are not “regime change.” The fourth is, kinda, maybe. More like “regimeal fragmentation,” and it may not even succeed. In short, none of these constitutes an example of “regime change by means of democratic voting.”

Basically, then, there are no proper, relevant examples of modern regime change occurring as a result of elections or referenda. That’s just not how it actually happens, right now. Regime change in foreign countries is brought about by the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Department of State; regime change in the USA itself is brought about by… … … see, that’s where we’re stuck.

Conclusion: the American future is Brazilification.

>dissidents within the ruling elite can find the support they need for a hostile take over

I don’t see how’s that going to play out.

Normies by and large are reluctant about picking a side in the AR vs. SJW culture war. They just want all the “muh politics” “muh agenda” “muh ideology” weirdos to leave them the fuck alone, at this point. The category of weirdos includes blue-haired lesbians and Richard Spencer as well.

Besides, “dissidents within the elite” have as much chance to succeed in our world as they had in the 1984 world. The best anybody could do is Exit. Move to Russia or something.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Somewhat OT; astroturfs in Portland getting BTFOed while people cheer the imperial stormtroopers.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Bonus round:

Mystery meat: This bus driver just hit people with his bus i want him fired right now.

Heckler: You’re fired!

Mm: This bus driver is running over (((human beings))).

Real American: Why are you standing there then?

Mm: *soy-fueled confusion and incredulity* It doesn’t matter you can’t run over (((human beings)))


Real American: You are getting in the way — These people are trying to go to work why are touching their cars.

Mystery meat: They’re hitting (((people))) with their cars how are you going to say we’re touching their cars when they put their cars on (((us)))?


Or in other words: acknowledge my status as a higher caste than you filthy peon. I don’t get out of your way, you get out of my way!

Or: because it’s my privilege, i *will* go out of my way, *in order* to make you get out of my way, just to let you know whats up.

Ah man, there have never been less impressive supreme overlords than liberals; why can’t they be cooler and more impressive?

Stripes Duncan says:

I still think this thing will go down in the streets, and the house-cleaning in DC will be done by whoever wins.

Anonymous Fake says:

Leftists own the streets because they are attracted to high population density cities for sexual purposes. The governing just happens to come later. They were destined to win the 20th century strictly because of the automobile, and no other reason.

They walk on a technological tightrope. Either energy scarcity will force conservatives out of the ticky-tacky subdivisions or energy abundance (air drone taxis?) will enable conservatives to have a real “ground game” simply because the ground becomes universal.

Cuckservatives who live in their centrally planned and zoned artificial commuter environments demand moderately low government on paper, but in reality they contribute nothing to the administrative work force and in aggregate they increase the power of the leftist state.

“The streets” in the real world are fought over for generations before the revolution. Catholics and Jews were lucky the novelty and prestige of driving everywhere tricked the old WASP elites into handing over their cities, and their individualistic guilt culture was inappropriate for gaming the universities by collective cheating on exams, networking, and even political rallying/rioting. But now, car culture is seen as trashy and American college is retarded (real scholars go overseas), so the playing field is ripe for a new conflict.

Kevin C. says:

“I still think this thing will go down in the streets, and the house-cleaning in DC will be done by whoever wins.”

I think David Hines has had a lot of well-researched things to say about whom that will almost certainly be (hint: not us).

jim says:

Our enemies hate us and they hate the US army also. Pretty sure that if the shit gets real we win, or Caesar wins, and either way progs lose.

ilkarnal says:

They really don’t, though… They hate a lot of the grunts, but like the higher ups who have the right values and know how to say the right thing. They like the power, they like milquetoast ‘support the troops’ nationalism.

Everyone vaguely elite in the military buys into this post racial stuff. The ones who can’t stand it or try to fight it leave or are drummed out. Trump had a chance to empower what scraps of sanity remained, but he blew it and went with the establishment.

The ‘progs’ include regime-change loving clintonites. The dangerous enemy isn’t Antifa.

Starman says:

GENERAL Kelly’s response to the ideal number of rapefugees admitted into the US… “somewhere between zero and one” XD

It is a shame that Mr. Hines published his essay as a tweet storm instead of a blog post.

If Trump takes power, will not disprove Moldbug analysis, will show that the existing elite is so sad, dumb, pathetic, and disorganized that Trump+Thiel+Bannon+Mercers were able to out-do the rest of the “elites” with some basic clever politicking.

Trump has been practicing passivism his whole life. By the time he ran, he had billions of dollars, tens of thousands of loyal employees, millions of die hard fans, relationships with every important person in the world, his own enormous gold-plated castles in every major city in the world, and the dirtiest dirt for blackmail on every journalist you could think of.

Your Wife's Son says:

>Trump+Thiel+Bannon+Mercers were able to out-do the rest of the “elites” with some basic clever politicking

Too early to tell if Trump will fundamentally alter any policies of USG, or the leftists were right and he really is just “a flash in the pan.”

>By the time he ran

Passivism is supposed to be maintained all the way till the replacement of the rotten regime. “Running,” however, is the breaking of passivism in order to engage in a blatant form of activism; and breaking passivism is against the Moldbuggian plan.

You’re not supposed to be passivist until circumstances are advantageous, then fucking run for POTUS under democratic elections. This is totally contra Moldbug. Rather, you’re supposed to be passivist until the regime literally collapses and/or begs for someone to put it out of its misery, at which point you won’t need to run for POTUS or engage in “basic clever politicking” at all, because you *will be* the regime emerging smoothly instead of the previous one.

Is Trump the new regime? No. (“Not yet” is still “no”) Does he have a plan in place for replacing USG with a TDR — Trump Dynasty Regime — other than running for reelection in a few years, lululz? That remains to be seen, but so far the evidence is underwhelming.

What’s the plan, Mark?

Steve Johnson says:

You’re not supposed to be passivist until circumstances are advantageous, then fucking run for POTUS under democratic elections. This is totally contra Moldbug.

No offense to Moldbug but what he knows about practical power seeking politicking would maybe fill up Donald Trump’s little finger.

He’s fully right on the theory and he’s fully right when he sees that the apparatus is dying to surrender to someone who will put them out of their misery but it takes a different skill set entirely to notice when the apparatus is weak enough to only be able to put up a losing fight after which you get to found a dynasty that rules over one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations on Earth.

Your Wife's Son says:

If Moldbug knows jackshit about practical power acquisition, what is he doing whispering in Thiel’s ear?

Moldbug was and is skeptical about the prospect of a Trump Dynasty, and Thiel is supposedly on the same page. Regime change is not replacing Ronald McDonald with another one, but replacing the permanent un-elected government with another one. There’s a reason ol’ Curtis coined “AIACC” as the ultimate redpill. What it really means is: USG is illegitimate. It has to go.

And on this front, Moldbug says “not happening.”

jim says:

Moldbug certainly said “not happening”, but we have seen some big surprises since then.

And it still likely will not happen, but if recent events enable Trump to get control of the FBI, as well they might, it is the Reichstaag fire all over again. Imagine an FBI that investigated voter fraud rather than civil rights violations. Large numbers of senators would wind up in jail, making it a whole lot easier to pass any legislation Trump wants, not that the presidency needs any legislation to do whatever it wants.

Andrew E. says:

Things could still be on track for what I said here in December 2015:

Andrew E. says:
December 7, 2015 at 6:37 pm

What if Trump manages the nomination and the general election and accomplishes all of his main goals including a drastic cut in the size of the permanent bureaucracy (probably necessary anyway to push through his program)? All through the sheer force of his personality and a traditionalist reading of the Constitution, backed by the support of law enforcement and the military to sidestep any anti-constitutional judges, ushering in a decades long restoration of traditional America. Would then Moldbug (and neo-reaction) be proved wrong and the Founders right?

Samuel Skinner says:

Yes, if Trump uses the military to seize power, we are no longer operating as a leftist state.

peppermint says:

Moldbug said that White identity politics would never work because the ruling elite just uses affirmations of the value of their White identity to cuck us.

He didn’t know that we could call them cucks.

Your Wife's Son says:

>He didn’t know that we could call them cucks.

If you think that the “elites” are those limp-wristed jewrnalists who spend 10 hours a day on Twitter and shove cucumbers up their own anuses, or perhaps a bunch of self-important pseudo-con nobodies who write yawny articles for rapidly declining conserva-boomer magazines, then yeah, calling them “cucks” is truly a devastating blow to their self conception, from which there is no recovery.

The 0.01% meanwhile don’t care what names you call them.

jim says:

Pretty sure that the elite are those who attended the WhiteHouse Journalist Ball and those who attended the Clinton gatherings, who are indeed a bunch of dimwitted sexual degenerates.

Steve Johnson says:

If Moldbug knows jackshit about practical power acquisition, what is he doing whispering in Thiel’s ear?

Is that intended to be a rejoinder? Moldbug is whispering in Thiel’s ear because Thiel knows about the practice of acquiring power.

Your Wife's Son says:

Huh, good point.

Your Wife's Son says:

Let me add: people on the alt-right used to think that Trump had given the right-wing time to organize for the upcoming and unavoidable civil war. In fact, he’s given the left-wing time to organize, and an impetus to do so.

Which, of course, is no guarantee that the left-wing will act accordingly.

But according to Moldbuggianism, running for president is completely indistinguishable from BOMBING A FEDERAL BUILDING (how do you do, fellow kids?), because activism never works if you want to replace the regime — it only works if you *are* the regime — and there is no difference between the muh public office variety and the muh terrorism variety. End of the day, same result: the regime and its foot soldiers get stronger, and their propaganda acquires a newfound aura of legitimacy.

TBeholder says:

will show that the existing elite is so sad, dumb, pathetic, and disorganized that Trump+Thiel+Bannon+Mercers were able to out-do the rest of the “elites” with some basic clever politicking.

That goes without saying. And it’s not unexpected.

Alexander Zinoviev wrote that the Total Ism elite does not run on pure careerism: it selects mediocre recruits with preference for non-threatening below-average over above-average, thus even quality careerists are weeded out (unless they manage to hide it, of course).
This long-term degradation is inevitable when the threat of backstabbing is more important than standards of performance.

In US the ranks of useful idiots were over-bloated, and now there’s a huge choir of Psychopath Party utterly incapable of anything beyond virtue-signaling, screeching and theft.
This flailing was caused by the head biting itself off the neck.

Pooch says:

And what happens if Trump takes power? He builds the wall and repeals Obamacare? Although nice, I’m not sure these are significant enough actions to alter the trajectory of America by much. It would take nothing short of massive immigration and divorce court reform to resemble anything close to putting the US back on a path to prosperity.

Cavalier says:

Imagine you’re trying to buy a building. It’s old, creaky, and run-down now, with flaking paint, a sagging roof, and generally derelict, but it was a nice building once, the best around, and you really want to buy it and fix it up. You have tons of money, more than enough to pay the asking price and fix it up to tip-top shape, better-than-new condition. Strangely, though, no matter who you talk to, you just can’t get the title. Worse, you can’t even find out who owns the building! Much worse, they will never under any circumstances voluntarily part with it even if you can find them.

So what’s the problem?

It’s easy to build a building: just get some plans and put the molecules together. It’s simple to repair a derelict one: it just needs some new paint, a refinished interior, some structural upgrades, a bit of electrical wiring, and so forth.

In the meantime, some very comfortable temporary living structures could be erected, resulting in an immediate enormous improvement in living standards until the main structure can be built.

All you need to do is to get the title so as to get to work on it.

anon says:

“The presidency has gathered power so overwhelming…”
A baby federal judge in Hawaii is forcing Trump to admit Muslim terrorists by the score. I think the judiciary is doing well for itself; and the SC is still sovereign.

Nothing like the Australia situation, where the courts were quieted by executive energy (stopping the boats).

jim says:

I said the presidency had gathered power. The president is not the presidency. Trump has to overthrow and conquer the presidency.

Mister Grumpus says:

On Cantwell yesterday, he and his homie Jared were observing that Don — and I would add his sons and loyal colleagues also — will surely be prosecuted by the next Democrat President (or rather the next free and unrestrained present-day Presidency).

Now Cantwell isn’t as known as Don Lemon, but the point here is that the Romanov Pattern is getting legs out there.

Kevin C. says:

So, how about the grand jury indictment of Paul Manafort and Richard Gates, and Manafort being taken into custody? That doesn’t look like the permanent government coup against Trump “evaporating”, that looks like a step toward “some judge no one has heard of issuing a warrant for Trump’s arrest on the basis of a grand jury indictment,” doesn’t it?

Kevin C. says:

Add in the just-unsealed Papadopoulos plea-bargain, which was the usual “lying to the FBI” trap (what they got Martha Stewart on) they use when they really want to get someone they don’t have enough on for anything else. Looks to me like Mueller and co. are starting to claim scalps of their own.

peppermint says:

If Trump went after Democrats before Muller went after Manafort, Trump would be accused of criminalizing politics in a way that Obama didn’t do to Bush even though everyone thought he should have.

The real reason Obama didn’t do anything about Bush is that the uniparty was in full agreement about the wars and the only thing the liberal establishment didn’t like was Bush’s pandering to American nationalism.

Now Trump can go after Hillary for things that happened when Obama was president.

jim says:


Point horse, make deer. If he gets away with it, will remove all Trump loyalists, and then, with no loyalists left, Trump.

[…] A light week over at Jim’s. First up, one of his trademark updates on Trump, another day, another scalp. […]

[…] in the comments here, refuting some pathetic defeatists/ […]

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